The Geological Curator Index to Volume 6 (1994-1998) AUTHOR LNDEX PERSONAL NAMES INDEX INSTITUTIONS AND ORGANISATIONS IhTDEX PLACE NAMES LNDEX GEOLOGICAL AND SYSTEMATIC NAMES INDEX MUSEOLOGICAL lNDEX MISCELLANEOUS INDEX PAGINATION AND DATES OF PUBLICATION AUTHOR INDEX Cleal, Christopher 1. Lost & Found 237: Plant fossils from the Keele Alderson, D.M. Formation, central England described by Emily I. see Bnldwin, A. Dix (1935) 207 Anders, A. 2. see Townsend. A. 1. see Steel, L. Cornerford, G.M. Aronson, Richard B. 1. see Lindsay, W. l. Lost & Found 244: Brittlestar block 23 8 Collins. Chris Baird, Bill 1. The BCGIGCG orphan collections l. Lost & Found 233: Dr Archie Lamont working party repon 27 L (1907- 1985) and unreturned loan specimens 32 Cooper, John A. Baldwin, A. I. Address on occasion of the award of the Brighton 1. A remarkable survivor: a ninekenrh century Medal to C. Warerston 1992 44 geological trail in Rochdale, England 227 2. see Rose, E.P.F. Belinchdn. M. 3, see Collins, C. l. The removal of Museo Paleontol6gico Cruickshank. Arthur R.Z. "Rodrigo Boter" (Valencia. Spain) under 1. A Victorian fossil wholemount technique: a disaster conditions 297 cautionary tale for our times 17 Berlie, David M. Devenish, David C. 1. A history of museums in Peterhead, Grampian l. Lost & Found 214: Jurassic ammonites from region, Scotland 149 Gibraltar collectzd by Alan L. Greig (d. 1988) 32 Blows, William T. Diiguez. C. 1, Conversations with a naturalist: the life and 1. see Belinch6n. M. geological work of Richard Ford I9 13- 1996 323 Donovan, Stephen K. Bowden, A, 1. Lucas Barrett's Collection: Jamaican echinoids I. The Roxbox Project 389 hiding amongst British immigrants 133 Buttler. Caroline J. Duncan, Mags 1. The conservation of the Sedgwick Museum l. Lost & Found 245: Fossil fish from the Lower Barrington (Quatcrnq) Hippopotamus skeleton 3 Carboniferous of PLmragh. Ireland 275 2. Casting a dinosaur trackway from the Ensom. Paul C. Bendricks, Barry, Sourh Wales. U.K. 373 1. Address on occasion of the award of the Chancellor, Gordon R. Brighton Medal to Bob King 1995 287 1. Pliosaurs and Volunteers 75 2. Repair of microvertebrate mammal teeth using Clark. Andrew M. surface tension and capillary action 293 1. see Ryback, G. Fagg. M.C. Clarke, Jane 1. Resonan i Rocks. 'Rock Gongs', Idiophones and I. Authigenic minerals in vertebrate fossils from the Lithophones 16 Wealden Group (Lower Cretaceous) of the Isle of Faithfull, John Wight I I 1. Lost &Found 237: Plant fossils from the Keele Clasby, Paul S. Formation, central England described by Emjly I. Resonant Rocks: the Great Stalacpipe organ of Dix (1935) 237 Luray Caverns, Virginia, U.S.A. 128 Foster, Tiffany 1. see Lewis, D.N. Frey, E. McKenna, Graham 1, see Steel. L. 1. Lost & Found 235: James Frederic k Jnckson Green, Owen R. - British Association photograph6 174 1. Pi tfnll, problems and procedures in McMillan, Nora F. mic~opalaeontologica1preparation and 1. Miss Ffnrington's Pleistocene shells from conservation 157 Worden. Lancashire, England: an annotated lisl 97 Harper. D.A.T. Maher, R. l. Geological Survey donations to the Geological l. see Parkes, M.A. (1) Museum in Queen's