Address: The Ukrainian Weekly "WE INTEND TO BURY 81-83 Grand Street NO О N E AND W E D О Jersey City, NJ. 07303 TeL HEndereon 4-0237 NOT INTEND TO BE SYOBODA New York's Telephone: BURIED." УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК UKRAINIAN D AI LV BArclay 7-4125 Lyndon B. Johnson Ukrainian Natioanal Ass'n atljr Ukrainian ggkUj ftgrtum Tel. HEnderson 5-8740 РІК LXXH 4. 178 SECTION TWO t SVOBODA, THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. 1965 15 ЦЕНТІВ - 15 CENTS No. 178 VOL. LXXH SEMEN DEMYDCHUK, All-American Conference MARY BECK W1NS 1N DETROLT'S ECUMENICAL COUNCIL PROMINENT UKRAINIAN CIVIC Launches Educational Campaign PRIMARY ELECTION APPROVES SCHEMA ON LEADER, D1ES On Communism RELIGIOUS LIBERTY DETROIT. Mich.-Mary v. BROOKLYN, N.Y. - Se- UKRAINIAN SPEAKERS TO TAKE PART IN PROGRAM Beck. Detroit's popular Coun- CARDINAL SLIPYJ URGED PASSAGE OF men Demydchuk, one of the NEW YORK. N. Y. - A. the Conference. Speakers will cilman and first woman elect- HISTORIC DECLARATION most prominent civic leaders new source of authoritative be provided to colleges. uni- ed to the office which she has ROME, italy: - By an speech before the Council of the Ukrainian community and interesting speakers on a verstties or student groups at held since 1949, finished third overwhelming vote of 1,997) brought ringing applause in the United States and for- subject of vital interest on no expense^ in a Council field of^sixty to 224. the Catholic bishops!from the Catholic prelates mer editor of the Ukrainian every campus is being made j Upon the recommendation candidates in the city's pri- assembled here for the fourth 1 assembled in the central nave daily "Svoboda," died here on available for the first time of the Ukrainian Congress mary elections held here on session of the Ecumenical of St. Peter's Basilica. Monday. September 21 -after this fall to college, universi- Committee of America, the Tuesday, September 14. Council approved the historic The declaration, passed de- a short illness. He was 81 ty and high school audiences, following young Ukrainian Far outdistancing all other declaration on religious liber- spite a last-minute attempt years old. by the All-American Confer- students were accepted as female candidates. Miss Beck ty on Tuesday. September 21 j by "conservative" prelates to Mr. Demydchuk was born ence to Combat Communism, speakers for the All-Ameri- received a total of И4.390 following a vigorous debate j put off the vote, was hailed on April 22, 1884 in Busk. This and other subjects can Conference: votes, only 266 less than the on this the first of several і by Catholic and non-Catholic Kaminka Strumilova County. were extensively discussed at і George Woloshyn (New second-place candidate. Ed major "schemas" to be dis- j leaders around the world, it Ukraine. Upon completion of the Counference's Executive York). George Nesterchuk Carey was the top man with cussed in the forthcoming is seen as a landmark in the his elementary education in Council meeting, held on Sat- (New York), ivan Mvnul 124,029. Her excellent show- .weeks. history of the Catholic Busk and secondary educa- urday, September 18 at the George W. Kuzma (New ing. in this year's primary is Taking part in the debate Church and acclaimed as be- tion in Lviv, Mr. Demydchuk Commodore Hotel iin New York)? Miss Oksana Eugenia particularly noteworthy in was Josyf Cardinal Slipyj ing in the spirit of ecumen- enrolled at the Lviv Unrver- York City. Dragan (Jersey City. N. J.). that during the campaign, she who rose to speak on Thurs- ism which opens a new door sity Law School where he Among the 35 civic, frater- Walter Anastae (St. Paul, spoke out stronnrlv aeainst day, September 16, urging to Christian communication Obtained his degree in 1914. паї. veterans, professional. re- Minn.) and ihor Bulawka Mayor Cavanagh's admini- the Council to proclaim reli- and understanding. Espousal Shortly after his discharge ligious and nationality oreani- (Baltimore. Mdt). stration. charging him per- gious liberty for the sake of of the principle of religious from the Austrian army. Mr. Mary v. Beck those who still suffer perse- liberty is seen as allowing Semen Demydchuk zations making up the A11-A-1 Other speakers selected by sonslly with seeking virtual- Demydchuk was called upon merican Conference is the U- the Conference are from Lith- ly.dictatorial powers. cution for the faith, in speak- the different religious groups Miss Beck, who served as ltig for an undoubted majo- to make a tour of the United krainian problems here and krainian Congress Committee unnia. Cuba, Latvia. Tibet, Miss Beck also campaigned Council president from 1957 to approach each other in States and Canada as a rep- in his native country. Later of America, its representative. Germany, Hungary, Poland, rity of the 2,200 Council reciprocal esteem, each