© in This Web Service Cambridge University Press

© in This Web Service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-52085-0 - The Early Modern Ottomans: Remapping the Empire Edited by Virginia H. Aksan and Daniel Goffman Index More information Index Abbasids, 256 Algiers, 94, 108 Abdulhamid¨ II, Sultan, 295–7, 298 Ali, Muhammad, 260 Abkhazia, 121 Ali, Mustafa, 149, 152, 176–7, 178, 183, Abou-El-Haj, R. A., 148, 194, 196 188, 190 Abraham, Patriarch, 94 AliCavus ¸ of Sofia, 156, 160 Abu-Lughod, Janet, 23, 32, 57 Ali Neccar, 229, 232 Abu-Manneh, Butrus, 272, 274 Ali Pasha of Jannina, 120 Actium, Battle of (31 BC), 33 Allami, Abul Fazl, 156 Adana, 130 Alusi, Abu al-Thana’ al-, 266, 271 Aden, 32, 40, 41 Anatolia administration affinities, 20 Ayn Ali, 152–66 conscription, 130 cadastral surveys, 158 designation, 18 law books, 155, 159–61 epitaphs, 235 lists, 155–7 maps, 29, 35 order and disorder, 161–4 military operations, 132 registers, 155, 157–9 post-World War I, 146 shari’a courts, 202–3 rebellions, 127, 226 timar system, 144, 153, 154, 155, Safavid rivalry, 93, 96 159–60 Suleyman’s¨ empire, 47 Adrianople (Edirne), 122 Wahhabism, 261 Adrianople, Treaty of (1829), 121 Andrews, Walter, 18 advice, see nasihatnames Andronicus II, 105 Aegean Sea, 112 animals, 216–17 Afghanistan, 270 Ankara, 222 Agoston,´ Gabor,´ 6, 8 Anushirwan, King, 139 agrarian society, 165–6 Arab Provinces, 18 ahidnames, 64–6, 67, 68–9, 72 Arabia Ahlat, 235 maps, 29 Ahmed I, Sultan, 153, 154 Wahhabist expansion, 260–1, 272 Ahmed III, Sultan, 225, 284, 286, 307 Arabian Nights, 45 Ahmed Resmˆı, 193 Arabs, 119, 130 Aintab, 213, 215, 217, 222, 229 Arborio de Gattinara, Mercurino, 78 Akbar, Mughal Emperor, 157, 265 archives Akhisarˆı, Hasan Kafi al-, 137, 143 kadis, 208–9 Aksan, Virginia, 4, 12, 168 Ottoman institution, 206–7 Albania, 131 Aries,` Philippe, 233 Albanians, 129 Aristotle, 178, 208 Alemdar incident, 125–6 Arjis, 44 Alemdar Mustafa Pasha, 120, 124, 125–6 Armada defeat (1588), 82, 83 Aleppo, 107, 130 Armenians, 6 353 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-52085-0 - The Early Modern Ottomans: Remapping the Empire Edited by Virginia H. Aksan and Daniel Goffman Index More information 354 Index arsenals, 82–3, 94, 106, 126 Poland/ Lithuania, 25–6 Artha, Gulf of, 33 religious boundaries, 26–7, 48 Asian mercantilism, 269–71 Turkey, 37 As¸ıkpas¸azade,ˆ Dervis¸ Ahmed, 190, 220 Venice, 25 Asım,ˆ Ismail, 182, 191, 195 Bourdieu, Pierre, 210, 299 Atayˆ ˆı, 192 Bowen, Harold, 143–4 ‘Atiyat al-Rahman, 231 Brochero de la Paz y Anaya,˜ Don Diego, atlases, 87 113–14 Augustus, Emperor, 33 Bruges, 97 Austria, 119 Brummett, Palmira, 5–6, 8, 211 Aydin, 105 Buda, 84, 87, 88, 91, 102 Ayn Ali, 137, 142–3, 152–66 Bulgaria, 37, 42, 132 Ays¸e Kadın, 252 Bursa, 228 Ayvansarayˆı, Hafiz Huseyin,¨ 294, 297 Busbecq, Ogier Ghiselin de, 42–3, 108 Azerbaijan, 93, 121 Byzantium Azim family, 223 Mediterranean power, 104, 107 Azˆız Efendi, 138, 141, 149, 190 Ottoman conquest (1453), 2, 28 Azmeh, Aziz al-, 148, 163, 164 cadastral surveys, 158 Baba Rasul, 226 Cairo, 49, 219 Babylon, 28, 163 Caldiran,¸ Battle of (1514), 93 Baghdad, 54, 266, 270–3 Calicut, 32 Baghdadi, Mullah Ghanim ibn Cantelli, Jacob, 35 Muhammad al-, 264–5 capitulations, 64–9 Baki Pasha, 194 