Parish Organizations Active in the Last Year, Frequency of Meeting as Reported in the Annual Pastoral Report, 2014 FS # Parish PPA: 100 2040 St. Charles Borromeo ALTAR SOCIETY - WEEKLY BOY SCOUTS WEEKLY CUB SCOUTS WEEKLY WOMENS CLUB - MONTHLY HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION - 2 times a year RCIA - WEEKLY in two languages CYO ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD MEETINGS - MONTHLY CHOIR - WEEKLY INTERCESSORY PRAYER GROUP - WEEKLY meeting in Eng and Sp CCD ACTIVITIES - WEEKLY ALTAR SERVERS - WEEKLY BINGO - TWICE A WEEK SAFE ENVIORNMENT TRAINING - VARIES AS NEEDED SPECIAL NEEDS BASKETBALL - IN SEASON HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE SUNDAY - MONTHLY Legion of Mary 2045 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Youth Choir weekly Ushers weekly Seton Hall Seniors weekly RCIA weekly Parish Pastoral Council monthly Liturgy Committee monthly Lector Ministry weekly Project Hope as needed Greeters weekly Finance Committee monthly Eucharistic Ministers weekly Eucharistic Adoration Society daily CYO Elementary year long Altar Society weekly Altar Servers weekly Adult Choir weekly Hospitality Ministry weekly St. John`s Hospice monthly Christmas Giving Tree yearly Aid for Friends monthly Social Justice Committee SEAS Women`s Club monthly 2050 St. Ephrem Pre-Cana Program - team meetings are held monthly. Programs are held twice a year - Spring and Fall. Home and School Association - six times a year. Girl Scouts - weekly CYO Youth/Teen Groups - weekly. CYO All Sports - monthly. CYO Sports Board - monthly Catholic Daughters - monthly. Boy Scouts - weekly. Bereavement Committee - monthly. Bereavement Ministry - bi-annually. Parish Outreach Group - every month Cancer Support Group - monthly. Aid for Friends - as needed. Red Cross Bloodmobile - bi-annually. Committee for Persons with Disabilities - no formal meeting. Adopt a Grandparent - no formal meeting. Pro-Life Group - monthly. Finance and Pastoral Council - every other month. 2055 Our Lady of Fatima RCIA in Eng and RCIA in Spanish - weekly Prayer Group in Eng and Prayer Group in Spanish - weekly Legion of Mary - weekly Youth Ministry - twice a month on Sundays CCD/PREP - weekly Adoration Committee - Monthly Cursillo (Ultreya) - weekly Filipino Paryer Group - weekly Scouts - weekly 2085 St. Ann Knights of Columbus #906; Secular Order of the Most Holy Trinity; Sowers of the Seed Prayer Group. 2090 St. Mark School Advisory Board 6 X`s year Parish Pastoral Council 4 X`s a year Parish Financial Committee 3 X`s year Catholic Daughters of the Americas - monthly Report Date: 10/06/15 Page 1 p:\user\rp\info\reports\(currentyear)\p146.pdf Parish Organizations Active in the Last Year, Frequency of Meeting as Reported in the Annual Pastoral Report, 2014 FS # Parish Sodality of BVM - monthly Youth Group - Monthly Spanish Holy Name Society - monthly Men of St. Mark - 2 times annually Marketing Committee 6 X`s year Hospitality Sunday - Monthly Paschal Meal Committee - 3 x`s Annually Little Cubs Club - Monthly Stewardship Club Monthly or as needed 2230 St. Thomas Aquinas Christmas Bazaar - Annual Sunday Social - Monthly Market Day - Monthly Human Rosary - Annual Senior Citizens - weekly Christmas Giving Tree - Annual Separated and Divorced Catholics Support Group Monthly CYO - Seasonally Knights of Columbus - Monthly Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus - Monthly PPA: 110 2310 St. Frances Cabrini Pre-Jordan, weekly Adult and Youth Choirs, weekly Leader of Song, periodically Regional CYO, monthly Respect Life, every other month Men`s Association, monthly Youth Ministry, monthly Teen Ministry, monthly Sodality, weekly Men`s Prayer Group, bi-monthly 2315 St. Joseph the Worker Sodality, wkly Choir, wkly Boy Scouts, wkly Bingo Volunteers, wkly 2435 Immaculate Conception Adult choir and Hispanic Choir - weekly; youth group and teen group. 2440 St. Michael the Archangel 1. Monthly - St. Vincent de Paul, Parish Pastoral Council, Finance Committee, Bereavement Committee,Athletic Assoc.K of C. Squires, Kof C Ladies Aux. H,H,H(Healing,Hooks,Hugs) 2. Weekly - Sodality, Respect Life,Legion of Mary, RCIA,Cub, Boy Scouts,CCD, Choir,Knights of Columbus, Euch. Ministers, Lectors 3. Daily - Rosary, School Volunteers 4. Annuually - Soccer, Basketball,football,Track, Church Decorating, Fair Committee, J.O.Y. 2445 Queen of the Universe Report Date: 10/06/15 Page 2 p:\user\rp\info\reports\(currentyear)\p146.pdf Parish Organizations Active in the Last Year, Frequency of Meeting as Reported in the Annual Pastoral Report, 2014 FS # Parish Thursday Adoration and Benediction - weekly First Saturday of the month Parish Rosary - monthly Pre Cana 2x`s year Cub, Boy and Girl Scouts - weekly Aid for Friends Food - weekly Mary`s Cupboard Food - monthly Liturgical ministers meeting - yearly Communion to the shut-ins - weekly Communion to