THEFRENCH CAMPAIGN IN EGYPT 1798-1801 PartI - HtstorlcalIntrodsctlon by StephenEde-Borrett The reasonsbehind the Frenchattack on Egypt in 1798are sun.Many discarded their coats only to Iind themselvesfreezing various,complex, and not all of a mililary nature. at night. The Army wasunused to the exlremesof a desert Bonapafte,hero of thevictorious Italian campaigns, was seen climate. by the Directorsin Parisas a rivaland thus to gethim out of the On July 13th at Shebreketthe Frenchhad their first real way (andEgypt was pretty far out of the way!) seemedlike a encounterwiththe Mamelukes'.The Frenchdeployed into six goodidea. Coupled with thiswas the hopethat if Turkeycould great squares,six men deep with gunsat the comers.The beDersuaded to enterthe waron the Frenchside then it would Mamelukeswere brave if not lacticallyadept and launcheda takepressure off the Frencharmies by divertingAust an and seriesof headlongcavalry charges straight at the French.The Russiantrcops to theTurkishfronl- Thesereasons alliedto the result was almost a foregoneconclusion, the attackswere French"dream" ofa MiddleEastem Empire, (which went back completely broken by disciplined musketry and eventually the to rhe Middle Ages- evenLouis XIV had contemplatedan Mamelukeswere forced toretire from the field. The Fren€h had invasion of Egypt) was sufficient to persuadethe Paris lost thirty men,Mameluke losses are unknown. Covemmentto giveits blessingto Bonaparte'splans. Bonapartepressed on towardsCairo and reached the Nile on Sincethe Treaty ofCampo-Formio the veteran Army ofltaly July 21st and here in the shadow of the Pyramidsthe had beenidle andit wasfrom thisArmy that the Army of the Mamelukeshad massedtheir army. Orientwas chosen'. The best estimatesput the Mamelukesat around 6-8000 The Commander-in-Chiefwas Bonaparte, with Berthieras cavalryand, perhaps,40,000 foot. Theselatter mostly the hisChief of Staffand his brother,Louis, and stepson, Eugene semi-feudalEgyptian fellaheen. de Beauhamais,as his Aides. The Generalsof Divisionwere Beforethe battlebegan Bonaparte is allegedto havegiven "Soldiels, Vaubois,D'Hilliers, Desaix, Kl6ber, Menou, Reynier and the speechwith its famous forty c€nturiesof hhtory Dugua.The Generalsof Brigadeincluded Lannes, Davout and look downon you" content.whether this is anecdotalor not it Murat and amongstthe Colonelswere Marmont, Junot, probably expressesBonaparte's feelings for there can have Bessidresand Lefebvre-Desnouettes.Truly this was a be€n fewer more spectacularbackdrops for a battle than the NapoleonicArmy in the making. Pyramidsof Giza. Bonapa(earrived in Toulonon May 9th andwhen the fleet Again Frenchtactics were simple - the Divisionsformed huge sailedon May 19th it comprised15 Shipsof the Line, 15 squaresand awaitedthe Mameluke ondaught. The Mamelukes Frigates,7 Corvettes,30 asso(edsmall lightly'armed vessels, obligedthe invadersand lalnched,as at Shebreket,a seriesof and some 400 transports carrying betweenthirty'six and forty massedcavalry charges straight at the Frenchsquares. The thousandmen. The greatestshortage, however, was in horses- infantry were left within their hastily thrown-up defencesand only 1230were embarked, and of these700 were reserved for ignored. the useof the Staff! Predictablythe experiencedFrench infantry kept their nerve On June9th the fleetanived off Malta.There was next to no and mo*ed down the Mamelukeattacks, iust as the British resistanceand in thrce daysthe French had occupiedthe whole wereto do to the Frenchcavalry al Waterloo17 years later. island. General Vaubois was aDDointedGovernor and a Eventually the Mamelukes were forced to break off their garrisonwas installed'. D'Hilliers_was sent back to Pariswith action - it seemsdoubtful if the Maneluke infantry had even the capturedtrophies. beenengaged. Murad Beyled halfofthe Mamelukearmy south Admiral Brueys, the Fren€h Naval Commander,then whilstIbrahim Bey, who had spentmuch of the battleon the skiltullyevaded the British squadrondespatched to intercept wrong(or at leastsaJest) bank of the Nile - the east,took his him (commandedby noneother than Horatio Nelson) and six forcessouth-west towards Sinai. weeks later on June 30th the fleet anchored safely off French casualtieswere less than five hundred (Mameluke casualtiesare again unknown) and by nightfall they were in On 2ndJuly the DivisionsofBon, Menou,andKleberled the possesionof Cairo.Bonaparte had haltedonly longenough to assaultashore and immediatelystormed the City'ssomewhat fight the battle and bury his few dead. out of datedefen€es. Within twenty-fourhours the entireCity ln Cairo Bonapa(e now set about organizing a form of wasunder French control. self-governmentfor the Egt?tian people- whetherthey wanted Bonapanespent a few days restinghis men after their undoubtablyuncomfortable