exploration & production Global Climate, the Dawn of Life and the Earth’s Oldest Petroleum Systems Jonathan Craig Eni Upstream & Technical Services Milan, Italy Societe Geologique de France, Paris www.eni.it Thursday 26th November 2015 Global Climate, Glaciations and Source Rocks in North Africa PRECAMBIAN PETROLEUM SYSTEM PALEOZOIC PETROLEUM SYSTEM MESOZOIC PETROLEUM SYSTEM Gas/Cond . Triassic Oil Illizi/Oued Mya Sirte 60 Ice extent data ? Ahnet/Murzuq Suez Pelagian in part after 0 50 Crowell, 1999 Hassi ‘R Mel 10 40 Total Mesozoic Sirte 20 30 and Tertiary- Hassi (south) Suez sourced reserves = 57 700 Ma 635 Ma Messaoud Lat.) - - Pelagian ° 30 Illizi/Ghadames 20 BBOE Abu Ahnet Total Paleozoic- Gharadiq 40 Illizi BBOE reservesned to sourceage sourced reserves = 50 BBOE 10 C Ord S Dev. Carb P Tr. Jur. Cret. Tert. Ice ExtentIce ( 50 . Total Precambian- sourced reserves = ? 60 Carbo - Source rock data Global climate change based Marinoan Glaciation 665 Glaciation Marinoan Sturtian 7040 Sturtian Glaciation Modified from On geological data as Permo Glaciations Macgregor, 1996 Tertiary Glaciation Gaskiers Event Summarized by Coppold and Powell (2000) exploration & production 2 //Dise/Pedini/Archivio_57/ Mesoproterozoic-Neoproterozoic Timescale and Key Events Ice Extent (°Lat ) 90° 60° 30° 0° 400 443.7 Ma ORDOVICIAN More organicburial Less organicburial 488.3 Ma GONDWANA 500 CAMBRIAN Gondwana Formed 542 Ma 542 Ma Ediacaran Radiation° by 540 - 530 Ma EDIACARAN Gaskiers Event (c. 580 Ma) West Gondwana 600 Acraman impact, assembled by 600 Ma 630 Ma VENDIAN Australia( c. 610 Ma) Marinoan Glaciat ion 665 – 635 Ma SNOWBALL EARTH 700 700 Ma PERIOD St ur t ian Glaciat ion 740 – 700 Ma CRYOGEN IAN 740 Ma740 Ma Break - up of RODINIA 800 (Superplume Event ?) LAT E 830 Ma 850 Ma RIPH EAN 900 900 Ma NEOPROTEROZOIC NEOPROTEROZOICTONIAN TONIAN Formation of 10 5 0 - 5 - 10 RODINIA δ 13 (C % VPDB) 1000 1000 Ma 1000 Ma First multicellular Glaciation organisms EA RLY ( c. 1000 Ma) MESOPROT EROZ OIC Negative d13C excursion RIPH EAN In part after knoll, 1996, Etienne et at., 2006 Gradstein et at, 2004 Harland et at, 1987 exploration & production 3 //Dise/Pedini/Archivio_57/ Global Precambrian Petroleum Systems RUSSIA VOLGA - URAL PROVINCE POTWAR BASIN and MIJALAR BASIN, PAKISTAN SIBERIA LENA-TUNGUSKA PROVINCE U.S.A. NONESUCH, MICHIGAN SIRTE/CYRENAICA RAJASTHAN, INDIA LIBYA NORTH AFRICA CHINA TINDOUF BASIN, MOROCCO AND ALGERIA VINDHYAN BASINS NORTH AFRICA CHAMBAL VALLEY, INDIA TAOUDENNI, MALI,MAURITANIA AND ALGERIA MIDDLE EAST MIDDLE EAST SAUDI ARABIA OMAN KUFRA BASIN LIBYA ARGENTINA, BOLIVIA and PARAGUAY BRAZIL Potential SAO FRANCISCO BASIN Proven AUSTRALIA AMADEUS, OFFICER AND MCARTHUR BASINS after Craig et al., 2009. Global Neoproterozoic Petroleum Systems: The Emerging Potential in North Africa. Geological Society Special Publication 326 exploration & production 4 //Dise/Pedini/Archivio_57/ Archaean (pre - 2500 Ma) The ‘Dawn of Life’ exploration & production 5 //Dise/Pedini/Archivio_57/ Archaean: Filamentous hyperthermophile cyanobacteria? 