College Galway: 19th Martill, David.M. century inter-institutional collaboration l. see Steel, L. in Ireland 233 Martin, John G. Hewitr. Roger A. 1. see Steel, L. I. London Clay nautiloid collections 117 Monaghan, Nigel T. Histon, Knthleen 1. Fact File: The Irish Giant Deer OT "Irish Elk" 17 1 l. Lost & Found 234: Arthur Humpkries Foord Montero, A. (1 845- 1933) 82 1. see Belinchbn, M. Hodson, Frank Monloya, P. l. Lost & Found 204: Brjttish Association for the 1. see Belinchbn, M. Advancement of Science collection of Newman, Andrew geological photographs 207 1. Pyrite oxidation and museum collections: Holland, Charles H. a review of theory and conservation meatmenu 363 1. Aptychopsid plates (Nautiloid cephalopod Nob, Leslie opercula) from Wales 25 l. Lost & Found 243: The Middle Jurassic pliosnur Howe. Srephen R. Liopleurodon (Pliosaurus)ferox 238 1. Extracting dinosaur trackways: Oldroyd, D. a Welsh experience 83 I. Lake Districl maps and notebooks 405 2. see Buttler. C.J.(2) Paine, Crispin 3, see Sharpe, T. (2) 1. Museums & Galleries Commission standards Howells. C. in the care of museums collections: what are the l. see Sharpe, T. (2) implications? 267 Johnslon, Dale Pnrkes, Matthew A. 1. Visitor behaviour at The Evolu~ionof Wales 1. Geological Survey of Ireland: National Heritage exhibjrion, National Museum and Gallery, Council Funded curaton project of 19th century Cardiff, Wales 255 collection 70 Kelly. Simon R.A. 2. Lost Br Found 238: Bright, a Wenlock Limestone 1. A Borenl Perisphioctid ammonite in Ausmlia locality 208 - a case of n~neteenthcentury transportation? 23 3. Lost & Found 239: Carboniferous limestone King, Bob fossils in the Geological Survey of Ireland 208 l. Reply on receiving Brighton Medal in 1995 289 4. see Harper, D.A.T. Kirk, I.R.J. 5. Lost & Found 238: Bright, a Wenlock 1. see Steel, L. Limestone locality 275 Kirk, Wendy L. 6. sec Wyse Jackson, P.N. (4) 1. On the rail of the J.H.Vivian collection 167 7. A survey on the state and status of geological Key, Marcus collections in museums and private collecGons I. see Wyse Jackson, P.N. (6) in the Republic of Ireland 377 Knell, Simorl J. Prosser, Colin D. I. Collecting and excavation in palaeontology 49 1. The role of English nature in fossil excavation 71 2. Palaeontological excavation: historical Radley, Jonahan D. perspectives 57 1. News from Museum of Isle of Wight Geology 28 3. Collections managers: the finaI insult? 125 2. Collecting dinosaurs on the Isle of Wight, Leary , Richard L. southern England 89 l. The Worlhen Collection of Palaeozoic 3. Type, figured and cited fossils in the Museum vertebrates at the Illinois State Museum [ 95 of Isle of Wight Geology (Isle of Wight, Lewis, David N. England) 187 1. Curation and Conservation: the poor relations of 4. Lost & Found 242: Molluscs and bioclastic research? 