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9781405157629_D16.qxd 15/09/11 14:08 Page 2637 Index Note: Page numbers in bold type indicate main entries; those in italics indicate boxes, tables, maps, and illustrations. abbeys 530, 532, 1546 Africa lxxxviii, 268–9, 1035 Cistercian 558–9 growth in Christianity 826, 1474, 1687, 1786, abbots 772, 2335 2230–1, 2418 abbreviations, early Christian 2093 and Islam 811–12 Abelard, Peter 2, 990, 1158, 1382 megachurches 272, 1474 and atonement 162, 458, 516, 1471 missions to 275, 277, 751–3, 808, 882, 1377 and Bernard of Clairvaux 2, 237, 1815, 2006 and Pentecostalism 10, 16–17, 22, 181–3, 269, and Dionysius 1469 272, 776, 1028, 1786, 1789, 2418 and limbo 1351 see also Central Africa; North Africa; prophet and Peter the Venerable 2, 1815 movement, African; Southern Africa; Abolitionist movement 3, 46, 271, 751–2, 882, West Africa 1349, 2178–9, 2443 African American theology 10–12 and More 1579 African Americans 45, 1692 and Sharpe 3, 564, 985–6 and civil rights movement 19–20, 47, 1098, 1276 and Wesley 3, 2490 and gospel music 1049 and Wilberforce 3, 380, 1579, 2504 and historiography 2498 see also slavery and Methodism c–ci, 268, 882, 1499, 1502, 1664 abortion 3–4, 262, 445, 602, 972, 1027, 1166, new religious movements 1663–4 1397, 2069, 2416, 2439, see also and Pentecostalism 554–5, 1028, 1098, 1331, contraception and family planning 1436 absolution xc, 416, 585, 963, 965, 1449 and praise dance 667 Adam of Saint Victor 1, 1607 and Sunday Schools 2282–3 Adamites 326 see also Haywood, Garfield T.; King, Martin Adams, Jay Edward 4–5, 1908 Luther, Jr.; Lawson, Robert Clarence; Addai 154, 2305 Mason, C. H.; megachurches liturgies xcvii, 53, 157 African Apostolic Church 15, 16, 272, 276, 2226 adiaphora xcviii, 5, 443, 1395, 1401 African Church Fathers 12–14 adoptionism 6–7, 33, 437, 512, 538, 915–16, 1123, see also Augustine of Hippo; Cyprian of 1471, 1544 COPYRIGHTED Carthage;MATERIAL Lactantius; Minucius Felix; and Ebionites 770, 2096 Optatus of Milevi; Tertullian of Carthage see also modalism; monarchianism, dynamic African independent churches 15–17, 752, 753, Advent 535, 1372 776, 1683 Adventist church 7–9, 76 African/Ethiopian 15, 16, 269, 270–1, 1683 see also Miller, William; Seventh-Day Adventism in America 268, 276 Aelred of Rievaulx 1552, 1623 in Europe 275 aesthetics Pentecostal/Charismatic 15, 17, 22, 181–3, 272, black 11 275, 1028–9, 1788 and Gadamer 1002 prophet-healing/Spirit 15, 16–17, 272, 1028–9 and Pentecostalism 9–10 see also Aladura; Babalola, Joseph Ayodele theological 190, 1229, 2119, 2344–6 (Apostle); Kimbangu, Simon see also Balthasar, Hans Urs von; beauty; African Methodist Episcopal Church 268, 1345, music; Romanticism; Shakers 1502, 1692 vol. i: 1–744; vol. ii: 745–1404; vol. iii: 1405–2036; vol. iv: 2037–2733 9781405157629_D16.qxd 15/09/11 14:08 Page 2638 2638 Index afterlife 631, 848, see also heaven; hell; limbo; and resurrection 1970 purgatory see also Antiochene theology; Clement of aggiornamento see Vatican II Alexandria; Cyril of Alexandria; Origen AICs see African independent churches Alexandrine Rite xci, 53, 756–7, 1375, 2532 AIDS Algardi, Alessandro 36, 40, 238 in Central Africa 428, 829 Algeria, and Christianity 2278, see