IN SEARCH OF EFFECTIVE TRAINING MODELS FOR MOZAMBICAN TRANSLATORS AND INTERPRETERS by ARMANDO ADRIANO MAGAIA submitted in accordance with the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in the subjects LANGUAGES, LINGUISTICS AND LITERATURE at the UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AFRICA SUPERVISOR: Prof Claribel Koliswa Moropa January 2018 DECLARATION Student number: 53439325 I declare that IN SEARCH OF EFFECTIVE TRAINING MODELS FOR MOZAMBICAN TRANSLATORS AND INTERPRETERS is my own work and that all the sources that I have used or quoted have been indicated and acknowledged by means of complete references. I further declare that I have not previously submitted this work, or part of it, for examination at UNISA for another qualification or at any other higher education institution. _____________________________ January 2018 Armando Adriano Magaia Date i Acknowledgements First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my supervisor, Prof Claribel Koliswa Moropa, for her support, understanding, humanity and practical guidance over the period of my studies at UNISA. I am also deeply indebted to Dr. Allyson Kreuiter, who once again went out of her way to edit my thesis. The right help at the right time! I will always remember her magnanimous heart. I also wish to thank Prof E. J. Pretorius for her feedback on my research proposal, which greatly helped me refine my research method. Likewise, I say thank you to all UNISA staff, particularly in the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages, who assisted me in all aspects to complete my study programme as planned. I am grateful to Prof Cláudio Mungói, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of Eduardo Mondlane University, and Ms. Felicidade Rafael, Director of Studies at the Language Institute of Maputo, for permission and support to conduct the study at the institutions under their care. Special thanks to all my colleagues and students at UEM for their extraordinary cooperation during data collection. A word of thanks also goes to all Language Institute teachers and students who cooperated with me in this study both in Maputo City and Matola City. Most of those teachers were also willing to cooperate as translation/interpreting service providers, which helped me save time. I must also say thank you to all representatives of Organizations based in Maputo who responded to the questionnaire as potential translation/interpreting service users. My many thanks also go to my father, Adriano Magaia, for all the love and education he has given me all of my life. My father continues to teach me life lessons like endurance and patience in the face of hardships. I am particularly indebted to my dearest life companion, Carol, for her unwavering support and loyalty without which I could not have completed this project. Not even any other projects I may have in mind are possible without you! Although words cannot say it loud and clear, I would like to reassure you once more: I love you – only you! ii Nimuxuva njhani Mamana! Ahatle afamba anisiya wusvanga... “Hikusa nambi nsinya wu ni dumbo. Loko wutsremiwa, wutatlhela wuhluka. Mahluke ya wone matatama makula.” Atamuvitana, kutani atamuhlamula. (Yob 14:7,14,15) How I miss Mom! She went away so early… “For there is hope even for a tree. If it is cut down, it will sprout again, And its twigs will continue to grow.” He will call her, and she will answer Him. (Job 14:7, 14, 15) Quantas saudades da Mamã! Ela partiu tão cedo… “Pois até mesmo para uma árvore há esperança. Se for cortada, brotará outra vez E os seus raminhos continuarão a crescer.” Ele a chamará e ela Lhe responderá. (Jó 14:7, 14, 15) iii Abstract Although Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) has the longest history of BA Honours level translator and interpreter training in Mozambique, the university still lacks an effective model for the development of translation and interpreting competence in students. To address this problem, the present study seeks to find a practical model for the training of Mozambican professional translators and interpreters at BA Honours level that can guide the design of conducive curricula. The critical question the study attempts to answer is: What model for developing translation and interpreting competence could lead to an effective curriculum design that best meets the employment needs of Mozambican students? To this end, the study has been designed as action-research because this design enables better understanding and improvement of training processes (Cravo & Neves 2007). Three data collection tools are used to generate both qualitative and quantitative data from over 120 participants, namely: (i) a survey, (ii) an English translation test and (iii) a sample of archived Portuguese translations produced by former students. The survey