INDEX N° 262 01 PopePopee FFrancisrancis APRIL 2013 LetterLettter ooff ththee GeGGeneralneerraal MiMinisterinnisterr ttoo Pope Francis others, that of a poor church. Not only that, PopePoppe FFrancisrancis by Massimo Rosina ofmcap but a poor church also for the poor. It is ope Francis is a pastor who immediately MeetingMeeeting offh the GGeneralenerall an invitation that touches, along with the Defi nitorynitory Pentered the heart, into the fondness and institution, each of us: the use we make of the feeling of many, priests and laity. We money, the simplicity and sobriety of our 02 “When““When God sendssendn s us tthehhee poor, were all struck by the little gestures he made: style of life, the generous sharing with the thentthen he too takestakees care ooff them” calling himself the bishop of Rome, the poorest. With his recalling of St. Francis thought right away of of Assisi, “man of pov- 03 AArArrivalsrivals and DeparturesDeepartures his predecessor, pointing erty, the man of peace, the TheThe Order in NumbersNumbers toward, according to the man who loves and cares language of Vatican II, for creation,” he moves CloserCloser to thethe UniUnifi cationcation of Trent the primacy of the holy us to refl ect on our model and VeniceVenice people of God, which of development and the is expressed in the local well-being of the west- News from CentralCentral AfAfricariica church. Having prayed ern countries weighing 04 I invite youyouu as a CapuCapuchinchhiin together, having asked on the planet in terms of the blessing of the peo- environmental imbalances AssemblyAssembly ooff the ProvProvincialinnccial ple gathered to welcome and confl icts engendered MinistersMinisters ofo the Four FFranciscanranciscan him, his blessing became by economic interests. On FamiliesFamilies ooff ItalyItaly like a response of faith the other hand, he reminds and prayer that gives the us with extraordinary ef- FourFour FranciscanFraanciscan CardinalsCardinnaals at the sense of a strong com- fectiveness how much per- ConclaveConclavve munion between pastor sonal example can mean PrayersPrayeers for ChristiansChristians and people. The begin- in terms of the power to ning of the pontifi cate convey the Good News to of Pope Francis has been full of gestures the world. And this is the mission to which, and words that have known how to make in the fi nal analysis, we are called: to com- Letter of the their way into the hearts of millions of municate Christ, that is, “the true, the good, people. One image was placed above all the and the beautiful ‘in person.’” General Minister to Pope Francis Most Holy Father, each other as a sign of brotherhood, love, and trust. great humility.” Where there is praise pleasing to the Peace and all good! Lord there is thanksgiving for his love manifested in the Thank you, Holy Father, for this invitation that we Cross, united to humble service to the men and woman With the well-known and simple greeting of the Fran- accept and make the commitment of our fraternity as of every time and place. ciscan tradition I address you, offering the greetings of Friars Minor Capuchin, to be a sign of that fraternity every brother of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin that Christ taught us in the washing of the feet of one Holy Father, assuring you of our fi lial obedience and our on the occasion of your election, and assuring you of our another. daily prayeryyp to the Lord, I ask you to bless the Capuchin prayers from this moment forward. friars. St. Francis of Assisi, in having us pray the last verse In your fi rst encounter with the Church of Rome, look- of the Canticle of the Creatures, helps us to pray for ing out last night from the balcony of the Vatican Ba- the realization of this great fraternity: “Praise and bless silica, you invited us to walk together and to pray for my Lord and give Him thanks and serve Him with Meeting of the General Defi nitory... (continued on p. 3) OME – The General These are the most noteworthy and of Piedmont was acceptedd RDefi nitory met from Mon- decisions: for May 9, 2014. day, March 11 to Wednesday, Happy Easter! March 20. After sharing infor- Circumscriptions: Appointments for the Generalal mation about activities carried Curia and houses dependent onn • The Province of Maranhão- • Br. Ravi Rosario Irudayana- out since the January meeting, the General Minister: Pará-Amapá will assume than, PR Northern Tamil Nadu, the Defi nitory concentrated responsibility for the Delega- • Br. Dariusz Mazur, PR Kra- bursar of the house in Jerusa- its attention on