also Lavigerie, Christian responses to 21–2, 649, 2438 Charles Martial Allemand Aladura 18, 22–5, 1683, 2232 All Saints, Feast of 36–7, 2541 characteristics 24–5 Allen, Roland 37–8, 483, 1196 churches 15, 16, 22–4, 269, 272, 276–7 almsgiving 477, 1549, 1550, 1846, 1989, 1991 and women 25, 273 Alopen 38–9, 147, 452, 1655–6, 1810 Albania, Christianity in 25–8 alphabet and communist rule 27 Armenian 113–14, 115, 118, 121, 245, 1067 contemporary 27–8 Coptic 613 history 25–7 Geez/Amharic 865, 866 Albanian Byzantine Catholic Church 760 Glagolitic/Cyrillic xcii, 325, 342, 633, 657, 797, Albanian Orthodox Church 26–8 1696, 2132 Albert the Great 28–9, 295, 706, 719, 970, 1472, 2006 Gothic 797 and Aquinas 28, 101 Slavonic 342, 657 and biblical interpretation 720 Syriac 114 and Bonaventure 285 Alston, William 1819 and indulgences 1200 altar 39, 529, 2047, 2540–1 and science 1221 stripping 1452 and transubstantiation 2402 altarpiece 39–40, 55, 739, 1044, 1857, 2028, 2388, and Virgin Mary 1185 2540 Alberti, Leon Battista 29–30, 105, 303, 530–1, 533 Ghent altarpiece 39–40, 2443 Albertus Magnus see Albert the Great Isenheim altarpiece 40, 1075–6, 2118, 2296 Albigensians see Cathars see also Angelico, Fra; Bellini, Giovanni; alcohol 30–2, see also temperance and prohibition Holbein, Hans; Van Eyck, Jan; Weyden, Alcuinus (Alcuin), Flaccus Albinus 32–3, 1363, Rogier van der 2006 Althusius, Johannes 780 and Charlemagne 32, 437, 798, 1694 Altizer, Thomas J. J. 40–1, 901, 903 and filioque 33, 939 Ambrose of Milan 41, 1215, 1514, 2347 and penitence 585 and Augustine of Hippo 166, 1514, 1701 Alexander of Alexandria 113, 1700, 1739 and baptism 2538–9 and First Council of Nicaea 538, 609, 711, 804, and cardinal virtues 376–7 1675 and divinization 701 Alexander, Archibald 1137, 1409, 1888, 2480 as Doctor of the Church 704, 705 Alexander of Neva 33–4, 2031 and economics 779 Alexandria 34–5, 336, 341 and eschatology 1113, 1974 catechetical school 34–5, 388, 565, 610, 803–4, and faith 909 1118, 2347, 2490 and filioque 339, 940 and Coptic Church xci, 608–9, 614, 802 and forgiveness of sins 1783 and early monasticism 34, 804–5 and Greek philosophy 1834 see also Athanasius; Clement of Alexandria; and hymns 1361, 1597 Cyril of Alexandria; Origen; Septuagint; and just war theory 2476–7 Theophilus of Alexandria and Latin 1302 Alexandrian theology 35–6, 73, 608, 803, 1361, and moral theology 1571 2351, 2371–3 and Priscillianism 1889 and biblical interpretation 243, 659 and relics of martyrs 40, 1443 and christology 432, 712, 863, 1033, 1564, and Theodosius I 1361, 2121, 2344 1699 and universalism 2430 and eschatology 449 and Virgin Mary 2462 and priesthood of believers 1888 and worship 2532, 2533 vol. i: 1–744; vol. ii: 745–1404; vol. iii: 1405–2036; vol. iv: 2037–2733 9781405157629_D16.qxd 15/09/11 14:08 Page 2639 Index 2639 America lxxxviii, 43–7, 1035 and poverty 1845 and Adventist church 7–8 and worship 2535 and apocalypticism 76–7 and Yoder 2553 and civil religion 562–3, 2207 see also Amish; Hoffman, Melchior; Hutter, and education 800, 1904 Jacob; Mennonite churches; and faith-based organizations 914, 1893 Schwenckfeld, Caspar; Simons, Menno liberal/conservative dichotomy 627, 671, 1032, anaphora 53, 118–19, 188, 365, 869, 2308, 