1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SEN~TE · 3641 By Mr. O'BRIEN of Michigan: bear, making us mindful only of the suf­ S. 2212 . An act to suspend during war or H. J . Res. 306. Joint resolution to amend ferings of others, that we may lose the a national emergency declared by Congress or the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, fiscal selfish longings and the vain regrets of by the President the provisions of section year 1942, by providing for a 15-percimt in­ 322 of the act of June 30, 1932, as amended, crease in wages for all persons employed on days agone in the love which is of Thee relating to certain leases; and projects of the Work Projects Administration; and which, indeed, Thou art. -we hum­ · S. 2399 . An act to amend the act entitled to the Committee on Appropriations. bly .offer our petitions in the Name and "An act to require the registration of cer­ for the sake of Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our tain persons employed by agencies to dissemi­ Lord. Amen. · nate propaganda in the United States, and PETITIONS, ETC. for other purposes,'' approved June 8, 1938, THE JOURNAL as amended. ·Under clause 1 of rule XA.'1I, petitions On motion of Mr. BARKLEY, and by and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk The message also announced that the unanimous consent, the reading of the House had passed the following bills of and referred as follows: Journal of the proceedings of the calen­ the Senate, severally with an amend­ 271L By Mr. FENTON: Petition of Miss S. dar day Monday, April 20, 1942, was dis­ Jennie Fisher, of Shamokin, and sundry other ment, in which it requested-the concur­ pensed with, and the Journal was ap­ rence of the Senate: citizens, requesting passage of Senate bill·860 proved. prohibiting sale of alcoholic liquors among S.1563. An act conferring jurisdiction the land and naval forces of the United States, REGISTRATION OF SENATORS AND MEM­ upon the Court· of Claims of the ·united and for other purposes; to the Committee on BERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA­ States to hear, determine, and render judg­ Military Affairs. TIVES . ment upon the claim of Albert M. Howard; 2712. By Mr. FISH: Petition of 23 residents S. 1765. An act for the relief of the minor of the Twenty-sixth Congressional District of Mr. BARKLEY. Mr. President, for the children of Mrs. Jesus Zamora Felix, de­ New York, signed by Mary Ware Dennett, information of Members of the Senate, ceased; chairman, World Federalists, New York com­ I wish to announce that, through the S. 1899. An act for the relief of Lawrence mittee for a democratic world government, courtesy of ·colonel Halsey, our efficient Brizendine; calling for a convention of representatives of Secretary, arrangements have been made S.1961. An act to eliminate the prohibi­ all free peoples, to frame a world federal con­ for the-registration of those Senators be­ tion against the filling of the first vacancy stitution under which this country may unite occurring in the office of district judge for in the establishment and maintenance of or­ tween the ages of 45 and 65, in the ro­ tunda of the Capitol next Monday, April the district of New Jersey; and der through democratic world government; to S. 2406. An act to authorize ·the Secretary the Committee on Foreign Affairs. 27, 9 a.m. to 4:30p.m. of the Navy to proceed with the construction 2713. By Mr. HART: Petition of the Board Cards will be provided for each Senator of certain public works, and for other pur- of Commissioners of the City of Newark, N. J., which can be filled out in advance, but poses. · favoring enactment· of legislation providing the card must be signed iri the presence for the establishment of daylight-saving time of the registrar and handed in person to The message further announced that superimposed upon the war time now in ef­ the House had passed the following bills fect throughout the country; to the Com­ the registrar in the rotunda on Monday. This service necessarily is limited to of the Senate, each with amendments, mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. in which it requested the concurrence of 2714. By Mr. KRAMER: Petition of the San ·the Members of the United States Senate Francisco Civilian Defense· Council, ,resolving and House of Representatives. the Senate: that the necessary Federal Government au­ S. 1694. An act for the relief of Mrs. Claud thorities be requested at th?. earliest possible • MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Tuck; and · moment to provide San Francisco and its fire Messages in writing from the