522 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE FEBRUARY 4 Ring, of the Maritime Commission, be­ chusetts [Mr. McCoRMACK] on December HOUSE OF REPRESE.NTATIVES fore the Marine Engineers' Beneficial 27 at Boston. Association. The SPEAKER.· Is there objection to TuESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1941 The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Okla- The House met at 12 o'clock noon. the request of the gentleman from New homa? ' The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Mont­ Jersey? There was no objection. gomery, D. D., offered the following There was no objection. PROMOTION OF THE DEFENSE OF THE UNITED prayer: Mr. CARLSON. Mr. Speaker, I ask STATES unanimous consent to extend my own re­ Heavenly Father, today with ThY marks in the Appendix of the RECORD and Mr. BLOOM. Mr. Speaker, I move spirit stir us with the very essence of the include therein a letter from a constituent that the House resolve itself into the laws of justice and the rights of man. So of mine. Committee· of the Whole House on the often the performance of duty is linked The SPEAKER. Is there objection to state of the Union for the further CDn­ with fear and regret. We pray Thee the request of the gentleman from sideration of the bill <H. R. 1776) further to remind us that the heights which are Kansas? to promote the defense of the United nearer the storm clouds are nearer the There was no objection. States, and for other purposes. stars of promise. Beneath the surface of Mr. SPENCE. Mr. Speaker, I ask The motion was agreed to. material things, let us feel the inspiration unanimous consent to extend my own Accordingly the House resolved itself of the higher realm, carrying us beyond remarks in the RECORD and include a into the Committee of the Whole House the unruffled pulse of ease and discre­ letter and a table in connection there­ on the state of the Union for the further tion. We beseech Thee that Thy assur­ with, which I have received from Hon. consideration of the bill H. R. 1776, with ance may be our strength forever. Grant Robert L. Owen, who was chairman of Mr. COOPER in the chair. that we may be reminded that in the the Committee on Banking and Currency The Clerk read the title of the bill. hours of weakness, in which our powers of the Senate during President Woodrow The CHAIRMAN. At the end of the seem feeble, we may be conscious of a Wilson's administration, which commit­ debate on Monday the gentleman from power greater than ourselves. 0 God, tee reported the bill that created the Fed­ New York [Mr. BLOOM] had consumed as there is a humanity to pity and help, eral Reserve System of the United States. 2 hours and 25 minutes, and the gentle­ we praise Thee that Thou art a Heavenly This is a thoughtful and illuminating let­ man from New York [Mr. FisH] had con­ Father who cares. The world is mourn­ ter on a very important matter that will, sumed 2 hours and 13 minutes. ful with the moans of the oppressed and I am sure, . before long be considered by Mr. BLOOM. Mr. Chairman, I yield 15 haunted with dire poverty and death; the Congress. minutes to the gentleman from South be with those whose lights are burning The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Carolina [Mr. RICHARDS]. low, whose hearts are sick, whose hand­ the request of the gentleman from Ken­ Mr. RICHARDS. Mr. Chairman, I clasp is falling, and whose eyes are grow­ tucky? rise here today to support what some­ ing dim. We thank Thee that this tor­ There was no objection. times has been called the lend-lease bill tured world cannot fall out of the hands and sometimes the aid-to-Britain bill. of the living God, and on its low verge PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE However, I do not believe it can properly of life will ever live the Light that never Mr. NELSON. Mr. Speaker, I ask be called either. The bill should be des­ faileth. In our Redeemer's· name. unanimous consent to address the House ignated by the name which may be found Amen. for 1 minute. on the front page of the print of this bill, The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to H. R. 1776. The purpose of this bill, as terday was read and approved. the request of the gentleman from Mis­ stated there, is "further to promote the souri? defense of the United States, and for MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE There was no objection. other purposes." Whether passage of A message from the Senate, by Mr. Mr. NELSON. Mr. Speaker, this morn­ the bill will promote the defense of the Frazier, its legislative clerk, announced ing I ate breakfast .in a public place, and United States should be the premise upon that the Senate had passed, with amend­ while there my attention was attracted which it must stand or fall. ments in which the concurrence of the to a conversation at a nearby table. I The distinguished chairman of this House is requested, a joint resolution of do not know who the women were who committee and other distinguished gen­ the House of the following title: were speaking, but I was compelled to tlemen on both sides of the aisle dis­ H. J. Res. 77. Joint resolution making hear a part of what was said. Evidently cussed yesterday very ably the different an appropriation to the United States they were employed in the Navy Depart­ sections of this bill and asserted in no Maritime Commission for emergency ment or the War Department. One of uncertain terms their opinions as to what cargo-ship construction, and for other them remarked, "I laughed at the last the effect of passage of each section of pu poses. World War, and I am laughing at this this bill would be. In my feeble discus­ World War." This remark I was bound EXTENSION OF REMARKS sion ·of the measure this morning I am to overhear. Matters of Government in­ going to strip it to two major propositions. Mr. KLEBERG. Mr. Speaker, I desire terest were evidently being discussed. It There are only two major propositions in to submit two unanimous-consent re­ was added, "England is on the way out." it. quest:::. Mr. Speaker, I submit that people em­ The first proposition is that this bill The first is that I may be permitted to ployed in defense positions should have a proposes to help the democracies who are extend my own remarks in the RECORD buttonhole in one lip and a button on the waging a battle against aggression by and include therein a speech by Mr. other, or they should be on the way out. providing them with certain war mate­ Alexander Kerensky, ex .. Premier of [Applause.] rials and other benefits. The second Russia, delivered on the Sunday before [Here the gavel fell.] proposition is that to do this 'effectively last in the Town Hall. EXTENSION OF REMARKS it is necessary that certain discretionary The second request is that I may be Mr. COLE of New York. Mr. Speaker, powers be placed by the Congress into permitted to insert at the proper place I ask unanimous consent to extend my the hands of the President of the United in my remarks a tabulation concerning own remarks in the Appendix of the REc­ States. I shall attempt to base my argu­ the outstanding wars of the world and ORD and include therein an article ap­ ment in support of this bill on these two some historical references which may be pearing in this morning's Post. grounds. Now, to make plain the exact of value in this discussion. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to grounds upon which I stand, I wish to The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from New read, to start with, part of section 3 (a), the request of the gentleman from York? dealing with the things we intend to do Texas? There was no objection. for the democracies mentioned. There was no objection. Mr. NICHOLS. Mr. Speaker, I ask Section 3 (a) is the heart o"f the bill, Mr. HART. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ unanimous consent to extend my own re­ as has been stated before. We propose­ imous consent to extend my own re­ marks in the RECORD and include therein in this section to manufacture in ar­ marks in the RECORD and include therein a radio address delivered by the majority· senals, factories, ·and shipya-rds under an address delivered by Mr. Daniel S. floor leader the gentleman from Massa- their jurisdiction or otherwise procure· 1941 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 523 any defense article for the government not lending aid to Great Britain when The position of proponents of the bill, of any country whose defense the Presi­ that aid to Great Britain at this particu­ in regard to witnesses, was that witnesses dent deems vital to the defense of the lar time is essential to the welfare of the brought by us should be men or women United States. United States. [Applause.] who have been identified with the prob­ We also 1ropose to sell, transfer, ex­ Now, let us take the military situation, lems involved in the bi11 throughout most change, lease, lend, or otherwise dispose if you please. Two years ago I would not of their lives. We do not care whether of, to any such government, any defense have come upon the floor of the House, they are Democrats or Republicans.
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