CHARTER REPORT -2017 PROSPECTUSES Type of Aircraft # Charter Operator* Carrier* Origin Destination Beginning Date Ending Date Remarks/Indirect Carriers Total No. Of Flights oft sts International Jet Aviation Services 17-001 MEMBERJETS (air taxi) APA OJC-PHX 1/30/2017 2/1/1/17 43 Learjet 35 w/6sts 17-002 Sports & Entertainment Travel Miami Air International BHM-PIE PIE-BHM 1/7/2017 1/10/2017 Alabama CFP Fan Charter 1 737-800 w/168sts Boeing 737 w/143 17-003 Backpacker Tours Southwest Airlines BTR-HDN GJT 2/25/2017 3/4/2017 8 sts 737-800 w/175 17-004 PrimeSport Southwest Airlines GST TPA 1/7/2017 1/10/2017 CFP National Championship 2 sts MD-83 w/162 sts x 2 for a total of 324 17-005 Earthbound Adventures Allegiant Air GSP-PIE-BHM PIE-GSP-MOB 1/7/2017 31/10/17 CFP National Championship 2 sts engaged 17-006 Sports & Entertainment Travel Xtra Airways BHM-TPA TPA-BHM 1/9/2017 1/10/2017 Alabama CFP Fan Charter 2 737-800 w/168sts MD-83 w/162 sts x 2 for a total of 324 17-007 Sports & Entertainment Travel Southwest Airlines EWR-GRB GRB-EWR 1/6/2017 1/8/2017 New York Giants/Green Bay 1 sts engaged 17-008 Total Sports Travel Allegiant Air BHM-SFB-PIE SFB-BHM-PIE 1/7/2017 1/10/2017 3 MD-83 w/164 sts Learket 45XR 17-009 JetSmarter Aviation Advisor (air taxi) KPWK FLL 2/13/2017 5/20/2017 3 w/9 sts 1 6/15/2017 CHARTER REPORT -2017 PROSPECTUSES Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the MN Airlines dba Sun Country 17-010 Dakotas Airlines MSP DCA 4/4/2017 4/14/2017 1 737-800 w/162sts PCJ Aviation dba Pacific Coast Jet Citation CJ3 17-011 JetSmarter (air taxi) SFO FLL 2/13/2017 2/13/2017 1 w/7 sts Aeroenlaces Nacionales SA De CV Airbus A320-200 17-012 Barron Travel dba Viva AeroBus SJU CUL 1/31/2017 2/8/2017 1 w/180 sts Eastern Air Lines Group Trans Royale Corp dba One cancelled all flights due to 17-013 Guyana Air Travel Eastern Airlines Group JFK-FLL GEO 5/2/2017 4/28/2018 charterer's default 461 737/800 w/155sts (2) 737-300 w/143 17-014 Anthony Travel Southwest Airlines BOS-PIT-ATL-etc HOU 2/3/2017 2/6/2017 Super Bowl 1 sts ea. 17-015 TCS & Starquest Expeditions TAG Aviation (UK) Limited SEA-ITM-MLE-etc ITM-DAD-MLE-etc 9/15/2018 10/18/2018 Around the World 1 B757 w/52 sts 17-016 TCS & Starquest Expeditions TAG Aviation (UK) Limited KOA-PPT-SYD-etcc PPT-SYD-DPS-etc 3/4/2018 3/23/2018 Around the World 1 B757 w/52 sts 17-017 TCS & Starquest Expeditions TAG Aviation (UK) Limited SEA-PKC-IKT-etc PKC-VVO-ULN-etc 6/19/2018 7/9/2018 Around the World 1 B757 w/52 sts Eastern Airlines/Eastern Air Lines B-737-800 17-018 ViajeHoy, LLC dba HavanaAir Group Inc. MIA HAV-TPA-HOG-etc 2/1/2017 1/31/2018 1093 w/174 sts Western Air Charter dba Jet Edge Gulfstream 200 17-019 JetSmarter (air taxi) VNY SFO 2/13/2017 7/31/2017 237 w/10 sts 2 6/15/2017 CHARTER REPORT -2017 PROSPECTUSES Dolphin Atlantic dba Gold Aviation 17-020 JetSmarter Services (air taxi) MIA LGA 2/17/2017 6/27/2017 7 Learjet 70 w/7sts 17-021 TCS & Starquest Expeditions TAG Aviation (UK) Limited SEA-ITM-DAD-etc ITM-DAD-IFN-etc 1/20/2018 2/9/2018 Around the World 1 B757 w/52 sts 17-022 TCS & Starquest Expeditions TAG Aviation (UK) Limited