the nursing home - weekly Parents of disabled children - monthly New altar server instruction and installation Charismatic prayer meeting - weekly Adult and youth cantors and choirs - weekly Health Ministry - monthly Hospitality for special events Bereavement Youth Group (JAM - Jesus and Me) Fundraising & Socials Baptismal team and formation - twice a month Scripture Study Installation of new extraordinary ministers and lectors. Greeters and ushers. Welcoming Committee Church Decorators - Seasonally Church Vestments and Linen Laundry - Weekly Men`s Gospel Group - Weekly Parking Committee - Weekly Church Cleaners - Weekly Knights of Columbus - Quarterly 2600 Our Lady of Grace RCIA - Weekly Adult Choir - weekly Children`s Choir - weekly Altar Servers - weekly Lectors - weekly Extraordinary Ministers - weekly Ushers - weekly Cantors - weekly Parent/child playgroup (Little Gators) - weekly Boy Scouts - weekly Girl Scouts - weekly Bible Study (daytime) - weeekly Report Date: 10/06/15 Page 3 p:\user\rp\info\reports\(currentyear)\p146.pdf Parish Organizations Active in the Last Year, Frequency of Meeting as Reported in the Annual Pastoral Report, 2014 FS # Parish Bible Study (evening) - weekly Teen Group (Upper Room) - weekly Scriptural Rosary - weekly Adoration - weekly Knitting Ministry (Graceful Hands) - weekly Senior Group - monthly Charismatic Prayer Group (Lamb of God) - monthly Young Adult Group (Credo) - monthly Holiday Outreach - monthly Book Club - monthly CYO Board - monthly Home & School Association - monthly PREP Board - monthly St. Monica - monthly Martin Luther King Day of Service - 5x per year Respect Life - 4x per year Finance Council - 4x per year Pre Cana two (spring/fall) 5 class sessions per year Prayer Chain - as needed Hospitality - as needed Greeters - as needed Decorating Committee - as needed Martha`s Helpers - as needed Bible Safari - annually CARES - daily per school calendar Welcome New Parishioners - 2x per year Bereavement Committee - 2x per year PPA: 120 2460 St. John the Evangelist Adoration Society - weekly Aid for Friends - daily Community Food Drive - monthly Bereavement Committee - as needed Faith in Action - as needed Hospitality Bakery Basket - monthly Men`s Faith Share - bimonthly Mothers of Young Children - monthly Prayer Network - daily Social Concerns - monthly Seton Society - monthly Women of the Word Prayer Group - monthly Report Date: 10/06/15 Page 4 p:\user\rp\info\reports\(currentyear)\p146.pdf Parish Organizations Active in the Last Year, Frequency of Meeting as Reported in the Annual Pastoral Report, 2014 FS # Parish Miraculous Medal Novena - weekly Parish Rosary - weekly World Apostolate of Prayer (Blue Army) - weekly Going Forward Prayer Group - monthly Divine Mercy Devotions - weekly Lectio Divina Prayer Group - weekly Knights of Columbus Liturgy Committee - 4 times/year Building and Grounds Committee - monthly Parish Finance Council - meets six times a year Parish Pastoral Council - meets nine times a year Junior High Youth Group - weekly High School Youth Group - weekly ENDOW Group- weekly Adult Faith Formation Committee - quarterly Bakery Basket - monthly 2500 Holy Trinity Senior citizens, monthly; Prayer Group, Weekly; Pastoral Council, 9 times/year; Parish nurses, Quarterly; Liturgy/worship committee, Quarterly; Knights of Columbus, Monthly; Home and School, Monthly; Finance Committee, Quarterly; Church Environment, Semi-annually; C.Y.O., Monthly; Adults and Children`s choirs, Weekly; School Advisory Council, Quarterly; Tuition Review Board, As needed; 2525 St. Andrew Aid for Friends - weekly Ancient Order of Hibernians - monthly Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts - weekly Choir: Adult, Youth, Cherub, Folk, Tone Chimes - weekly CYO - weekly Home & School - monthly Knights of Columbus & Auxiliary - monthly Liturgy Committee (staff) - monthly Marriage Encounter - semi-annually Mary`s Cupboard Food Collection - monthly Senior Fellowship - weekly Adopt A Family - yearly Marriage & Family Life - semi-annually Pre-Jordan - monthly Red Cross Blood Drive - 2-3 times annually Respect Life - monthly Youth Ministry - weekly Elizabeth Ministry - weekly Father`s Committee - weekly HOPE - weekly Report Date: 10/06/15 Page 5 p:\user\rp\info\reports\(currentyear)\p146.pdf Parish Organizations Active in the Last Year, Frequency of Meeting as Reported in the Annual Pastoral Report, 2014 FS # Parish PreCana - 2 time annually Pre Jordan - monthly Small Faith Groups - weekly Men`s Adult Basketball - weekly StArt (St. Andrew Response Team) - committee response to emergencies and to coordinate dispersement of money and other assistance to needy people in and outside our parish. Altar Servers - weekly Children`s Liturgy of the Word - weekly Extraordinary Ministers - weekly FOCCUS Team - monthly Lending Library - annually
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