co ~u m P0 z ! O, 0 ~ -- 0 m -~ r- m ~0~ m 7’ __--.I 0 0 0 X X Izl I-! X 1.4 I-I L-4 0 i-J ~o 0 H 0 0 1-3 DW1982161Add. English (1) Table I: UNDP: Cost of Subcontreats awarded bY sector of projects and by headquarters of contractor, 1981 . Table 2: URDP: Subcontracts awarded, by contractors’ headquarters and name, cost of contrast and project, 1981 ....... 2 - 22 Table 3: UNDP: Major eqtd~aent orders for proJe~s, by name of supplier, cost of orders, and description of equipment, 1981. ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 23 - 37 See easo DP/1982/6/Add. 2 - Basic Pro&T~e Data and DP/1982/6/Add. 3 - Supplementary Pro&Ta~e Data. Sector A~ultuz~, Fozestry 5,700 ~ 7,986 1,374 1,323 1,413 77 21 - - - - 2,740 22,~x and Fisheries Agriculturaldeve- lopmmt s~pozt services - 578 - 804 881 682 382 37 21 - . - - 1,133 4,518 Crops 5,70~/ 595 15 - 48 24 17 40 .... 322 6,761 Livestock - 7,95~/ 570 3% ...... 110 9,024 Fisheries .... - 5 .... 384 389 Forestry - 21 - - 707 ...... 791 1,519 - 1,142 62__2 30 2,589 588 535 IndustrialDevelop- meatstlpport se~ces 5,250 472 - 522 610 129 475 90 - - 125 - 1,175 8,848 Venufacturing industries I, 231 583 - 620 12 30 2,589 459 60 1,264 - 505 665 - 2,062 10,081 Nsturall~souzces - 2,920 -. ~ 44__17 ~ 722 ~ - - 39 460 104 - 2.517 11.959 Land mdwater - 544 - 1,879 143 64 - 765 - 6 - 39 - - - 767 4,207 Mineralzesou~es - 1,633 - I - 135 .... .... 1,06,1 2,810 Energy - 743 - 304 1,350 722 550 - - - /450 104 709 4,942 - 619 1.115 427 - 68 - - ~ 4o4 119 - 241 ~ nications Policy and planning - - - - 55 .... - 404 - - 7 19 485 Air transport - 770 - - 767 251 .... .... 857 2,645 Imnd transport - 200 - 500 102 121 - - - 35 119 - - 106, 1,181 Water trmsport ~d shipping - - - 124 - 68 - - .... 231+ 19 445 Tel~ications - 974 - 119 122 .... .... 317 1,532 General Deve lo~t - 393 - 1,730 60__3 43 - 80 - 15 - 27 45 63 315 z,8o~ Issuest Policyend Developmentstrate- giesand planning 356 - 1,682 62 42 - 80 - 15 - 11 45 63 315 1,518 4,189 Publicadministration m~d general statistics 37 - 48 5/+1 1 ..... 16 - - - 286 929 Fum~Settlements 58_ 253 2_5 19 ~ ~o - - ~ - _9 638 - - ~_~ , zoo2,62_x Settlemmts planning 58 253 25 3 .... 1,158 - - 527 - 56 10 2,090 tlxtsingand infra- structure - 16 155 50 .... 9 III - - 190 531 ~o3 ..... 9~ = - - 22x ~ 2.~ Diseasepreven- tion.rod control 28 ...... 950~ ..... 978 ~vlzonmentalhealth 457 - - 403 ....... 221 145 1,226 - - 341 - - 91 - - ~ - - ~..! Educationalpolicy and plaming - - ~z ........ 70 411 Fducational system 1,228 .......... 312 1,5/40 OCher ..... 91 - - 94 - - 63 2~ ~xo,m~t - 293 - - 23~ ....... 15 4_~ ~_! l~ploymentpzcmo- tim and planning 293 - - 194 ...... 15 320 822 5kills development - - - 40 ....... 95 ]35 Othe__~r 61 941 - 18 L5 - - 30 - 338 .... 