President S. 2002. An act for the relief of Donald department with additional fire apparatus of the United States submitting nomina­ William Burt. and such other necessary equipment as will tions were communicated to the Senate properly and adequately protect said port and The message also announced that the water front of San Francisco against said in­ by Mr. Miller, one of his secretaries. House had agreed to the amendment of creased fire hazards; to the Committee on MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE the Senate to each of the following bills Military Affairs. of the House: A message from the House of Repre­ 2715. By Mr. ROLPH: Resolution of the San H . R. 2320. An act to accept the cession by Francisco Chamber of Commerce relative to sentatives, by Mr. Calloway, one of its the States of North Carolina and Tennessee the Division of Industry Operations, War .Pro­ reading clerks, announced that the House of exclusive jurisdiction over the lands em­ duction Board, establishing a priority proced­ had passed without amendment the fol­ braced within the Great Smoky Mountains ure for various business establishments; to lowing bills of the Senate: National Park, and for other purposes; and the Committee on Banking and Currency. S. 836. An act for the relief of John C. H. R. 5075. An act to create a Recreation Crossman; Board for the District of Columbia, to define S. 950. An act for the relief of Dora Thomp­ its duties, and fox: other purposes. son; SENATE · S. 984. An act for the relief of Mr. and Mrs. The ·message further announced that James C. Leard; the House had agreed to the report of THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1942 S. 1424. An act for the relief of Mary J. the committee of conference on the dis­ Crabtree; agreeing votes of the two Houses on the <Legislative day ot Monday, March 30, S.1619. An act for · the relief of the Bell amendments of the Senate to the bill 1942) Grocery Co.; (H. R. 6736) making appropriations for 8..1757. An act for the relief or' Clyde the fiscal year ending June 30, 1943, for The Senate met ·at 12 o'clock noon, on Kingery; . the· expiration of the recess, and was civil functions administered by the War · S. 1766. An act for the relief of John Snure, Department, and for other purposes. called to order by the President pro Jr.; tempore. S. 1776. An act for the relief of Mrs. Agnes The message also announced that the The Chaplain, Very Rev. Z~Barney T. S. Hathaway; House had agreed to the report of the S. 1801 . An act for the relief of Eugene committee of conference on the disagree­ Phillips, D. D., offered the· following Jackson; prayer: ing votes of the two Houses on the S. 1991. An act for the relief of Mrs. Wil­ amendments of the Senate to the b!ll Father in Heaven, by whose mercy's liam Meister; (H. R. 6868) making additional appro­ S 1993. An act for the relief of Pasqualina grace we are led to yield ourselves utterly Lazzaro; priations for the national defense for the to Thee in moments of devotion: Do S. 2017. An act to amend Private Act ·No. fiscal year ending June 30, 1942, and for Thou now inspire us with an infinite 446, Seventy-sixth Congress, approved July 2, other purposes; that the House receded desire to seek repose and hope among the 1940, and for other purposes; from its disagreement to the amend­ things et ernal. Guardian of our happy S. 2116. An act for the relief of Frank S. ments of the Senate Nos. 11, 22, 24, 25, 26, hours, which Thou dost feed with heav­ Mathias and Elsie Mathias; 30, 32, 33, 75, 76, and 80 to the bill and enly dew, teach us, we beseech Thee, to S. 2175. An act for the relief of Bibiano L. concurred therein; that the House re­ save from each swiftly passing moment Meer; ceded from its disagreement to the S. 2187. An act for the relief of Tom G. some ray of light sufficient to illume the Irving; Thomas _G. Irving, Sr.; J. E. Irving; amendments of the Senate Nos. 4, 21, 45, pathway of the life that Thou didst give Mata D. Irving; L. T. Dale; and Amelia Dale; 74, and 79 to the bill and concurred there­ to crown at last with everlasting day. S. 2202 An act to reinstate Paul A. Larned, in severally with an amen dment, in which Keep us from selfish pining o'er the a major, United States Army, retired, to the it requested the concurrence of the Sen­ share of human pain and ill that we must active list of Regular Army; ate, and that the House insisted upon its 3642 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE APRIL 23 disagreement to the· amendment of the H. R. 5013. An act for the relief of· James P.
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