Index Index 325 Index Aaruul, see Qrut Ammianus Marcellinus 99-100, 129 Abū Hāmid 114 On Hun 99-100 Acorns, as Korean food 283 Amu Darya 9, 28, 34 Afghan language 73 Amur-Ussuri 171 Afghanistan 1, 7, 9, 28, 34, 40, 73, 75, 90, 175- Animal-style art, spread of 80 176, 177, 179, 204, 206-219 Animal life, overview 21-29 Bread 207-208 Animals, domestication 63, 65 Dairy products 215 Effects of domestication 63 Drinks 216 History of domestication in Eurasia 63 Festivals 207 Self-taming 65 First agriculture 75 Anise 104 Flavorings 215-216 An Lushan 安祿山 Rebellion 105 Food influences 219 Apples 18, 32, 57, 60, 61, 94, 112, 148, 174, 181, Food words 215 205, 236, 238 Fowl 215 Apricots 32, 57, 94, 106, 125, 174, 205, 235- Kebabs 214-215 236, 238 Markets 218 Aqsakal 126 Meat stewed with fruit 212-213 Aquaculture 95 Pasta 208 Aral Sea 9, 18, 27-29, 35 Rice 209 Arabian spices 137 Sweets 216 Arabs 88, 104 Types of pilau 209-210 Conquest of western Central Asia 88, Weddings 217-218 104 Agriculture, advance of, spread into Central Araq (‘araq) 51, 198. See also Arkhi Asia 53-55, 74-75 Area of Central Asian nations 31 Ai Khanum 90 Aristotle 123 Al-Bīrūnī (973-1048), 48, 116, 122 Arkhi 51, 153-154, 285. See also Araq Al-Khwārizmī 116 Armenian language 72 Alcohol 3, 199 Arseniev, V. K. 175 Alcoholic drinks 191, 258-261, 284 On Tungus 175 Korean 284 Ash 193 Mongolian 258-261 Ashak 208 Ale 57, 151 Āthār va Aḥyā’ 144 Millet ale 151 Avars (Rouran 柔然 ) 44-5 Rice ale (terracina, “rice wine”) 151 Avicenna, see Ibn Sīnā Alexander the Great 90, 116-117 Azerbaijan food 250-254 Alfalfa 42, 57, 88, 98 Food proverbs 252 Allsen, Thomas 22, 143 Spices and flavorings 251 Almaty 32, 60 Sweets 253-254 Almonds 57, 106, 125, 148, 238, 265 Azeri, language 251 In Ibn Sīnā’s Canon 125 Wild species, in Mongolia 265 Babur 161 Altai Mountains 7, 8, 12, 59, 71 Bactria 90-91 Altaic languages 70 Bagel 184-185 © Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden,Paul D. 2020 | doi:10.1163/9789004432109_011Buell, E.N. Anderson, Montserrat de Pablo Moya, and Moldir Oskenbay - 9789004432109 Downloaded from Brill.com10/01/2021 09:39:10AM via free access 326 Index Baghdad, Mongol conquest of 132 Boza 191, 270. See also “Booze” Baklava 231 Bread 56, 119, 182-184, 206-208, 263, 279 Bal 151 In Afghanistan 206-208 Balancing diet 119 In humoral medicine 119 Balpo Soup 193 In Mongolia 263 Bamboo 125 Sacredness 183 Bamiyan 104 Britain 29 “Barbarian nomad,” myth of 44 British 175 Barberries, in Iran 220 Influence on food 205 Barfield, Thomas 38 Bronze Age 52, 76, 81 Barley 31, 49, 57, 59, 75, 77, 81, 112, 120, 148, Buckwheat 94, 283 173, 174, 178, 181, 235, 279, 283 Buddhism 125 Broth, in humoral medicine 120 Buddhist travelers to China 111 In Afghanistan bread 206 Bukhara 3, 73, 162, 204, 221 Spread into Central Asia 75 Burani, eggplant dishes 212 Spread into China 77 Buran, Princess 212 Barley Samosa Noodles 188 Burma 133 Barley Soup 252 Butter 148, 197 Bashkirs 173 Butter-making 197 Batu 131-132 Buudz 263 Ba’urchi 143 Byzantine Empire 45, 88 Baysursak 246-248 Bean curd (doufu 豆腐) 48 Ca’adai Qanate 134 Beans 174, 176, 180, 284 Cabbage 181 Broad 105 Chinese cabbage 284 Fava 235 Camels, Bactrian 41, 48, 66, 69, 78, 173, 