Caramanie, 37 Balkans, 146, 226 cartography, see mapmaking Barbarossa, Hayreddin, 94, 106, 108 Castaldo, Gianbattista, 90 Bartlett, William, 294, 297 Caucasus, 121, 122, 130 Barzinji, Shaikh Ma’ruf al-, 267 Cavalli, Marino, 41–2, 43 Barzinji family, 266 celali rebellions, 154 Basra, 32, 270 cemeteries, see graveyards Bayezid II, Sultan, 90, 106, 107, charity, 226 234, 291 Charles I, 287 Bedreddin, Sheikh, 226 Charles V, Emperor, 6, 78, 84, 88, 97–8, Beit al-Din, 223–30 100–2, 108 Belgrad forest, 293–4 Chartier, Roger, 312 Belgrade, 42, 65, 96, 101, 119 China, Ming period, 157, 165 Belgrade, Treaty of (1739), 121 Chios, 64, 68, 105 Berlin Wall, fall, 148 citizenship, 132–3 Bernardo, Lorenzo, 40–1 city-states, 2 Bes¸iktas¸ Palace, 310 city views, 32 Bessarabia, 122 Cleopatra, 33 Bithynia, 35 Clytemnestra, 42 Black, Jeremy, 24 coffeehouses, 3, 230, 285, 297–8, 301 Black Sea, 35, 121–2 Columbus, Christopher, 50 Blome, Richard, 37 conscription, 129–30, 132–3 Bologna, 98, 101 Constantine, Emperor, 228 borders, see boundaries Constantinople, conquest (1453), 2, 28 Bosnia, 55, 127, 130 Coron, 108, 110 boundaries see also mapmaking credit, 217–18 design, 33 Crete, 111, 112, 114 early modern empires, 15 Crimea, 121 measurement, 47, 48 Crimean War, 121, 122 Mediterranean Sea, 104 Cuno, Ken, 201 Ottoman terminology, 24–5 Cyprus, 105, 106, 109, 110, 112 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-52085-0 - The Early Modern Ottomans: Remapping the Empire Edited by Virginia H. Aksan and Daniel Goffman Index More information Index 355 Dagistan, 121 Erzurum, 121 Dalacca, 32 espionage Damad Ibrahim, Grand Vizier, 287, 311 envoys in Europe, 90–2 Damascus, 96, 107, 130, 218, 223, 231 European ambassadors in Istanbul, 84 Dawud Pasha, 272–3 Hungary, 88 death, perceptions, 233 Eurocentrism, 1 decline motif, 145–6 EvliyaCelebi, ¸ 47, 55–6 Derrida, Jacques, 208 exclusion, religious exclusion, 4, 259, Dihlawi, Shaykh Abdullah al-, 266 261–73 diplomacy extraterritoriality, new diplomacy, 62, 72–3 extraterritoriality, 62, 72–3 Eyup,¨ 297 interpreters, 85–7 Eyyubi Efendi, 138 Italo-Ottoman relations, 61–74 mapmaking and, 40–6 fanaticism, 6 ‘‘new diplomacy,’’ 62, 69–74 Fattah, Hala, 270 Ottoman contribution, 6–7 Fattal, Antoine, 203 Ottoman travel narratives, 54–6 Fazıl Bey, Enderunlu, 278, 281, 305–6, 312 permanent representatives, 62, 71–2 Fenni, 283 reciprocity, 62, 73 Ferdinand of Habsburg, king of Hungary, 84, 85, diwan-sijill, 206–7 87, 88, 90, 100–1, 102 Dniester river, 55 Ferhad dragoman, 90 D’Ohsson, Ignatius Mouradgea, 142, 305, 307 Ferte-Meun,´ Comtesse de, 307 dragomans, 9, 86 feudalism, 1 Dubrovnik (Ragusa), 6, 65–6, 89 Fleischer, Cornell, 148, 152, 171, 176, 188 Duval, Pierre, 37 Florence, 61, 98 Florentine settlements, 68, 69 East Indies, 113 Fodor, Pal,´ 148 Ebussuud,ˆ 222 foreigners Ebussuudˆ Efendi, Grand Mufti, 97 freedom of worship, 72–3 economics, nineteenth century shifts, settlements, 64–9 222, 269–71 shari’a law and, 203, 209 Edirne, 228 terminology, 63–4, 65 Egypt zimmis, 63–4, 65, 67, 204, 209–11 French invasion (1798), 167, 270 fountains, 295–7 historiography, 173 France Istanbul spies in, 90 gardens, 279, 287, 293 maps, 29 Habsburg relations, 77 Ottoman conquest, 93, 94–5, 106 imperialism, 117 Suleyman’s¨ empire, 47 invasion of Egypt (1798), 167 Eldem, Edhem, 3, 4, 12, 291 invasion of Italy (1494), 61, 62 Elizabeth I, 83, 111 Istanbul spies in, 90 embassies, 62, 71–2 Ottoman alliance, 6, 48 Emine Hanım, 254 Ottoman diplomacy, 54, 69 Emirgan garden, 285 poetry, 283 empires, see imperialism Revolution, 166, 269 England Frank, Andre Gunder, 22 English-Ottoman relations, 7 Franks, 63, 304 Glorious Revolution (1688), 169 Frye, Northrop, 163 Ottoman diplomacy, 69 public gardens, 279, 287, 292–3 Galata, 67, 68–9, 72, 215–16 Enverˆı, Sa’dullah,ˆ 182, 198 galley warfare, 110–11 epitaphs Gallipoli, 105, 106 development, 234–7 gardens Istanbul, 3, 237–55 chief gardener, 299–301 women, 251 historiography of pleasure, 311–12 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-52085-0 - The Early Modern Ottomans: Remapping the Empire Edited by Virginia H. Aksan and Daniel Goffman Index More information 356 Index gardens (cont.) Mediterranean, 104, 107–11 individuality and, 3–4 Suleyman¨ I, 95–100 poetry, 281–3, 298 Ottoman intelligence on, 82–92 public gardens of Istanbul, 278–312 Hafsid dynasty, 108 waqfs, 289 Halet Efendi, 127, 271 Gastaldi, Giacomo, 29–32 Hallaq, Wael, 206–7 Gattinara, Grand Chancellor, 78, 97, 99–100 Hamadeh, Shirine, 3, 4, 12 Gazali, Canberdi, 96 Hamidˆ Hamza Pasha, Grand Vizier, 195 Geertz, Clifford, 206 Hammer-Purgstall, Josef von, 142, Genoa, 62, 63, 105 182, 183 Genoese settlements Hammurabi, 163 Chios, 64 Hamza Bey, 88 Galata, 68–9, 72 Hanafi school, 201, 203 George III, 287 Harley, J. B., 29 Georgia, 121 Hayreddin Barbarossa, 94, 106, 108 Gerba, 108 Hebrus river, 45 Gerber, Haim, 205 Hecuba, 42 German Protestantism, 77, 78 Hekimoglu˘ Ali Pasha, Grand Vizier, 292 Ghazali, al-, 139 Helena, Saint, 228 Ghulam Ali, Shah, 266 Hess, Andrew, 104 Gibb, Hamilton, 143–4 Hezarfenn Huseyin,¨ 138 Gills, Barry, 22–3 Hibetullah Sultan, 302 globalization, commencement, 118 Hidayet Agha (Markus Scherer), 91 Go¸¨cek, Fatma Muge,¨ 133 Hirschfeld, C. C. L., 292 Goffman, Daniel, 6, 168, 204 historiography Granada, Battle of (1492), 107 black hole, 18 grand strategy, 6, 76–8 decline motif, 145–6 grand viziers, 150–1, 177, 187, 195 diversity of views, 11 graveyards early Ottoman historiography database, 241–3 bestsellers, 197 development, 233–4 eighteenth-century official chronicles, Istanbul epitaphs, 3, 237–55 180–4 Greece formation of early modern state, civil war, 120 184–97 conscription, 129 Imperial Scroll, 173–5 travel accounts, 42, 44 Mustafa Ali, 176–7, 178, 183 War of Independence (1821), 260, 270 politics, 10 Greeks ¸ehns amecisˆ , 171 information suppliers, 6 Seyyid Lokman, 169, 172–9 Istanbul settlement, 103 sixteenth-century politics, 171–80 pirates, 106 empires, 75 Turkish ships, 106 exterior historiography, 8, 11 Greene, Molly, 6, 7 nasihatnames and, 9, 142–7, 161 Gritti, Lodovico, 99 neglect of Ottoman historiography, 75 Grotius, Hugo, 112 Ottoman periodization, 2 Gubg¨ uo¨ glu˘ family, 223 periods, see periodization pleasure, 311–12 Haarman, Ulrich, 148 US Ottoman studies, 144–5 Habsburgs Hodgson, Marshall, 20–2, 57 ambassadors, 42, 108 Hogarth, William, 281 emergence, 77 Hormuz, 32 Ottoman imperial rivalry, 6, 76–8 Hospitallers, see Knights of St.

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