Contr. Tert. Geol. 7 fig'., 4 tab., 3 pis. Leiden, September 1990 Quatern. 27(2-3) 3981 A Late Oligocene (Chattian B) molluscan fauna from the coastal cliff at Mogenstrup, North of Skive, Jutland, Denmark K.I. Schnetler LANGA, DENMARK and C. Beyer STAVANGER, NORWAY Schnetler, K.I., & C. Beyer. A Late Oligocene (Chattian B) molluscan fauna from the coastal cliff at Mogenstrup, North of Skive, Jutland, Denmark. — Contr. Tert. Quatern. Geol., 27(2-3): 39-82, 7 figs, 3 tabs, 3 pis. Leiden, September 1990. rich Late molluscan fauna from coastal cliff North of Skive, was studied. A very Oligocene a at Mogenstrup, Jutland, Denmark, A of the Late in NW is the and the section are des- summary Palaeogene sedimentary sequence Jutland given, locality exposed cribed. Lithostratigraphical, magnetostratigraphical and biostratigraphical correlations are suggested. A list of the molluscan species is given, comparisons with other Danish and German Late Oligocene localities are made, and palaeoecological interpreta- the Andersondrillia is introduced within the Microdrillia. tions are suggested. In the systematic part subgenus subgen. nov. genus Several taxa are discussed and the followingnew species and subspecies are described: Limopsis (Pectunculina) lamellata chattica subsp. vonderhochti Collonia troelsi nov., Limopsis (Pectunculina) sp. nov., (Collonia) sp. nov., Lepetella helgae sp. nov., Lepetellajytteae sp. nov., Laiocochlis Tubiola subangulata sp. nov., Cerithiopsis (s. lat.) antonjansei sp. nov., (Laiocochlis) supraoligocaenica sp. nov., Triforis (Trituba) Cirsotrema Searlesia ravni brueckneri danica Clavatula sorgenfreii sp. nov., (Opaliopsis) subglabrum sp. nov., sp. nov., Angistoma subsp. nov., Microdrillia Pleurotomella mogenstrupensis sp. nov., Microdrillia (Microdrillia) ingerae sp. nov., (Andersondrillia) brejningensis sp. nov., rasmusseni and ? nov. (Pleurotomella) sp. nov., Rimosodaphnella lappanni sp. nov. Actaeopyramis (s. lat.) pseudopunctata sp. Key-words — Mollusca, Late Oligocene, Chattian B, new taxa, lithostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, palaeoecology, Denmark. K.I. Schnetler, Fuglebakken 14, Stevnstrup, DK-8870 Langa, Denmark; C. Beyer, CB-Magneto, P.O. Box 7015, Jorenholmen, N-4004 Stavanger, Norway. Contents Material 45 Dansk sammendrag p. 40 p. Introduction 41 List of molluscan 46 p. species p. The 50 Late Oligocene sedimentary sequence Systematic part p. other in NW Jutland p. 41 Comparison with Late Oligocene mol- luscan faunas 71 Lithostratigraphical correlation p. 44 p. correlation 44 73 Magnetostratigraphical p. Palaeoecological interpretations p. The Mogenstrup section p. 44 Acknowledgements p. 75 References 75 Biostratigraphical correlation p. 45 p. 1 This study was supported by the Danish National Science Research Council through grant 91-3204 40 1 Location of the section. Part of the 12/6 III SV Kort- Fig. Mogenstrup 1:25,000 map-sheet Hvalpsund (C). og Matrikelstyrelsen (A84-90). (Author: Schnetler). Dansk sammendrag En 0vre fra B Oligocaen molluskfauna Mogenstrup, cerer en Chattian alder. Faunalisten indeholder nord for Danmark. Fra den diskuteres Skive, Jylland, en kyst- 197 arter. I systematiske del en klint nord for Skive 0vre raekke afbildes raekke er en meget rig Oligo- arter, og pa tre plancher en caen molluskfauna indsamlet. Denne fauna er karakteristiske arter. Inden for slaegten Microdrillia raek- bemaerkelsesvaerdig ved at indeholde en lang opstilles den nye underslsegt Andersondrillia. ke der fundet i danske af- introduceres: Li- arter, aldrig tidligere er Folgende nye arter og underarter fra denne del lamellata chattica lejringer periode, ligesom en arter, mopsis (Pectunculina) subsp. no v., der er andre her er vonderhochti Collonia yderst sjaeldne pa lokaliteter, Limopsis (Pectunculina) sp. nov., I det beskrives loka- troelsi hyppige. foreliggende arbejde (Collonia) sp. nov., Lepetella helgae sp. nov., 0vre Oli- liteten, og der gives en oversigt over den Lepetella jytteae sp. nov., Tubiola subangulata sp. i NV gocaene lagserie Jylland. Litho-, magneto- og nov., Cerithiopsis (s. lat.) antonjansei sp. nov., Laio- korrelationer tolk- cochlis biostratigrafiske foreslas, og en (Laiocochlis) supraoligocaenica sp. nov., Triforis af Pectiniderne indi- Cirsotrema ning aflejringsmiljoet gives. (Trituba) sorgenfreii sp. nov., (Opaliopsis) 41 Searlesia ravni does show affinities with subglabra sp. nov., sp. nov., Angistoma unpublished assemblages brueckneri danica subsp. nov., Clavatula mogenstrupen- from the Vejle Fjord area, especially with regard Microdrillia number of characteristic The sis sp. nov., (Microdrillia) ingerae sp. to a species. assem- Microdrillia also shows affinities with the rich fauna nov., (Andersondrillia) brejningensis sp. blage very Pleurotomella from F.R.G. nov., (Pleurotomella) rasmusseni