I--' X \ /2 1107I I /i\l a I c ri riI r Kalachakreand the Twentv-FiveKulika Kings of Shamlthsla: A Xylographfrom Prague LLrboiBdlka 'l'hc'l'ihctun rlt'tlriclancl. thc kingclomol'Slrurrrhhulu rs-- accortlirruto thc Tibctltrrrr rittcn tcxts und onrl rccountins a parallclu or.ltl.inr isiblc lundinacccssihlc 1o conrtnort pcoplc. J-lris riorld hus onlr'linritcd corrnetti- ons u ith thc visihlc u'or'ltlo1 and arrir.nuls.rThc kinsrlonrol 1'rcoplc 'l-intt ShrLIrl'rhalltis thc plucculrt-t'c thc tclchingol'thc Il"irr,r'ltt.l (Sti.A,r1rr- -l cltttkrrr.l'ib.I)trnkhtn' lrtu.s l/ir.,r'l) rcrnains prescrvcd. Iror il-rt-tunsthis is its nrainlolc. hut it is not thc onlt'onc. Accorclinsto thisTurrtlic tc',1. Shrmhhalau,ill l'rcllso thc;rlaccol'spiritual arrcl carthlv rcvivul ullcl thir Bucldhist'ul,orltlis savcd fkrrtt dcstructionbt'l.ralharic Lrnbclicvcrs.l "T.r- Shamhhalaas a nrythickingdorn probably cxistcd cycn bclurc the ning Whccl of'thc Lau'", tlratis hclirrcthc originationol'Buddha Sltakva- muni's teaching.I1-rvc consider Tibetan sourccs. \\/c can assLlmr'that thc l'irst Dharntaraja ancl ruler ol- Sharnbhala,Suchandra. approachccl thc BLrddhato ask1-or the Kalachakratcaching as a king of a counlrythat had This rvork uas supportcdhr,the Crant Agcncl,of thc Czcch Rcpublic.Pnrject No. 10ll05l)114 (2005-2007):Intugt' uttd'[c.rr itt lJudlltistn:']iberartattd llongolittn Itrt- nograpltt.Thc xyloglaphicthangka is publishcd*'ith thc pcrrlissionol the \etionll N{r:scurr- Nriprstek N{useunrof Asian, Africln and Anrericln Culturc,rin [)rlglr-. CzechRcpublic (Collcction No. A l6 330). 'A Detarlsscr: e.g. Car jc K'lnr-trul Rinpoche. Ceographl antl Histor1' ol' Shrnrbhrln . Tihct.lountal 3/3, I978, 3- I l. "barblrian" 2 About Tibctrn undcrstandingof thc tcrm scc c.g. Klrininl Kollmar-Pau ''Der lcnz. Buddhisnrusals Camnt yon Frrcdctt urtrl Rulte.Zu rcligrilscnLcgitimttr- onsstrategienvon Ceu'rlt nm [3cispielder tibetisch-buddhistischcn\lissionicrung dcr Nlongoleiin spiten I(r. Jrhrhundcrt",Zeit.stltrift.fiir Rell,gion.srlr.rrcrt.stltuir I l/1. 100,1. "Cina 202-20-5;see also IVIartin Slobodnik, a'blr-Lrari'-stcreot)'p)'r'zobrazovani'inc "Barbarians" "Othcrs". ho"' [Chinr and Stere()types in Depictittnof thc in Slovakl. in: Viktor Krupa (ed.).Orrutt a Oktilent v ktrttaktotlta kntlttnttrititttl1.Bnttisllra. "Thc Vcdl 1999. 