SH Index by Port Reg Number

SH Index by Port Reg Number

Sheet1 Name Port Reg Previousl Official Class Rig Type Build Builders Date Engineers Length F to S Registere Beam Depth y No. Keel d Dandy SH.1 Formerly 45224 1 Steam Iron Marshall 1863 Renoldson 100' 105.90' 19.10' 9.95' registered (6/80) Paddle Bros. & Co. Diamond SH.1 at 5965 1 Yawl TrawlerYawl Clench, Willingtonat ### Shields 56.6' (after 16.1' 6.3' Liverpool (2/44) wood ScarBorou lengthenin Gauntlet SH.1 registered (25/58)45115 1 Ketch Smack Carvel, ghGeorge 1863 g62.30' 1858) 16.80' 9.60' at Hull (6/75) Wood Parkinson, Mizpah SH.1 2 Motor Clinker, HullWilliam 1934 23' 27.9' 7.5' 3.9' CoBle Wood CamBridge Thankful SH.1 1 Lug (SquareHerring Clinker, ,Filey Quay January. Motor 41.7' 44.3' 12.4' 6.4' Arthur CoBle Wood 1909 Dependent SH.10 2 Lug SailingStern) Clinker, atStreet, Filey 1909 22.6' 24.8' 6.9' 3' CoBle Wood ScarBorou Dolphin SH.10 2 Lug Sailing Clinker, gh 22' CoBle Wood Lily SH.10 2 (linesMotor & Clinker, at 1913 27' 39.2' 10.4' 4.4' nets)CoBle (½ Wood Bridlington Magnet SH.10 18450 1 Yawl deck)Yawl Clench, H.R.Gale, 10/06/57 52' 57' 17.30' 6.60' (12/57) (presumaB Wood WhitBy Cissie SH.100 143261 1 ly Lug) Steam Steel Hall, 1919 ? Builders 115.4' 22.1' 12.1' Scatchard (14/19) Trawler Russel & Mary SH.100 3 Lug Sailing Clinker Filey 1902 15' 21.3' 6' 2.2' CoBle Northern SH.100 77345 1 Ketch Smack Clench, RayltonABerdeen. ### 66.50' 74.60' 19.50' 9.80' Belle (4/78) Iron DixonBuilt for & Wave SH.100 2 Lug Sailing Clinker, Co.ScarBorou 16' CoBle Wood gh. Mary SH.100 2 Motor Clinker, WilliamMiddlesbro 1937 23.6' 28.1' 7.4' 3.3' CoBle Wood CamBridgeugh Elsie SH.101 2 Lug Sailing Clinker, ,at Quay Filey ABout 19' 25.5' 7.2' 2.7' CoBle Wood 1887 James Clay SH.101 registered 51338 1 Sloop Smack Carvel, JohnStreet, & 1865 58' 61.70' 17.80' 9.45' at Brixham (9/75) (Ketch Wood SamuelScarBorou Sandra Glen SH.101 “Francis 2 3/12/78) Motor Clinker, Dewdney,ghWilliam 1937 28.3' 31.8' 9.4' 4.2' Mary II” CoBle Wood BrixhamCamBridge Alexandria SH.101 2 Lug Herring Clinker, , Quay 32' CoBle (½ Wood Street, Francis SH.101 2 deck)Motor Clinker, William 1937 28.3' 31.8' 9.4' 4.2' Mary II CoBle Wood CamBridgeScarBorou John SH.102 2 Lug CoBle Clinker, ,gh Quay 16' Theodore (lines) Wood Lizzie SH.102 2 Lug Herring Clinker, Street, 30' CoBle, ½ Wood ScarBorou Mary Jane SH.102 2 Lug deckedSailing Clinker, ghat 1931 18' 22.7' 5.9' 2.1' CoBle Wood ScarBorou Quadroon SH.102 1 ex Naval Carvel, ghat 1898 57' 13' 5.75' Steam Wood Wivenhoe Princess SH.102 2 Lug PinnaceSailing Clinker at Filey Oct. 1911 20.5' 24.2' 6.4' 2.9' Royal CoBle Wanda SH.102 2 Motor Boat Clinker, 16.6' 17.5' 6.5' 2.9' (SH.11 from (proBaBly Wood Brittannia 29/11/57)SH.103 2 Lug exSailing trawler