March 3, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E343 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO UNITA BLACKWELL and the 65th Missouri Colored Infantry units. years; John and Patty Brissenden were two of They gave a combined $6,400 to establish the the first organizers of this organization, and HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON educational institution they named Lincoln In- have remained active and committed since OF MISSISSIPPI stitute. The institute was founded with three then; Ted and Pat Durkee helped found the stipulations: The institution shall be designed Land Trust, and have also remained closely IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for the special benefit of the freed African associated since its inception; Angie Monday, March 3, 2003 Americans; it shall be located in the State of Christmann has been a dedicated volunteer Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- Missouri; and its fundamental idea shall be to since 1985; La Mina Smith, who accepted the er, in commemoration of Black History Month, combine study and labor. recognition on behalf of the late Al Smith, a I would like to take this opportunity to recog- In 1921, the Missouri Legislature passed a local businessman vital to the groups efforts; nize the many accomplishments of distin- bill introduced by Walthall M. Moore, the first Diane Porter Cooley, who accepted on behalf guished African Americans in Mississippi’s Black American to serve in that body, which of the late Bernice Porter and her donation of Second Congressional District. changed the name from Lincoln Institute to conservation easements for a large agriculture Unita Blackwell, a living legend who went Lincoln University and created a board of cu- area; and the Cummings family, who accepted from picking cotton to a leadership role in the rators to govern the University. on behalf of the late Anna Jean Cummings, a civil rights movement. She was elected Mayor Mr. Speaker, Lincoln University’s annual cofounder of the Land Trust and its first Exec- of Mayersville, a small town in the Mississippi Founders’ Day Celebration is not only a cele- utive Director. Delta. She is the first African American female bration of another passing year’s educational I applaud the efforts of the Land Trust and mayor in the State. service but a chance once a year to remem- those who support their mission of protection The 68-year-old former activist grew up in ber the history of this great university. I ap- and conservation of this county’s greatest nat- the Delta region of the state at a time when plaud Lincoln University for its willingness to ural resources. Mr. Speaker, I hope that my conditions there were desperate. She came not forget the past and make sure its students colleagues will join me in celebrating their an- from a family of sharecroppers and picked cot- know exactly how their university came to be. niversary, and wish them continued success in ton into adulthood. I know the Members of the House will join me the next 25 years. The year that changed her life was 1964— in congratulating Lincoln University on 137 f Mississippi Freedom Summer. She joined years of education excellence. PERSONAL EXPLANATION forces with the freedom riders and with activ- f ists working for the Student Nonviolent Coordi- ´ nation Committee (SNCC). The objective was IN HONOR OF THE LAND TRUST HON. RUBEN HINOJOSA to register African Americans fully 36 percent OF SANTA CRUZ COUNTY OF TEXAS of the State’s population—to vote. She also IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES participated in the struggle to desegregate the HON. SAM FARR Monday, March 3, 2003 delegations that Mississippi sent to the Demo- OF CALIFORNIA Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I regret that I cratic National Convention. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES had to travel to my congressional district for The effort failed in 1964, but succeeded 4 Monday, March 3, 2003 an important event on February 27, 2003. Had years later after the national Civil Rights and I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Voting Rights Acts was passed ending legally rollcall Nos. 37 and 38, and ‘‘no’’ on rollcall honor one of the most loved and supported or- mandated segregation in the state and No. 39. throughout the South. For the first time since ganizations in my congressional district. Last f Reconstruction, Mississippi sent an integrated weekend the Land Trust of Santa Cruz County delegation to the 1968 Democratic Conven- celebrated its 25-year anniversary, having TRIBUTE TO BEVERLY W. HOGAN tion. It was the crowning achievement of Mis- begun when a small group of dedicated indi- sissippi Freedom Summer. viduals decided in 1978 to help preserve open HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON land. She is a past national president of the U.S.- OF MISSISSIPPI The Land Trust of Santa Cruz County has China People’s Friendship Association and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES has visited the country a number of times. worked cooperatively and collaboratively with ‘‘The same principles applies to international a wide array of people, organizations, busi- Monday, March 3, 2003 relations as to relations within countries. It’s all nesses and groups throughout this time to Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- about understanding and working together to safeguard and protect over 1,250 acres. They er, in commemoration of Black History Month, forge solutions,’’ she says. ‘‘Everyone—all have done this through direct purchases of I would like to take this opportunity to recog- over the world—has two eyes, a nose and a land, donations of land, conservation ease- nize the many accomplishments of distin- mouth; we should get along and treat each ments and land management agreements. Mr. guished African Americans in Mississippi’s other right.’’ Speaker, as many people from my district and Second Congressional District. f in this body are aware, I am a firm believer in Today I rise to pay tribute to Mrs. Beverly the power of collaboration to achieve great W. Hogan. Mrs. Hogan is the current Presi- TRIBUTE TO LINCOLN UNIVERSITY ends, and I believe that the work of the Land dent of Tougaloo College. Mrs. Hogan has a Trust is one of the greatest examples of this bachelors of art degree in Psychology. Mrs. HON. IKE SKELTON power. Hogan then received a Master’s degree in OF MISSOURI On Friday, February 21, the Land Trust held public policy and administration from Jackson IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a benefit dinner to honor the work of those State University. She has done additional who were early pioneers in this effort. I was studies at the University of Southern Mis- Monday, March 3, 2003 proud to join my colleague, ANNA ESHOO, as sissippi, University of Georgia and St. Mary Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Speaker, let me take a member of the Honorary Host Committee, College. Mrs. Hogan is presently pursuing a this means to recognize Lincoln University in although we could not attend due to other obli- doctorate in organizational management and Jefferson City, MO, on 137 years of service to gations. At this event, several people were leadership at the University of Phoenix. the State of Missouri. On January 30, the an- honored for their work, and I wish to do so Before becoming President of Tougaloo Col- nual Founders’ Day Celebration was held at here, as well. First, my good friend and former lege, Mrs. Hogan had twenty-five years of ex- Richardson Auditorium at the university. staff member Fred Keeley received special perience in executive management and lead- Lincoln University was founded on January recognition for his achievements as a member ership in which she has many accomplish- 14, 1866, by soldiers and officers of the 62nd of the California Assembly for the past 6 ments. In 1975, she established the first rape ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Dec 13 2002 03:08 Mar 04, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A03MR8.001 E03PT1.
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