90 l 0 l ; scc also N4artinSlobodnik. Pcrccptionof Tibct in (-hinl: Ilet' q,ccnDisclainandFascinatirrt'r".Fu.lettHisrotital.lrntntal 17.2(X)6.7l !10; andAlc "N{istakcn xanclcr[Jcrzin, Forcign Nl1'thsahout Sharnbhala". (Novcnrl.cr i996. rr'r'iscd ivlay and Deccmber200.1) <http://w$'w.bcrzinlrc h ir,cs. conr/kalach akrui rnistakc n_1'orcig n_shu nr bh all. htrrrl> (22. l. 2(X).+). ri6 o Itrltoi lJt;lkrt all Lhcattril.rutcs ol-a ntltlric kinsclorn.This countrl'di1'lercrl ll'ont ull thc tltllcrsltt thattilttc. latcr antlhclirrc in thut sLrl'l'criitgclitl rtot lulvc tltc cx- tclltthltt is cotttt.ttotron cirrlh.In l'acl.this coLrntlr clitl not rclllt rrccriBrrdtl- Ila's tclching t l'tosclnxin t()l)icri'as sul'lcring (Su. r/irlrAlirr1.[{rucvcr. ri'lratit necclccl\\'as n histoficalvision.justil'ring Lhc rcdccnrins. or.solcrio- Io,'ic rtrlco1'this kingdom. ancl such vision rras prcscntin thc Krrlrrclirr- kt'{tt(tlttt'(t. Thc tcrt. hrotrghthcrc b1-SLrchanclrl. ollcrcd Shurll.rhlLllthc -fhc histor.iclLlltfosl)cct. tlr pt'ophccr. ..spiritrlrlr.cvival" ol shurnl.rhlrluis ttttircrslLl itl rttttLtrc-.bcclLLtsu- lrccor-dinq lo Ktrltrclrtrkr'(ttttntt(tlutrlolhcl. tc\l\ t'clrLtinsto Sitarlbhlla.lltcr thc tcrntintrll-rlLttlc crcnhorlr *ill urlhcrcto thc onll cort.ccIrcligion lBudtlhisrn'). unircrsal l)r-lcc iul(l hli:s rriil crtr- lrt'lret-rll tltcctrrth. lLnd halhariuns antl hcrclics nill bc crtcnlinrrtcrllhrnt thc rror.ld.Thc conccpto1'thc ..spiritual rcvivrLl" \Lll)p()scs an ilnlccc(icnt llctiotlol tlcclirtc.n'hich includL-s ()ur pfcscnt tinrc lnrl lr lcu ncrt ecrrttr;i- c\.' 'l llrtlitiollali,r'.tltc-l'ibctrtnrttl'tholshunrl-rhullr iscloscl_r r-cllrlr:rl toiltctc- 'l-lrnti.ic rclrrnguhoLrt lhc \\'hccl ol''l-inrcand thc r-clcvunt ttrt {Su. Arrlrr- t ltukt'tttttttlt'tr)"u'hich originatcd in norLhcr-nlndil ilt thc l0rlrol' l lrl,cclltu- r.r.Thc timc r.i'hcnthis tcxt. clcalingn,ith thc Buddhistconccption ()1 tlrc cnclol thc rvorlcland tinrc(.i.c. r,r.,ith un cschaloklgicaltopicl. nas n'rirrcrr. u ascharactcrizcd hv thc scnsatiuno1'clangcr. In northcrnIndia. Budrlhisrn u'assubjcct to thc grou'in-spressurc lrom traditionalHinduisrn. and on lhc othcr hand"it ivascndangcrcd by cluicklyspreading Islarn. Both ol-rhcsc luctsrvcrc proicctcd in the tcxt and tlrc latcr intclprctatirinsol'thc'I'antra itscll'.Historical cvcnts clf the Ilrl,centu11,\\,crc rccast into a Budclhistvi- sion.or thc Buddha'stcaclring, u'hich was sr-rpposcdto u,inovcr "bar.bari- an Islarn"rvith the hclp of'subordinatccl(not dcl'catecl)Hinduisrnin thc l'u- tLrlc.TIre historicalrcality' ol tlrc llth ccntury was l'rou'cvcrconrplctclv dil-l'crcnt.Buddhisrn at that[imc \\'asnol thc rvinningreligion: as a nu]ttcr