SEA-ITM-ULN-etc ITM-ULN-IKT 7/13/2018 8/1/2018 Around the World 1 B757 w/80 sts Anthony Travel Air 17-023 Planning (co-charterer) Miami Air International BOS-HOU HOU-BOS 2/5/2017 2/6/2017 2 737-400 w/68 sts Cittation Excel 17-024 JetSmarter Delta Private Jets (air taxi) FLL TEB 2/13/2017 2/13/2017 1 w/8 sts Hawker 4000 17-025 Wheels Up Partners Talon Air (air taxi) HPN OPF 2/3/2017 3/517 Airport and Time Change 5 w/8 sts Dornier 328 Jet w/30 sts Ultimate JETCHARTERS Ultimate JETCHARTERS dba Embraer 135 Jet 17-026 Public Charters (co-charterer) Ultimate Air Shuttle (commuter) LUK PDK 3/20/2017 3/19/2018 250 w/30 sts Boeing 737-400 17-027 Caesars Enterprise Services TEM Enterises dba Xtra Airways CMH-TOL-PGY-etc ACY 5/3/2017 12/28/2017 200 w/150 sts Ultimate JETCHARTERS dba Dornier 328 Jet 17-028 Caesars Enterprise Services Ultimate Air Shuttle (commuter) FRG ACY 5/1/2017 9/30/2017 157 w/30 sts CRJ200w/50sts 17-029 Caesars Enterprise Services Elite Airways (air taxi) SFB-LGB-CAE-etc GPT-IFP-RNO 5/1/2017 12/26/2017 802 CRJ700w/70sts 3 6/15/2017 CHARTER REPORT -2017 PROSPECTUSES Boeing 737-800 17-030 Xtreme Brands Miami Air International DTW-PVR-PIT-etc PVR-DTW-PIT-etc 2/25/2017 3/26/2017 39 w/168 sts 17-031 Turismo Tony Perez Swift Air PSE-BQN-SJU PUJ-MCO 6/10/2017 1/10/2018 38 737-400w/150sts B737-400 17-032 Holiday Express Southwest Airlines PHL MCO 3/4/2017 4/25/2017 30 w/4 one ways w/150 sts StudentCity.com 17-033 dba GradCity.com TEM Enterises dba Xtra Airways PHL NAS 3/5/2017 3/10/2017 1 C2088 Cessna Nealco Air Charter Grand Caravan 17-034 Exuma Cays Travel dba Watermakers Air (air taxi) FXE SAQ-CCZ-ELH-etc 8/1/2017 7/31/2018 72 w/8 sts M7Fairchildw/19 st//EmbraerEMB Key Lime Air dba Denver Air 120w/30sts/ Dornier 328- 17-035 Charter Alliance Group (commuter) APA-GJT-SHR-etc GJT-BJC-RIW-etc 7/2/2017 6/24/2018 919 300Jetw/30sts 17-036 JetSmarter Steelman Aviation (air taxi) KLAS FLL 3/21/2017 3/21/2017 3 Pilatus w/8 sts MN Airlines dba Sun Country Boeing 737-800 17-037 Rustad Tours Airlines PHL MSP 6/17/2017 6/17/2017 1 w/162 sts 17-038 JetSmarter Presidential Aviation (air taxi) FLL TEB 3/14/2017 6/25/2017 48 Learjet 60w/7 sts Anthony Travel Air 17-039 Planning (co-charterer) Miami Air International ATL-ORD ORD-ATL 9/8/2017 9/10/2017 1 737-800 w/168sts 4 6/15/2017 CHARTER REPORT -2017 PROSPECTUSES Dornier 328 Jet w/30 sts Ultimate JETCHARTERS Embraer 135 Jet 17-040 Public Charters (co-charterer) Ultimate JETCHARTERS LUK MMU 5/31/2017 5/30/2018 298 w/30 sts Boomerang dba Boomerang Jet Cessna 421 17-041 JetSmarter Charter (air taxi) KSGJ FLL 3/24/2017 7/5/2017 121 w/5 sts Arubaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij Airbus 320 17-042 Gulfstream Air Charter dba Aruba Airlines MIA HAV-SNU 3/1/2017 9/30/2017 289 2/150 sts Hawker 400XP 17-043 JetSmarter Executive Air Services (air taxi) OPF TEB 4/23/2017 7/31/2017 76 w/7 sts 17-044 TCS & Starquest Expeditions Thomson Airways Limited DCA-LIM-PC-etc LIM-IPC-APW-etc 10/2/2017 10/18/2017 Around the World 1 B757 w/80 sts 17-045 TCS & Starquest Expeditions Thomson Airways Limited FLL-LIM-IPC-etc LIM-IPC-APW-etc 9/28/2018 