1940 ·CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 8513 Frame Shontz, Conneaut Lake. the majesty. Now, therefore, we thank Thee and praise Thy Foster W. Haverley, Covington. glorious name. Heavenly Father, the hour is dark, the peril Rosa V. Hawk, Cresco. is great; may the dawn soon come; lead us into that quiet­ William K. Wrigley, Curwensville. ness and hopefulness which are the strength of life. 0 King Faye M. Slavin, Eldred. eternal, the wings of the brave, defending eagle have drooped Walter M. Bauscher, Fleetwood. and he can no longer battle with the storm; his heart is tired Margaret M. Kavanagh, Fort Washington. and fainting, but is undaunted still. A people that so long Carolyn T. Foulk, Gap. glowed with passions of right and justice is helpless and now P. Louise Brant, Garrett. contemplates its problems on the cruel anvil of defeat. 0 Adam L. Winters, Holtwood. God of mercy, while the chivalrous soldier and the broken­ Margaret Clifford Schandel, Jefferson. hearted homeless, mocked by their melting hopes, die with­ -Claude McCarty, Leola. out realizing their tantalizing visions of home and rest, oh, Ramsey P. Williamson, Liverpool. grant that their enrichment may be fully realized in an ever­ Joseph G. Weakland, Meyersdale. lasting inheritance. Through these perilous and arduous Layton A. Wallace, Nicholson. days, be Thou the constant guide and support of our Presi­ William R. Kimble, Nottingham. dent. By quiet thought, quiet duty, quiet energy, and by S. Burton Flickner, Point Ma.rion. quiet prayer, steel upon us as a people and arm us to crusade Paul H. Shaak, Sheridan. for the redemption of man. In the name of the Prince of Morris A. Shappell, Shoemakersville. Peace. Amen. Michael F. Doran, Spangler. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and James H. Stewart, Tarentum. approved. Percy W. Walker, Thompson. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE LeRoy R. Herman, Topton. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Frazier, its legislative Charles S. Shaw, Waterford. clerk, announced that the Senate had passed without amend­ Catherine W. Stevenson, Waverly. ment a bill of the House of the following title: Thomas M. Hiester, Wernersville. H. R. 9117. An act to eliminate the tax on brandy and wine TENNESSEE spirits used in the fortification of wine; to increase the tax on Charles C. Gore, Livingston. wine; to compensate for the loss of revenue occasioned by the elimination of the tax on brandy and wine spirits used in the VERMONT fortification of wine; and for other purposes. Edward J. Owens, Barre. The message also announced that the S3nate had passed a Cornelius Buckley, Barton. joint resolution of the following title, in which the concur­ Forrest E. Allen, Bradford. rence of the House is requested: James J. Ransehousen, Bridgewater. S. J. Res. 271. Joint resolution approving nonrecognition Patrick Mahoney, Burlington. of the transfer of any geographic region in the Western Hem­ Margaret H. Walsh, Concord. isphere from one non-American power to another non-Amer­ Albert A. LaFrance, Derby Line. ican power, and providing for consultation with other Amer­ Maria B. Depatie, Enosburg Falls. ican republics in the event that such transfer should appear Raymond P. Streeter, Franklin. likely. Robert F. Pierce, Lyndonville. EXTENSION OF REMARKS William H. Moriarty, Northfield. Mr. CROWE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to Alice G. Sheehan, North Troy. extend my remarks in the Appendix of the RECORD and to in­ Helen F. McKenna, Norwich. clude therein a clipping from the Washington Evening Star. William Harbutt, Putney. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the Harold J. Sheehan, Richmond. gentleman from Indiana? Isabel Neary, Shelburne. There was no objection. Lyman W. Sheldon, South Londonderry. ADDITIONAL CLERICAL SERVICES IN THE ENROLLING ROOM George M. Goodrich, South Royalton. Healy J. Bashaw, Stowe. Mr. WARREN. Mr. Speaker, I offer a privileged resolu­ James P. Gilfeather, West Rutland. tion from the Committee on Accounts and ask for its imme­ diate consideration. VIRGINIA The Clerk read as follows: Mortimer E. Payne, Sharps. House Resolution 532 WASHINGTON Resolved, That there shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the House of Representatives during the remainder of the pres­ Vern V. Edwards, Greenacres. ent session not exceeding $200 for additional clerical services in WEST VIRGINIA the enrolling room. Roscoe B. Holmes, Raleigh. The resolution was agreed to. WYOMING A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF THE HOUSE James B. Harston, Cowley. Hazel E. Moore, Edgerton. Mr. WARREN. Mr. Speaker, I offer a further privileged Francis R. Peck, Glenrock. resolution. Mark N. Hanna, Lingle. The Clerk read as follows: Nellie P. Hopkins, Rawlins. House Resolution 533 Bertha I. Frolander, Sundance. Resolved, That commencing July 1, 1940, the Olerk of the House be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of the contingent fund of the House, until otherwise