ol'l'act.it \\'entthlou-uh probablv thc '"1'orstpcriod ol'its cxistcnccin Intlia. r\ltcr f iliccn centurics.it rvasbcing clrivcnaway l}om its craclle. J'hcrc n'c- fe scvcralcaLlscs lirr thc cxtinctionol'Indian BLrddhism.the nrostirrrpor- tanthcing thc prcssurcfl'orn its religious rivals -- thc quickly spreadirrgIs- larnand Hinduisrr. This. togcther *'irh thc inabilitvol-thc sangha ro rcsisr stronscxternal influcncc led to thecrpulsion ol'Buclclhism to ncighbrrling counlrics.Even though the timc and historiculcircumstance s o['thc r:crrc- sisof-tcxts capturin-u thc ShanhhrLllLrr1,'th arc knor.r,n. thcsc tcxLs canrrot hc hr:rrrtlcdur orrtinllllrBuddlri.t. since thcr tcpl.cscntI rrcrr irrtcr.Ir.rtilti()n. "sharnbhull 3 lror dctails seeAnonrmus, -. Thc Nlacic Kingclorn",<http://kallchakr.a ncr.orgsharubhi.rll.htrnll> {22. L 2(X)l) t)7 o K,tl,r,l,,rl t,t,ltLl tlt, lrt, rttt'l ir, hrtlrl.,tAirr.r,r,r/.\/i,rtrtl,lt,tltr Thc conncctionto originlLlHindu tcxtsis nrainlvrcpfcscntcd in thc I'igurc ol'Kalkin.thc chicl'ol'llrahrrurr*an'iors. As .lohnNcivrnan strcsses. thc Kuluclrul;rttt1l/r1r7rtcxt ults sittccits tcrr bcginrrirrgunrlcrslood lrs hlrrins t\\'oinlcrl)fctlrtions. Thc lirst.L's()tcric intcr'prctation ol LhcBLrilclhist mvtlr "irtncr" crnbfaccsthc illusionar--r'imrgcuncl thr-rs spcuks irbout ln lasthutt- "()Lr- lc: thc scconcl.cxotcric intcrnrctation is at.routr.cal. lactunl and thus an tcr" lastbattlc: ln lirct.lha crlcrnrtlultr trill \rrlrl\ l)elr rluLir:tldr:pl:rr. Kulkitt Cllrkritt uill ronlrr rc uP to rrrcrrrhrlnr tha ll|l()-!.r'r!!'iilthc \lu\linr\: tlroLr-thnrt-ditatirc (i)n!elltrillr(\]l ht nill rlrlilrtc \'r)un1le\\nlt.Lir'lrrrt\c\ thlit \\ill !xllti\ilic thc nrintlsol'thc hrithlrtirttt. clrtr-rin.sthtrr|r t() !()lr\cll ltr llrrtirlhi.nr.I:Lrrtlrcr rrrorc. lhc liclrul $ar uill n()l lirkc Il r- ce in thc rlil!r()e{)\nro\ thc ottl'itlcrtrrt ltl it sill oecur tithin thc nlet()r(J:Jlt\)\ 'lttntt,t.) tltc lroil) ol tht'lttutliottcr ol tlte l1/rr'rI rtl lintt Sol'iaStril-Rcrcr'.i irr tlrr-ri'liclc Irrlrlisht-cl on thr-intc-rnct scrvcr lirrr1r1- hulirttit 2001. stltcs thitt rll Sirrtntbhllurulcr.s lrc boclltisattvus.Onc o1' tl'rcnrost inrportant uuri tr'picrrl qLrtrlitics ol cvcn l.rotlhisuttvlL"lcc()rdlnu t() tlrc Iluclclhisttcaching. is tirc abilit,rto clrooscLhc tirrrc and pllLcco1'thcir' rcbirthancl to chooscthcir pur.cnls.f lrat nrclns that cach boclhrslrltrlr i: bornon ltalthdclihcratcl)1. Onc goodcxarnplc ol'such a situationis thc lust r-chirtho1-thc tsodhisattva as PlinccSitlclhartha. the l'u1ureBLrddha Shlkr'- amuni.Bodhisattvas arc born out o1'thcirou'n dccisionand fl'ccrr,ill. rrro- tivatcdby compassion. 