sp. Glimmerode, (R. Janssen, 1978a, b; nov., Rimosodaphnella lappanni sp. nov. og ? Actaeo- 1979a, b). Faunasam- pyramis (s. lat.) pseudopunctata sp. nov. THE LATE OLIGOCENE SEDIMENTARY SEQUENCE IN mensaetningen indicerer aflejring pa lavere vand NW JUTLAND (AUTHOR: BEYER) end de ovrige kendte danske 0vre Oligocaene for raekke The Late in NW faunaer. Faunaen viser, isaer en Oligocene sedimentary sequence sjaeldnere arters vedkommende, affinitet til fau- Jutland consists of the fine-grained Branden For- faunaen fra mation naer fra Vejle Fjord omradet og til underlying a coarser grained sequence, which several localities in the Glimmerode, Vesttyskland. Ud fra en palaso- outcrops at area. foreslas sublittoralt These sediments okologisk tolkning et aflej- coarser (Fig. 2a) comprise an of ringsmiljo. up to c. 120 m thick sequence shallow-marine sands of deposits, overlain by Miocene quartz Schnetler Introduction (Authors: and Beyer) fluvial The Late be origin. Oligocene part may The Mogenstrup section is located in NW divided into six facies types (indicated by letters F the of to from to Jutland, Denmark, on east coast Sailing, ap- A, top bottom): proximately 1 km South of the small village of Mogenstrup (UTM coordinates: NH 074 814, F - Seven metres of alternating mud, silt and A sand in storm-dominated tidal-flat Fig. 1). locality near Hakkildgârd, approx- deposited a imately 1 km North of the Mogenstrup section, environment. In E - in was already mentioned by Ravn (1906, 1907). Well-sorted, fine-grained sand, deposited his extensive work on the molluscan faunas from near-shore, beach and back-barrier en- the Oligocene and Miocene Formations that vironments. The thickness is up to 20 m. D - and author considered the sediments to be of Middle Lagoonal protected bay deposits con- this of Miocene age, but later (Ravn, 1924) age sisting black, homogeneous, organic mud with horizons of calcite concretions. assignment was questioned. Subsequently, spherical stratigraphie work was done in other localities in The thickness of this facies varies from a a few 60 the area (e.g. Sorgenfrei, 1940; Rasmussen, 1961; metres to about m. and - and of Kristoffersen, 1972; Lieberkind, 1977), a C Shallow-bay shelf sediments consisting Late Miocene for chamositic close to a Oligocene or Early age com- mud, probably deposited parable sediments suggested. Since the publication river mouth. This facies is found only in the of Ravn's the at western of the where it papers, however, outcrops part area (Fig. 5) had studied in reaches thickness of 8 Mogenstrup not been until 1987, a m. which included in facies B - Shelfsediments of silt year they were a analysis consisting a glauconitic with of siderite concretions in the of the Late Oligocene sedimentary sequence in layers up- That included The thickness varies from less NW Jutland (Beyer, 1987). paper a permost metre. the results of which 1 8 palaeomagnetic study, suggest than m to m. Chattian for this A - Laminated silt, rich in diatoms, in a Late age sequence. deposited of During field work along the coast North an anoxic environment, possibly an upwelling Skive thin sand discovered The thickness is less than a glauconitic layer was zone. one metre. in the coastal cliff at Mogenstrup. This sand was rich in molluscs and The at least three very fossils, especially spines sequence comprises major of the echinoid ‘Cidaris’ The is hiatuses indicated in 2a. At least sp. present paper as Fig. two trans- the result of of the rnolluscan which occurred a study fauna, gressions during the time of deposition. found 197 89 of which the first material was to comprise taxa, are During one, mainly fine-grained for the recorded from the Danish Late Oligocene was deposited (facies A and B). After a regression first time. minor occurred. This a transgression transgres- The molluscan is different sion the introduction of material into assemblage distinctly saw coarser from all known Danish Late but the to the establishment of barrier- Oligocene faunas, area, leading a 42 1 Fig. (see (author: Mogenstrup legend) for at 2b sequence Fig. and Sedimentary location for Beyer). 3. Fig. to and 2a (author: Legend Figs Schnetler). 4 2b. Fig. the the (author: in Jutland. illustrating variable values NW column in highly maximum are sequence with lithological which shown Oligocene are Composite Late Thicknesses area, Beyer). 2a. Fig. 43 lagoon complex (C, D, E, and F), which was part- sediments are solely found in depressions around salt and the thicknesses of the various ly destroyed during a subsequent regressive structures This rests the Late facies short distances. period. sequence on Oligocene vary greatly over Branden Formation in the eastern part of the area Palaeotopography
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