VOL XX No. 8 August, 1965 INFORMATION ISSUED BY THE ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH REFUGEES IN GREAT BRITAIN 0//ice and Consulting Hours: B FAIRFAX MANSIONS, FINCHLEY RD. (corner Fairfax Rd.). London. N.W.I Monday to Thursday lOa.m.—tp.m. 3—6p.m. Telephone : MAIda Vale 9096/7 (General OMca and Wellara ler UM Agtd), MAIda Vale 4449 (Employment Agencv, annually licensed by the L.C.C., Friday 10a.m.—Ip.m. and Social Services Dept.) Homes, the AJR Social Services, AJR Infor­ mation and general administration; further­ STEADY EXPANSION OF WORK more, £1,200 for the AJR Club and £1,450 net costs for printing and despatch of AJR Report on AJR General Meeting Information. The speaker stressed that, con- si(lering the amount of work to be coped with, The interest of members in the activities depended on the availability of funds for the AJR budget was very modest, but that, of the AJR was reflected in the good attend­ building and current expenditure. Subject to in spite of the utmost economy, an increase ance at the Annual General Meeting, held on financial resources, the erection of a small in expenditure would be unavoidable. It was June 17. In his opening address the Chair­ Home for senile confused people was also highly essential to narrow the gap between man, Mr. A. S. Dresel, stated that the loyalty under consideration. expenditure and payments received from of our friends had always been a particular Due to the general rise in costs and members. This could be achieved by outright encouragement for those in charge of the day- salaries, the running costs for the Homes had increased subscriptions, by additional volun­ to-day work. He also paid tribute to three increased during the year. The speaker paid tary donations, by payments under Deeds of Honorary Officers who had passed away during tribute to the devoted services of the staff of Covenant and, as far as members were in the past year : Mr. Henry Bendhem, a mem­ the Homes and to the members of the various business, by advertisements in AJR Informa­ ber of the Executive, and the Board members, House Committees. He also referred to the tion. lir. Erich Eyck, the well-known lawyer and happy co-operation between the AJR and the In his report on restitution and compensa­ historian, and Mr. L. K. Sonnebom, one of Central British Fund. tion. Dr. F. Goldschmidt, Chief Legal Adviser the founders and most active committee mem­ The Communal Centre at Adamson Road to U.R.O., described the main contents of the ber of Morris Feinmann Home (Manchester). would be ready shortly. The announcement Final Indemnification Law (details were pub­ Reviewing the activities during the past that it would be named after Hannah Kar­ lished in the previous issue of AJR Infor­ year. Dr. W. Rosenstock, General Secretary, minski had been received with spontaneous mation). He also reminded members that, dur­ reported that the " Thank-You Britain " Fund expressions of appreciation by many who had ing the year under review, the ceiling of had been an outstanding success. So far, more been associated with her in her Jewish social 1,500 million DM for payments under the than £80,000 (including tax recoverable from work in Germany. Some of the rooms in the Federal Restitution Law (Bundesrueckerstat­ Covenants) had been raised, and the list of upper floors were already occupied by resi­ tungsgesetz) had been abandoned. Whilst at contributors included prominent personalities dents, and the AJR Club Rooms in the upper the time of The Hague Agreement in 1952, the as well as the rank and file of the community ground floor as well as the Hall in the lower total costs arising from measures for victims of former refugees. There was still an influx ground floor were nearing completion. of Nazi persecution had been estimated at of donations. It was intended to conclude The speaker also dealt with the work DM 6 milliard, they were now estimated by the appeal in the autumn and it was hoped carried out by the AJR Social Services Depart­ the German authorities at DM 44 milliard. that by then many of those who so far had ment which, amongst others, dealt with not participated would also send in their con­ questions of accommodation, employment and In spite of several shortcomings the new tributions, big or small. Whilst the " Thank- household help in cases of convalescence. He Federal Indemnification Law was to be wel­ You Britain" Fund was a joint effort of all paid tribute to the invaluable services of Dr. comed, and special tributes were due to those major organisations of former refugees, the Hans Fleischhacker, whose sudden death German parliamentarians who, for many AJR had taken the lead in this venture and became known the morning after the meeting. years, had worked in the interests of the vic­ also put its administrative machinery at the The report on the erection of " Self-Support­ tims, especially to Rechtsanwalt Hirsch, Pro­ disposal of the Fund. The expenses of the ing