1857 10/01/13 M I N U T E S of the ORDINARY MEETING of The DEVIOCK PARISH COUNCIL held at The COASTAL ZONE, DOWNDERRY, (formerly The Methodist Church) at 7.30pm on Thursday, 10 th January 2013. PRESENT: Parish Cllrs. Ms. M. E. Temlett, Chair, Downderry Ward Ms. H. M. Brockbank, Seaton Ward Mrs. M. Y. Byles, Hessenford Ward R. J. Daniel, Downderry Ward D. L. G. Elliott, Downderry Ward Mrs. G. E. Hartland, Seaton Ward Mr. S. J. Parry, Seaton Ward Mrs. A. Ratsey, Downderry Ward Mrs. A. Robinson, Hessenford Ward C. Cllr. R. Pugh Mr T. Pullin, Parish Clerk 1. DECLARATION OF INTEREST IN ITEMS ON THE AGENDA: Cllr. D.L.G. Elliott declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in relation to item 8.2. on the agenda being the applicant of the planning application in question Cllr. S. J. Parry declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in relation to item 8.2. being an agent contracted to market land at the application site. 2. 10 MINUTE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PERIOD for public comment on the items below: A member of the public addressed the Meeting regarding recent flooding at Keveral Gardens and Keveral Lane, Downderry. C. Cllr. R. Pugh was thanked for his help in securing help from a local land owner to clear up after the flooding. It was suggested that work would be required to avert future flooding including increasing drainage to cope with rainwater from a gulley that ran down from Struddicks Farm, Looe Hill to Keveral Gardens and to provide larger pipes to contain water flowing through the culverts at the bottom of Keveral Gardens. The Parish Council was asked to consider producing a contingency plan for future events of flooding. The Parish Council was asked to investigate responsibility for the maintenance of Keveral Lane. A second member of the public spoke in favour of planning application PA12/11578 Sunnyside, Brenton Road, Downderry (Item 8.2.2.), citing reasons including the poor state of repair of the exiting dwelling, the need to accommodate a sick relative, the fact that the new build would incorporate environmentally sustainable features and the support the project would provide for local employment. A third member of the public spoke objecting to planning application PA12/11392, Plot 1, Land Adjacent 40 Buttlegate, Downderry( Item 8.2.1.), stating that while he had no objection to development of the site he was concerned by the proposed creation of an additional entrance to the Highway near to a dangerous bend on Buttlegate. Concern was also expressed that the additional drive would increase rain water run-off onto Buttlegate thereby adding to the risk of flooding of properties on the Main Road. There being no further requests to address the meeting, the Chair closed the public participation period. 3. APOLOGIES: Apologies had been received from:- Cllrs. J. P. Candy, D. T. Parry, P.C. Patrick Libby and P.C.S.O. John Riggall. FROM THE PARISH WEBSITE 1858 10/01/13 ORDINARY MEETING OF 10 th January 2013 (Continued) 4. STANDING ORDERS OF THE COUNCIL: To adopt revised Standing Orders of the Council (January 2013) The Clerk informed members that the revised Standing Orders were produced in line with the new Code of Conduct that had been adopted at the November 2012 meeting. It was understand that NALC was in the process of producing a completely new set of Standing Orders that the Council could adopt later in 2013. After discussion Cllr. Mrs. M. Y. Byles proposed that the Council defer adoption of the revised Standing Orders until the next full Council meeting, in order to provide time for councillors to familiarise themselves with them; this was seconded by Cllr. Mrs. A. Robinson and agreed unanimously by the Meeting. 5. MINUTES: 5.1. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 8 th November 2012 It was proposed by Cllr. Mrs. G. E. Hartland, seconded by Cllr. D. L. G. Elliott and AGREED unanimously by the Meeting to accept the minutes as a correct record. 6. REPORTS ON MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: There were none. 7. POLICE MATTERS: 7.1. POLICE MATTERS FOR THE COUNCIL P.C.S.O. John Riggall had emailed the monthly police report, stating that since the last meeting (8 th November 2012) the Parish had suffered seven recorded crimes, being 1) an assault in Buttlegate, Downderry 2) theft of water tanks from Front Road 3) damage to motor vehicle on Looe Hill 4) assault on the B3247 near Triffle 5) sheep worrying at Deviock Barton Farm 6 & 7) two reports of out of control dogs in Narkurs. During 2012 the parish had suffered 41 recordable crimes. 7.2. COUNCIL MATTERS FOR THE POLICE: Cllr. Ms. H. M. Brockbank requested that a badly parked van at Brenton Road, Downderry be reported to the police as it was causing an obstruction. Cllr. R. J. Daniel stated that the crime figures supplied by the Police did not provide any explanation and that more detail was required. It was requested that a representative from the Police be asked to attend the next meeting. 