10/19/2018 Around the World 1 B757 w/80 sts 17-046 TCS & Starquest Expeditions Thomson Airways Limited STB-LIM-IPC-etc LIM-IPC-APW-etc 1/24/2018 2/15/2018 Around the World 1 B757 w/80 sts Hawker 4000 17-047 Wheels Up Partners Talon Air (air taxi) KFXE KHPN 3/17/2017 12/17/2017 20 w/8 sts B767-200 w/218 sts Boyd Travel dba Vacations or B767- 17-048 Hawaii Omni Air International HNL HNL 10/18/2017 4/17/2018 4 300 w/273 sts Dornier 328 Jet Ultimate JETCHARTERS dba w/30 sts Ultimate Air Shuttle/Public Charters Ultimate JETCHARTERS dba Embraer 135 Jet 17-049 dba Regional Sky Ultimate Air Shuttle (commuter) LUK MDW 6/6/2017 6/5/2018 500 w/30 sts 5 6/15/2017 CHARTER REPORT -2017 PROSPECTUSES Dornier 328 Jet Ultimate JETCHARTERS dba w/30 sts Ultimate Air Shuttle/Public Charters Ultimate JETCHARTERS dba Embraer 135 Jet 17-050 dba Regional Sky Ultimate Air Shuttle (commuter) LUK CLT 6/20/2017 6/19/2018 500 w/30 sts Boeing 737-800 17-051 RISA TRAVEL Miami Air International MIA PUJ 6/24/2017 8/5/2017 6 w/168 sts TEM Enterprises dba XTRA Boeing 737-400 17-052 RISA TRAVEL Airways MIA PUJ 6/10/2017 8/13/2017 18 w/150 sts A319 w/153 sts or 17-053 Anthony Travel/Air Planning Allegiant Air RDU-MCI-ACT PHX 3/23/2017 3/26/2017 6 MD w/163 sts KLAS-KBUR-KCCR- Embraer EMB- 17-054 JetSuiteX Delux Public Charter (commuter) KBUR-KLAS-KCCR-etc etc 4/1/2017 7/31/2017 1670 135 w/30 sts 737-700 17-055 PrimeSport Soiuthwest Airlines CAE-PHX PHX-CAE 3/31/2017 4/4/2017 Final Four 3 w/143pax Learjet 60 w/6 17-056 JetSmarter Aero Jet Services (air taxi) SDL FLL 4/14/2017 4/14/2017 1 sts Gulfstream 450 17-057 Wheels Up Partners White Cloud Charter (air taxi) KHPN-KAGS KAGS-KHPN 4/6/2017 4/7/2017 2 w/40 sts University of Tennessee West Boeing 737-800 17-058 Institute for Cancer Research Miami Air International MEM AGS 4/4/2017 4/4/2017 1 w/168 sts Being 747-481 17-059 Sonair USA Atlas Air IAH-LAD LAD-IAH 4/3/2017 8/29/2017 86 w/80 sts 6 6/15/2017 CHARTER REPORT -2017 PROSPECTUSES Caribbean Sun Airlines dba World 17-060 ViajeHoy dba HavanaAir Atlantic Airlines MIA HAV 4/7/2017 4/7/2017 1 MD 80 w/150 sts Embraer EMB- 17-061 IBC Travel dba IBC AIR IBC Airways (air taxi) FLL CAP 6/3/2017 9/6/2017 28 145 w/30 sts The Greensboro Area Chamber of Commerce/Air Planning (co- 17-062 charterer) Miami Air International GSO CMH 5/101/7 5/11/2017 2 737-400 w/150sts Citation Excel w/7 17-063 JetSmarter Priester Aviation (air taxi) PWK TEB 5/101/17 7/31/2017 17 sts Gulfstream IV 17-064 JetSmarter Trans-Exec Air Service (air taxi) KVNY KLAS 5/20/2017 5/20/2017 1 w/13 sts TEM Enterprises dba XTRA B-737-400 17-065 Vacation Tours Airways MIA PUJ 6/10/2017 8/12/2017 9 w/150 sts MLT Vacations CE 525A (Citation 17-066 dba Delta Private Jet Shuttle Delta Private Jets (air taxi) BUR-ATL LAS-CVG 5/26/2017 5/31/2017 2 CJ2) w/6 sts B737-400 w/150 sts B737-300 w/148 sts B737-800 17-067 Fyre Festival Swift Air MIA GTT 4/27/2017 5/8/2017 28 w/164 sts Tradewind Aviation Citation CJ3 17-068 JetSmarter (commuter) FLL TEB 5/20/2017 6/21/2017 12 w/7 sts A320 w/180Y sts Vacation Express USA, Inc.
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