3465Ma Apex Chert, Pilbara Supergroup, Western Australia A PORT HEDLAND C 1 2 3 W.A. Towers Fm. 20°30’S and Apex Basalt FOSSILIFEROUS BEDDED CHERTS, EARLY ARCHEAN APEX BASALT 4 6 0 20 40 km 22°00’ Show MARBLE BAR 119°00’E 119°30’ 9 10 11 STROMATOLITE 5 B Pilbara MICROFOSSILS AGE 13 Supergroup (Ca) δ C (per mil) WHIM CREEK 30 -3.0 GROUP -30 -20 -10 0 = Organic carbon 25 = Carbonate carbon 7 GORGE 12 13 14 CREEK H/C=0.09 (N=1) GROUP 20 15 WYMAN FM -3.35 EURO BASALT PANORAMA FM -3.40 Thickness (km) Thickness APEX BASALT 10 TOWEAS FM 8 DUFTER FORMATION -3.47 TOWERS H/C=0.25 5 (0.30 to 0.16, N=3) 15 MOUNT ADA BASALT MEPHEE FM -3.50 WARRAWOONA GROUP NORTH STAR -30 -20 -10 0 0 BASALT exploration & production 6 //Dise/Pedini/Archivio_57/ Grand Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone National Park exploration & production 7 //Dise/Pedini/Archivio_57/ Oscillatoria – a modern cyanobacteria Oscillatoria is able to move by sliding over surfaces. These three images were taken over a period of two minutes and show two filaments moving towards each other. (from Sheehan et al., 2005). exploration & production 8 //Dise/Pedini/Archivio_57/ Palaeoproterozoic (2500-1600 Ma): The world’s oldest petroleum source rocks exploration & production 9 //Dise/Pedini/Archivio_57/ Palaeoproterozoic ‘Shungite’, Lake Onega, N.W. Russia (c. 2000 Ma) A B C D E F I G H after Melezhik et al., 2004. exploration & production 10 //Dise/Pedini/Archivio_57/ Palaeoproterozoic Succession, Lake Onega Area, North West Russia B Members A & B C LITHOSTRATIGRAPHIC UNIT Thickness, m m 0 40 Layer 9 Kondopozhskaya Layer 8 & Vashezerskaya, 700 100 Kalevi Layer 7 30 Layer 6 Suisarskaya, 400 200 M e m b e r B be m e r M Layer 5 20 Layer 4 300 upper Zaonezhskaya, Ludikovi 650 10 400 Layer 3 lower Zaonezhskaya, m 0 200 500 M e m b e r A be m e r M Layer 2 Layer 1 Legend Tulomozerskaya, 800 Legend for Members A & B Shungite-bearing chert Jatuli Dolostone Shungite-bearing dolostone Chert Semilustrous and semimat shungite-rich rock Medvezh., 70 Siltstone Layer-shungite (97 to 99 wt. % C Jangozers., 50 Basaltic tuff & tuffite Shungite-bearing volcanoclastic greywacke Palozerskaya, 400 Layers of shungite Carbonate megaconcretions and concretionary beds rock (numbered) Sarioli Archaean basement after Melezhik et al., 2004. exploration & production 11 //Dise/Pedini/Archivio_57/ Mesoproterozoic (1600-1000 Ma): The world’s oldest live oil, the world’s oldest commercial oil and gas fields - and ‘the dullest time in Earth history’ PESGB Lecture, Burlington House, London Tuesday 8th October 2013 exploration & production //Dise/Pedini/Archivio_57/ The Great Oxygenation Event: 2450 – 2200 Ma These three images taken over a period of five minutes show the formation of an oxygen bubble produced as a result of photosynthesis by cyanobacteria (from Sheehan et al., 2005) exploration & production 13 //Dise/Pedini/Archivio_57/ Mesoproterozoic Geology, McArthur Basin, Northern Australia: Velkerri Formation c. 1417/1361Ma 14°00’’ A BMR Phanerozoic cover B URAPUNGA Roper Chambers River Fm 1 Group Maiwok Subgroup (dolerites Not Iower Roper Group Shown) McMinn Fm 1429my McArthur and Nathan Groups and equivalents Fe Moroak Sst Mbr. M 3 Tawallah Group ROPER GROUP Bmr Urapunga Velkerri Fm M Wells S Friendship 1 Bessie Cr Sst 4 5 6 Corcoran Fm Bmr Urapunga Bmr Urapunga 2000m Fe Lady Penrhyn 1 Scarborough 1 GULF 2 Shea 1 Abner Sst Mataranka OF 1100 - 1280my Borrowdale 2 Crawford Fm CARPENTARIA