JENNY POTTER All-American Assistant Captain SATU KIIPELI Assistant Captain WHERE TO FIND IT 2003-2004 MINNESOTA DULUTH FAST FACTS _,_____ 2 WELCOME -----·-.. ····-·--------··---··--3 THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA DULUTH ______ 4-6 MINNESOTA DULUTH ATHLETICS 7 THE DULUTH ENTERTAINMENT AND CONVENTION CENTER - ..... _.. 8 2003-2004 MINNESOTA DULUTH ROSTER .................................................... 9 2003-2004 MINNESOTA DULUTH OUTLOOK ....................................... 10-11 HEAD COACH SHANNON MILLER ...................................................................... 12 COACHING STAFF/BULLDOG HOCKEY STAFF ............................................. 13-14 2003-2004 TEAM PICTURE .................................................................................. 15 THE 2003-2004 BULLDOGS::: SENIORS ............................................... 16-21 THE 2003-2004 BULLDOGS ::: JUNIORS AND SOPHOMORES .... 22-30 THE 2003-2004 BULLDOGS::: NEWCOMERS ..................................... 31-35 NATIONAL TEAM BULLDOGS .............................................................................. 36 2002-2013 MINNESITA DILffl STATISTICS 37 2002-2813 MINNESITA IILffl RESILTS MINNESOTA DULUTH TEU IECIRIS •31 MINNESITA DILUTI INDIVIDIIL RECORDS 48-42 21N12-21N13MlllfflllmJSl'ITISI a 111-TIIIE BIUIII AWARD •NERS 44 lllLDIIIS IN THE NCAA CDMPETITION 45-48 YEAR-BY-YEAR BULLDOG RESULTS 41 MEMORABLE DATES IN BULLDOG HISTORY 48-51 THEY WORE BULLDOGS ----·.. ·-·--·--·-·-·-------52 THE 2003-2004 OPPONENTS ---------·-53-58 DID YOU KNOW? 59 MINNESOTA- DULUTH MEDIA .. -·-·-...... -... - .. --·----------60 ON THE COVER CREDITS On the front cover is th e open- This 2003-2004 Bulldog ing faceoff of the 2003 NCAA Women's Hockey Media Guide Championship game at the wasproducedbytheUMDSports DECC between UMD and Information Office. Designed by Harvard on M arc h 23, 2003 . Ira Turunen. Written and edited On the back cover the Bulldogs by Women's Hockey Sports lnfor- celebrate their third national mation Director Teri LaJeunesse, title in as many years. Featured with additional assistance from on the inside cover are the Assistant Sports Information Di- 2003-2004 seniors and the rector Brad Folkestad . Photogra- Bulldog Experience. phy by Brett Groehler. Printed by Arrowhead Printing, Inc. 1 ITFICTI UNIVERSITY School: University of Minnesota Duluth Location (ZIP): Duluth, MN 55812 Enrollment: 9,700 Founded: 1895 Chancellor: Dr. Kathryn A. Martin Nickname: Bulldogs Colors: Maroon and Gold Athletic Director: Bob Neilson Athletic Dept. Phone: (218) 726-8168 COACHING STAFF Head Coach: Shannon Miller Alma Mater and Year: University of Saskatchewan (1985) Head Coach's Office Phone: (218) 726-8164 Arena Coaches Room Phone: (218) 529-9543 Record at School/Years: 108-19-13/4 Overall College Record/Years: 108-19-13/4 Coaching Staff (Alma Mater and Year): Associate Head Coach: Stacy Wilson (Acadia University, 1987) Assistant Coach: Ira Turunen (Turku Christian Institute, 2000) Graduate Assistant: Michelle McAteer (University of Minnesota Duluth, 2003) Volunteer Goaltender Coach: Tim Cortes (University of Minnesota, 1991) Graduate Intern: Megan Saari Equipment Manager: Rick Menz SPORTS INFORMATION Women's Hockey Sports Information Director: Teri LaJeunesse/Brad Folkestad SID Office Phone: (218) 726-8191/(218) 726-8937 SID Fax Phone: (218) 726-6529 SID E-Mail Address: [email protected]/[email protected] ARENA Home Arena (Capacity): Duluth Entertainment and Convention Center (5,333) Year Opened: 1966 Rink Dimensions: 190 x 85 Arena Press Box Phone: (218) 727-7939 NEWCOMERS Pos Yr Hometown Previous Team Juliane Jubinville F Fr Edmonton, ALTA Edmonton Chimos Jessica Koizumi F Fr Simi Valley, CA California Select U-19 Team Allison Lehrke F Fr Bloomington, MN Bloomington High School Noemie Marin F Fr Acton-Vale, QUE Montreal Wingstar Bethany Petersen D So Bloomington, MN University of Minnesota Anna-Kaisa Piiroinen G Fr Salo, FINLAND Team Finland Jill Sales D Fr Edmonton, ALTA Edmonton Chimos Becky Salyards F Fr Duluth, MN Duluth East HS Riitta Schaublin G Fr Basel, SWITZERLAND Team Switzerland Suvi Vacker D Fr Jyvaskyla, FINLAND Team Finland U-22 2 THREE-TIME NCAA NATIONAL CH IIPIONS It is with great pride that I campus and deserve our welcome you to the fifth support. season of Division I UMD Women's Ice Hockey. Last Please join with me in season the Bulldogs once celebrating another great year again made history by at UMD and for UMD capturing their third athletics. I would also like to consecutive national thank you for your support of championship in the NCAA the UMD women's ice hockey Frozen Four. UMD's double team and all of our athletic overtime win over Harvard teams, which pay a key role in was even more exciting since it the growth of our student- took place in Duluth at the athletes. Duluth Entertainment and Convention Center. And again, congratulations