Homes " for people who, due to their finan­ fessor Franz Boehm, Bundestagsprasident scheme were, therefore, hardly more than cial position, were not eligible for admission to Gerstenmaier, Professor Carlo Schmidt, 1 per cent of the raised income and consisted the existing Homes, was given by Dr. E. A. Rechtsanwalt Jahn and Dr. A. Arndt. mainly of printing and despatch costs. Lomnitz, Deputy Secretary of the AJR. A site During the discussion one of the questions -As an integral part of the Council of Jews which might be suitable for the erection of an raised was that of the taxability of pensions from Germany, the AJR had safeguarded the Old Age Home was under offer and a special for former civil servants. The position was interests of the former refugees in questions Trust had been founded into which prospec­ explained in detail from the platform and of restitution and compensation. Articles tive residents had paid their share of the most of the speakers agreed that it would not Published in AJR Information had added purchase price. Negotiations about the pur­ be advisable to take any steps in this matter Weight to their requests. AJR Information chase of the site were still pending, and the now. Another point was that of the entirely bad also proved to be indispensable to the contributors were kept informed on any inadequate indemnification for victims from members by its constant information on developments. Austria. In his reply. Dr. Goldschmidt stated developments in indemnification matters as Quite a few people had also expressed an that he shared these misgivings and des­ Well as by its other features and news. interest in a " Self-Supporting Flatlet Home ". cribed the various efforts made in the interests Dealing with the Homes, the speaker stated At an informal meeting held a short while of former Austrians. that, until recently, there had been a particu­ ago, they had elected a preparatory commit­ The meeting was concluded by the election larly great accumulation of urgent applica­ tee. To qualify for help and assistance from of the Honorary Ofiicers as proposed by the tions for admission to the four Old Age the authorities through the newly established Executive. Accordingly, the new Executive Homes. The position had now slighly eased, Housing Corporation, a Housing Society consists of the following members: Mr. A. S. but the number of applicants still consider­ would be formed as soon as details about the Dresel (Chairman), Mr. W. M. Behr (Vice- ably exceeded that of vacancies available. legal requirements became known. Chairman), Dr. F. E. Falk (Hon. Treasurer), The Home for more infirm people, Osmond The Financial Report was given by Dr. F. E. Dr. W. Rosenstock (General Secretary), Mr. S. House, was faced with two waiting lists, one Falk, Hon. Treasurer of the AJR. According Bischheim (Trustee), Mr. H. Blumenau. Mr. of new applicants and one of such residents to the audited Balance-Sheet and Account for C. F. Flesch, Mr. H. S. Garfield, Mr. E. K. of the four Old Age Homes who required a 1964, there had been an income from contri­ Heyman, Mr. V. E. Hilton (Trustee), Dr. A. R. degree of care and attention which eould only butions and donations of £8,600 and an Horwell (Trustee), Dr. K. Krotos, Mr. H. C. be provided for at Osmond House. To meet expenditure of £13,200. The deficit was Mayer, Mr. C. T. Marx, Mr. R. Schneider, Mr. the increased demand, at least to a certain covered by an allocation from the Jewish F. W. Ury and Mrs. L. Wechsler. The mem­ extent, the erection of an annexe to Osmond Tru.st Corporation (through the Central bers of the present Board were re-elected and House was under consideration. It would pro­ British Fund) out of the proceeds from the the following new members were co-opted: vide accommodation for 14 residents, in addi­ heirless and former communal Jewish pro­ Mrs. A. Berent, Mr. 0. E. Franklyn, Mrs. Lore tion to the 37 beds in the existing building. perty in Germany. The expenditure included Meyer, Dr. H. G. Sandheim, Dr. Fanny Spitzer However, the implementation of the plan £9,500 for administrative work, e.g., for the and Dr. Charlotte Wittelshoefer. Page 2 AJR INFORMATION August, 1965 NACHSCHIEBEN VON ENTSCHAEDIGUNGS-ANSPRUECHEN GERMANY TODAY Anmeldefrist DESECRATIONS IN BAMBERG BELSEN Verfolgte, die bisher ueberhaupt keinen In one of the worst outbreaks of antisemit­ Memorial Exhibition—Request for Exhibits Antrag auf Entschaedigung nach dem Bundes­ ism in West Germany since 1960, tomb-stones entschaedigungsgesetz gestellt haben, werden at the Jewish Cemetery of Bamberg were The Lower Saxon Ministry of the Interior is daubed with inscriptions such as " Jews go to preparing a permanent exhibition on the site auch nach dem jetzt verabschiedeten Schluss­ Hell," "Long Live the SS", "Six Million of the former Belsen Concentration Camp gesetz die versaeumte Anmeldung fuer diejeni­ are too Few " and " Siegheil ".
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