voyage and it wasthus not until Meanwhile,but outsidethe scopeof thisarticle, Nelson had July 8th that the Army moved out towardsCairo. Kl6ber atlastfoundtheFrench fleet at anchorinAboukirBay,and, ina remainedas Governor of Alexandria,the French base for much daring attack, known as th€ Battle of the Nile, comPletely of the restof the campaign. destroyedit - and with it Bonaparte'scommunications with It now becameapparent that the Army wastotally unpre parcd for the Egypriansummer - they were still in their In mid-August the Turks declaredwar on France.The whole Europeanuniforms of heavywool with bearskinsand bicornes, French stmtegy was falling apart. There was a revolt in Cairo neitherof whichoffered any protectionagainst the Egyptian whichBonaDarte. no doubtwith memodesof the Padsmob, suppressedbtoodily. Menou'sposition was hopeless, but he heldout for aslong as Desaixhad beendespatched into UpperEgypt in punuit of hewasable until in September,with onlyAlexandria left under MuradBey. Following the courseofthe Nile, the mainarterial Frenchcontrol, the Army capitulatedwholesale- The terms routeof Egypt,Desaix pursued Murad Bey as far as the first w€reg€nerous (which may demonstrate how muchof a threat cataractsupported by a flotilla of gunboats.The Mameluke theFrench still represented) and, although all horseswere tobe commanderhad leamt from histwo battlesagainst the French handedover, the menand their weapons were to betransported howeverand retusedto fight a third, contentinghimself with back to France,along with the rno(al remainsof General hit-and-runtactics and a guerillawar. Kl6ber. Ibrahim Bey had by now reachedPalestine and, after (Althoughmilitarily for Francethe expeditionhad beena recruitinghis army from locallypurchased slaves, (who proved completefailure the great number of archaeologistsand to be goodsoldiers!) Bonaparte followed in January1799. By scientistswho accompanied Bonaparte contributed enormously now the French were also leaming and had water-bottles to the studyof Eglpt's ancientpast and gaveus the Rosetta "issued"and had adoptedcotton uniforms and a lightweight Stone.) helmetwith neckcoverr. The invasionwent well. By the endof Februarythe Turkish fon at El Arish hadfall€n to the French- all survivorsof the ORDERSOF BATTLE OF garrisonwere put to the sword,in an attemptto cow other THE FRENCH ARMY Turkishgarrisons into submisson.Gaz a fell threedays later and The Army of the Ori€nt, Jurc 3{hh 1798. on March4th the Frencharmy was before Jaffa. Three days of Commanderin Chief: GeneralNapoleon Bonapane bombardmentand an assault and this town too fell-BonaDarte's Chiefof Staff:General of DivisionBerthier communiquero rhe Direclory giv€s 1200of rhe garrironas Commandero{ Engineers:Ceneral Cafarelli-Dufalga executedafter the storm. Command€rot Anille'y.Ceneral Dommanil The next objectivewas Acre, but here a British squadron under Sir SidneySmith aided the defence.This stiffening, Headquners: coupledwith the lossofthe sieg€train, captured by the British Mounted Guides5(3 troops 120 men), commandedby fleet,was enough to keepout the French. Bessiares The SiegeofAcre lasted62 days and included 40 assaults and Foot Guides(3 coys- 300men?), commanded by Bessieres 26 salliesby the garrison.Eventually on l4th May with a Foot Artillery (888men) Turkish relief Army approachingit was abandonedand the HorseArtillery (485men) Army retreatedto Egypt. Sappers(776 men) ln Egypt neanwhilean Anglo-Russianfleet waslanding a Miners(192 men) TurkishArmy of 18,000nen underMustaphaPasha.The Turks Balloonists(25 men) stormedthe Fort at Aboukirand drove out Marmont\ sarrison. Ensineers(164 men) InexplicablvMusrapha rhen did nolhingbut warLfor rh; French NavalLesion'(3 bns c.3000men) counter-attack.He did not wait long-on July 25thBonaparte attackedwith 12,000men. Murat led a massedcavlary charge Adyaftedcurrd:General of Divhion Desaix whichsmashedthrough the Turkish defences and he personally Brigadiers:Belliard & Frianl capturedMustapha Pasha. The subsequentinfantry assault 6lst Deni-Bngadede Bataille( 3 bns- 1800men) threw rheTurks back into the seawith heavylosses. 88thDemi-Brigade de Bataille( 3 bns- 1500men) Seeingthe w tingon thewall Bonaparte decided at thispoint 2lst Demi'BrigadeL€gare (3 bns- 2000men) that therewas no moreGlory in Egyptand returned to France with his"Slaff'. Kl€berassumed command ofthe Armyofthe Right Wing: Generalof DivisionReynier Orient. On 9th O€tober1799 BonaDarte was back in France. Brigadie^:Damas & Verdier The Army ofthe Orientwas now in an unenviableposition, 9th Derni-Brigadede Bataille(3 bns- 1509men) althoughsome supplieswere being shipped in (whentheycould 85thDemFBrigade de Baraille(J bns- 1720men) runthe RoyalNavy blockade of France)by directorder of
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