'lb answcrthc qr-restionu'hethcr. this holdstruc ahoutrnythical Shamb- Iralarulcrs. rvc'"r,ould havc to sturl)'fclcvantIndian and. abovc all" Tihctan soul'ccsin -urcatclctail. l{orvc\/cr. thc vicu'o1'Stril-Rcvelis an isolatcdonc. T'hcsucccssion cll'rulcrs in Sharnhhalais solvcdin the rval'thatis closcr' andmol'c conrprchcnsiblc to our cultur.irland hisLclrical backuround thun is 1hetl,pical bodhisattva linc o1'rcbirth.Thc Sharnbhalarulcrs pass on therc- ign l-r'omfnthcr to son.Such a ltlrnrol'succcssion is ty'picalo1'nronar.chi- cal I'arnilicsand has a biologicalancl genetic liiLrndation. In the cascol hodhisattvas.lbr instancein thc linc ol'TibetanDalai Lanras.a dil'lcrcnt lirrrr ol-successionrvls chosc'n.[:r'cn DalaiLarna. bcittg a bodhisattvrr.rn- tcntionallychooscs his rcbirth.bul. is horn in the same\\'ilv as anl othcr child.Thus. a problcmariscs ho\\'to tcll thata ccrteinchild is thc ncn rc- "r-cincarnation" birth (thc uscol'thc rvord is incorrcct)of thc bodhisatti'a. To asccrtaincorrcctncss. thc u holeirrstitution ol-proccdLlfcs o1' l'indirt-u lrntl "EschatologY John Nervman, in thc \\ hccl o1'TirneTantni". in: Donrld S Lo1tz. Jr (ctl.).Buddltisnt in Pruttite, Princcton.Princcton Universitl'Press 199(r. l3-{-lfi9: lS5 "Raudra SofiaStril-Rever. Chrkrin.r'inut-cinquibnre roi-kalkin de Shenrhhala". <http://u* u'.huddhalinc.nct/strrnrrrirc.phgr3>(30. 7. 2001). 128 o Lrtlto.i lJilku -l'ibct. rcco-gnizingthc ncrv tLrlkurlcVclopccl in It is usually A tcanror a conlnlissiotlrt,ho ttrake thc first sclcctionol'childrcn. oul ol u'l.rorrrorrc is choscnlrs thc tulku.('It tttcansthat thc iinc ol-'Iihctanl)alai Lurlus lc- -.thc pfcscntst'cpcatcd rchirtlts ol onc andonlY hodhisattva ltatronstiint o1 Tibct.bodhisattva Chcnrczig (-l'ib. sp\'(1rt t'(ts,q:l,q.s, Sa. At'u!okiteshvuru). As opposcclto thc Shanrbhalarulcrs. thc ncu'lv horn and laterrccognizcd DalaiLarna is thusnot lr sonol'thc prcccding Dalai Lartra (hc uoLrlrlhavr- bccnnrthcr I spilitualcktnc ol'I kirrd).Onc ol thcreastil-rs is thut cli!rnit.r- ricsol thcciclLruplr orclclin Tibct livcd in cclihLcr'(it\\'as not thc rulccl- scuhcr.c"t-.g. in Bun,atia).unothcr and tltc rlccisivconc is thlt thc pr.ct.c- clLrisitclirt'a ttc*'tLrlku is thc tlcathol'thc ltrccctlingonc. J'hc Shurllrhell rtllcrsotl tltc othcr-hittttl puss thcrr cmpir-c to thcir.sons.
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