Clinker, 17' (correct lifeBoat)CoBle Wood spelling)Cygnet SH.103 82959 1 Steam Iron J. & T. 1883 J.P.Rennol 95' 94.70' 19' 10' (3/83) Screw Eltringham dson, Vanguard SH.103 3 TrawlerRowing Clinker, ,Shaw South 1947 South 16' 18.5' 5.6' 2.1' Boat Wood ShieldsBros. Pier Shields ZeBulan SH.103 105650 1 Steam Carvel, Terrace,ColBy 1914 Elliott & 86.80' 19.50' 9.60' (ZeBulun?) (5/14) Drifter Wood Bros. Garood Kingfisher SH.104 2 Motor Boat Clinker, atScarBorou 1961 21.2' 7.2' 3.1' ghLowestoft Ltd. Wood ScarBorou Beccles gh Page 1 Sheet1 Natsu SH.104 2 Lug Sailing Clinker at Filey 1900 22.5' 27.4' 6.8' 2.4' CoBle Sunlight SH.104 1 Motor Carvel, at 1919 47' 49' 14.3' 6' Fishing Wood ABerdeen William SH.104 reg at 44081 1 Lugger per BoatYawl Clench per Christophe 1861 56' 63.5' 18' 7.4' Clowes WhitBy (5/89) register register, r Gale, Black Prince SH.104 (44/61) 2 ButLug would Sailing ButClinker, would WhitBy 19' CoBle Wood Good SH.104 EBenezer 2 undouBted Motor Clinker,proBaBly at Filey 1920 18' 24.5' 6.5' 3' Companions SH.374 ly have CoBle Woodhave Been CamBria SH.105 reg at Hull 60187 1 BeenKetch Smack douBledCarvel, to J.Banks, 1869 64' 67.20' 18.60' 9.35' (4/83) dandy By carvelWood By Howden Felicity SH.105 2 1889Lug Herring 1889Clinker, Dyke 30' CoBle. ½ Wood Rose SH.105 reg at 144801 1 deckSteam Steel at King's 1920 86' 86.9' 18.55' 9.3' Duncan Buckie (1/1937) Drifter Lynn. Built Silver Line SH.105 BCK.122 2 (AdmiraltyMotor Clinker, asClarkson, 1936 32.1' 9.3' 3.7' CoBle Wood WhitBy True Love SH.105 2 (orig.), 3 Lug Sailing“Ocean” Clinker At“Melody” Filey 1902 15' 24' (later 4.3' 2.3' (later) CoBleclass) (G.W.) (original reg.) Fear Not SH.105 reg at 115017 1 No.4172Steam Carvel, GiBBs & 1902 Philip & reg.), 14 78.15' 18.10' 8.00' (1919/26) Lowestoft (7/15) Drifter Wood Co. Son, (later reg) Vanessa SH.195SH.106 (16/02) 3 Lug Sailing Clinker GalmptonAt Filey 1901 Dartmouth 17.8' 24.2' 6.6' 2.5' CoBle Ann & Mary SH.106(1915/16) (YH.469 2 Lug Sailing Clinker, 16'9” 1916- CoBle (½ Wood Bee SH.106 1919) 2 Lug deck)Sailing Clinker, 19' CoBle Wood Courage SH.106 reg at 2 Motor(lines) Carvel, at 1932 41.5' 45.2' 13.7' 4.7' Buckie Fishing Wood, Findochty Connie SH.107 BCK.234At 109671 1 BoatSteam FifieSteel Earle & 1900 110.4' 21.1' 11.2' Fleetwood Screw Co. Hull Mataroa SH.107 FD.194, at 2 TrawlerMotor Boat Clinker, 28' 29' 8.8' 3.7' GrimsBy (? ex Wood Night Watch SH.107 2 Lug ship'sSailing Clinker, 20' GY.31 CoBle Wood Rising Sun SH.107 2 Lug SailinglifeBoat) Clinker, 19' CoBle Wood Joan & Mary SH.108 2 (lines)Motor Clinker, William 1938 23.5' 27.9' 7.5' 3.2' CoBle Wood CamBridge Bitter Beer SH.108 2 Lug Herring Clinker, , Quay 30' CoBle, half Wood Street, Sea Swallow SH.108 2 Lug deckedSailing Clinker at Filey Aug. 1899 