NORTH EAST Raise a glass to pubs, people and news from your local FREE ISSUE 08 www.cheersnortheast.co.uk // March 2011 THE LIKELY LADS WHATEVER cheersHAPPENED... r NEW BREW VIEW HB PENCILS IN START DATE • Explored: Gas dispense GIGGLE • Embraced: Kings Arms • Pubs: The very idea THERAPY • Wyoming: Why not? LUNCH SOUP ’N’ SWEET INN-SIDE PUBS // BREWING // WINE // OPINION // NEW PUBS // OLD PUBS // BEER FOR LUNCH // BEER FOR TEA // BEER FOR DINNER // PUBS! Cheers Mag_LION_Dec10 3/12/10 15:52 Page 1 THEwww.theakstons.co.uk SIGN OF A BETTER PUB DEHJ>;7IJ HW_i[W]bWiijefkXi" f[efb[WdZd[mi\hec oekhbeYWb >HHJ:&. ;G:: lll#Y^[[hidehj^[Wij J>;B?A;BOB7:I #Xd#j`$$BVgX]'%&& cheersL=6I:K:G =6EE:C:9### r D;M8H;ML?;M =7E:C8>AH>C HI6GI96I: ;Z_jeh_Wb <><<A: ;nfbeh[Z0=WiZ_if[di[ ;cXhWY[Z0A_d]i7hci &'/'(('((-- I=:G6EN FkXi0J^[l[ho_Z[W all.” all.” Human after Human after Beardsley. Beardsley. Peter Peter Aye, Aye, saw him in Marks & Spencer. saw him in Marks & Spencer. I once I once games in that number eight shirt – 119 goals an’ all. and twenty-six hundred “Three Moec_d]0M^odej5 6aVhiV^g<^abdjg VaVhiV^g5X]ZZghcdgi]ZVhi#Xd#j` Spring is springing and the AJC8= grass is riz. You can tell IEKFÊDÊ 7Zl[hj_i_d] by the lighter nights and IM;;J the ourishing of beer >CC"H>9:>CC"H>9: EJ7H$$7G:L>C< &'/'(('((-- $$L>C:$$DE>C>DC $$C:LEJ7H $$DA9EJ7H$$7::G;DGAJC8= $$7::G;DGI:6 $$7::G;DG9>CC:G <^aa^Vc8dgcZn festivals – they’re all in the $$EJ7H \^aa^Vc5X]ZZghcdgi]ZVhi#Xd#j` diary, from Newcastle to 9el[h0HVgV]AVfj^oVi Gateshead to Tynedale and I]Z8ajcn#I[[f'+ LZWh^iZ/ all points between. ey’re a terri c advertisement mmm$Y^[[hidehj^[Wij$Ye$ka for beer and often turn into wonderful social >CH>9: occasions, but they’re really no substitute for going 9Zh^\cZYEjWa^h]ZYWn/ to the pub. D;MI e pub is as important to this country as those great British * 8jbWZgaVcYÉh institutions, beef curry, French fries and brussel sprouts. e pub is i^YnlZZ`ZcY a home from home, a meeting point and a melting pot; it’s a place BZY^V:mX]Vc\ZDcZ , I]Z8ZcigVa^h where friends congregate, folks visit alone, and where lovers argue. 8dfjZiHigZZi VeeZVa^c\ CZlXVhiaZjedcIncZ In short, the pub is socially all-inclusive and that’s why we adore them so much. e fact that you can get some of that terri c beer <;7JKH;I C:&'F7 also comes into the equation, plus there’s normally friendly service '*I]Z7dVi]djhZ! and engaging banter served with your pint, glass of wine or BLT. LnaVb!Wdhh VchlZghV[Zl ere may even be free peanuts on the bar on a Sunday morning, a E]did\gVe]n/ fjZhi^dch A[l_d=_Xied re crackling in the grate, a snoozing dog and a demented bandit – lll#`\e]did\gVe]n#Xd#j` it’s all the same, the pub is ours, so let’s cherish it. ',>Vc7gdlccdhZh ^cidi]ZYZa^XViZ D_YaoHe][hied e pub is also where you’ll nd Cheers – and where we continue hjW_ZXid[ lll#cge]did\gVe]n#Xd#j` to be genuinely overwhelmed by readers’ goodwill messages. We ÓVijaZcXZ appreciate enormously