Summary of the Key Issues in Space-based Measurements: Identification of Future Needs and Opportunities Jean-Christopher LAMBERT Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (IASB-BIRA) Brussels, Belgium with contributions by 8ORM Participants, CEOS, and NDACC Satellite WG 8th ORM, WMO/UNEP, Geneva, CH, May 2-4, 2011 Summary of the Key Issues in Space-based Measurements: Identification of Future Needs and Opportunities 1. Satellite missions 2. Follow-up of 7ORM issues 3. Data quality strategy 4. Suggestions and recommendations 8th ORM, WMO/UNEP, Geneva, CH, May 2-4, 2011 Catalogues and details on satellite missions NDACC Satellite WG Web Site http://www.oma.be/NDSC_SatWG/Home.html Committee on Earth Observation Satellites http://ceos.org WMO Satellite & Requirements Database 8th ORM, WMO/UNEP, Geneva, CH, May 2-4, 2011 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 I 1999 UV/VIS/NIR 8-2020) VIS/IR 1998 multi-sensor 1997 1996 1995 UV IR MW 1994 I 1993 I 1992 1991 I I 1990 I 1989 Spectral range: I I 1988 I I 1987 I I 1986 I I 1985 I I 1984 I I 1983 1982 Sun/Moon occultation stellar occultation 1981 multi-target I 1980 1979 1978 I nadir limb nadir/limb I Nimbus 7 METEOR 3 ADEOS 1 Earth Probe Nimbus 7 NOAA-9 NOAA-11 NOAA-14 NOAA-16 NOAA-17 NOAA-N/18 NOAA-N1/19 STS STS 87 & 107 NPP Sounding strategy: NPOESS SATELLITE MISSIONS FOR ATMOSPHERIC COMPOSITIONFeng-Yun-3A (197 Feng-Yun-3B Feng-Yun-3x SOUNDER MISSION Nimbus 7 AEM-B TOMS ERBS METOR 3M STS-64 CALIPSO SBUV Nimbus 7 SBUV/2, SSU/AMSU, SME TOVS STS 9/45 STS 17/45/56/66 UARS AMSU-A, HIRS/4 SSBUV SOLSE/LORE STS 66 & 85 OMPS, CrIS, ATMS EOS Terra OMPS, CrIS, ATMS TIMED SBUS, TOU, IRAS, MWTS, MWHS, EOS Aura MERSI SAM II SAGE I AIM SAGE II SPOT 3 SAGE III SPOT 4 LITE EXOS-C CALIPSO (Ohzora) LIMS ADEOS SAMS (Midori) UV / VIS / IR ADEOS-II GRILLE GOSAT ATMOS 1/2/3/4 Kibo JEM/ISS CLAES EURECA HALOE STS 66 & 85 ISAMS ERS-2 MLS MAHRSI ENVISAT-1 MOPITT SABER MetOp-A MLS MetOp-B Satellite WG HIRDLS MetOp-C OMI MIR/Priroda TES Odin SOFIE POAM II SCISAT-1 POAM III BUV STEAM LAS Chinook ILAS IMG ILAS-II TANSO SMILES ORA CRISTA 1/2 GOME SCIAMACHY GOMOS MIPAS GOME-2, IASI, AMSU-A, HIRS/4 GRAS, MHS OZONE/ISTOK SMR OSIRIS ACE FTS ACE MAESTRO STEAM SWIFT ORM, WMO/UNEP, Geneva, CH, May 2-4, 2011 Status May 2010 Compiledth by CEOS ACSG and the NDACC Satellite WG 8 Details via http://www.ndacc.org CEOS (http://ceos.org) 8th ORM, WMO/UNEP, Geneva, CH, May 2-4, 2011 Aqua (AIRS, CERES) , Terra (MOPITT, CERES) , Odin (OSIRIS, SMR) , Envisat (GOMOS, MIPAS, SCIAMACHY) , ACE, AIM, Aura (HIRDLS, MLS, OMI, TES) , CALIPSO, MetOp-A (GOME-2, GRAS, HIRS-4, IASI) , NOAA-16/17/18 SBUV-2, FY-3 SBUS/TOU NOAA-19 GOSAT 2009, NOAA-19 2009, GOSAT SMILES JEM SMILES 2009-2010 NPP/NPOESS 2011, Glory NPOESS ADM-Aeolus ADM-Aeolus 2012, MetOp-B 2012, EarthCARE 2013, S5p 2014, CASS 2014, STEAM, SWIFT, GMES Sentinels 4 (GEO) & 5 (LEO) 2019+ CSA PHEMOS, APOCC (MCAP, MEOS, SOAR, STEP) CIAC SEOSAT UVAS ESA Earth Explorers ATMOSPHERIC COMPOSITION MISSIONS COMPOSITION ATMOSPHERIC Coming Future NASA’s Recent Ongoing EDS CLARREO, GEO-CAPE, ACE, GACM, CASS JAXA, NSMC, CEOS ACC Gap Analysis Study 8th ORM, WMO/UNEP, Geneva, CH, May 2-4, 2011 Early results from SMILES observations Ozone (left), ClO (center), and HCl (right) distributions