349 1,752 ~r.al 12,300 10,585 8,011 6,782 5,258 3,512 3,311 2,546 1,800 1,396 1,332 1,202 1,130 957 848 13,168 74,238 a/ Includesnew subcontractsa~ed in 1981 only. b/ Kennedin descendingozder of cost of subcontracts. c_./~efers to a subcontractto the InternationalOcop &em~t~ch Institute for 8emi-~rid1~opic. d/ Includes$7,925,000 for a subcontractto the Inte~atimalCentre of InsectI~ysiol¢~ and ~ole~y. e/ ~efersto a subcmtractto the InteznatimalCentze for DiarrhoealDieeme ~ematch. Table 2 UNDP: Subcontracts awerdedj by contractors’ headquarters by nmaej cost of contract, and project, 1981 ~/ Cost of Headquarters Contract Location, name and naae of contractor (US dollars) and a~ency of project 4,000 Algeria; Assistance ~ la planification et la formation du personnel charge de le sauvegarde des sites et monuments historiques (UNESCO) Laboratoire Recherche Monuments 4,000 Algeria; Assistance ~ la plaoification et la Historiques formation du personnel charge de la sauvegarde dee sites et monuments hietoriques (UNESCO) CATSA-CON~A 217,100 Bolivia; Interconneetion of Electrical Systems (GVT) Dr. O.Grau 8,000 Regional (Latin America); Regional Programme Universidad de la Plata Post Graduate Training in Biological bciences (Latin America) (UNESCO) Instituto ArBeatino de SiderurKia 65,000 Srazil; Assistance in the Field of Standardization, Quality Control and Quality Certification of Iron and Steel (UNIDO) Latinooonsult B.A. 236,485 Bolivia; Admiuistraci6n para el Deearrollo (UNDP) Australia Australian Academy of Science 40,000 Ioterregional; XII International Botanical Congress (UNDP) Horrigan, Wilkinson and Associates 188,048 Thailand; Technical bupport for Regional Cities Development Programme (GVT) MPWPry, Ltd. 37,000 Nepal; Feasibility Study for Co.sand Area Development Project (A~DB) W. D. SCott 475,000 Indonesia; Development of Local Consulting. Services (World Bank) W. D. Scott and Co. 30,000 Philippines; Export Promotion (UNCTAD) Sinclair, Knight and Partners 969,538 Thailand; Technical Support for Regional Cities Development Programme (GVT) Wilkinson Match Company 60,000 Samoa: Assistance to the Western ~amoa ~atch Factory (GVT) Austria LKT-TGM 7,500 Egypt; Plastics Development Centre (UNIDO) Minerelogisch - Tetrographische Abt 8,677 Greece; Exploration for Uranium in Central and Natural History Musema Eastern Macedonia and Thrace (IAEA) VEW 4,004 gwanda; Construction et Miee en Route d’une gaffinerie de Pyrethre (UNIDO) Bahrain Ministry of Labour and 33,340 Bahrain; Project Unidentified (ECWA) Social Affairs AIBD 131,000 Sangladeeh; Assistance to Sroadcaeting Development (UNESCO) Bismilleh Enterprise, Dacca 34,981 Bangladesh; Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation Training Programme for Mechanics and Drivers (ILO~ Centre for Day. Studies 8,649 Sangladesh; National Physical Planning (UNCIL~) Intn’l Centre for Diarrhoeal 950,000 Global; Assistance to the International Centre Disease Keseernh for Diarrhoeal Disease Research (UNDP) John Wyckhems Associates 207,000 Bangladesh; Assistance to the bangladesh Shilpakala Academy for Theatre, Museum and Gallery Design (UNESCO) ~/ Includes new subcomtracts awarded io 1981 only. DPIIO82/61Add. h Enflleh P~e 3 Table 2 (continued) UNDP: Subcontracts awarded~ by contractors’ headquarters by nameI cost of contract a and project~ 1981 a/ Cost of Headquarters Contract Location, name and name of contractor (US dollars) and a~ency of project Louvain Catholic University 1,000 India: Mineral Exploration and Development in Keralce tUN) Musee Royale d’Afrique Central 1,625 Burundi: Recherches Minieres, Phase III tUN) Benin Direction de l’Hydraulique 30,000 Benin: Coordination du Plan National d’Approvisionnement