res- on the theme that crime in De- to 1961. stands a good chance Fathers, Cardinal Slipyj resentative of the National on. the joined the "Svoboda" in the Conference is Walter 1 Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, troit was on the rise and that of being re-elected to the post pecting convictions of the Educational Association "Rid- editorial staff and worked in Dushnyck. editor of UCCA China. Rumania. Austria and the Cavanagh administration again, although she refused Plead^ tor a positive stand other, it also guarantees free- na Shkola." an organization that capacity until 1933. publications, who is a mem- South vietnam was hamstringing police at- to make any predictions for і on the declaration which dom from state control in which was in charge of all U- Aside from his profession- ber of the Executive Council Groups interested in ob tempts to curb the rise. Upon the November 2 elections. As states tnat every man nas a religious matters and pre- krainian private schools in al work as a journalist and and who took part in the dis- taining speakers should con seeing the primary returns, one of the 18 candidates nom-'г ! cludee imposition of a parti- of Galicia. The main objective of editor, Mr.' Demydchuk play- cussions. tact the All-American Confer Miss Beck said her knowing inated. she will vie for one of science in religion, free cular religion on the people .Mr. Demydchuk's journey was ed a prominent role in vir- At the meeting, presided .ence office, 516 LaSalle Build-'was "an indication of the vot- the nine seats in November. coercion or restrictions, by political authorities. to seek financial aid for the tually every area of activity in an obvious reference to over by OthoDevilbiss. Chair ing. 1028 Connecticut Ave-^ers' confidence in me as a Faoing an uphill struggle ^ ^„^ . pouted On Wednesday. September operation and maintenance in the organized life of the man of the Conference, a list N.W.. Washington D.C. 20036. public official." Miss Beck is confident that 22 the Council proceeded to church in Ukraine and other of Ukrainian schools in the Ukrainian American commu- of several young speakers the voters' overwhelming ap- the debate on another impor- countries under Soviet Rus- Austrian-occupied Galicia. nity over the past 40 years. was presented and approved proval in the primary will be tant schema titled "The sian domination, the Ukrain- The young attorney succeed- As secretary of the Demo- by the Executive Council. sustained in the November Church in the Modern World." ed in his mission, which ex- Dr." Rudnyckyj Attended ian Cardinal said that "free- cratic Party's Ukrainian Divi- These are carefully selected election. tt concerns, among other tended over a period of nine sion. he was vigorously ac- and articulate refugees, or dom from coercion is neces- Scholarly Conferences in Europe Of Ukrainian descent, Miss sary not only for the church, things, the question of birth months and included Western tive in political campaigns on children of refugees, from WINNIPEG. Man.-Profs- At all congresses he read Beck was born in Ford City, but also for every state lest control included in the more European countries as well, the local and national levels. countries under Communist sor Jaroslaw B. Rudnyckyj, scientific papers and chaired Pa., and graduated from the people be laden with intoler- general topic of "responsible as close to S20.000 was solic- Mr. Demydchuk was one of control in Eastern Europe. of Manitoba University, who some of the sessions. І University of Pittsburgh and able burdens." parenthood." Among several ited in donations from U- the organizers of Ukrainian Asia and Cuba, who are avail- On the occasion of the j its law school, comine to Det- spent the summer in Europe, Cardinal Siipyj's plea was prelates voicing opinions on krainian Americans for the exhibits at New York's ln- able to speak to students 700th anniversary of the lta-, troit in 1932. Before her elec- reported on his impressions backed by Joseph Cardinal the draft document was Arch- "Rtdna Shkola" Fund in Gali- ternational Trade Fair in about life under Communism. lian poet Dante. Dr. Rudnyc- tion to the Council, she Berv- and experiences to a gather- Ritter of St, Louis and later bishop Maxime Hermaniuk, cia. Upon his return from the 1935 and World's Fair in Speaking from experiences ing of scholars, and students kyj presented national librar- ed on the staff of the juvenile b Joae^ fWuteirBttia of Metropolitan of Ukrainian U.S., Mr. Demydchuk obtain- 1939. He rejoined, "Svoboda" and intimate knowiedge-and ies "in Florence Mid Ra^mrn division .of -Probate C^urt-ax^-ri^^^f,^.^.. „U^-A- ЛШЛФ ьй' -htt" 'Doctorв-: degree and in Д943 and worked on the assembled here for a meeting Czechoslovaklui whose nrsti Catholics in Canada.
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