THE LIFE AND IDEAS OF AN 18TH-CENTURY OTTOMAN BUREAUCRAT: SÜLEYMAN PENÂH EFENDİ AND HIS "ORDER OF THE CLIMES" by ERKİN BULUT Submitted to the Graduate School of Social Sciences in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts Sabancı University August 2020 THE LIFE AND IDEAS OF AN 18TH-CENTURY OTTOMAN BUREAUCRAT: SÜLEYMAN PENÂH EFENDİ AND HIS "ORDER OF THE CLIMES" Approved by: Assoc. Prof. Tülay Artan . (Thesis Supervisor) Asst. Prof. Yusuf Hakan Erdem . Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Mert Sunar . Date of Approval: August 10, 2020 ERKİN BULUT 2020 c All Rights Reserved ABSTRACT THE LIFE AND IDEAS OF AN 18TH-CENTURY OTTOMAN BUREAUCRAT: SÜLEYMAN PENÂH EFENDİ AND HIS "ORDER OF THE CLIMES" ERKİN BULUT HISTORY M.A. THESIS, AUGUST 2020 Thesis Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Tülay Artan Keywords: Süleyman Penâh Efendi, Ottoman reform literature, Ottoman modernization, Ottoman centralization, Ottoman mercantilism This thesis investigates the life and ideas of an 18th-century Ottoman bureaucrat Süleyman Penâh Efendi. Penâh Efendi was born in the Morea in 1722 and grown in the dynamic cultural atmosphere of the peninsula. He held various positions in the Ottoman state from the 1750s, mostly in the financial offices. In the Morea Rebellion of 1770, Penâh Efendi was present, and he wrote his memoirs during the rebellion in his History of the Morea Rebellion. During and after the Russo-Ottoman War 1768-1774, he held high posts in the bureaucracy, commissioned to the after-war diplomatic negotiations, and participated in numerous councils held in the capital following the Russian annexation of the Crimea. Shortly before his death, he wrote a treatise mentioned in this thesis as the Order of the Climes as an addendum to his history which reflects the contemporary Ottoman state’s pursuit of reform. He wrote his reform suggestions in the topics from military affairs and state finances, to the bureaucratic organization and center-province relations. In the second chapter of this thesis, this treatise was investigated, and his ideas were discussed. Taking his work as a modernization program, the thesis concludes that Penâh Efendi’s reforming ideas are targeting three main goals; centralization, interior expansion and mercantilism. The centralization was constituting the core of his reform program as all other issues were determined by it. iv ÖZET BİR 18’İNCİ YÜZYIL OSMANLI BÜROKRATININ YAŞAMI VE GÖRÜŞLERİ: SÜLEYMAN PENÂH EFENDİ VE "NİZÂM-I EKÂLİM’E DÂİR" RİSÂLESİ ERKİN BULUT TARİH YÜKSEK LİSANS TEZİ, AĞUSTOS 2020 Tez Danışmanı: Doç. Dr. Tülay Artan Anahtar Kelimeler: Süleyman Penah Efendi, Osmanlı reform yazını, Osmanlı modernleşmesi, Osmanlı merkezileşmesi, Osmanlı merkantilizmi Bu çalışma bir 18. yüzyıl Osmanlı bürokratı olan Süleyman Penah Efendi’nin hay- atını ve fikirlerini incelemektedir. Süleyman Penah Efendi 1722’de Mora’da doğmuş, Mora’nın dinamik kültürel ortamında büyümüş ve 1750’li yıllardan itibaren Osmanlı bürokrasisinde, ağırlıklı olarak maliye departmanında çeşitli görevler almıştır. 1770 yılında Mora’da gerçekleşen isyan sırasında orada kadar bulunmuş, hayati tehlike at- latmış, isyan süresince yaşadıklarını “Mora İhtilali Tarihçesi” adını verdiği verdiği bir eser altında kaleme almıştır. İsyanın ardından 1768-1784 Rus-Osmanlı Savaşı’nda ve devamında yüksek bürokratik görevler almış, savaş sonrası Rus ve Habsburg Avustu- rya’sı elçileriyle diplomatik görüşmelerde bulunmuştur. Rusya’nın Kırım’ı ilhakının ardından yapılan sayısız meşveret meclisinde dönemin saygın devlet adamlarından biri olarak yer almıştır, fikirlerini paylaşmıştır. Ölümünden hemen önce, kendisinin nizam-ı ekalime dair risale olarak andığı ancak isim vermeyip önceki Mora İhtilali Tarihçesi eserinin sonuna dahil ettiği ve Osmanlı devletinde askeriyeden maliyeye, taşra yönetiminden bürokratik teşkilata kadar yapılmasını önerdiği reformları içeren bir eser kaleme almıştır. Çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde Süleyman Penah Efendi’nin işbu risalesi incelenmiş, görüşleri yorumlanmıştır. Çalışmada Penah Efendi’nin es- eri bir modernleşme programı olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Penah Efendi’nin reform önerilerinin üç ana gündem altında toplandımaktadır. Bunlar; merkezileşme, içe dönük genişleme, ve merkantilizm olarak belirmektedir. Merkezileşme nosyonu Pe- nah Efendi’nin düşüncelerinin ana çekirdeğini oluşturmakta, diğer tüm başlıklar bir biçimde bu çekirdeğin etrafında biçimlenmektedir. