• SUNY CobleskiU December Issue Volume 9 · Issue .. TfiE • Circulation: 2,500 • • • ~ 710 D EC "SS 86 CoUege Court Turkey Trot Raises Named $800 to Fight M.S. With the help of 16 sponsors, 11 teams made up of 4 members each, braved the crisp November whether in a relay style race, to raise more than $800. to help combat M.S. In the seventh annual Ten Eyck Hallturkey trot. Each of the team members ran 1 and one third miles, covering the circumfer ence of the college. Winners were---Mens Division, Ten E'Ick Hall; Womens, Faculty Staff (L.R.C.) and the CO-Ed team. T1e top fund raiser went to Fake Hall collecting more than $200. - The College Court is made up of outstanding freshmen and senior students who have been especially selected by their peers, for recognition of service to the campus. Each se lectee has been voted into the College Court by Residents and Dorm Councils all across the campus. We congratulate each of the selectees and thank them for their extra effort and help in making Cobleskill College a great place to be! Bill Thomas Dix Hall #208 Dix Hail1016 Eric Burroughs Diane Monteveroe Wieting Hall 11009 Wieting Halllfl14 Jim King Lisa Gorf F ake Hall/l507 Fake Hall #127 Sam Persha Pete Bergren Draper Hall #308 Draper Hall #107 D iane Riehl Rich Grotton Pearson Hall #lOS Pearson Hall #2 18 Financial Aid News Shannon McDonald (1) Financial independence will be more difficult to establish Tony Giallaza Davis Hall 11307 under the revised criteria, which presume financial dependence Davis Hall /1221 on parents for all students under the age of 24 unless special Kevin Gunthier circumstances are met. (2) Guaranteed Student Loan volume will Jim Mallette Parsons Hall 11327 Parsons Hall /1127 be r educed for families with incomes under $30,000 as the new law requires that all students show financial need for loan eligibility. John F _ Kennedy Previously, only thOse with incomes above $30,000 had to show Sheryl Nash Ten Eyck Hall /1505 Ten Eyck Hall /1327 need. HESC estimates that over $200 million in annual GSL volume will be lost to New York State students and institutions. • • THE WHI RLWINO, December 1986, p. 2 • Well Gang; the end of the semester is here. I don't know where On November 11 , 1986, the Student Government appointed Mary the time went, and all thats left in hopes of grades is the fat lady MacAvoy Giery as a freshman representative to replace Prfnce singing. I hope that the freshmen enjoyed their first semester at Marshall. • C.O.B.Y. For the seniors that are graduating I wish you the best of Mary is a Hotel Tech n olo~y major and hails from Delaware luck in your future endeavors. To returning seniors, just think County and her High School ~Ima Mater is Stamford Central, the only 4 more months! For my last column of the '86 year, I thought class of 1986. I would give you a taste of what' sJo come, plus this past semester She comes from a large family of six sisters and f ive brothers. in revi~w . Mary Mac as she is usually called was very active in high school, - For the Whirlwind, check out the new personal/ classified participating in Student Government, yearbook staff, photo club, section, I ' m sure it's going to be an ar ea that we can have a lot of softball and basketball teams, cnd language clUb. fun with. Plus hopefully we will be able to sell any item that you When asked what she would I ke to see on the Cobleskill College have to offer. Campus, she answers, "see in~ the students gain a respect for - To everyone who read my November column, (as I' m sure you each other and more cO 'operatiol among students." all did) I strongly support President Reagan and his polic ies. I Mary .lives in Wieting Hall aid please join the members of apologize that this point didn't come acro~s. Student Government in welcomin! her .to her new role. - I recently read an article about the best college Presidents in All the members of Student Government wish all the students the country. Unfort unately our very own Pres. R(>bbins wasn't and faculty a safe and enjoyable :hristmas and New year with listed. Don't worry Pres., in our book you're still No. Jne. their family and friends, see ya' ne).f semester !!! - Well, It's time for me to sign off. I hope every~ · ne that can, ret urns next semester. Remember, the sure way to miss success is to miss the opportunity. Studelt Government PR Committee Mike R eilly COlLEGE PRf.SS SHNICE . • OKAY, Quality of Studt:nt Life Survey \ WE'VE GoT Early in the semester, Dr. Leo Bryant ~x pressed an interest in IT I determining how Cobleskill's student i'Opulation judged the HoW WHAT QUALITY OF LIFE on our campus. During the week of October 13 to October 'iT a survey addressing Do WE Do the QUALITY OF LI F E on Cobleskill's camlJJs was adminis'ered WTM IT? to some 700 plus students. It is interesting to note here that students no. asked to complete - a survey, in many instances, went out of their "Yay to obtain one. Freshman and Senior s alike were truly interested in providing input in hopeS"'their voices would be heard. The breakdown of respondents for this survey represents, within a few perceC'ltage points, the actual ratio of male to female students presently living on the campus. This holds true for the Freshman/ Senior ratio as ·well. The 739 respondents represent about 38% of the total student poputdtlQn T"c cidinq on campus. Only a select response are listed . DR INKING AND A DRY CAMPUS .. DRINKING ON CAMPUS? SHOULD CAMPUS GO DRY? GO DRY OON' T ORY SUN · FRI CHAN GE 3% 16% 81% 30% 70% 6% 22% 72% 24% 76% 2% 21% 77% 30% 70% 27% 73% 8% 28% 64% 13% 87% 3% 23% 74% 2% 23% 75% - When asked if ALCOHOL has a NEGATIVE EFFECT on SUCCESS, . Pulling A NEGATIVE EFFECT 50 .2% NO EFFECT 49 .8% ' Fe ~ BREAKDOWN OF RESPONDENTS - MALE S SURVE YED · 326 (44%) FEMALES SU~.vEYED · 413(56%) SEN lOR SURVE YED · 288 (39%) FRESHMEN SURVEYED·451(61%) Students Who Are Caught And Found Guilty A<iE 17 · 38 (5%) AG E 18 · 338 (46%) Of pulling A False Fire Alarm, Will Be . AGE 19 · 238 (33%) AGE 20 +· 121 (16%) • Wieting · 67 Vroman· 78 Draper - 80 • Dix . 61 Pearson ' 70 Dismissed From The Davis ' 69 Parsons · 83 Porter · 105 College • Immediately Fake · 57 Ten Eyck · 69 , - ·Please ... you' r e smarter than that! TOTAL NUMBER OF RESPONDENTS - 739 THE WHI RLWINDi December 1986, p. 3 • Pig Out! Notes from • Did you get a chance to see the spaghetti eating contest? the Desk No forks, they had to eat the stuff with their hands-Yuuk! But hey, it was sure fun to watch, and my friend whO partook of the said it Was even more fun to be a part of. The spaghetti eating contest, and a number of other events each year. are sponsored by I.D.C.- inter-dorm Council, a group of President students who are funded by your $2.00 a year donation at the begining of the year. So far this year, I.D.C. has also sponsored: " The Gauntlet" and Shbhh-people are studying! I C& you'd like to make time for some extra tell it's the end of the semester by tht. elective courses or need to fill some the Halloween Cider and Donuts "Study-Break." hush that has fallen over the Learning ~egree requirements, you should look Resources Center and the nwnber of mto the INTERSESSION CREDIT lights that seem to be burning later OOURSES being offered during winter than usual in the residence halls, break. Courses in principles of ac­ Before you know it, your last papers COWlting prinCiples of accounting and projects will be finished, your final I, II and composition will be available. Each exams passed, and the holidays (and three-credit course will meet for vacation!! ) will be upon us. But for 'ourteen evening sessions beginning now, stick to those OOoks-when your ~ber 22 and ending January 15. , grades come in the mail you'll be glad hese cono;:entrated intersession you did. Good luck on those exams and curses contaln the sam~ material as have a great vacation-you've earned . sl'lilarly-tiUeG courses offered during it. thl,Fall or Spri.}~ semesters. Contact 1. HOLmAY DRIVING: SAFE AND the?£fice of, Cont'(}uing Education and SOBER-With the holidays aDd winter Pub.c Service (x '\523) for more in­ driving hazards just around the corner, fonntion, now is a good time to review safe 4. 'llANKS FOR B~G· YOU-I'm driving habits. The campus community alway, impressed by ~ amount of has been unfortunate enough this coone!{ and kindness sto.dents here semester to have had two faculty show to each other, the fb>ulty aDd members lnjured In an automobile staff, ad, the local communty. The accident caused by a drunken driver: number If,people who took timlout of Gerry H1sert and Uz Montario are both their busypre-Thanksgivlng sC~ules hosplta1.J.zed, and most lIkely owe their to particliate in the TEN E.rCK lives to ,the seatbelts they were wearing TURKEY 'lI\OT and raise money tor The following people participated: at the time of the crash.
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