at 22 km on January 28, 2010 when a stratospheric warming occurred and the polar vortex moved over Europe accordingly. Examples of diurnal variation (left: ClO, right: BrO) based on data from Feb. to Apr. 2010. Courtesy: M. Shiotani, Kyoto University Courtesy:M. Shiotani, Kyoto 8th ORM, WMO/UNEP, Geneva, CH, May 2-4, 2011 Update on Future Canadian missions Chemical and Aerosol Sounding Satellite (CASS) Polar Highly Elliptical / Molniya OrBit Science (PHEMOS) RFP Atmospheric Processes of Climate and its Change (APOCC) Concept Studies Courtesy K. Walker, U. Toronto; T. Piekutowski, CSA 8th ORM, WMO/UNEP, Geneva, CH, May 2-4, 2011 Follow-up of key issues expressed at 7ORM Concerns • Risk of data gap, no Backup • Reduction of capaBilities • Harmonization • TraceaBility Need for sustained measurements • Ozone monitoring • Diagnostics of ozone chemistry • HalocarBons monitoring • Coupling with climate, Essential Climate VariaBles • Improvement of CTMs and GCMs and data assimilation systems 8th ORM, WMO/UNEP, Geneva, CH, May 2-4, 2011 Follow-up of "gap" concerns expressed at 7ORM A few gap filler missions on the way, But high risk of gap Continuity of nadir O3C/O3P missions ensured till 2020 By MetOp/NPOESS/FY-3, and By Sentinels after Same continuity of nadir NO2/BrO/OClO missions But mayBe not enough redundancy Beyond current plans, continuity of « high » resolution profiling remains an issue: no operational system foreseen for sensors like SAGE, MLS, MIPAS, ACE-FTS…; true for O3, severely true for several O3 related and climate related species 8th ORM, WMO/UNEP, Geneva, CH, May 2-4, 2011 Evolution of satellite activities since 7ORM (an ozone-Biased perspective) Operationalisation and interoperaBility (GEOSS) User’s voice and applications more and more important New and stringent requirements have emerged from climate users. General interest and resources moving towards air quality, greenhouse gases, hazards… MayBe less space for needed research on ozone related issues (the myth of the solved proBlem). But research MUST continue: accuracy of O3 trends, Brewer-DoBson circulation, changes in CO 2 oceanic sink, complexity of multi-mission analyses… Support from ground-Based systems more crucial than ever => CEOS sponsored field campaigns, estaBlishment of lists of essential stations (from satellite perspective), harmonisation efforts regarding cros- sections and retrievals, study of network homogeneity and long-term staBility, multi-mission studies… 8th ORM, WMO/UNEP, Geneva, CH, May 2-4, 2011 Long-term drifts in satellite data records: Ozone profile Multi-mission validation assessment of ten limb (incl. occultation) ozone profilers using data archived in WOUDC, NDACC DHF and SHADOZ POLE-TO-POLE STRUCTURE OF SATELLITE DRIFTS IN THE STRATOSPHERE (VS. GAW & NDACC) SAGE-II v6.2 SAGE-II ACE-FTSv2.2u GOMOS v6.0cf / IPF 5.00 IPF GOMOS/ v6.0cf HALOEv19 MIPAS IPF 4.61/2 IPF MIPAS SCIAMACHY3.01 SGP (from SPARC/IO 3C/IGACO poster by D. Hubert et al ., 2011) 8th ORM, WMO/UNEP, Geneva, CH, May 2-4, 2011 Long -term drifts in satellite data records: NO 2 column 8th ORM, WMO/UNEP, Geneva, CH, May 2-4, 2011 EC FP6 GEOmon and ProDEx SECPEA [DA-09-02] What is a "valid" co-location? [DA-06-02] [CL-06-01] Air masses actually probed by ESA satellites and by NDACC