INSTITUT KURDE DE PARIS Information and liaison bulletin N°343 october 2013 The publication of this Bulletin enjoys a subsidy from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DGCID) aqnd the Fonds d’action et de soutien pour l’intégration et la lutte contre les discriminations (The Fund for action and support of integration and the struggle against discrimination) This bulletin is issued in French and English Price per issue : France: 6 € — Abroad : 7,5 € Annual subscribtion (12 issues) France : 60 € — Elsewhere : 75 € Monthly review Directeur de la publication : Mohamad HASSAN Numéro de la Commission Paritaire : 659 15 A.S. ISBN 0761 1285 INSTITUT KURDE, 106, rue La Fayette - 75010 PARIS Tel. : 01-48 24 64 64 - Fax : 01-48 24 64 66 www.fikp.org E-mail: bulletin@fikp.org Information and liaison bulletin Kurdish Institute of Paris Bulletin N° 343 October 2013 • IRAQI KURDISTAN: SOME SUSPECTS ARREST- ED FOLLOWING THE ERBIL BOMB ATTACK. • IRAN: SEVERAL KURDISH PRISONERS HAVE BEEN EXECUTED. • TURKEY: A NEW PARTY HAS BEEN FORMED, THE HDP. • SYRIAN KURDISTAN: TENSIONS BETWEEN THE PYD AND THE IRAQI KURDISTAN GOVERN- MENT. • MOSCOW: DEATH OF THE KURDISH STUDIES SPECIALIST OLGA JIGALINA. IRAQI KURDISTAN: SOME SUSPECTS ARRESTED FOLLOWING THE ERBIL BOMB ATTACK n 9 October, the with explosives the three wherever they were, even in Kurdish National kamikazis. Samo Bakr Yunis is Syria. Security Council, led even said to have admitted that by Masrur Barzani, he had himself detonated at a For the moment, the only mea- O (who is also head of distance the explosion of one of sures that have been taken have the Asyish) announced the arrest the vehicles. been to seal the Region off, and of three men, all three are Arabs especially to drastically filter any and presumed to be members of ISIS is said to have posted a state- Iraqi Arabs entering Iraqi the jihadist Islamic State of Iraq ment on a Jihadist forum claim- Kurdistan, although in that festi- and Syria (ISIS) or of the ing the attack and accusing the val period there flocks of Levant), suspected of being KRG of supporting the Kurdish tourists. Many of them were involved in the bomb attack. forces in Syria that are fighting turned back, especially men Their names and pictures were the islamists. Another hypothesis travelling on their own. rapidly revealed to the media: was suggested in the Arabic lan- Samir Bakr Yunis, Mohammed guage paper Asharaq Al Aswat However, although the income Khalil Qaddusg and Hashem by an anonymous Kurd: the from tourism was halved com- Saleh Mohammed. They are all release of members of the terror- pared with previous years, those originally from Mosul. ist organisation, who are being Kurds who lived largely on detained in the Asayish prisons. tourism did not show any According to an Asayish official, The terrorists are said to have resentment at these measures. Tariq Nuri, the suspects, mem- seized buildings to free the pris- The principal concern of every- bers of ISIS, bought the two oners and to have failed to get one in the Region is, above all to vehicles that were used in past the prison cordon. remain that “other Iraq” — that is Kirkuk, a province outside the a save enclave for its inhabitants, KRG. They then took them to President Masud Barzani threat- be they natives or refugees in the Mosul, armed and equipped ened to strike at the terrorists provinces of Erbil, • 2 • Information and liaison bulletin n° 343 • October 2013 Sulaymaniyah or Duhok. This listed as valid residents were name Abu Abdullah), born in safety would ensure that, in any expelled. 1947 in Mosul and of Iraqi case, business would soon pick nationality. up again. Thus a fairly similar ISIS is active in Iraq, especially attack that occurred in 2007 had in Mosul, and regularly threat- In Mosul these jihadists regularly not reduced the feeling of securi- ens the Kurdish Region. This threaten the Kurdish and Christian ty that all those who travel in the attack may be the forerunner of religious minorities (Shabaks and KRG. a series of attacks against the Yezidis) and Generally all that Asayish, since the KRG’s they consider contrary to their nar- The bitterest or most disappoint- General Director of Security row views of Islam. They even ed reactions came from the Iraqi announced, at the end of the issued a fatwa, recently, against holidaymakers who had been month, the arrest of the two ter- teachers of English in the City, turned back. It should, however, rorists carrying explosive belts accusing them of teaching a for- be noted that Arabs who had a and members of the same organ- eign language that Moslems valid residential permit were not isation. These two were Guetbah should not learn. The Mosul head refused entry, but the Asayish Ahmed Qassem Khatteb (code