J Am Board Fam Med: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.19.3.320 on 3 May 2006. Downloaded from Chronic Addiction to Dextromethorphan Cough Syrup: A Case Report Saili Desai, MBBS, Diana Aldea, MD, Elisabeth Daneels, DO, Manal Soliman, MD, Amy S. Braksmajer, MPH, and Colin P. Kopes-Kerr, MD, JD, MPH Background: Serious drug abuse and addiction related to dextromethorphan-containing cough prepara- tions has been a problem in the United States since the 1950s, but few physicians are aware of it. Physi- cians must be alert to the type of substances and quantities used and misused by patients in obtaining a thorough routine history of over-the-counter medication use. Methods: We describe the case of a 66-year-old clerical worker who ingested 4 to 16 oz of dextro- methorphan on a regular basis over an 8-year period. We consulted with our local Poison Control Cen- ter and undertook a literature search to research previous reports of similar cases to identify the fea- tures that would aid physicians in recognition and management of this problem. Results and Conclusion: Despite the availability of a substantial number of case reports in specialty journals, there are almost no reports in the primary care literature of chronic dextromethorphan addic- tion. Our case highlights the difficulties in making an appropriate diagnosis and in obtaining effective help for the patient. (J Am Board Fam Med 2006;19:320–3.) Dextromethorphan is readily available to the gen- had gone through alcohol detoxification programs eral public in the form of over-the-counter (OTC) on several occasions at multiple centers and finally cough and cold preparations. It is also a narcotic became abstinent in 1984, at the age of 46, after a agent that carries the potential for abuse, which has prolonged detoxification admission. been previously described in the literature. Our She remained free of addiction until she started case report suggests that chronic abuse of dextro- experiencing marital difficulties several years later. methorphan may be a more common form of sub- She found that dextromethorphan-containing stance abuse in primary care than is currently rec- cough syrup gave her euphoria similar to that of ognized. alcohol and distracted her from her personal prob- http://www.jabfm.org/ lems. She started to consume up to 4 oz of a Case Reports dextromethorphan-containing cough syrup on an Mrs. BB is a 66-year-old female with a medical occasional basis; this produced a “high” and at history of asthma, pulmonary embolism, upper gas- times made her lethargic. She usually went to a trointestinal bleeding, alcohol abuse, and depres- CVS drugstore and bought their brand containing sion who presented to a university hospital emer- 10 mg of dextromethorphan hydrobromide and on 26 September 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. gency department with a complaint of “trembling” 100 mg of guaifenesin per 5 mL along with glyc- that she attributed to her chronic, excessive use of erin, fructose corn syrup, and propylene glycol. dextromethorphan-containing cough syrups; she Gradually, she required more of the drug to stated that she believed she was going through an achieve the same effect and increased her consump- acute withdrawal reaction. She described herself as tion to 8 oz/day, eventually achieving a maximum “a recovering alcoholic.” She gave a 30-year history consumption of 16 oz/day at the time of admission, of heavy alcohol abuse that began in her teens. She which amounts to approximately 960 mg of dextro- methorphan. The patient stated that she intention- ally avoided products listed as containing alcohol. Submitted 27 June 2005; revised 2 October 2005; accepted In the clinic setting, she had mentioned this 5 October 2005. problem to her physician, who suggested that she From SUNY Stony Brook, Department of Family Medi- cine, Stony Brook, NY. call a drug rehabilitation facility, but she did not Conflict of interest: none declared. follow through. She had been hospitalized for Corresponding author: Colin P. Kopes-Kerr, MD, SUNY Stony Brook, 715 Brewster Drive, Port Jefferson, NY 11777 asthma on two prior occasions within the current (E-mail: [email protected]). year; she stated that her physicians failed to ad- 320 JABFM May–June 2006 Vol. 19 No. 3 http://www.jabfm.org J Am Board Fam Med: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.19.3.320 on 3 May 2006. Downloaded from dress her concerns about her excessive dextro- the-counter drug in 1956. The maximum recom- methorphan use even after she volunteered this mended daily dosage is approximately 120 mg/day. information. There have been anecdotal reports of cough syrup On presentation to the emergency department, abuse since this time. It is now included in more she reported that her last dose of dextromethor- than 75 nonprescription preparations and is avail- phan was 3 days before. She complained of abdom- able in concentrations of 5 to 15 mg/5 mL