Mainoru Fm Limmen Sst Dungaminnie Fm GROUP NATHAN Balbirini Dolomite Altree 2 4000m Walton 2 Looking Glass and Amos Fms M McManus 1 BATTEN Stretton Sst Yalco Fm S Borrologia GROUP McARTHUR AMOCO Lynott Fm Caranbirini Mbr S Broadmere 1 Reward Dolomite HYC Rb/Zn deposit Barney Creek Fm S TROUGH 1690my 6000m Jamison 1 GLYDE Teena Dolomite M 0 100km REGION Emmerugga Dolomite 17°00’’ 133°00’ 136°00’’ exploration & production 14 //Dise/Pedini/Archivio_57/ Precambrian Stratigraphy & Petroleum Systems of East Siberia International Russian/Siberian Baykit Anticlise 80° 100° 120° 140° Irkineeva Katanga Stratigraphic Chart Stratigraphic Chart Uplift Tokhomo- Yurubchen- Turukhan- Saddle Series Stage Series Stage Olenchima Tayga Kuyumba LAPTEV Batyrbayan Stage 10492 Aksayan SEA Stage 9 Furongian 496 Late Saskian Evenkiya Fm Paibian501 Ayusokkanian Guzhangian 503 Mayan 70° Series 3 Durmian 507 Middle Amgan Zaledeevo Fm Stage 5 510 C A M B R I A A N B R I C A M C A M B R I A A N B R I C A M Stage 4 Toyonian Series 2 517 Agalevo Fm SIBERIAN Botomian ? Stage 3 521 Klimino Fm Early Atdabanian ? PLATFORM Stage 2 Usol’e Irkineeva Fm Usol’e Fm Usol’e Fm Terre- 535 Tommotian neuvian Nemakit- Ostrovnov Fm Tetere Fm Tetere Fm Fortunian Dstrovnoy ? Soba Fm Soba Fm 542 Daldynian Moshakov Fm Tokhoma Fm Katanga Fm Katanga Fm 542 Ma 617+17 L a t e Ediacarian Chistyakov Fm Oskoba Fm 620 Oskoba Fm ? 643+7 Ediacaran Vanavara Fm Vanavara Fm V V e d a i n n Aleshino Fm E ay r l Ta s e e vo 646+14 630 650 630 Ma 650 Ma ? Nepa- Botuobuya Cryogenian Baykalian 60° Baykit Anteclise 850 850 Oslyanka YR 850 Ma Anteclise Dashkino Fm Iremakan Fm N. Angara Fm Tokura Fm L a t e C A M B R I A A N B R I C A M N E O P R O T E R O Z O I I C O Z O R E T O R P O E N Dadykta Fm Vongol’dinskaya Fm Sery Klyuch Fm Rassolka Fm Lakhanidian Tonian Yukten Fm Shuntara Fm Oil/gas field Kopchera Fm R R pi h e a n Kuyumba Fm Potoskuy Fm 1000 1000 Tu n i k g u s ? Dolgokta Fm Margin of 1000 Ma Alad’in Fm Yuribchen Fm Siberian Kartochka Fm Madra/Vedreshe Fm Platform Stenian Kerpulian Pogoryuy Fm Delingdeken (Zelendukon) Fm 1100 1200 Distribution of M M i d d l e Aimchanian Pit Uderey Fm Sukhoy MESOPROTEROZOIC 1350 500 km Cambrian salt Lake Baykal after Mel’nikov, 2005, and Timoshina, 2005. Irkutsk correlation accepted by authors proven oil and gas deposits YR = Yenisey Ridge correlation suggested by authors small gas deposits unconformity TOC up to 15% (Timoshina, 2005) hiatus exploration & production 15 //Dise/Pedini/Archivio_57/ Geological Section across the Yenisey Ridge and the Baykit Anticlise, East Siberia exploration & production 16 //Dise/Pedini/Archivio_57/ Late Mesoproterozic to Early Neoproterozoic (c. 1150-800 Ma) The Rise and Fall of Stromatolites . and their role in the world’s oldest commercial oil and gas fields Atar Group, Taoudenni Basin, West Africa (c. 1100 Ma ?) Archaeozoon Saint John New Brunswich Canada exploration & production 17 //Dise/Pedini/Archivio_57/ Geology of the northeast part of the Taoudenni Basin in northwest Africa exploration & production 18 //Dise/Pedini/Archivio_57/ Mesoproterozoic- Neoproterozoic Succession , Abolag-1 Well, Taoudenni Basin, Mali Dolerite ( Trias Jurassique ) • Max TOC.
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