instruments 8th ORM, WMO/UNEP, Geneva, CH, May 2-4, 2011 Data Quality Strategy Response to 7ORM recommendations on QA, metadata etc.: GEO QA4EO AC&C Validation Protocols Generic set of EO metadata standards (GEOMS) Generic Environment for Cal/Val Analysis (GECA) 8th ORM, WMO/UNEP, Geneva, CH, May 2-4, 2011 http://qa4eo.org 8th ORM, WMO/UNEP, Geneva, CH, May 2-4, 2011 Version 4.0, 14 January 2010 QA4EO Point of Contact: http://qa4eo.org [email protected] 8th ORM, WMO/UNEP, Geneva, CH, May 2-4, 2011 Validation Protocol for Atmospheric Services • General rules to ensure independent, ALGORITHM AND unBiased, sustainaBle and traceaBle PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT validation RESEARCH AGAINST • Definition of roadmaps for the PARTNERSRESEARCH VALIDATION OF INDIVIDUAL COMPONENTS validation of data products and of IMPLEMENTATION AND services OPERATIONALISATION • Fitness for purpose of Both data and SYSTEM DEVELOPERSSYSTEM validation => SLA-committed users FEEDBACK VALIDATION AGAINST SPECIFICATIONS • Requirements for reference data OPERATION sources, validation documentation, document availaBility, access and CORE ENDORSEMENT VALIDATION AGAINST USERSUSERS distriBution rules USER REQUIREMENTS • After succesful pioneering within UTILIZATION ESA‘s PROMOTE, Being adapted now to GMES Atmospheric Service (MACC, SERVICE PROVIDERSPROVIDERS QUALITY ASSESSMENT / PASODOBLE, EVOSS...) QUALITY CONTROL SERVICE UPDATES AND EXTENSION 8th ORM, WMO/UNEP, Geneva, CH, May 2-4, 2011 8th ORM, WMO/UNEP, Geneva, CH, May 2-4, 2011 MACC val. protocol: QA, metadata, INSPIRE etc. 8th ORM, WMO/UNEP, Geneva, CH, May 2-4, 2011 Miscellaneous Recommendations 8th ORM, WMO/UNEP, Geneva, CH, May 2-4, 2011 Recommendations for measurement strategies and emphases Develop mesosphere and upper stratosphere measurement capaBilities Further develop and expend GHG and tropospheric monitoring; emphases on CO, CO 2, CH 4, water vapor, BrO and SO 2 Continue improvement of profiling capaBilities Further develop diurnal cycle measurements Ensure long-term staBility, multi-mission and networks homogeneity Consider more systematically strategic plans associated with thematic domains, generic user requirements (e.g. IGACO, GCOS), gap analysis… Better characterise sites. Identify stations representative of a larger area Beyond their immediate spatial coverage. Consider Better interaction with complementary networks (incl. airBorne) and with campaigns 8th ORM, WMO/UNEP, Geneva, CH, May 2-4, 2011 Miscellaneous recommendations and suggestions Develop standard transformation tools (e.g. from surface VMR to vertical column for satellite-to-surface validations) Continue metadata developments and harmonisation incl. data characterisation Consider several (meta-)data formats like HDF and climate users’ favourite data format NetCDF Continue error Budget characterisation and documentation Document status of long-term staBility and of network homogeneity Improve visiBility of capaBilities and data archives, e.g. measurement capaBilities chart and weB site outlining thematic domains 8th ORM, WMO/UNEP, Geneva, CH, May 2-4, 2011 THANK YOU ! Any question or suggestion to [email protected] 8th ORM, WMO/UNEP, Geneva, CH, May 2-4, 2011.
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