192, Green (fresh) 180 264, 269 Hyacinth 174 In early Xinjiang 新疆 78 In kimchi 284 Camels, dromedary 69 Small dry green 174. See also Mung Caracomos 151 beans Caraway, black 62 Beansprouts 284 Caravan trade 2 Beetroot 174 Cardamom 49, 60, 125, 181, 202 Beijing 北京 130, 134 Large cardamoms 202 Founded by the Mongols 130 Carrots 49, 174, 181, 211, 280 Bencao Gangmu 本草綱目 (Chinese Varieties 211 herbal) 123 Caspian Sea 9, 52 Birch beer 112 Castoreum 146 Birds, hunting 25-26 Cassia 95, 148 Black Death 25 Cats 280 And rodents 25 Cattle 41-42, 49, 65, 69, 78, 173, 181, 192, 264, Black-eyed peas 223 268, 280, 285 Black gram 125 Beef in Korea 285 Black kumiss 149 In early Xinjiang 78 Blood, as food 195 Central Asia 2, 4, 22, 38, 74, 39-40, 82-84, Bolad 143-144 88-89, 121, 126, 162, 173-179, “Booze,” 191 Center of Galenic Medicine 121 Botai Culture, horse meat 76 Food 2 Paul D. Buell, E.N. Anderson, Montserrat de Pablo Moya, and Moldir Oskenbay - 9789004432109 Downloaded from Brill.com10/01/2021 09:39:10AM via free access Index 327 Food un-Sinicized 178 In Mongol Empire 133 Foodways and religion 82 Merged into Central Asia 92 Globalization 178-179 Military technology 79 Governance 126 Mongol Yuan 元 Dynasty 86 Herding 38 Near Eastern Spices 280 Islam 83-84 New World crops 281 New World foods 176-177 Western grains other than wheat 379 19th and 20th century food 174 Qijia 齊家 Culture 77 Nomads 39-40 Shiba 寺洼 Culture 77 Post-Mongol governance 173 Stimulus diffusion 54 “Race,” 74 Tombs 80 Recent history 162, 177-178 “Western Regions,” 86 Slaving 88-89 Western vegetables 280 Writings on hunting 22 Writing 78 Chaikhana (teahouse) 222 Chinese chives (garlic chives) 95, 96, 200, Champa 133 202, 231 長安 Chang’an 6 Chinese foods of Central Asian background Ethnic communities 6 271-281 長春 Chang Chun 148 In Ming 明 Dynasty 271-279 Chariots, origin and spread to China 76, 77 In modern times 279-281 Charpentier, C. J. 218 Chinese language 70, 78-79 Chen, Qiang 170 Early Indo-European loan words 78-79 Cherry Concentrate 251 Chinese pulsing 148 Cherries 32, 174, 238 Chocolate 281 Chestnuts 94, 283 Chopsticks 97 Chickens 69, 196 Chuqmin 207-208 In Afghanistan 215 Cinggis-qan 35, 47, 87, 108, 110, 115, 126-129 Chickpeas 54-56, 235 His starvation food in childhood 127-128 Chiles 49, 162, 174, 176, 202, 205, 236, 281, 284 Cinnamon 49, 62, 125, 181, 201 China 1, 12, 37, 47-48, 54-56, 77-80, 86-88, Citrus fruit, from China 107-108 92, 95, 102, 107, 132-136, 178-179, 280-281, Clavijo, Ruy Gonzoles de 141 379 Climate 12-13, 18-20 And Central Asia 77 Animals from the West 280 History 12-13 Archery 79 Cloves 62, 125, 181 Early contacts 79 Coconut 125 Early dynasties 77, 87-88 Collective management 40 Confucianism 77 Economic center of world 134 Food flows 95 Congee, in Korea 283 Foods coming to China with Eurasian Cooking utensils 202-203 connections 107, 379 Copper smelting 75 Gansu 甘肅 corridor 77 Core and periphery 87 Greek influences 92 Coriander 49, 57, 62, 104, 105, 181, 201, 280 Han 漢 Dynasty 88 Cosmas Indicopleustes 110-111 Han Dynasty and Central Asia 88 Cotton 28, 31, 62, 88, 125, 224 Herbal literature 102 Cowpeas 107 History of agriculture 54, 56 Cucumber 49, 105, 181, 200 Horse 88 Cumin 49, 57, 62, 104, 