findings suggest the need for a model whereby translators and interpreters are trained simultaneously within the same programme. Moreover, the results of macro- and micro-textual analysis show that, overall, the translation competence of former students is poor, suggesting that the current curriculum at UEM is failing to produce BA Honours translation/interpreting professionals. The proposed solution would be a curriculum based on a new integrated translation and interpreting competence development model with the following four pillars: communicative competence, general knowledge, strategic competence and service provision. Keywords: translator and interpreter training, training model, curriculum design, translation competence, interpreting competence, translation and interpreting studies, translation error analysis, translation quality assessment. iv ISISHWANKATHELO (ISIXHOSA) Nangona iyunivesithi iEduardo Mondlane University (UEM) inembali kwizifundo zesidanga esiphakamileyo (BA Honours) kuqeqesho lwabaguquleli neetoliki eMozambique, le yunivesithi ayikabi namzekelo unguwo nosebenzayo ekuphuhliseni izakhono zokuguqula nokutolika kubafundi bayo. Ukukhawulelana nale ngxaki olu phando lujolise ekufumaneni owona mzekelo usebenzayo onokusetyenziswa nonokuthi ube sisikhokelo kuyilo lwekharityhulam yesidanga esiphakamileyo iBA Honours esithatha iminyaka emine ekuqeqesheni abafundi babe ngabaguquleli neetoliki eziphume izandla zaseMozambique. Umbuzo ongundoqo nozanywa ukuphendulwa lolu phando ngulo: Ngowuphi umzekelo wokuphuhlisa izakhono zokuguqulela nokutolika onokukhokelela kuyilo lwekharityhulam esebenzayo nefezekisa iimfuno zengqesho zabafundi baseMozambique? Kungoko olu phando luye lwasebenzisa indlela yokuphanda ekuthiwa yi-action research eyenza kube lula ukuqonda nokuphucula iinkqubo zoqeqesho (Cravo & Neves 2007). Kuye kwasetyenziswa iindlela ezintathu zophando ukufumana ulwazi kubathathi- nxaxheba abali-120 ezizezi: (1) uvavanyo lwezimvo, (ii) uvavanyo lwenguqulelo yesicatshulwa esibhalwe ngesiNgesi kunye (iii) neenguqulelo zesiPhuthukezi ezenziwe ngabafundi bangaphambili ezigciniweyo. Iziphumo zeemvavanyo zezimvo zibonisa ukuba kufuneka kukho umzekelo onokusetyenziswa ekuqeqesheni abaguquleli neetoliki ngaxeshanye phantsi kwenkqubo enye. Ukongeza koku, iziphumo zohlalutyo lwesicatshulwa zibonise ukuba izakhono zokuguqulela zabafundi bangaphambili azikho mgangathweni, nto leyo ethetha ukuba ikharityhulam esetyenziswayo eUEM iyasilela ekukhupheni abaguquleli neetoliki ezinobuchule neziziincutshe. Isisombululo esicetyiswayo ke ngoko, sesokuba kubekho ikharityhulam ehlangeneyo eza kuphuhlisa izakhono zabaguquleli neetoliki esekelwe kwiintsika ezine ezizezi: isakhono sonxibelelwano, ulwazi jikelele, isakhono sobuchule kunye nokunikezwa kweenkonzo. v IQOQA (ISIZULU) Nakuba iNyuvesi i-Eduardo Mondlane University (i-UEM) isinomlando omude kakhulu wokuqeqesha abahumushi notolika ezingeni leziqu ze-BA Honours eMozambique, le nyuvesi ayikabi nayo indlela esebenzayo yokuthuthukisa amakhono ezitshudeni kwezokuhumusha nokutolika. Ukubhekana nale nkinga lolu cwaningo kuhloswe ngalo ukuthola indlela esebenzayo yokuqeqesha ongoti babahumushi notolika baseMozambique ezingeni leziqu ze-BA Honours (iziqu zeminyaka emine) ezingahlahla indlela yokuklama uhlelo lwezifundo olungasiza kule nkinga. Umbuzo omkhulu lolu cwaningo oluzama ukuwuphendula ngothi: Iyiphi indlela yokuthuthukisa amakhono okuhumusha nokutolika engaholela ekuklanyweni kohlelo lwezifundo olungahlangabezana nezidingo zokuqasheka kwezitshudeni zaseMozambique? Ukufeza le nhloso, lolu cwaningo lusebenzisa uhlelo lokucwaninga olubizwa nge-action-research ngoba luyasiza ekuqondeni kangcono nasekuthuthukiseni inqubo yokuqeqesha (Cravo & Neves 2007). Kusetshenziswa amathuluzi amathathu okuqoqa imininingobunjalo nemininingobuningi evela kubabambiqhaza abangaphezu kwabayi-120, okuyilokhu: (i) ngohlolocwaningo (i-survey), (ii) ngesivivinyo sesihumusho sesiNgisi (iii) nangesampula lezihumusho zesiPutukezi zabafundi baphambilini. Okutholakale kulo uhlolocwaningo kuveza isidingo sendlela yokuqeqesha abahumushi notolika kanyekanye ohlelweni lokufundiswa olufanayo. Ngaphezu kwalokho, imiphumela yokuhlaziywa kwemibhalo nezimo eyabhalwa ngaphansi kwazo ibonisa ukuthi, ngokubanzi, amakhono okuhumusha abafundi baphambilini awamahle, okuyinkomba yokuthi uhlelo lwezifundo lwamanje e-UEM luyehluleka ukukhiqiza ongoti bokuhumusha nokutolika ezingeni le-BA Honours. Isixazululo esiphakanyiswayo ngesendlela entsha esuselwa ekuthuthukiseni amakhono edidiyela ukuhumusha nokutolika, enalezi zinsika ezine ezilandelayo: amakhono kwezokuxhumana, ulwazi ngokubanzi, ikhono lokusebenzisa amasu, nokuhlinzekwa kwezidingo. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration i Acknowledgements ii Abstract iv
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