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to express my special gratitude to my advisor Tülay Artan, for her great patience and unfading encouragement. During my research, she shared her scholarly insights and constructive criticism with me. She gave a great deal of her time for reading, discussing, and correcting the various parts of my thesis. Beyond that, she provided me with emotional support when I needed and showed her compassionate tolerance to me. I would like to also thank the members of my thesis jury, Hakan Erdem and Mehmet Mert Sunar for their immense contributions by reading my thesis and sharing their comments. I would like to thank faculty members of Sabancı University who contributed my learning process, namely Halil Berktay, Ferenc Csirkés, Ayşe Ozil, and Selçuk Akşin Somel. Through their insightful and intriguing courses, these two years had some profound effects on me. Such as my understanding of history and a great increase in my enthusiasm for being a historian. I am also grateful to Bahadır Sürelli, not just for teaching Ottoman paleography to me and my friends, but also for his friendship and emotional support he offered to us when we needed it. His presence as an instructor in the faculty helped me overcoming my lack of confidence. I am also grateful for the members of my class at Sabancı University. All the moments that I have spent with them were both illuminating and fun. I owe special thanks to İsa Uğurlu who helped me reading the Ottoman manuscripts and shared his knowledge in various topics from his research when I needed it. I am very grateful to Erik Aldritch Charle Blackthorne-O’Barr for his irreplaceable help for my English. I am also thankful to Talha Katırcı who always offered his support and shared his knowledge, especially on the Greek intelligentsia. I am very grateful to my dear friend Furkan Işın for his generosity to share his hours with me helping both reading and transliterating Ottoman manuscripts, and for his cheerful friendship as well. I would like to thank my dear friends Mehmet Hamdi Öz and Fatma Esen for their friendship and endless support for the years we have spent together. Especially I am very indebted to Fatma, if she was not there when I needed her help, this thesis even might have not been finished. Finally, I owe special thanks to my roommate Mert Şen who encouraged my curiosity and enthusiasm and did not hesitate to offer his full support for one year of our graduate education. In addition to the archival documents, I have utilized many sources that I could not reach without the help of certain libraries that I would like to express my gratitude, vi these are: Sabancı Information Center, ISAM, and METU Library. I would like to thank my family, my parents Memduh and Nihan Bulut, and my sisters Elif Kangal and Esin Kılınç for their endless and priceless support for my whole life. If I did not feel their loving support, I could not have shown any courage to enter a new path in my life. My two nephews Bulut and Deniz reserve a special thanks because of the love and the joy they brought to our family’s lives. Both of them still increase my hope and optimism for the future. I will always be grateful to my deceased grandmother Nevin Karayel who passed away in 2019. If she did not finance my accommodation in Istanbul, I could not have embarked on such an adventure. She was a lovely human being who had an outstanding sense of humor with a shrewd mind. Finally, I would like to thank my dear girlfriend Gülin Çavuş. I am grateful for her tremendous support and limitless patience that made this work possible. Especially, she showed great endurance during my excited history monologues which sometimes was in the expense of her sanity. I feel lucky for having her love which makes my world beautiful. vii In memory of my beloved grandmother Nevin Karayel viii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................... xi LIST OF ABBREVIATONS ............................................... xii 1. INTRODUCTION........................................................ 1 1.1. The Long Peace of the 18th Century..................................3 1.2. The Late 18th-Century Crisis..........................................8 1.3. Penâh Efendi in Ottoman Historiography............................. 11 1.4. Thesis Outline......................................................... 17 2. THE MAKING OF SÜLEYMAN PENÂH EFENDİ ............... 20 2.1. Family and the Homeland............................................. 21 2.1.1. Penâh’s Family................................................. 21 2.1.2. Penâh’s Homeland: the Morea in the 17th and 18th Centuries 25 Evliyâ Çelebi’s observations on Morea and Gastouni 26 The Morea under Venetian control, 1685-1715....... 27 After the return of the Ottomans.................... 30 2.2. Early Career........................................................... 33 2.2.1. The Path of a Young Scribe.................................... 33 2.2.2. First Years in the Capital...................................... 35 2.2.3. A Glimpse of Power...........................................
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