106, 181, 201, 280 Paul D. Buell, E.N. Anderson, Montserrat de Pablo Moya, and Moldir Oskenbay - 9789004432109 Downloaded from Brill.com10/01/2021 09:39:10AM via free access 328 Index Daidu 大都 134 Dzungar 29 Dairy foods 187, 197-198, 215, 222, 236, 240- Dzungaria 8 241, 258-260 In Afghanistan 215 Eastern Iran, food 219 In Kazakhstan 240-241 Eggplant 49, 148, 212 In Mongolia 258-260 Embelia 125 In Uzbekistan 222 Enin 186 Use by mountain Tajiks 236 Eurasian Heartland 1, 7 Dairying, appearance of 66 Eurasian Heartland, agriculture 30-32, 38 Dali 大理 Kingdom 132 And environment 30-31 Dangerous animals, tabuing of names 22 And livestock 38 Daoism 77 Eurasian Heartland, and conflict 47 Dari language 73 Eurasian Heartland, animals 21 Dastarkhan 239 Eurasian Heartland, birds 24-26 Dates 106, 115, 220 Eurasian Heartland, bread 182-184 In Iran 220 Nan 182-183 Deer Stone-Khirigsuur complex 66 Eurasian Heartland, cities 37 Dersu the Hunter 175 Urban sprawl 37 Deodar 125 Eurasian Heartland, climate 19-20 Descent groups and resources 127 Climate change 12-13 Dietary Therapy, Galenic 118-120 Eurasian Heartland, contemporary food- Dill 202 ways 180-182 Dioscorides, Pedanios 117, 120, 124 Eurasian Heartland, cooking utensils 202 Distillation 51, 164-169, 280, 285-286 Eurasian Heartland, crossroads 48 Gaoliang 高粱 280 Eurasian Heartland, desert woodlands 15 In Korea 285-286 Eurasian Heartland, ecological system 51 Milk liquor 51 Eurasian Heartland, environmental problems Dock (herb) 202 26-27 Dogs, Central Asian breeds 54, 63-64, 285 And religion 26-27 As food, Korea 285 Eurasian Heartland, foods 32, 49-51, 190-192, Domestication of the dog 54, 63 197-203 Domestication 53-55 Dairy foods 197-198 Defined 54 Drinks 198 In prehistory 53 Grain foods 190-192 Dong’an 233, 257 Overall views of 49-51 Donkeys 41-42, 173 Sour preferred 202 Dopiaza 215 Spicing 202-203 Dormice, as food 150 Sweet fruits and berries preferred 200- Dragon fruit 281 201 Duck (domestic) 95 Sweets 200 Dumplings 95, 181, 184-190, 263, 270, 279, 285 Vegetables 199-200 In Korea 285 Eurasian Heartland, foodways, sources of In Mongolia 263 change 204-205 Kalmyk 270 Eurasian Heartland, grasslands 37 Dungan, see Dong’an Eurasian Heartland, herding 38-39, 46 Dunhuang 敦煌 oasis 6, 93 Types 46 Dupree, Louis 40, 206-219 Eurasian Heartland, history before the Dūqī 190 Mongols 86 Paul D. Buell, E.N. Anderson, Montserrat de Pablo Moya, and Moldir Oskenbay - 9789004432109 Downloaded from Brill.com10/01/2021 09:39:10AM via free access Index 329 Eurasian Heartland, hunting 21-24 Eurasian Heartland, vegetation 13 Eurasian Heartland, irrigation 32 Eurasian Heartland, languages 70-73 Falck, Johan Peter 173 Chinese 72 On Central Asian foods and foodways Dari 73 173 Farsi 72 Falconry 21-22, 173 Ket 71 Farsi language 72, 93, 204, 212 Russian 73 Farsi food words in Central Asia 93, 204 Tajik 73 In Afghanistan 212 Tibetan 71 Faxian 法顯, monk 111 Tokharian 71 Feasting 55 Turkic 72 Feijoa 254 鮮卑 Xianbei 70 Fennel 106, 280 匈奴 Xiongnu 70 Fenugreek 104 Eurasian Heartland, linguistic Stalinism 73 Fermented mares’ milk, see Kumiz Eurasian Heartland, linking area 48 Ferghana, Manti 187 Eurasian Heartland,
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