Boreham Village MDaecgemaber z201i8 ne Fr om B udd y garde ning to f ly- ing solo, Your Gard ening Ange l wil l br eathe li fe ba ck into tired gard en s. Ne ed gard en ing insp i- ra tion o r ma npowe r? I’ m here to hel p! Bor eha m bas ed. Ref erenc es ava il able on requ est . JJuusustustitininene AAtAttAtteAtterAtterbAtterbuAtterburAtterburyt terbur y 00777777575533 6118646118661186116161186 4 / 012450124012010124 5 46720046720467246746467 200 2 Boreham Village Magazine Enquiries to Justine Atterbury [email protected] 01245 469941 STOP PRESS Hold the dates for: Play in the Park 2019 with lots of new fun activities for the children 9 April, 6 August, 14 August. Boreham walks 2019 28 April, 2 June, 7 July and 8 Septembe r This magazine is a representation of all of the great activities across Boreham. If your local organisation is not represented and you would like it to be, please contact the Parish Office [email protected] to discuss. BOREHAM PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: Clerk: Lisa Miller Assistant Clerk: Justine Atterbury Telephone: 01245 469941, Email: [email protected]; 3 PARISH COUNCIL NEWS From the Chairman, John Galley in resolving local issues within the village, the parish council has vacancies, please contact the Clerk or a member of the council for further details. It could be you! Parish Councillors voted unanimously to fund a Community Special Constable for Boreham. The funding is in place for this voluntary role (expenses are paid), we just need the We were saddened to hear that Terry right candidate to apply. Anderson the Editor of the Boreham Be a Community Special Constable in Village Magazine had suddenly Boreham. A Boreham Community passed away earlier this year. Terry Special Constable will: Be integrated into a Community Policing Team worked tirelessly co-ordinating Start and end their duty as close to contributions, editing and producing their community as possible, the magazine over many years. He potentially from another agency’s was instrumental in developing its premises new and current format. Spend the majority of their time within It has been almost impossible to fill his the council area’s neighbourhoods. shoes, but we are delighted to finally Be visible and accessible in local have the magazine up and running communities on uniformed, foot or again. cycle patrol. It seems that change is inevitable and Help address local issues and we have once again seen a change of priorities as informed by the local parish councillors. We were sad to council and police intelligence-led say goodbye to Suzanne Harris, who tasking. Patrol hot spots identified through intelligence or which have stepped down in January 2018, but been deemed to be priority areas. delighted to welcome Daniela Crick, Respond to police-related incidents previously the Minute Secretary for within the council area. the Parish Council who has been co- Engage with local communities and opted as a parish councillor in April support further recruitment of 2018. Specials. If you would like to get more involved 4 Attend suitable local council meetings people to be vigilant in helping to where available to do so. Have regard prevent the few who spoil things for to the Council’s aims and objectives in the many. their voluntary service. So if you’re interested in really looking after your A final plea to dog owners. Many are little piece of the world please submit responsible and clear up after their an application to Essex Police or dogs and dispose at home or in the contact the Parish Office for further dog bins which are located throughout information. Boreham would love to the village. Despite this there are still have you as part of their community owners who persistently do not clean team and we’d love to help you keep up after their dogs, or clear it up and your area safe. leave the bags of poop on the side for others to pick up. The parish office Keeping fit in Boreham have free poop bags available on The outdoor gym equipment in the request, and there is a dispenser Recreation Ground has been up and located in the Village Hall car park, running for a couple of years now. next to the Recreation Ground, no Boreham Parish Council have been excuse, please pick it up! We have invited to use the Proludic Sports App also invested in upgrading the worn to assist users of the equipment. This out poop bins and these will be is a free application which can be installed shortly. used on smartphones and helps you to track your fitness progress using Parish Walks Chris Andrews, The Public Right of the outdoor gym equipment. Details Way Representative for Boreham has are available either on the outdoor once again led a series of walks gym equipment or the Parish Office. around the footpaths in Boreham. Fancy a game of tennis? The Parish Each of the walks were up to 2 hours Council will shortly be installing an long, followed by tea and cake at the outdoor table tennis table in the Village Hall. This year the walks Recreation Ground for everyone to ranged from Paper Mill Lock to off the use. Waltham Road. The walks are a great opportunity to explore the countryside Keeping Boreham Tidy in Boreham, and for us to ensure that Our Village Attendants Lester, Phil the footpaths continue to be used. and Kieran work tirelessly to keep the HOT OFF THE PRESS - Dates for village free from rubbish. They carry 2019 are – 28 April, 2 June, 7 July and our weekday patrols to pick up mess 8 September. Further details will be that others have left behind. We have announced on the Boreham Parish received a number of notifications Council website nearer the time. regarding waste and vandalism at Chase Field in particular over the past couple of months and would ask 5 Butler Trust Applications For adults, and receiving their education University Students and School away from home. It was agreed that, Children as long as these students had parents Applications are welcomed from living in Little Baddow and Boreham, parents/guardians of children living in they were entitled to apply for grants Little Baddow or Boreham who are at from the Trust in their own right. Primary or Secondary School, or from The trustees continue to meet three students in full-time higher or further times during the year and make small education whose parents still live in educational grants to young people in these villages. Whilst everyone is Little Baddow and Boreham. welcome to apply, we particularly Boreham representatives are Cllr encourage applications from those on Gillian Cooch and Cllr Charlotte lower incomes. History of The Butler Perrin. Details can be found on the Foundation The Butler Charity School Boreham Parish Council website was founded under the will of Edmund www.borehamparish council.co.uk. Butler, a non-conformist, in 1717, who left land in trust for educating and providing clothes for poor boys and General Information girls living in Little Baddow and Please note that Boreham Parish Boreham. Council Facebook page is for During the nineteenth century the information only, all comments will be Trust paid for the Little Baddow removed on a regular basis. A children to be taught alongside those private message will be sent to at the British School, set up by the anyone who comments on the page Congregational chapel. The school to advise them that their comments building later became the original are being removed. If you have any Memorial Hall. comments or questions regarding The first Board of Education scheme anything on the Facebook page, for the Butler Educational Foundation please email the Parish Clerk on was dated 20th October 1909. There [email protected]. were to be nine trustees, two appointed by Essex County Council, Boreham School Christmas two by Boreham Parish Council, two Competition to design the front by Little Baddow Parish Council and cover of the December Newsletter. three co-opted. The Parish Council are delighted that The Butler Trust has incorporated the children of Boreham Primary various changes over the years to School have once again picked up the reflect the educational needs of young colouring pencils to design the front people. In 1985 trustees addressed cover of the newsletter. As in previous the changing situation of Further Education. Increasing numbers of years the standards were extremely young people were going on to high and the parish councillors had a university and college. Students were real challenge to decide on a winner. over the age of eighteen, technically 6 Cllr Daniela Crick awarding the book tokens for the winning entries. This year’s winners were: As a lot of you will have seen, Lester, 1st Place (and displayed on the front Kieran, Phil and myself were able to cover of the magazine) – Harriet Rush paint the fence around the play area (right) at the back of the Village Hall. I was also asked if I could tidy up the car 2nd Runner up – Alicia Fairmaner park and the area surrounding the (left) Village Hall, which I have been able to do. I hope that you have been able to 3rd Runner up – Jack Bray (centre) see what a difference it has made. I look forward to seeing some of you We would like to thank the staff at over the next few months as I get back Boreham Primary School for their to doing some work along the Main ongoing support in organising the Road. competition. If anybody in the village would like to volunteer and help me starting in the Update from David Stocks, the Spring, please let the Parish Office Parish Council Village Volunteer know.
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