the support we have gathered at every level, (&I]ZIncZdjia^cZh particularly when the cost of everything is going sky high. We’re ^iheaVch[dgi]Z enormously proud of our pubs, but most of all, we’re extraordinarily bdci]ÄVcY L]^ahiZkZgnZ[[dgi]VhWZZc proud of you, dear reader. bVYZidZchjgZVXXjgVXn! [jgi]Zg i]ZejWa^h]ZgXVccdiVXXZei Cheers. gZhedch^W^a^in[dgdb^hh^dch FK8FHE<?B; VcYZggdgh#6aabViZg^Va^ci]^h Alastair Gilmour, editor ejWa^XVi^dc^hhig^XianXdeng^\]i (*I]Z@^c\Éh6gbh! VcYVaag^\]ihgZhZgkZY# HjcYZgaVcY M>7J;L;H¾ The Likely Lads was a J>;L?;M<HEC '( BBC institution which '.HcV`ZG^kZg could easily stand 7gZlZgn! comparison with any Lndb^c\!hdjcYh comedy series. In Bob i]ZWjh^cZhh and Terry disguise, we <KDIJK<< take a look around )'I]ZFj^o!E^X`aZY some of the pubs :\\!HjYd`jVcY mentioned in <jZhhi]ZIde DJG various episodes. HEDCHDGH EbZ]hWf[i FkXYhWmbi OekmeeZ MWbaj^_imWo Interesting wines A-Z pub guide Whisky’s partner Lakes pubs to visit >8f[dY_bi Iekf#[h He][h ZWj[_d Zeef[h WdZ_d &. '+ (( One of the region’s Shall we do TERRY COLLIER Our man on the favourite micro- lunch? Yes? Let barstool explains Wylam Brewery breweries has just us introduce how ideas are got a bit less micro. you to a Meal In formed and the Relocation has Itself from the importance of pubs been 15 months celebrated Cluny in their creation. in planning but Kitchen – with Apparently, it’s a Hadrian Border a burger on the bit like turning a is rocking. side, perhaps. light on. C:LH <G:6I<></I]Z several in his time in charge of 8jbWZgaVcY6gbh The Beamish Mary at o lace. <[ij_l[ The Scotch Arms featured the likes of Sauce of the iall from Óhij Bull Lane Brewery, Men of Steel from Consett Ale Works, White J^[IYejY^7hciWj8bWYa^_bb" elvet from urham Brewery, 9edi[jj"9ekdjo:kh^Wc" and Silver Buckles, brewed at ^[bZ_jiÓhijX[[h\[ij_lWb The Stables, Beamish Hall. Zkh_d]<[XhkWhoÅW^k][ irst to run out, however, was ikYY[iiiWofkXb_YWdi Mordue Radgie adgie. =hW^WcWdZBek_i[<ehZ$ So we judged that the winner, Ifh_d]^Wiifhkd] raham is no stranger to says raham. It was our rst beer festivals, having organised festival but it won’t be our last. J^[9kcX[hbWdZ7hci_d8oa[h" pub. There will also be fancy D[mYWijb["_ih[WZojem[bYec[ dress, face painting and make- ifh_d]m_j^_jiÓhij#[l[hIfh_d] and-do kids crafts, we are even Survey maps and complete 8[[h<[ij_lWbel[hj^[m[[a[dZ trying to get a petting oo. Iec[j^_d]route information with details e\CWhY^'-#(&$Ceh[j^Wd)& Bands are booked for evening of public transport links X[[hiWdZY_Z[him_bbWff[Wh gigs – Rosie oonan and the and recommendations for Wbed]i_Z[j^[ZW\\eZ_biWdZ Snapdragons, Rob Heron \ehj^[ local accommodation – and YheYki[iÅm_j^W\eYkied and the Tea ad Orchestra, pubs – are included. IYejj_i^X[[hiikY^Wi8h[m:e]" ing ong and special guests m[[a[dZ Author Bob Steel has also <od[7b[iWdZCWZ9Wf$ The Benwell roject. compiled a guide to walking and We will also have the rst And on the festival