provided by law, additional compensation per annum, payable monthly, to certain HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES employees of the House, as follows: To the Assistant Parliamentarian the sum of $240; and $750 so TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1940 long as the position is held by the present incumbent to be in addition to that now provided by law during the present incum­ The House met at 12 o'clock noon. bency; The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., of­ To the messenger to Speaker's table, $660 so long as the position is held by the present incumbent; fered the following prayer: To the stenographer and typewriter, in the office of the Sergeant Hear Thou our prayer, 0 Lord, from Thy dwelling place, at Arms, the sum of $700. even from heaven; and when Thou hearest, forgive: Thine, The re~olution was agreed to. 0 Lord, is the greatness and the power and the _g~Ol'~ and A motion to reconsider was laid on the tableL 8514 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JUNE 18 ASSISTANT CLERK TO COMMITTEE ON CLAIMS be that the President of the United States and his advisers Mr. WARREN. Mr. Speaker, I offer a further privileged were made cognizant of the threatening situation. This resolution. being true the administration cannot escape responsibility The Clerk read as follows: for the presently admitted woefully unprepared condition of House Resolution 531 this country. If the President did not know, then he re­ Resolved, That, effective July 1, 1940, there shall be paid out of tains advisers which events have convicted as incompetent. the contingent fund of the House, until otherwise provided by law, If he did know, then he has lulled the country into a false compensation at the rate of $2,460 per annum for the services of and dangerous content and failed through a false political an assistant clerk to the Committee on Claims. Such employment expediency to exhibit that degree of courage the people of shall be in lieu of an assistant clerk to said committee at the rate ·of $1 ,740, as provided in the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, the United States have a right to demand of a President 1941. in these hours of world peril. [Applause.] With the following committee amendment: SITTING OF NAVAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE DURING SESSIONS OF HOUSE Strike out, in line 1, the words "July 1, 1940" and substitute the Mr. VINSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous words "January 1, 1941." consent that the Committee on Naval Affairs may be per­ The committee amendment was agreed to. mitted to sit during the sessions of the House today and The resolution was agreed to. tomorrow, A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. The SPEAKER. Is there objection? There was no objection. EXTENSION OF REMARKS EXTENSION OF REMARKS Mr. MURDOCK of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to extend my mvn remarks in the RECORD and to in­ Mr. ALLEN of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ clude therein a column appearing in last night's Star. mous consent to extend my remarks in the RECORD and to The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the include therein a radio address delivered by me. gentleman from Utah? The SPEAKER. Is there objection? There was no objection. There was no objection. Mr. DICKSTEIN. Mr. Speaker, I have two unanimous­ Mr. EDWIN A. H~. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to extend my remarks in the RECORD and to include consent requests. I ask unanimous consent to extend my remarks in the therein a recent editorial from the Oneonta News. RECORD by inserting a speech I made at the world's fair on The SPEAKER. Is there objection? There was no objection. June 16, on Father's Day. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the Mr. GEARHART. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to extend my remarks in the RECORD and to include therein gentleman from New York? an editorial written by the American Legion commander, There was no objection. Mr. Raymond J. Kelly. Mr. DICKSTEIN. Mr. Speaker, I also ask unanimous con­ The SPEAKER. Is ·there objection? sent to extend my remarks in the RECORD by including a There was no objection. speech I made at the Astor Hotel, before the Non-Sectarian Mr. THORKELSON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con­ Anti-Nazi League, to champion human rights, with certain sent to extend my remarks and to include an editorial from excerpts. the New York Herald Tribune, and quotations from Wash­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the ington newspapers. gentleman from New York? The SPEAKER. Is there objection? There was no objection. There was no objection. PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con­ Mr. COX. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to pro­ sent to extend my remarks in the RECORD and to include sev­ ceed for one-half minute.
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