a wide variety tion of Cuba, beginning June kow and Br. Manuel de Gama lem, beginning April 1, 2013, of subjects. The issues of the 1, 2013. day are many and complex, Santos, PR Bahia-Sergipe, for • Br. Benedict Ayodi, VG and to them had to be added • The date for the unifi cation fraternal service in the General Kenya, Secretary of the Offi ce other items beyond the agenda. of the Provinces of Alexandria Curia, beginning April 1, 2013, of Justice, Peace, and Ecology, HIGHLIGHTS “POOR CHURCH FOR THE POOR” “Our Lady” in search of food and right from their concrete help. Every day we experi- own homes. Kind ence what Br. Wendelin once said: coworkers in house- When God sends us the poor, then work and decent he also takes care of them. men and women serving at table are Passing on God’s gifts renewed in the light of beautiful experi- Br. Wendelin considered “Our ences of times for- Lady” as a place of God’s own char- gotten. At least for a ity. He had chosen the Capuchin moment we wish to life in order not to have anything pick up the broken for himself, but to live only for God threads of trust. At the “Francis and his children. His daily prayer in Gathering” this happens without ake a look at the candles before church bound him to those who, day any pressure. Each one can take his Tthe Virgin Mary in the court- after day, came to “Our Lady” to time. And with the faithfulness of yard of “Our Lady” (Liebfrauen)() fi nd “peacep on earth” in the “tent” tthe benefactors by the entry door wwe wish to offer of the “Francis ssuch a space where Gathering.” Advent by Paulus Terwitte ofmcap Director of the “Francis Gathering” ttrust can grow. In is always now: the tthis way the bread door is open every ggiven freely and weekday and even “When God sends us the wwithout any obliga- on holidays. And ttion leads not a for us friars and poor, then he too takes care ffew to try again our co-workers in a new step out of the “Gathering,” of them” ddiffi culty. For us, God always arrives tthe fact that all our too, often making 20 years since Br. Wendelin founded the “Francis Gathering” gguests have to pay us marvel at our 550 cents is part of grateful guests, who tthe freedom: such 02 in poverty know a small contribu- how to keep their dignity. Every day of God, far from the noise of the tion says to our guests that they are is like Christmas: in the church of “camps” of city life. So down to to- indeed our guests and that their Our Lady those who receive become day for Br. Wendelin and for us Ca- dignity is respected. those who give, benefactors of the puchins it is a miracle to be able to “Francis Gathering.” In the center prepare a table each day for people Blessed are those who share in Frankfurt there is a little “hotel,” who are poor and homeless. in which our poor and homeless On June 21, 2013 at “Our Lady” brothers are welcome. A place that gives we celebrate the 20th year of the About 160 come each hope “Francis Gathering.” We are happy day. that our bishop Franz-Peter has The “Francis Gath- This year we are par- promised to be present that day. In ering” is one of ticularly joyful: with the preceding weeks four important many places that give the seasons of Advent conferences will be held at “Our hope. We Capuchins and Christmas of Lady” to highlight the strength together with about 2012, “Our Lady” and commitment of Christian love 1700 benefactors begins the jubilee mark- of neighbor. At the same time We reweave the worn out ing the twentieth anni- Capuchins will prepare a founda- garment of trust of those versary of the “Francis tion with which we want, together who come to us. They Gathering.” Br. Wendelin, with you, to continue to work of Br. who fi nd the way to the who died in 2010, wrote Wendelin at the church of Our Lady door of welcome in front this of the beginning of after these 20 of the grotto of Our Lady his work: After a brief years of its of Lourdes, who period of training in existence. have known God in Stuttgart I began my The poor and poverty and fl ight, new work on Novem- homeless that they don’t have to tell ber 24, 1992. come to us us their names. You must always Without the energy of don’t ask them about fi nd an open the founder we would their story. Instead: door and not have this place of hot coffee or hot a table set, welcome character- chocolate, fresh bread. because God ized by trust for poor and homeless Often also some jam or sweets that takes care of people, who come to the church of our dedicated supporters bring them.
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