![EXTENSIONS of REMARKS May 16, 1978 to Provide Assurance of Prompt Repayment of Connect the Maricopa-Stanfield Water Dis Sec](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
13966 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 16, 1978 to provide assurance of prompt repayment of connect the Maricopa-Stanfield Water Dis­ SEc. 812. (a) The Department of Defense the loan. trict, Pinal County, Arizona, with such shall report to the Congress at the end of SEc. 3. If it Is determined from the studies Reservation for the purpose of satisfying fiscal year 1979 what efforts it has taken dur­ made under section 2(b) (1) (A), or at any such needs. Such plan shall be submitted to ing the fiscal year to formulate a productiv­ later time, that there is not a quantity of the Congress within 180 days after any such ity plan with respect to manpower needs and commercially recoverable ground water on determination. what efforts it has taken during the fiscal the Ak-Chin Indian Reservation which, when SEc. 4. There is authorized to be appropri­ year to gather productivity data under that added to water provided from other sources, ated an amount not to exceed $10,000,000 for plan upon which to base manpower requests is sufficient for the farming needs of the the purposes of section 2 of this Act. for subsequent fiscal year authorizations. Ak-Chins on such Reservation, the Secretary H.R. 10929 {b) The Department of Defense shall make shall report to the Congress a plan for pro­ By Mr. WOLFF: such plan and data available to the Con­ viding loans to the Ak-Chin community to -Add on page 38 after line 9 the following: gress at the end of fiscal year 1979. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS ARMED SERVICES A multi-stage approach to investigating which our junior enlisted personnel find the situation is proposed. The first stage will themselves. involve receiving testimony from Defense With that introduction I would, on be­ HON. DAN DANIEL witnesses. I would hope to evoke from the half of the subcommittee, welcome Dr. White OF VmGINIA Defense witnesses their perception of the and General Umstead.e present problems experienced by junior serv­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ice members stationed overseas, a discussion Monday, May 15, 1978 of administrative actions that they have SEVENTH SESSION OF THE THIRD taken or are considering that would allevi­ UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE • Mr. DAN DANIEL. Mr. Speaker, on last ate these problems, and a setting of priorities Wednesday, Congressman BILL NicHoLs, on potential legislative approaches to the ON THE LAW OF THE SEA chairman, Armed Services Subcommittee problems. This first phase should provide the on Military Compensation, began hear­ subcommittee with a fairly broad, yet de­ tailed framework, together with a "menu" of HON. PHILIP E. RUPPE ings on the problems-primarily finan­ OF MICHIGAN cial-confronting junior enlisted person­ possible actions to evaluate and to coalesce nel and their dependents. into a workable solution. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES This is a matter of very real concern, The second stage would involve hearing Monday, May 15, 1978 the testimony of junior enlisted personnel for it is beginning to be apparent that who have been stationed over.seas in high • Mr. RUPPE. Mr. Speaker, the Seventh young men and women who enlist in our cost areas. In order to formulate preliminary Session of the Third United Nations armed services spend their first tour of findings and at the same time to minimize Conference on the Law of the Sea has duty falling deeper and deeper into debt, the cost and disruption of stage two, I pro­ been meeting in Geneva since March 28. a circumstance which affects their pose that witnesses be "randomly" selected After 3 weeks of debate over organiza­ morale, their effectiveness, and their from service members presently stationed tion and procedure, the delegates got family relationships. in the Washington, D.C., area who have re­ down to detailed negotiations with the cently ret~rned from an overseas assignment. The information being developed by We will select members from junior and goal of producing a proposed treaty. Mr. NicHoLs' subcommittee apparently senior grades, from those with and without Those negotiations have been completed lays to rest the myth that armed services dependents, from those receiving travel and and we are now waiting to see if the personnel live off the fat of the land, transportation for dependents and those not, amendments to the existing text will be supported in a life of luxury by the Amer­ from those stationed in areas where the dol­ accepted by the conference. ican taxpayer. Not only have the men lar was rapidly devaluing and where it was During the last week, a member of the and women we ask to defend us seen not, and from those residing in government minority staff of the Merchant Marine their benefits eroded, they have also seen quarters and those