2533, 1037, 1048, 1209, 1340–5 see also Canon of the Mass; Eucharist; and missions 1535 liturgies new religious movements 1663–4 anchorholds 1254, 1546–7 Orthodox Church 46, 1508, 2075, 2382 Ancient Church of the East 1485, 1489 and politics 47, 313, 484, 1035, 1138, 2229, 2417 Anderson, Rufus 38, 54, 1195, 2241 and Reformed theology 353, 2445 Angela of Foligno 1625–6, 1637 and Religious Right 313, 878, 1116, 2209, 2329, Angelico, Fra 55, 460 2417 angelology 2212 revivals 44, 45 angels 55–6 and secularization 800, 883, 2106 Anglican Communion ciii, civ, 56, 59–60, 577, see also Assemblies of God; Brethren Church; 713, 832, 1030 Charismatic movement; church and state; and baptism 203 Congregational churches; Episcopal and Book of Common Prayer 58 Church of the USA; Great Awakening; and ecumenism 790, 1495 Lutheran churches; megachurches; and Episcopal Church of the USA 59 Mennonite churches; Methodism; Native and Mar Thoma Christian Church 1415 Americans; Pentecostalism; Presbyterian and Methodism 810, 1495 churches; Puritanism; Quakers; Roman and religious orders 233 Catholic Church; Salvation Army stresses within 2233–4, 2265, 2418 American Baptist Charismatic Renewal movement see also Lambeth Conference; Scottish 42 Episcopal Church; Thirty-Nine Articles American Revolution 46, 48–9, 809, 1591 Anglican Consultative Council 60, 1295 and Anglicanism 59, 1501 Anglicanism lxxxvi, lxxxviii, ciii–civ, 56–60, and Baptist churches 1703 831–2, 2600 and Locke 809 and amillennialism 450 and Methodism 144, 1498, 1501 and Anointing of the Sick 1299 and slavery 985 apologetics 58 Americanism 1779, 2007, 2191 Broad Church civ, 832, 2089 amillennialism 4, 451, 592, 845, 847, 1516, 1935, and church buildings 395, 2451 1974, 2100 on contraception 601 and Calvin 1975 countries/regions and Lutheranism 7, 450, 1975 America 45, 48, 56, 59, 1056, 1501 Amish 52, 1478–9, 1902, 2476 Australia 168–9, 171, 172 Old Order 49–51, 1169, 1480 Canada 60, 360–1 Anabaptists xcviii, 51–2, 70, 774, 1946, 2126, Caribbean 379, 380–2, 1221, 1222 2291–2, 2600 East Africa 752, 753 and congregationalism 590, 713 England 1023, 1031 and evangelism 880, 1057 India 1415, 1420 and freedom 1902 Iran 1810 and infant baptism 51, 202, 934 Latin America 448, 1761, 1813 and leadership 485 New Zealand 60, 1668–70 and Luther cii, 525, 845–6, 2081, 2083 Oceania 1713–14, 1715 and millenarianism 845, 850 Palestine 1751 origins 1478–9 Southeast Asia 2219 and pacifism 51, 2476 Southern Africa 60, 570, 2222–6 and persecution cii, 51, 174, 1012, 1433–4, Wales 2487 1479, 1803, 1806, 1902 West Africa 60, 1682, 1683 vol. i: 1–744; vol. ii: 745–1404; vol. iii: 1405–2036; vol. iv: 2037–2733 9781405157629_D16.qxd 15/09/11 14:08 Page 2640 2640 Index Anglicanism (cont’d) and substitutionary atonement 161, 457, 458, and doctrine ciii, 58–9 516, 1471, 1686, 1998, 2064, 2271 and drama 734 and time and eternity 856 and Eastern Orthodox Church 769 Ansgar/Anskar 669, 1696, 2286 and ecumenism 2417 anthem 64–5, see also Byrd, William; Gibbons, and episcopacy ciii, 57, 225, 546, 775, 1295 Orlando; motet; Purcell, Henry; Tallis, and Eucharist 1948 Thomas; Tomkins, Thomas and evangelicalism ciii, 832, 1378 Anthony of Egypt, St.

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