Present Status of Neutrino Oscillations

Present Status of Neutrino Oscillations

Present status of neutrino oscillations Yury Kudenko Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow HSQCD2018, Gatchina, Russia, 8 August 2018 1 OUTLINE Neutrino oscillations - 3-neutrino scheme - running accelerator and reactor experiments - future projects Light sterile neutrinos - neutrino anomalies - new experimental tests 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 2 oscillations and mixing Standard Model: neutrinos are massless particles U U U e 1 e1 e2 e3 U parameterization: 3 families U U U U U three mixing angles 2 1 2 3 12 23 13 CP violating phase CP 3 U1 U 2 U 3 atmospheric link between solar atmospheric and solar 1 0 0 cos 0 sin ei cos sin 0 e 13 13 12 12 1 0 cos23 sin23 0 1 0 - sin12 cos12 0 2 i 0 -sin cos i 0 0 1 23 23 -sin13e 0 cos13 3 SuperK, K2K, T2K Daya Bay, RENO Solar experiments, SuperK MINOS, T2K, NovA(?) MINOS Double Chooz KamLAND 0 90 0 23~45 13 1234 2 2 2 2 5 2 | m32 | | m31 | 2 2 2 m21 msol 7.510 eV mij mi m j | m2 | 2.4103 eV 2 atm 2 2 2 2 m12 m23 m31 0 two independent m 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 3 Main goals of oscillation experiments neutrinos quarks - CP violation in lepton sector Strength of CP violation in neutrino oscillations J = Im(U U U U ) = Im(U U U U ) -5 CP e1 2 e2 1 e2 3 e3 2 Quark sector JCP 310 2 = cos12sin12cos 13sin13cos23sin23sinCP Lepton sector JCP 0.02sinCP all mixing angles 0 First indication from T2K: CP = -/2 JCP 0 if CP 0 - Neutrino mass hierarchy - 23 – maximal? If not, what octant (23 > /4 or 23 < /4)? Neutrino cross sections - Sterile neutrinos 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 4 Experimental methods * * 2 * * P( ) 4Re(UiUiUjUj )sin ij 2Im(UiUiUjUj )sin 2ij i j i j Appearance Disappearance Search for CP violation in neutrino oscillations Matter effect 2 P( e ) P( e ) m12L sin212 ACP sin Mass Hierarchy P( e ) P( e ) 4E sin13 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 5 Current experiments 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 6 about 500 members 59 institutions from 11 countries LONG-BASELINE NEUTRINO OSCILLATION EXPERIMENT Super-K Tokai Tokyo JAPAN Far neutrino detector T2K experiment SuperKamiokande Collect data since 2010 Neutrino monitor Off-axis neutrino Off-axis beam INGRID ND280 near neutrino detector 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 8 T2K data P.Litchfield, ICHEP2018 Neutrino mode 1.491021 POT Antineutrino mode 1.121021 POT anti-anti- 243 events 102 events e e +1 e 75 15 9 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 9 T2K data and expectation disappearance appearance 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 10 T2K results T2K e / anti- e T2K e / anti- e + reactor 13 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 11 T2K result Best fit cp = -1.6 rad for NH CP-conservation hypothesis (sinCP = 0, ) excluded at 2 level - First hint for CP violation in the lepton sector - T2K data favour CP - /2 and normal hierarchy 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 12 Future plans T2K expected to accumulate 7.8x1021 POT around 2021 21 (now 3x10 POT) • Upgrade of near detectors to improve systematic uncertainties 18% (2011) 9% (2014) 5% (2018) goal 4% (2021) • Plan to increase the beam intensity up to 1 MW in 2021 • Beam power up to 1.3 MW in ~2026 21 • T2K-II: proposed extension up to 2026 for 20x10 POT 3 sensitivity to CP violation for CP -/2 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 13 NOvA Neutrino beam from FNAL to Ash River Baseline 810 km Neutrino beam 14 mrad off-axis Far detector : 14 kt fine-grained calorimeter 65% active mass Near Detector: 0.3 kt fine-grained calorimeter Taking data since Summer 2014 Study of and e oscillations 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 14 NOvA: J.Bian ICHEP2018 Neutrino beam: 8.851020 POT Antineutrino beam: 6.91020 POT Far detector 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 15 NOvA: e/anti-e e anti-e 58 events observed 18 events observed 15 background events expected 5.3 background events expected e appearance 4 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 16 NOvA results Best fit: NOvA prefers - Normal Hierarchy Normal Hierarchy at 1.8 - CP = 0.17 but consistent with all CP values at <1.6 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 17 Prospects for NOvA 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 18 OPERA: final result PRL 120 (2018) 211801 appearance 19 10 events observed for 18x10 POT 2 -3 2 2 Expected 6.4 events for m 23 = 2.5 x10 eV , sin 223 = 1.0 Expected background 2.00.4 events Significance of appearance 6.1 2 -3 2 2 OPERA: m 23 = (2.7 + 0.7 - 0.6) x10 eV , assuming sin 223 = 1.0 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 19 IceCube Neutrinos have the first maximum of disappearance PRL 120 (2018) 071801 at about 25 GeV Energy threshold of Deep Core = 5 GeV Data taking for 3 years 2 -3 2 2 m 32 = (2.31 +011-0.13)x10 eV sin 23 = 0.51 +0.07 -0.09 for NH 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 20 2 2 Oscillation parameters: m 32 – sin 23 M.Yokoyama ICHEP2018 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 21 Reactor experiments Measurement of Daya Bay, China 13 17.4 GW 13 RENO, Korea 16 GW Double Chooz, France 8.5 GW 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 22 Oscillation results Daya Bay Liang Zhan, ICHEP2018 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 23 Future LBL Projects - Reactor experiment JUNO - Accelerator LBL experiment DUNE - HyperKamiokande and T2HK 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 24 Reactor experiment JUNO China 66 institutions > 400 collaborators Main target: Start data taking in 2020 Measurement of neutrino mass hierarchy • 700 m deep underground • 36 GW reactor power • 53 km baseline -> oscillation maximum 12 • 20 kton LS detector ? • 3% energy resolution at 1MeV • <1% energy scale uncertainty 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 25 JUNO goals Main goal: determination of neutrino mass hierarchy Supernova neutrino + Geoneutrinos Solar neutrinos 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 26 Detector JUNO Requirements: - PMT coverage 75% of total surface - QE 35% Calibration - Sci. att. length >20 m Top Tracker 3” PMT h=44 m Central detector Acrylic sphere 20kt Liquid Scin ~17000 20’’ PMT ~36000 3’’ PMT Water Cherenkov ~2000 20’’ PMT d=43.5 m 20” PMT 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 27 LBNF/DUNE Project Flagship FNAL project Main goals: - discovery of CP violation in leptonic sector 30 countries - neutrino mass hierarchy at >5 level 161 institutions - neutrino astronomy 1000 collaborators - proton decay search Ep = 60-120 GeV Beam power 1.2 -> 2.4 MW On axis neutrino beam E 1- 6 GeV L=1300 km from FNAL to SURF, S.Dakota Sensitivity to CP violation Far detector 40 kt (4 x 10kt) LAr TPC Single and Dual phase 2021 – installation of 1st far detector detectors 2024 – 2 modules operational 2026 – deliver neutrino beam 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 28 HyperKamiokande 12 countries 70 institutes Japan 300 members HyperK: 2 water tanks Expected data taking start 2026 - Upgrade of JPARC to 1.3 MW beam power - New/upgrade of near neutrino detectors Main goals: - Search for CP violation - Proton decay - Neutrino astrophysics 1 tank CP 60 m(H)x74m(D) 10 years of running: Total volume 260 kt - 8 for = - /2 Fiducial volume 190 kt CP - 80% coverage of 10xSuperK parameter space with >3 PMT coverage 40% CP - p 0 e+ >1035 y 40000 PMTs 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 29 Expected sensitivity to CP Significance for CP = - /2 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 30 Light sterile neutrinos 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 31 LSND LSND anti- anti-e 87.9 ± 22.4 ± 6.0 events Excess 3.8σ 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 32 MiniBooNe e anti- anti-e L 540 m E = 0.2-3 GeV Neutrino 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 33 Gallium anomaly 51Cr (27.7 days) 37Ar (35.4 days) SAGE GALLEX 427 keV ν (9.0%) 747 keV ν (81.6%) 432 keV ν (0.9%) 752 keV ν (8.5%) 813 keV (9.8%) 811 keV(90.2%) 320 keV γ 51V (stable) 37Cl (stable) 71 71 - Detection process: e + Ga Ge + e GALLEX SAGE m(Ga)=30 t m(Ga)=13 t 51 51 51 37 Source r = 5cm Cr -1 Cr -2 Cr Ar r = 76cm Intensity (Mci) 1.714 1.868 0.517 0.409 h = h 128cm R = (pexp/ptheory) 0.95 0.11 0.81 ± 0.11 0.95 ± 0.12 0.79 ± 0.10 Rcomb 0.88 ± 0.08 0.86 ± 0.08 R = pexp/ptheory = 0.87±0.05 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 34 Reactor anomaly anti-e anti-e 2 0.937 0.027 2 active neutrino mixing with sin 213=0.06 S.Gariazzo et al arXiv:1703.08860 Daya Bay and RENO 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 35 Sterile neutrino? 3 + 1s 3 ? PNMS matrix e Ue1 Ue2 Ue3 Ue4 1 U 1 U 2 U 3 U 4 2 U U U U 1 2 3 4 3 s U s1 U s2 U s3 U s4 4 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 36 e and anti-e disappearance arXiv:1512.02202 Global fit of reactor and Gallium data m2 2 eV2 sin22 0.1 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 37 New MiniBooNe result arXiv:1805.12028 MiniBooNe doubled data since 2012 12.841020 POT anti- 11.271020 POT neutrino +antineutrino total excess 460.5 95.8 events (4.8) Best fit point: 2 2 m 41 = 0.041 eV sin22 = 0.958 Excluded by OPERA and ICARUS 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 38 Sterile ’s: Daya Bay + MINOS+ Bugey-3 PRL117 (2016) 151801 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 39 Sterile ’s: IceCube PRL 117 (2016) 071801 E = 320 GeV – 20 TeV sterile neutrinos produce distortions of + anti- flux (energy and angle) in the range 0.01 m2 10 eV2 - 1 year of data - statistics limited Result compatible with no-sterile hypothesis 8 August 2018 Yury Kudenko INR RAS, Moscow 40 NEOS: reactor anti-

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