16' 23.6' 6' 2.6' CoBle ScarBorou (14/3/1902 Sir John SH.108 reg at Hull 82467 1 Ketch Smack Carvel, ghG.J.Watso 1880 )70' 16.6' 74.20' 20' 10.40' Astley (8/83) Wood n, The Lady SH.108 2 Lug Sailing Clinker, 20'(17/12/190 Richmond 4) Mildred CoBle Wood Walk, White Rose SH.108 2 Lug (lines)Sailing Clinker, At Filey 1884 23' 31.2' 8.2' 3.7' CoBle Wood Devonport James SH.109 143262 1 Steam Steel Cochrane 1919 ? Holmes, 138.3' 23.75' 12.7' Johnson (16/19) Trawler & Sons Hull Masonic SH.109 2 Motor Boat Clinker, Ltd.Baker SelBy 1937 16' 18.4' 5.2' 2.3' (prev. Wood Siddall, Minna SH.109 1 Lug RowingSailing Carvel Westat FeB. 1898 39.4' 41.8' 13.8' 3.8' CromBie Boat)Drifter/Line Street,Gourdon Three SH.109 2 Lug rSailing Clinker, 17½' Brothers CoBle Wood Bridlington William SH.109 2 Lug Sailing Clinker, 20' CoBle Wood Happy SH.109 2 (lines)Motor Boat Clinker, J.Ley, St. 1950 18' 20.6' 6.8' 2.9' Hours Wood Sepulchre Street, ScarBorou Pagegh 2 Sheet1 Strathdee SH.109 (from “Masonic” 2 Motor Boat Clinker, Baker 1937 16' (17' 18.4' (18.6' 5.2' (5.5' 2.3' (2.4' 10/6/52 Wood Siddall, Remeasur Remeasur Remeasur Remeasur Skylark SH.126)SH.11 2 Lug Sailing Clinker, West ed26.5' ed 30.3' ed6.7' ed3.2' CoBle Wood Argo SH.11 reg at 1 Motor Carvel, atStreet, 1926 42'10/6/52) 43'10/6/52) 14.9'10/6/52) 6.5'10/6/52) Berwick Fishing Wood, EyemouthBridlington Good SH.11 BK.141 27378 1 Yawl, BoatYawl FifieCarvel Thomas ### 52' 56.40' 18.00' 7.625' Samaritan (10/60) presumaBl aBove W.Walker, Edward & SH.110 2 y Lug Motor Bins,Clinker, ScarBorouWilliam May. 1938 25.2' 28.2' 7.6' 3.2' Muriel CoBle Wood CamBridge Georgina SH.110 “Edward & 2 Motor Clinker,clench Williamgh May. 1938 25.2' 28.2' 7.6' 3.2' Below. , Quay Muriel” CoBle Wood Street,CamBridge John & Eliza SH.110 until 2 Lug Sailing WoodClinker ,at Quay Filey 1911 21.6' 25' 6.9' 3.2' CoBle ScarBorou Valeva SH.110 23/8/1957 2 Lug CoBle Clinker, ghStreet, 18' (lines) Wood ScarBorou Diadem SH.110 2 Lug Sailing Clinker, gh 19' CoBle Wood Boy Hector SH.111 reg at 117464 1 Steam Carvel, H.Reynold March. CraBtree & 82.50' 18.50' 8.60' Lowestoft (7/14) Drifter Wood s, 1903 Co. Jane & SH.111 (18/1907) 2 (later 1) Lug, with ½ deck Clinker Lowestoftat Filey 1878 Yarmouth 32' (1878) 41.7' 11.5' 5.7' Priscilla LT.968 JiB Boat (1906 reg 1907 36' (14/5/1906 Manapeh SH.111 2 Lug (herringSailing Clinker, says 1880 (14/5/190617½' ) coBle Wood Pauline SH.111 2 Lug SailingcoBle) Clinker, at 1931But original 18') 22.7' 5.9' 2.1' CoBle(sal Wood ScarBorou reg is John Burnett SH.112 2 Lug monHerring coBle) Clinker, gh 1878) 38' CoBle Wood Provider SH.112 “Better 2 Motor(square Carvel, at 1908 35.9' 38.3' 13.1' 4.9' Hope” until Fishingstern) Wood.

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