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VOL. IVIV NO. NO .6 6 APRIL 3,3, 1981 VOL. IV NO. 6 Goy APRIL 3, 1981 M&M Dining Room Monday thru Friday 5 to 10:30 Dining Room Closed Saturday Sunday Brunch from 11 to 4:30 Dinner from 4:30 to 10:30 We Accept Visa and Master Charge 6'1 WISCONSIN'S GAY GUIDE TO ENTERTAINMENT I 266 EASTEAST ERIE STREET (414)(414) 273 --6900 69 0 0 tt•••MLNA••%MNIMNLIVIINIANN•%%%•VIM•ViMIM%V06.NM‘VV GA), MILWAUKEE 0 3 Gay Milwaukee I THIST illS WEEK'SW EEK'S COVERC OVE H Mao,l_h by A1,5,1141J"",,,, J, .1.IAxes I..-. ,. of. ithe ,/w we..... and"tOJspiNgiime. -"'-;IPf"..... lAdr111-'- /). "" .. 211._It we,. ''''' eTezersolhiniAir..' "'"..., ,." %reek......J,,/rdi"( is /v.kihr for:cardfw-• •..,1 t. th,Iwe aprarsiort,"'-"'t catt-cf.b.ors_,.,,(.A.r. ""'v.Aeasaa. This1"4,.,..,.,·" part-I/me.... made/.-'d tehdp.4ikrs_ ,.... balksNIIn and"oJ cyraroasiscs.If""_"h . ,an"'" helor gym..... exic"'}07'''(trin Je"" "ji"of er•to:ei.. ~,l elektad,~ h " iIr /IN she .••ower••' ,..,. ee"'" spiomingt¥'",,"t hit!I" ./weir"",." "armeeJu"""" at", a.. hate-uschaJ" ,,,~., "",-.. lAde.11.Ik. .IN " " ". hatA.t, his~'r.",... ,~ .., -I''''' """/"" .kuty—tad.If". 10111. damtI,_. hkard-hatred1JioI..I-.6J,,,,J am/.,,",, hmsrachionl.""'rI". ~ VOL. IV NO.NO . 6 - APRIL APR IL 3 -APRIL -APRIL 19. 19, 19811981 Gay Milwaukee". ~ *_.. _— PublishedPl/tlll......, by Ultrau n,. Ink.In•• Inc.I.... 14371_37 N.N. WellsW OO" St.,Sl, ChlChicagoo;ago ILIt 60610606 10 Telephones:Telephone " (414)l_ UJ 344-90303U·i030 oror (312)(312) 751-0132751·013 2 Coco-Publishers·Pu.......... Ralph~ ' f P " PaulP."' ·• Dan0.... Di0 , Leol."O 0 Marketing........"<19 ErinE"n Criss C"•• ProductionProduc.."" Mike""" Williams1'''11 ".., 0 Typesettingr''''''''''ng KarenK.,"" Tunerr"".. Senior&.0010' ColumnistCOl""'....' Jon-Henri· "'1 DamskiD.",.., a0 ColumnistColu""",t DonOM EricEno ContributorsCom_. PhilipPh",p ParksPo •' TornTom Salzieder5.,,_. -· AnthonyAn'nO<>\' Daniels0.._ CounselCouftMt RonaldFIon.'d J EhemannEt>e""''''' 0 AccountantAc_'" -.Joseph A.A Turek.Turo>, C Pp "A GayG., ..Milwaukee._ ... is.. p.obhpublished__ every,.,_F...., other FrItley.. •c 1981.l I11 . All..... rights<lgIl .. reserved._.-,P-'O_ol Publication of the name. photograph or likeness of any""'-- Individual,,~ organization or business In this"".~ publi- cation is not to be~ ......construed as an Indicellon of the sexual orientation.......... or preference of . ~ ... ... .--_.. ._-""""'.... ... - --"' I1 ............. _ ................ that___ individual, organization or business._Go._ Gay Milwaukee is distributed___ free__ through cur --""advertisers Deadline for ads_"'-_ or free messages is the --..Friday preceeding '--Friday publotat 4·t a❑ GALGAY MILWAUKEEMI LW AlTKEE Astrologay BY ANTHONY DANIELSDANIELS ARIES (Apr.(Apr. 22-May·May 21)-—YouYo u are are LIBRA (Sept. (Sep t. 24-o24-Oat.ct . 22)22)-—TheThe prpres-es­ goinggoing ttoo havehave ttoo make the the first move moveif if ssureure shouldsho uld eeasease sshortlyho rtly which wwillill yyouou want any any results.results, The The reactionreaction ggiveive yoyouu timetime to relaxrelax and take take carecare of will proveprove quite qu ite satisfying.satis fying a fewfew ootherther priority pr ior ity ititems.ems. TAURUS (Apr.( A pr. 2222-May·M ay 21) -—Look l o ok SCORPIOSCORPIO (Oct.(OCI. 2323-Nor.