Queensland Government Gazette PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. CCCXXXIX] (339) FRIDAY, 26 AUGUST, 2005 'UHDPLQJRID 1HZ&DUHHU" :ELDA2ECRUITMENT s#OMPETITIVERATES s0ROFESSIONALCONSULTANTS s0ROVENTRACKRECORDOFSUCCESS s%XTENSIVECANDIDATEDATABASE s"UILDINGLONGTERMRELATIONSHIPS s,ONGSTANDINGREPUTATIONFOREXCELLENTSERVICE s1UEENSLANDOWNEDOPERATEDCOMPANY 3PECIALISINGIN s&INANCE!CCOUNTING s!CCOUNTING3UPPORT s/FFICE!DMINISTRATION s(UMAN2ESOURCES%XECUTIVE s0ROCUREMENT 7EAREHAPPYTOASSISTATALLLEVELSOFTEMPORARY CONTRACTORPERMANENTRECRUITMENTFROM!/TO!/ ANDFROM3/TO3%3 0LEASECONTACT+ODI,YTHALL *O-OUNT 4IFFANY3PRING OR *ANINE#HATFIELD OHYHODGHODLGHVW EULVEDQHTOG Ìv ]HOGD SRWHQWLDO#]HOGDUHFUXLWPHQWFRPDX 5(&58,70(17 ZZZ]HOGDUHFUXLWPHQWFRPDX ZKHUHSRWHQWLDOPHHWVRSSRUWXQLW\ [1389] Queensland Government Gazette PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. CCCXXXIX (339) FRIDAY, 26 AUGUST, 2005 [No. 89 Integrated Planning Act 1997 Integrated Planning Act 1997 TRANSITIONAL PLANNING SCHEME NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE (NO. 7) 2005 PINE RIVERS SHIRE COUNCIL In accordance with section 6.1.1 1(2) of the Integrated Planning Act 1997, I hereby nominate the dates sp ecified in the following ADOPTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE PLANNING schedule as th e revised day on which the transitio nal planning SCHEME FOR THE SHIRE OF PINE RIVERS schemes, for the local government areas listed in the schedule, will Notice is given under the Integrated Planning Act 1997, schedule 1 lapse: that on 7 February 2005 (MP.05/0247.0262) the Pine Rivers Shire SCHEDULE Council ado pted an amend ment to th e plannin g scheme for the Shire of Pine Rivers. Barcoo Shire Council 28 February 2006 The purpose and general effect of the amendment is to exclude land Bauhinia Shire Council 28 February 2006 located at 169, 173, 177 and 181 Marsden Road, Kallangur and Belyando Shire Council 31 August 2006 described as Lots 17, 18, 19 and 20 on RP 93647 Parish Redcliffe Boulia Shire Council 28 February 2006 from the ‘Futu re Urban’ zo ne and include the land in the ‘Residential A’ z one, t o re flect the approval by Coun cil of a Burnett Shire Council 28 February 2006 development application over the land. Carpentaria Shire Council 31 May 2006 The reference number for the amendment is IPA/165/5. Charters Towers City Council 30 April 2006 Croydon Shire Council 31 January 2006 A copy of the planning scheme amendment is available for inspection and purchase at the Pine Rivers Shire Council Customer Diamantina Shire Council 28 February 2006 Contact Centre, 220 Gympie Road (Cnr. Hall Street), Strathpine. Douglas Shire Council 16 December 2005 A copy of the planning scheme amendment is al so available for Etheridge Shire Council 31 October 2005 inspection at the Department of Local Gover nment, Planning, Hinchinbrook Shire Council 30 November 2005 Sport and Recreation, in the Planning Information Area, Level 25, Ilfracombe Shire Council 28 February 2006 Mineral House, 41 George Street, Brisbane. Isisford Shire Council 28 February 2006 Logan City Council 31 January 2006 Ray Burton, Chief Executive Officer Longreach Shire Council 28 February 2006 Pine Rivers Shire Council Noosa Shire Council 31 December 2005 Redcliffe City Council 31 December 2005 Redland Shire Council 31 March 2006 Winton Shire Council 28 February 2006 Integrated Planning Act 1997 Woocoo Shire Council 30 June 2006 PUBLIC NOTICE Desley Boyle MP PINE RIVERS SHIRE COUNCIL Minister for Environment, Local Government, Planning and Women ADOPTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE PLANNING SCHEME FOR THE SHIRE OF PINE RIVERS Notice is given under the Integrated Planning Act 1997, schedule 1 that on 13 December 2004 (MP:04/3394-3414 ) the Pine Rivers Shire Council adopted an amendment to the planning scheme for the Shire of Pine Rivers. 297862—1 1390 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 89 [26 August, 2005 The purpose and general effect of the amendment is to exclude land A copy of the planning scheme is available f or inspection and located at Lot 6 Mt O'Reilly Ro ad, Samford Valley 4520 and purchase at th e Rockh ampton Cit y Council Customer Service described as Lot 6 RP 29891 Parish Parker from the ‘Future Rural Centre, Bolsover Street, Rockhampton. Living’ zone and include the land in the ‘Special Residential’ zone, to reflect the approval by Council of a development application A copy of the planning scheme is also available for inspection at over the land. the Department of Local Government, Sport and Recreatio n, Mineral House, Level 25 Plan Room, 41 George Street, Brisbane. The reference number for the amendment is IPA/532/4 and IPA418/2. Gary J Stevenson A copy of th e planning scheme amendment is av ailable for Chief Executive Officer inspection and purchase at the Pine Rivers Shire Council Customer Rockhampton City Council Contact Centre, 220 Gympie Road (Cnr. Hall Street), Strathpine. A copy of the planning scheme amendment is also available for inspection at th e Department of Local Government, Planning, Sport and Recreation, in the Planning Information Area, Level 25, Mineral House, 41 George Street, Brisbane. Ray Burton, Chief Executive Officer Pine Rivers Shire Council Integrated Planning Act 1997 PUBLIC NOTICE ROCKHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF THE PLANNING SCHEME FOR THE CITY OF ROCKHAMPTON Notice is given under the Integrated Planning Act 1997, schedule 1 that on August 16, 2005 Rockhampton City Council adopted its new planning scheme. The planning scheme will have effect on and from Augu st 30, 2005. The planning scheme becomes the planning scheme fo r the area and replaces the existing planning scheme. © The State of Queensland 2005. Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without the prior written permission of Goprint. Inquiries should be addressed to Goprint, Publications and Retail, 371 Vulture Street, Woolloongabba, 4102. —————— BRISBANE Printed and Published by Government Printer, Vulture Street, Woolloongabba 26 August, 2005 297862 [1391] Queensland Government Gazette PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. CCCXXXIX (339) FRIDAY, 26 AUGUST, 2005 [No. 90 Land Act 1994 Act 1993 and any amendments to them or either of CORRECTION OF GRANT NOTICE (No 21) 2005 them or any Acts superseding those Acts. Short title 1.2 “Date of this Easement” means the date of Notice. 1. This notice may be cited as the Correction of Grant Notice 1.3 “Easement” means the rights obtained from the Owner (No 21) 2005. by QETC including but not limited to the terms and Correction of grant [s.359(3) of the Act] conditions contained in this Schedule. 2. The Deed of Grant described in Schedule 1 is amended as 1.4 “Easement Land” means that portion of the Owner’s mentioned in Schedule 2. land over which this Easement is obtained. SCHEDULE 1 1.5 “Owner” means the Registered Proprietor together 1RUWK5HJLRQ&ORQFXUU\2I¿FH with its successors, successors in title and assigns. Deed of Grant - 40046564. Where the term appears in Clauses 3, 4, 5 and 6 it Current Title Reference – 50544981. includes the servants, agents, employees, workmen Name of grantees - Keith Francis Bellamy and Deborah Christine and contractors of the Owner and other persons Bellamy. authorised by the Owner to use or enter upon the Land granted - Lot 7 on MPH22111, parish of Norden. Easement Land. Area - 607 m2. 1.6 “QETC” means the Queensland Electricity SCHEDULE 2 Transmission Corporation Limited, together with Correction of an error in describing the grantees of the Deed its successors and assigns and others authorised by of Grant- it. Where the context permits, the term includes the omit ‘Keith Francis Bellamy and Deborah Christine Bellamy’, servants, agents, employees, workmen, linesmen, insert ‘Richard Walter Larkin and Joslin Billie Larkin’. contractors of QETC and other persons authorised by ENDNOTES QETC to exercise its rights under this Easement. 1. Made by the Governor in Council on 25 August 2005. 1.7 “Electricity Works” means such works, apparatus, 2. Published in the Gazette on 26 August 2005. structures and things as QETC may in its absolute 3. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. discretion consider appropriate as a means of conveying 4. The administering agency is the Department of Natural or transmitting electricity, telecommunications and Resources and Mines. other electromagnetic energy in all its forms, including 5. File Reference - FL0/202399 conductors, cables, towers, aerials, poles, foundations, ground anchorages, supports and other associated Acquisition of Land Act 1967 or appurtenant works. The expression includes the TAKING OF EASEMENT NOTICE (No 13) 2005 Electricity Works existing on the Easement Land at Short title the Date of this Easement or constructed on it after 1. This notice may be cited as the Taking of Easement Notice that date, and where the context permits it includes a (No 13) 2005. reference to any part of the Electricity Works. Easement taken [s.9 of the Act] QETC’S RIGHTS 2. The Easements described in Schedule 2 are taken by the 2. The QETC is acquiring this Easement in perpetuity to Queensland Electricity Transmission Corporation Limited ACN 078 permit QETC the right to: 849 233 for Electrical Works purposes and vests in the Queensland 2.1 convey and transmit electricity, telecommunications Electricity Transmission Corporation Limited ACN 078 849 233 and other electromagnetic energy in all its forms on, on and from 26 August 2005. from, over, under and through the Easement Land by Rights and obligations Electricity Works; 3. That the rights and obligations conferred and imposed by each 2.2 enter upon and traverse the Easement Land, with Easement include the matters set out in Schedule 1. vehicles, plant and equipment, if necessary, to exercise SCHEDULE 1 its rights under this Easement; DEFINITIONS 2.3 construct Electricity Works on, over, under or through 1. In this Easement: the Easement Land; 1.1 “Acts” means the Electricity Act 1994, Electricity 2.4 inspect, maintain, repair or replace the Electricity 000000—Safety1 Act 2002 and Government Owned Corporations Works; 1392 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No.
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