not. By comparing the and Fisheries Committee attended the their standards of living cut to the bone. experiences of members from these different categories, we should be able, on a tentative conference. Although a final assessment Recently I obtained a copy of Mr. basis, to specify the major causes of the of the work of the conference is pre­ NICHOLs' opening statement. It is a fine financial plight of the service members. mature at this time, his report of the one and I respectfully request that it be Upon the conclusion of the second stage, state of play as of the last week is a reprinted at this point in the RECORD: we should have available to us sufficient in­ helpful background document which FINANCIAL PROBLEMS OF JUNIOR ENLISTED formation to decide whether the subcommit­ can be used to evaluate the progress STATIONED OVERSEAS tee, a panel thereof, or the staff needs to visit which may be achieved this year at the Today the subcommittee will initiate a overseas locations or if a survey would pro­ Conference. Therefore, I would like to series of hearings addressing the general sub­ vide us with the requisite data needed to insert his report in the RECORD at this ject of the financial problems experienced by refine the preliminary findings of the sub­ point: our junior enlisted personnel stationed over­ committee. seas. SEVENTH SESSION OF THE LAW OF THE SEA To initiate this schedule, Dr. John P. CONFERENCE, MAY 12 STATUS REPORT The reasons for these hearings at this time White, Assistant Secretary for Manpower, are several. The plight of our junior per­ Reserve Affairs, and Logistics and Major Gen­ With one week remaining, Ambassador sonnel has received a considerable amount eral Stanley M. Umstead, Jr., Deputy Assist­ Richardson is optimistic that a "package" of media coverage and has been the source ant Secretary of Defense for Military Person­ of amendments to the Informal Composite of numerous complaints by concerned citi­ nel Policy wm be the lead-off witnesses to­ Negotiating Text (ICNT) will be put before zens, government officials, and parents, and day. I have also asked their counterparts the Conference for debate on Wednesday, May 17. by service members themselves. During the from each of the services to testify. Antonia recent posture hearings, the Department of The purpose of this debate will be to as­ H. Chaves, Assistant Secretary for Manpower, certain if the proposals-<leveloped in small Defense strongly supported extending travel Reserve Affairs, and Installations, and Lieu­ entitlements for dependents of junior en­ Negotiating Groups dealing with "hard core" tenant General Bennie L. Davis, Deputy unresolved issues-command consensus sup­ listed personnel assigned overseas. The full Chief of Staff for Personnel, will testify to­ committee endorsed travel entitlements to port and therefore should be incorporated day, also. The Army and the Navy will appear into the Revised ICNT. If incorporated, all junior enlisted personnel, both for CONUS next week, tentatively on May 17. travel and overseas in its budget request for these amendments will improve the "unac­ fiscal year 1979 to the Budget Committee. I am hopeful that this series of hearings ceptable" ICNT. However, this wm not be A number of legislative initiatives have been will provide a better understanding of the a final text as several important issues will proposed or espoused, such as revising the financial problems associated with junior remain unresolved. method for computing the housing allow­ enlisted personnel stationed overseas-in­ At this time. however, it is a. matter of ance (Mr. Hillis), authorizing payment of cluding their cause and effect, assist in de­ speculation whether this event wm occur, advance housing allowance (Department of bating the issue of junior enlisted travel en­ what will be in the package if it is pre­ Defense), or tying the amount of station titlements during consideration of the De­ sented, and whether the ICNT wm be re­ allowances directly to the currency exchange fense Appropriations Bill should this issue vised. Under the rules of the Conference, rate. Finally, our colleague, Mr. Aspin, has arise in that context, and reaffirm this com­ promulgated after lengthy debate, the work requested hearings on this subject. mittee's concern over the circumstances in of the Negotiatlng Groups must be referred Statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor will be identified by the use of a "bullet" symbol, i.e., • May 16, 1978 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 13967 to the Plenary by each Committee Chair­ Rooster Day has come to be one of the of a century. He knows that no one reporter man. Furthermore, no changes can be made largest celebrations in Oklahoma, at­ can cover all of Washington, so he covers to the ICNT unless the proposals have been those things most likely to be of interest tracting visitors from throughout the and importance to his newspapers.
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