in inal pain, nausea, and one episode of vomiting on various sizes. The “extra strength” cough syrups, the previous day. She described the abdominal pain which contain up to 3 mg dextromethorphan per as sharp and epigastric in location. She also com- mL, appear to present a special hazard. plained of tremors in both hands, but denied any Dextromethorphan is a N-methyl-d-aspartate other neurological symptoms. She admitted to feel- (NMDA) receptor antagonist, which is actively be- ing depressed, dysphoric, and having trouble sleep- ing studied for use in treating neuropathic pain. ing. Her current medications included 81 mg/day Like PCP and ketamine, however, it can produce aspirin, albuterol inhalers (2 puffs qid prn), flutica- dissociative effects in higher doses (Ͼ240 mg).1 sone/salmeterol inhaled powder (250/50 bid), mon- Users describe a set of distinct dose-dependent teleukast (10 mg qd), pantoprazole (40 mg qd), and “plateaus” ranging from a mild stimulant effect supplemental calcium and vitamin D. with distorted visual perceptions at low doses On physical examination, she was alert, cooper- (around 120 mg) to a sense of complete dissociation ative, and in no acute distress. Her vital signs were from one’s body at doses of 10 oz or more. The 183/91 mm Hg, pulse 96 bpm, temperature 99oF, effects typically last for 6 hours. Recent literature and respirations 16. The only findings noted on suggests that heavy dextromethorphan use may examination were a mild coarse tremor of her out- produce phencyclidine (PCP)-like effects from the stretched hands and mild rhonchi throughout both metabolic conversion of dextromethorphan to its lung fields. immediate metabolite, dextrorthan, which acts At admission, she was put on a clinical institute like an NMDA receptor antagonist. These in- withdrawal assessment (CIWA) protocol to observe clude bizarre and hyperactive behavior, nystag- for signs of active withdrawal. She was given low- mus, ataxia, hallucinations, CNS depression, and a dose oral chlordiazepoxide to relieve symptoms of false-positive urine test for PCP.2 Dosages of 4 to “trembliness.” Her urine toxicology screen came 20 oz daily are required to produce the desired state back positive for phencyclidine (PCP), but this of inebriation. http://www.jabfm.org/ proved to be a false positive due to dextromethor- Problems with dextromethorphan had led to re- phan. Discharged 2 days later with a treatment strictions on the sale of a pure tablet form of the center referral, she was admitted to a detoxification drug (Romilar) in 1960. In 1990, the Utah State program. The treatment program consisted of a Board of Pharmacy started requiring that Robitussin 5-day hospitalization, during which she was treated DM be moved behind the counter, resulting in a with chlordiazepoxide and counseling sessions, and lower number of abuse cases reported. One survey on 26 September 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. 2 days of subsequent outpatient follow-up. She has conducted in the Utah Poison Control Center in been in recovery without relapse for the last 5 1999,3 however, identified a sharp rise in inten- months. tional dextromethorphan abuse, particularly among adolescents. A 1993 report reviewed prior reports of chronic dextromethorphan abuse; the authors Discussion added 2 adolescent cases of their own.4 Two fatal Unfamiliar with this pattern of use, we contacted cases were reported from Sweden, leading its gov- our Poison Control Center for a report on known ernment to restrict dextromethorphan’s availability toxicities and adverse effects of misuse. A review of to prescription only.5 the information they provided us, as well as pub- Descriptions of acute adverse clinical effects lished literature, revealed the following. from this chronic high dosage is afforded by at least Dextromethorphan, the dextro isomer of the 16 English-language case reports, which focus codeine analog of levorphanol, is a cough suppres- mainly on acute psychotic reactions.6 Chronic ef- sant ingredient first marketed as a prescription fects include recurrent mania from use of 100 to antitussive in the early 1950s; it became an over- 400 mL daily of dextromethorphan for up to 8 http://www.jabfm.org 321 J Am Board Fam Med: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.19.3.320 on 3 May 2006. Downloaded from years,7 intermittent euphoria,8and severe cognitive From a primary care standpoint, chronic addic- deterioration.9 Often, distinctions between acute tion to/abuse of non-prescription substances is dif- and chronic overdosage cannot be readily made, as ficult to diagnose and easily missed. The most prac- in the case of a 23-year old gentleman who pre- tical recommendation would be to complete a sented to an emergency department with acute in- thorough history of all non-prescription therapies toxication on top of chronic addiction.10 This sub- used for each patient.
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