·Nov. 22)22)-—WhenWhen forwardfor ward to a challenging.challenging. but ququiteite ppushush cocomesmes ttoo shoveshove.. it is ggoingoing to rewardingrewarding ttaskask ahead.ahead . WhWhenen comcom-­ havehave ttoo be you who does the ppushing.ustunq pleted.pleted , youyou'll'll be on on ttop.o p. TreatTreat ththee sisituationtua tion gentlygently,, however.however. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-D ec. 22)­— GEMINIGEMI NI (Mey (Ma y 2222-June· June 21)—You',e21) - You'. e SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. Don't try to work tthehe anglesangles,, thethe best beenbeen through thisthi s situationsituation before.before Don't try to work approach isis oneone straighstraightt ahead.ahead . Pro-Pro­ It'sIr s up toto you you to makemake thethe outcomeou tcome approach differentdiff erent thisth is time.ti me ceedceed with haste.haste CAPRICORNCA PRICO RN (Dec.(Dec. 23-Jan.-Jan. 220)0)­— CANCERC A NCE R (June(June 2222--JulyJuly 23)You're23) Yo u' re Don'tDon 't trytry too herd.hard . It'sIrs time you you let tthehe going to have to make make somesome adjust- adjus t­ entireenti re situationsituatio n die downdown for fo r a brbriefief ments if yyouou want ttoo achieveachieve youryour period.peri od , TThenhen movemove cautiously. cau tiously. presentpresent Think Think aboutabout it. it AQUARIUSAQUA RIUS (Jan.(Ja n. 2121·-Feb. Feb . 19)19)-—GetGet LEOl EO (July(July 24 -Aug.-A ug. 23)23)-—TieT ie up thethe out of of your rut and stop stop feeling sorrysor ry toose ends withwit h some initiativeinitiative on loose ends torfor yourself. You have neve plenty plen ty to oiler. otte r. you r part. The receptionreception yoyouu receivereceiv e your part. You know it and so do othersothers. willwi ll be veveryry positive.positive PISCESPISCE S (Feb.(Feb. 20-Mer.20)—Relax.20-Mar. 20)-Aetax, the VIRGO (Aug.(Aug. 24-Sept..S epl. 23)23)-—AnAn OOKK VIRGO situation isis only a temporatemporaryry oneone. you with from you could provide you with Moods will change and when they, Look at the additional resources look at the things will be even better total picture.picture. however.however. ASSOCIATES INTERIOR AND FURNITURE DESIGNS phone (414) 769-0537 ~c;'" "-'f8 0660 .. 266 E. ErieEri e MilwaukeeMilwaukee tI' (414)(414) 273-6900 273-6900 celebratescelebnlte$ Jimmy'sJimmg'l birthdaybil',hdag Sunday,$undag, AprilApl'i1 12th12th fromII'0m 2p.m.2 p.m. toto 6p.m.6 p.m. freeFl'ee faptap beerbeel' and foodFood InIn appreciation forFor yourgour continued friendshipFriendfhip and supportfupport through the yeargear , age eleveg, wed one~ eleveneIoe'¥en west isis moremofe than a location.1oca11Ol'l. Owners MaryM ary Haugh and Char Amer.Amer, bar manager,manager, David Scholes.Scholes . and the staffstall have completelycom pl etely remodeledremodeled Going MyM y Way.Way. There are three dance floors,ecc-e. place place to to quietly Quietly enjoy cocktails,cocktails, a chic yetyet comfortablecomfortable decor,decor , and drsdj's every night 1to0 caznedazzle you wwithith the latestlatest musicmusiC and bestbest soundso und and lightlight system inin totown.wn . HelpHelp celebrate celeb rate April April 3 - 5,5. thethe firstfirst big weekend weekend oM ~ we4t afteratler reopening. reopening cute eleue4_4 _ _ war_ _ oneone eelevenleven westwesl -— fJI'tt, ~we4t bringing newnew age &vett wed excitemente,.;cl lemenl _,~A to10 the mite~ eieueft~ weawed Midwest'Midwes t' 111 WWestest Main 4pm-12:454pm-12:45 Madison.Madison. WI nightlynightly (608)(608) 