to Coach Miller, to the coaching The Bulldogs became the staff, and to the 2003 NCAA only hockey program - men While this year is a rebuilding Division I Women's Hockey or women - to win the year for our team , this season champs for last year's national championship two promises to be just as exciting spectacular season! years in a row. As repeat as the team defends its national champions, the team national championship and members and the coaches goes for an unprecedented Dr. Kathryn Martin were honored by President fourth championship in the Chancellor George W. Bush at a White 2004 Frozen Four. Coach House ceremony. It was an Shannon Miller is continuing honor for me to be able to visit her commitment to finding the the White House for the third best mix of state, national and time, and it was a fitting international players. The 10 tribute to the international outstanding new recruits, prominence of our women's along with the veterans, hockey program. continue to bring vitality to I TIE INIIERSIR DF IIINESDTI llllTI Like Nowhere Else Hiking amid the dense white pines that grow down to the rocky coast, one can hear the cry of seagull and the distant wail of a foghorn as the mighty waves crash against the shore, covering the lush green vegetation with a fin e mi st. A scene out of a remote spot in the Pacific Northwest right? No, it's Duluth. Straining against the incessant tug of gravity, you make your way up tJ1e steep cobblestone sidewalks of the bustling downtown . The air is fill ed with the honking horns of cars, cabs and busses. Mingling with the sea air is the wafting scent of freshl y baked bread coming from one of the ethnic grocery stores, restaura nts and bakeri es in th e known as Park Point, provided a ner of the globe, who will haul that ti ghtly-packed ne ighborhood. huge natural harbor where tiny ca- wheat, com and barley east through You're wallcing the streets of San noes, then larger boats, and today, the Great Lakes and the St. Francisco, ri ght? No, it's Duluth. immense ocean-going ships, can Lawrence Seaway, then across the The board walk is simply ali ve find shelt er fro m the win d and Atlantic to become pasta in Italy, today. Down the street from the ca- waves of the great lake. Around thi s bread in France, vodka in Russia, sino, and in front of hundreds of natural harbor where the lake met lefse in Sweden, beer in Germany waterfront hotel rooms, there is ev- the ri ver, cities grew. and food for the hungry in impov- ery mixture of human enjoying the Today. Duluth and its Twin Ports erished and war-tom regions of Eu- gentle breeze off the water. Tour- partner, Superi or, are viewed as rope, Asia and Africa. ists mingle with businessmen on meeting pl aces more than ever. Mile-long trains loaded with their lunch break, and in-line skat- It is here that small-town truck- iron ore and taconite pellets from ers zoom past a mime entertaining ers in jeans and feed caps haul loads the mines of Minnesota 's Iron the kids as couples check out the of grain down to the giant eleva- Range come to Duluth to have their galleri es and coffeehouses that Ii ne tors nex t to the docks. More than contents emptied into ships (com- the sun-splashed strip. Is it Atlan- 1,000 mil es from the salt waters of monl y call ed lakers) which will tic City, Mi ami Beach, or Santa the nearest ocean, they meet sea haul their goods to the steel mills Monica? No, it's Duluth. captains from ports from every cor- of Indiana, Ohio and Pennsy lva nia. There the ore will be used to make A Meeting Place the tructural tee! fo r the bu ild ings Centuries before the first ati ve of tJ1e future, and the frames fo r the Ameri cans pitched their teepees automobiles being designed for use and launched their primitive canoes in the coming century. in the waters of the massive lake It is here that people from th ey call ed "Gitchee Gummee," th roughout Minnesota, Wi sconsin , there were countless meetings in and all of th e Midwest come to the pl ace that would come to be shop, eat, relax and be entertained kn own as Duluth. The crashing by the endl ess vari ety of things to waves of Lake Superi or came here see and do in and around the Twin to meet the churning waters of the Ports. Goods are fo r sale in every St. Louis Ri ver. variety, from tiny galleries where TI1ose meetings of natural forces local artisans display seagull fig u- formed a ten-mile long strand of rines carved from the dri ftwood sand where, o n warm summer fo und along the shore of Lake Su- days, you will find thousands of pe ri or, Lo sleek modem shopping modern -day Twin Ports visi tors malls fi lled with the latest designer shedding the wraps of winter and fas hions. meeting the rays of the sun. Diners choose from options And that stretch of beach, now like grabbing a quick burger and a 4 E N 10 THE UNIVERSITY IF lllffl oda on their way to the game.
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