The Observer Weekly Cloverleaf Inside and Out February 7, 2013 Cheerleaders Lend a Helping Hand By Allison Fazio In January, the Cloverleaf cheer- leaders participated in a commu- nity service project called Project Linus. Project Linus’ mission is to provide love, a sense of secu- rity, warmth and comfort to chil- dren who are seriously ill, trau- matized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new, hand- made blankets and afghans, lov- ingly created by volunteer “blanketeers.” This organization started in 1998, and has been continually going strong since then. The first blanket that jump started this or- ganization was one that was given to a 3-year-old girl that had been in and out of the hospital dealing with Leukemia. Since then, thou- Cheerleaders show off the blankets they made to donate to Project Linus. sands of children have received Photo by Tonya Swain blankets from Project Linus. Each cheerleader from Clover- With talk about this project, the With the community service leaf High School brought in cheerleaders wanted to get in- project coming to a close at Clo- enough materials to make one tie volved right away. verleaf High School, the cheer- blanket each to go along with the “It warms my heart to know that leaders completed 17 blankets to other donations the community there will be one more toasty, donate to Project Linus. had collected. happy child in our community,” If you did not get a chance to Where exactly did Cloverleaf stated senior cheerleader “Bec donate a blanket and would like get started on this project? Boss” Simpson. to, there is a blanket drop off site “I wanted the cheerleaders to Teachers that did not get a in Medina County. Project Linus participate in a community ser- chance to be a part of this com- also takes monetary donations for vice project,” said CHS cheer- munity service project still think people that want to help out, but leading advisor Tonya Swain. highly of the project itself. do not have time to make a blan- “Helping seriously ill children is “I think it’s great!” exclaimed ket. For further information on such a worthwhile cause. Just CHS staff member Craig Farrar. how to get involved in Project knowing that children will get the “I think it is something each Linus, visit their website at blankets and have some happiness group at our school should get www.projectlinus.org. makes me happy.” involved in.” Volume 6, Issue 24 2 Features Twitter Litter By Tate Arters see what their favorite “tweeter” is As many of us know, Twitter has up to. Many TV shows and other blown up to be one of the biggest networks use Twitter to get their fans social media networks of the entire involved in the media by showing nation. Who knew such a simple net- the tweet while on the air. Some ra- work on the internet could produce dio stations even use Twitter to make such a worldwide buzz about differ- a game to see who can guess the per- ent topics and different people. son who tweeted a specific status. Most people use Twitter to tell oth- The winners get tickets to a game or ers what they’re doing, how they concert, or some other sort of prize. feel, or any other trending topics of “I listen to 99.5 every Thursday interest. morning to try to guess the tweet so I Twitter has become on an internet sensa- “I just got a new ball point pen that can win one of those MegaTickets tion among millions of people. Image I want to tell everyone about on that they are giving out for Blossom Courtesy of Wikipedia Commons Twitter,” said senior Jake Klag. this year,” said junior Luke Siman. Most people that have a Twitter Twitter has definitely passed Face- Phil, who always have inspirational know what “retweeting” and book in the social media world, but quotes involved in their tweets. “favoriting” is, but for those who has a close opponent with Instagram ‘I like to follow Wise Man Si be- don’t know, it tells the person you right on its tail. Instagram is only cause he always has something posi- really like their tweet or are possibly used to share pictures, while you can tive to say,” said sophomore Nate thinking or feeling the same thing do the same on Twitter while also Gray. that they are. making a tweet to go with the image. Twitter is a place to express your- “I don’t have a Twitter, but it “I prefer Twitter because it’s the bet- self and make simple statuses. The sounds a little bit like Facebook with ter of the two and has everything I network keeps it short and simple liking someone’s status,” said sopho- need,” said graduate Jacob Yeatter. when dealing with social media. As more Tom Cottman. Many people use Twitter to gain of right now, Twitter is the biggest In the Twitter world, there are advice. Most that have an account social media topic of interest and many celebrities that fans follow to know of Wise Man Si and Wise Man will keep going strong as tweets are made every second. Senioritis Coming on Strong By Jake Klag vation to do anything and the days He’s not the only one who has Every year, a class of seniors last long.” given up on caring. There are many graduate, and every year a new class The reason this happens is because others like him. Senior Mason Frary of seniors get to claim the school. the further into the school year we said, “I don’t do anything. Ever.” What also comes along with this get, the closer to graduation. The For most of us, sadly, there is noth- every year, is the epidemic of senior- closer to graduation we get, the more ing that can really get us motivated itis. When you inevitably catch it, anxious we are to leave. We also again to try, especially for those who you feel the effects. have less tolerance when it comes to have already been accepted to col- Senioritis is the term used to define schoolwork. lege. “Having already been accepted, the lack of motivation to do any “Because of senioritis, I hardly do it is hard,” explained senior Dani schoolwork during the senior year of any work at all,” said senior CJ Yae- Koval. high school. Yes, I know what ger. We might not be happy about it, but you’re thinking, Senioritis isn’t real. A lot of the time, senioritis affects there’s still a couple more months of I’m only a sophomore and I already our grades. Sadly, however, this still school left. So lets hit the books, and have no motivation to do school doesn’t motivate most kids to try. you can be sure that we have some work. It’s different, trust me. And if Senior Jacob Markert stated, “Not long nights of studying for that big you don’t believe me, go ask any only does senioritis make me lazy, test... or we can just watch another other senior. but I just don’t care.” episode of Workaholics... worry “Senioritis is real,” explained sen- about that whole test thing later. ior Kendall Yuhas. “I have no moti- Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Advisor The Weekly Observer Tricia Rice Tyler Mayfield Mr. John Carmigiano Features 3 Quiz & iPhone 6 Expected to Soar Quotes By Tyler Mayfield bring Google Maps back to the iPhone Apple plans to add to their line of the after much rejection of the Tom Tom What are you famous iPhone, later this year. map software used on the iPhone 5. looking One of the phones expected to come A 3D screen is also in the planned out is the new iPhone 6. for the iPhone 6. forward to in This new iPhone 6 is expected to come The patent is pending to develop an out, featuring a new array of colors. So HD screen that will work on the February? far, the expected colors are black, white, iPhone. The phone will be expected to silver, red, blue, and yellow. render, capture, and process 3D im- This iPhone is expected to be a com- ages, which goes along with the cam- plete redesign from its predecessors. era changes as well. The 6 will have two A6 processors or A new feature that is expected to possibly an A7 processor. This means come with the iPhone 6 is the ability to that the phone will be able to hold a mas- take 3D videos as well. Austin Molnar (9) - sive amount of data. If all goes well with Rumored features also include a “The dance because this new A7 processor it will be used in wireless charger, a 10 megapixel cam- there’s music and the next generation iPad as well. era in the back and an 8 megapixel girls.” The iPhone 6 will have many new camera in the front. 64 gigs, standard, features, that past iPhones simply did and 120 gigs of memory. An extended not. battery life with up to twenty hours of These new features include: face rec- talk time may also be included in the ognition, password patterns, so you can new iPhone. unlock your phone with a special pattern The iPhone 6 will be the most ad- your finger draws on the phone, also an vanced iPhone ever. Featuring the most Alex Showman HD screen, compliments of Sharp. changes out of any other iPhone re- (9) - “The band The iPhone 6's screen will be up- lease, it is expected to be highly antici- concert because I am graded as well.
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