256-4144 tP0 UNCLE VINTY WANTS YOU • • • FOR HIS FACTORY SUNDAY, APRIL 12 9:30 p.m. $3.00 COVER THE FACTORY'S LOADING DOCK DinnerDinner SpecialsSpecials all youyou canran eateat fromfrom Sp.5P. m.lII. \\Wednesday"l'dllesday -Spaghetti- Spag- hl'n i $395'3"" ThThursdayursday-Fried- Fried ChickenChic- ken $395s3 9 5 FridayFriday -- FishFish FryFry $450q 'iO Eat anclalt1lJ RunJRIUllt1l Ba111) allH Player'sP layer's SpecialS][J>ecial SaturdaysSaturdays at the the DiplomatDiplomat BreakfastBreakfast Specials from 9a.m.9a.m. to 3p.m.3 p. m. DinnerD inner ServedSeryed from 5p.5 p.mrn., 814H14 S.s. SECONDSECOXtl s-rREFTSTllEET IC o Gwv MILWAUK EE Medically Speaking BY DR. ROGER GREMMINGERGREMMINGER signs and symptoms symp toms of an an STD,STD , you can contact thethe individualindividual you hadhad sexsex with,with. TheyThey may be symptomless andand unless told may only spreadsprea d dis-dis ­ easeease further. fu rther. 2.2. TactfullyTactfully talk about health beforebefo re sexualsexua l activity begins. If the person jjustust got go t over hepatitis,hepatitis. make it a friend'sfriend 's encounter withoutwith out . You maymay be susceptible.susceptible 3.3. IfIf you go to bed,bed. undress inin a lightedligh ted area and casuallycasu all y inspectinspect your partner for growths,qrowths, sores, or - rashes,rashes. especiallyespe cially around the geni- gen i­ tals.tals. IfIf no reasonable explanationexplanation isis given,give n. postpone the encounter.encounter. HygieneHygien e 1.1. Gargling with hydrogen perox-perox­ ideide after sex may help prevent oral ThisThis week week II would likelik e to answer ans wer gonorrhea but this this has not beenbeen theth e questionqu est ion -—what w ha t can II do toto ecoven.proven . reduce my chance forfo r getting a dis- dis ­ 2.2. Washing the genitals beforebefore andand ease?ease? TheThe following is adoptedadopted from after sex isis recommendedrecommended by all theth e guidelinesgu i del in es developed by the authorities.authorities NationalNat ional Coalition of Gay SexuallySexua lly 3.3. UrinatingUrinating afteralter analana l insertiveins ertive TransmittedTransmitted DiseaseDisease Services (SOT).(SOT) intercourseinterco urse (fucking) (f uck ing) is is generally ge nerally YouYou may may not not findfind all the the suggestionssuggestions recommended.reco mmended. to bebe practicalpra ct ical forfor your particularparticular 4. Putting anti bioti cs. soaps,soaps , and Yet they they all all havehave meritmerit andand ifif 4. Putting antibiotics, other agents intothe the penis pen is beforebefo re youyou use use onlyonl y a few,fe w, youyou will still other agents into analan al insertiveinsertive intercourseintercourse has has not reduceredu ce youryou r risk.risk . beenbeen provenpro ven toto reduceredu ce riskrisk and may ma y Making FltatFirst ContactContact bebe harmful.harmful. 1.1. Always Alway s exchange exc hange youryo ur name name 5.S.U Usese only only unscentedunscented lubricantslubricants­— and telephone number.number. IfIf youyou developdevelop scentedscented products prod uct s can can causecause rectal recta l irritation.irr itation. M & M:71- 6. RectalRecta l douchingdo uchin g may may bebe aes-aes­ thetically pleasingpleasing but it isis not proven to prevent prevent diseasedi sease and may increase inc rease risk for for acquiring acq uiring hepatitishepatitis B.B.

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