129 limestones from the Wealden Group (Lower Lindsay, W. Cretaceous) of Dorset, southern England 237 1. An unusua) method of mounting an ichthyosaur 22 1 Richardson, Tames B. Loveridge, R.F. l. Lost & Found 240: Thomas Owen Bosworth 1. see Steel, L. ( 1882- 1928) 208 Roden, Rosemary 3. Lost & Found 241: French volcanic rocks in 1, see Collins, C. Dublin 237 Rose, Edward P.F. 4. Lost & Found 246; Plants. invertebrates and l. Losr & Found 2 14: Jurassic ammonites from fishes from the Devonian/Lower Carboniferous Gibraltar collected by Alan L. Greig (d. 1988) 32 of Kiltorcan, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland 275 2. G.B.Alexander's studies on the Jurassic of 5. Veronica Burns (1914- 1998) 339 Gibraltar and the Carboniferous of England: 6. Lost & Found 248: Epibionts on trilobites 34 1 the end of the mystery? 247 7. see Parkes, M.A.(7) Ryback, G. 1. Re-examination of he A.W.G. Kingsbury PERSONAL NAMES INDEX collection of British minerals at the Natural History Museum, Londoo 317 Accum, Frederick 337 Sharpe, Tom Agassiz, Alexander 196 I, see Johnston, D. Alexander, George Baker 32, 247-254 2. Earth Sciences GaIIery: The Natural History Alexander. M. 124 Museum, London 395 Allfield, K. 123 Simmons, Matthew Ansted, D.T. 17 I. see Collini, C. Arbuthnot, Adam 149, 152 Sleeman, Andrew G. Ardunio, Gi~vanni 104 I. see Parkes, M.A. ( 1) Amold, B.W. 133 Stanley. C.J. Astin, Mr 123 1. see Ryback. G. Atkins. Brian 16 Steel, Lorna Austen, Robed Alfred Cloyne (later Godwin) 59 1. Arambourgiania philadelphiae: Bailey, Sir E.B. 250,253 giant wings in smaH halls 30 5 Ball, Mr (?of Grays) 123 Tandy, Peter Balson, P.S. 118 1. Crysrallography and the geometric modelling of Banks. Mrs G.L. 124 minerals: a reflection on the models in the Banks, Sir Joseph 58 Natural History Museum, London 333 Barlow, William 337 Thomas. Bmy Barnosky,Antony 171 1, see Townsend, A. Bnrratt, P. 123 Thompson. Steve Barrett, Lucu 133- 135 I. The BCG/GCG orphan collections working Bassier. Ray Smith 66 party report: preamble 269 Batch, R.K. 123 2. see Collins, C. Becklcs, S.H. 123 Thornton. Pany Beer, W.H. 123 1. Lost &Found 247: Flin~Jack 34 1 Bell, Alfred 97-98 Timberlake, Simon Bertie, David M. 155 l. see Collins, C. Bird, E. 124 Townsend, AnnetLe Blagborough. Hilary 76 I. Bringing foresu back to life - palaeobotanical Blagg, J.R. 124 model making at the National Museums and Blake, J. 123 Galleries of Wales 353 Blake, J.F. 123 Turner, Susan Blake. J.M. 124 I, see Lcary, R.L. B lundell, C .E. 84 2. S1 Petersburg Museums 362 Blundell, J.K. 124 Twitchett, R.J. B lundell, John 97 1 . Preparation of a disarticulared Ophthalntosaurus Boatman, A.W. 1 t7,122 skeleton to retain important taphonomic details 7 Bone, D.A. 118 Vaccari. Ezio Boswell, P.G.W. 249 l. see Histon, K. Bosworth, Thornas Owcn 205 Waterston. Charles Bowditch, Thorns E. 119 l. Reply on receiving Brigron Medal in 1992 45 Bowerbank, S.S. 123 Wood, Shnron I. Bowerbank, James 323 1. see Donovan, S.K. Boyd-Dawkins, SirWilliam 227 Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. Brandford, W.H.H. 122 I. Fact File: Fish and other Fossils from the Brasier, Martin 161 Eocene of Bolca, Ttal y l03 Brassey, Lady Anne 52 2. Lost & Found 236: "Michelinia" ballaholensis Brebner, George H. 155 from the Lower Carboniferous of the Breden. D. 118 British Islcs 174 BreU, Brian E. 122 Brighton, A.G. 'Benie' Davits, Ds Brighton, Edith Davis, A.G. Brodie, P.B. Dawkins, Sir Williarn Boyd Brookshaw, J.C.
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