en Eau du Milieu Rural tUN) Laboratoire de l’Obemines 11,555 Mall; Prospection de la Region Aurif~re de la Bagoe tUN) Univ. Nat. Du Benin 9,855 Benin: Renforcement de la Soniah et Developpement des Ressources Hydroagricoles du B~nin (FAD) Bolivia CATSA-CONSA 217,100 Bolivia: Interconnection of Electrical Systems (GVT) Dr. L. F. Hartmann 8,000 Regional (Latin America); Regional Progralmme CONDECIB, La Paz Post Graduate Training in Biological Sciences (Latin America) [UNESCO) Jorge Ruiz 3,500 (Bolivia): Centro Experimental para Procesamiento Industrial de la Quinua (FAD) Brazil Dr. S. Dietrich 8,000 Regional (Latin America): Regional Programme Instituto de Botanica, ~ao Paulo Post Graduate Training in Biological Sciences (Latin America) (UNESCO) Instituto Estudios Poll4ticos y Sociales 5,000 Regional (Latin America); Investigaciones sobre las relaciones econ6micas internacionales (ECLA) Instituto de Pesqulsas Teenol6~leas 50,000 TCDC/Brazil (UNDP) National Council for Scientific and 49,000 Brazil; Strengthening of Research Institutions Technological Development Concerned with the Study of Science and Technology Policies (UNESCO) Ministry of Transport General 24,000 Regional (Europe): Trans-European North-South Road Administation Sofia Motorway (TEM) (ECE) Canada Agrodev Canada Inc. 6,390 Mexico: Technical Assistance in Agricultural Planning (UNDP) 9,688 Egypt: Asswan Regional Development Planning (UNDP~ Aviation Planning Services 250,847 Pakistan: Long-range Perspective Development Plan for Civil Aviation (ICAO) Bobrow, Fieldman and Associates 1,702 Regional (Africa): Appui Institutionel l’Institut du Sahel (UNDP) it 14,140 Guinea: Assistance au Gouvernement dane son Programme d’Habitat Destine au Personnel International (UNDP) Capital Air Surveys 653,454 Bangladesh; Applied Remote Sensing Technology (Phase II) (FA0) 107,145 Bangladesh: Assistance to the Forestry Sector (FAD) Bondar Clegg and Co. 1,462 Surundi; Recherches Minieres, Phase IIl tUN) 4.056 Rwanda: Recherches Minieres Detaillees (UN) a/ Includes new subcontracts awarded in 1981 only. DP/!982/61Add. h English Pa~e h Table 2 (continued) UNDP: Subcontracts awarded t by contractors’ headquarters by name, cost of contractt and project~ 1981 a/ Cost of Headquarters Contract Location, name and name of contractor (US dollars) and a~ency of project Canada (cont’d) Dominion Engineering 3,146 Cuba: Research and Development Centre for Industrialization of Bagasse (UNDP) Paul Egli Inc. 15,000 Togo: MiniatUre du Plan pour la Mise au Point d’un Project d’am~nagement Hydro-Agricole de la Vallee de l’Anie Superieure (UNDP) Exploranium 8,720 Mauritania: Prospection Geophysique Aeroporte de la Partie Centrale des Mauritanides (UN) International Logistics and 55,000 United Republic of Cameroon: Planification des Transportation Ltd. Transports [UN) Institut National de Recherchere 5,938 Egypt: Asswan Regional Development Planning Scient ifique (UNOP) Lavalin 32,720 Guatemala: Diagnostic Study of Flood Control Problem of Lake Peten-ltza [UNDP) McGraw Edison Co. 100,739 Equatorial Guinea: Emergency Assistance in Electricity Sector (UNDP) Price War erhouse 1,160,000 Bolivia: Reorganization
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