Sunday J^[bWj[ijWZZ_j_edjeJ^[ pubbing around Edinburgh. taste of keg locomotion o1 a new, regular event will kick 9WcfW_]d<ehH[Wb from Wylam Brewery, says off. The House of the rammed 7b[Êii[h_[ie\fhWYj_YWb" manager Beccy luff Stewart. is a new monthly social whisky feYa[j#i_p[Z]k_Z[ije We’ll also have a new larger tasting and appreciation event iec[e\j^[X[ijfkXiWdZ range of wines – and look out offering chance to discover and X[ijmWba_d]_dj^[KA_i for our signature spring mixes. sample rare and interesting single BWa[:_ijh_YjFkXMWbai$ We are going all-out on the food, malts for whisky enthusiasts It features walks of too. Chef will be cooking up and inuisitive newcomers varying lengths that take some special treats especially alike. It will include a tasting of in the best of England’s for the festival weekend. approximately four single malts largest national park As always during the day, accompanied by short talk from and include short town the focus will be on family, and an industry professional. Whisky circuits and cross-country on the Saturday morning we cocktails will be on offer with treks, each selected for are asking people to help us to a raf e, guest s and more. its inspiring landscape, do our bit to clear up the valley pm. ree entry.<eh\khj^[h points of historic ready for spring. All those helping Z[l[befc[djiWdZZ[jW_bi]eje interest and its beer. will get a half on us back at the mmm$j^[YkcX[hbWdZWhci$Ye$ka ull-colour Ordnance )X]ZZghbVgX]'%&& l_i_jmmm$Y^[[hidehj^[Wij$Ye$kaje^Wl[oekhiWo BedZed]e[iFejO J^[9WcfW_]d<ehH[Wb7b[9WchW porter and London micro-brewery ^WiWddekdY[Zj^Wj_dj^[o[Whe\ seasonals. The narrow bar is adorned _ji*&j^Wdd_l[hiWho"J^[>Whf" with mirrors, theatrical memorabilia 9el[dj=WhZ[d"_ij^[ÓhijBedZed and portraits. There is no intrusive fkXjem_d_jiDWj_edWbFkXe\ music or T and a cosy upstairs room j^[O[WhFejOYecf[j_j_ed$ provides refuge from the busy throng. The accolade recognises all The Harp, a true gem situated only the criteria that make a great a few yards from Trafalgar Suare pub, including atmosphere, decor, and the ational allery, is owned customer service, value for money, by real ale pioneer Bridget Walsh. clientele mix – and most importantly It serves eight real ales and a wide – the uality of the beer. selection of real ciders and perries The Harp is described in Camra’s at any one time. The pub is revered ood Beer uide 11 as a small, for its high standards with judges friendly, independent free house most impressed by its outstanding which has become a haven for beer commitment and energy towards choice, generally including a mild or promoting Britain’s national drink. , H 7d[m\WY[Wjj^[8eWj^eki[" walking and cycling route along D[mXkhd"D[mYWijb["_i7b_ied the Tyne that takes in The Keelman AWff[d$7YjkWbbo"i^[ÊidejikY^ in ewburn and the Boathouse Wd[m\WY[Wii^[Êimeha[Z_dj^[ and Black Bull, both in Wylam.
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