of Security told the Kurdish paper checked all the files on resident name Abu Qataba), of Syrian BasNews that, since the beginning foreigners in the KRG, and all origin, born in Aleppo in 1966 of October 9 English teachers had those who had no job or were and Qader Nasser Khdaier (code been assassinated. IRAN: SEVERAL KURDISH PRISONERS HAVE BEEN EXECUTED he new Presidency has Mewlayi were, however, already according to the International not softened the fate of in detention at the time of the Campaign for Human Rights in Kurdish political prison- murder, according to Amnesty Iran. ers — indeed, the rate of International. This absurdity, T hangings has even however, didn’t worry the Loqman and Zanyar Moradi speeded up in a very worrying judges who seem to assume that were arrested on 2 August 2009 manner bearing in mind the the Kurds of Sine have a singu- and condemned for involvement number of Kurds in death row. lar gift for ubiquity. in the murder of the imam’s son, for being enemies of god and for While the year 2012 saw a drop Amnesty International has also having taken part in armed in the number of executions, warned about the fate of two actions of the Komala (a Kurdish 2013, on the contrary, has seen other Kurds. Hamid Ahmadi movement) although they the number increased, with 304 always affirmed that all the known hangings and 234 other and Sedigh Mohammadi, also charges had been set up by the secret executions, according to sentenced to capital punishment, secret services and that they had sources that Amnesty were transferred to solitary con- only “confessed” after severe International considers reliable. finement on 26 September, torture. which is often the preliminary to On 4 October, an Imam of the execution. They were convicted The International Campaign for Kurdish city of Sine (Sanandaj), on the somewhat flimsy grounds Human Rights in Iran has since in the course of his Friday ser- o being “enemies of God” and of announced that a source in mon called for the rapid carry- spreading “corruption on earth”. Meriwan had revealed to them ing out of the death sentence that soon after the murder of the passed on four young Kurds, The imams are, at this time, imam’s son, some senior officers sentenced for the murder of decidedly keen on executions. of the Guardians of the another of the town’s imams, On 25 October the judicial Revolution, involved in the mur- Sheikh Al-Islam Burhani A’ali. authorities of the Province of der of dozens of Kurdish civil- He declared that any further Kurdistan tried to have the ians had been arrested by their delay in hanging them would be death sentence passed on own Service. It was then estab- “an insult to Islam and to the Zanyar and Loqman Moradi (at lished that this group of Moslems” (BasNews). the moment detained in Radjayi Revolutionary Guards had Shahr Prison at Karaj) carried assassinated numerous civilians Jamshid and Jihangir Dehghani, out jointly with the imam of the who they had dressed again in Hamid Ahmedi and Kamal Kurdish town of Meriwan, military uniforms and recording n° 343 • October 2013 Information and liaison bulletin • 3• them as members of PJAK, Agency, Mukiran News, ly was unable to visit her at the which enabled them to receive affirmed for its part that on 29 beginning of October. the bonus paid to Guardians for October eleven prisoners in each PJAK fighter killed. Urmiah Prison were executed, Already, in 2012, a report by According to this local source, six of them Kurds, on charges of doctors of Kermanshah’s Dizel the imam’s son could have been “drug trafficking”. Abad Prison mentioned that one of those unfortunate civil- Zeinab Jalalian was suffering ians. However, the case was Two days later, the 31 October, from internal haemorrhages and never publicly revealed by the the Iran High Court approved intestinal infection — all as a authorities and the leader of this the death sentence on Mansour result of torture sessions. group, Jiya Tab, who was a Arwend, detained in Urmiah Guards major in Kurdistan Prison and arrested two years Zeinab Jalalian had been arrest- Province, was secretly executed earlier at Mahabad for political ed at Kermanshah, accused of a few weeks ago. According to activism. Ismail Arwend, his being a member of the Free Life the Tabir News Agency, Hiya brother, pointed out to the Party (PJAK), the Iranian branch Tab was strongly suspected of Kurdistan Press Agency that of the PKK. She had been sen- being responsible for this mur- that the Revolutionary Guards tenced to death on 14 January der, as well as many others. themselves had warned the fam- 2009 by the Islamic ily that Mansur would shortly be Revolutionary Court after a 7- In 25 October, Habibullah executed.
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