8. PLANNING: 8.1. PLANNING COMMITTEE: 8.1.1. Minutes of the meeting of 22nd November 2012 It was proposed by Cllr. D. L. G. Elliott to accept the minutes as a correct record, subject to minor amendment; this was seconded by Cllr. Ms. H. M. Brockbank and agreed unanimously by the Meeting. 8.1.2. Matters arising from the minutes Cllr. D. L. G. Elliott asked if trees received from the Woodland Trust had been planted. The Clerk stated that he had spoken to Mr. Roger Prowse who would be carrying out this work in the near future. Cllr. Mrs. A. Ratsey requested that as item 10 of the minutes (a request for discussion of Broad Yards car park to be put on the agenda), had not appeared on the agenda, that his be put on FROMthe agenda for the nextTHE full council PARISHmeeting. The Clerk agreed toWEBSITE do this. 1859 10/01/13 ORDINARY MEETING OF 10 th January 2013 (Continued) 8.2. PLANNING APPLICATIONS: 8.2.1. PA12/11392 Mr. & Mrs. D. L. G. Elliott – PLOT 1, LAND ADJACENT 40 BUTTLEGATE, DOWNDERRY Construction of 1 no 3 bedroom house with access to highway (Case Officer – Davina Pritchard) Cllr. D. L. G. Elliott stated that the application was to provide separate access for a proposed dwelling at plot 1, and then left the Meeting. Cllr. S. J. Parry also left the Meeting. After discussion Cllr. Ms. H. M. Brockbank proposed objection to the application for reasons of highway safety because of the proposed poor access, and also because of possible increase in rain water run-off from the proposed new driveway onto Buttlegate that might exacerbate the risk of future flooding onto the Main Road; this was seconded by Cllr. Mrs. M. Y. Byles and agreed unanimously by the Meeting. Cllr’s Elliott and Parry rejoined the Meeting. 8.2.2. PA12/11578 Mr. N. Wiseman – SUNNYSIDE, BRENTON ROAD, DOWNDERRY Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of new dwelling with slightly enlarged parking area with retained garaging (Case Officer – Steve Jefferson) Cllr. S. J. Parry proposed support of the application; this was seconded by Cllr. Mrs. G. E. Hartland and agreed unanimously by the Meeting. 8.3. PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AFTER PUBLICATION OF THE AGENDA None had been received. 8.4. PLANNING APPEALS: 8.4.1. PA12/00108 Wentworthy, Main Road, Downderry (DCLG Ref: APP/D0840/A/12/2186485/NWF) The Clerk reminded members that the Parish Council had objected to this application and asked if the Council required any additional submission to be made regarding the appeal; the deadline for submissions being 22 nd January 2013. Cllr. Mrs. M. Y. Byles proposed that the Clerk be instructed to write, reiterating the objections previously made by the Parish Council; this was seconded by Cllr. D. L. G. Elliott and agreed unanimously by the Meeting. 9. PLANNING DECISIONS: 9.1. PERMISSIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT 9.1.1. PA12/07690 Mr. Stacey SUMMERLEAZE FARM, TRELOWIA, WIDEGATES Proposed new agricultural building Permission granted on 20 th December 2012 9.1.2. PA12/10255 Mr. & Mrs. A. Hughes LAND REAR OF 33 BUTTLEGATE, DOWNDERRY Extension of time application to E2/10/00209/FULR dates 07/04/10 for the construction of a dwelling and garage Permission granted on 20 th December 2012 10. PLANNING CORRESPONDENCE: FROM10.1. CORRESPONDENCE THE RECEIVED PARISH BY THE DATE OFWEBSITE THE MEETING No correspondence had been received. 1860 10/01/13 ORDINARY MEETING OF 10 th January 2013 (Continued) 10.2. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN - UPDATE Cllr. Mrs. A. Ratsey informed the members that a meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Planning Group had taken place. As a first step it would be necessary to submit a request to Cornwall Council for the agreed area of the plan (namely Deviock Parish) to form the basis of the Neighbourhood Plan area, as previously agreed by the Parish Council. The Clerk was instructed to write formerly requesting this permission. Cllr. Ratsey continued that once this submission had been made a six week consultation period would take place. Officer support from Cornwall Council to help with formulating the plan should be available. A series of public engagement sessions would be held to gain ideas and feedback. A minimum of 50% of local voters was required to enable the plan to be adopted. The planning group felt that it would be best to keep the plan as short as possible in order to increase the likelihood of successful adoption. 10.3. AFFORDABLE HOUSING - UPDATE The Clerk informed members that a response from Nick Marsden / Westcountry Homes, regarding a proposal by Mr.
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