... .... CC ;:;J? OMBALANTU PENSIONER RECEIVES R50, BULl.Y BEEF AND BREAD IN COMPENSATION FOR SADF MORTAR ATTACK ON HOMESTEAD --------------------------------------------BYCHRISSHIPANGA--------~---------------------------------- A PENSIONERofOmbalantu members of the SADF on her was luckily busy in another hut. allegedly told to go and report to soldiers shouted at her saying; "You Mrs AmaliaNdatung~ recent­ home, destroying a hut and She said all thE! children were at Swapo. Vambos never complain if Swapo hit ly received an B.lDount of ROO, several traditional pots and school at the time, when her home was She said she demanded a compensa­ your homes:' four tins of canned beef and a calabashes. suddenly attacked by mortar fire from tion ofR100, but was told to "forget­ Mrs Ndatunga said she went to loaf of bread as compensation the nearby Outapi Base. about such big money for a mere old report to local headman Oswin . Theoldladysaidtheattackoccurred She said she immediately went to grass hut:' following a mortar attack by on November 16, 1987, and that she the base and complained, but was The woman claimed that five white Continued on page 2 PLAN CAPTURES BUFFEL THE People's Liberation Army of Namibia (PLAN) Chief of Staff explaining the mean­ for Publicity and Information. In the background is a captured Wolf combat vehi­ ing of the combat caf! numbers on the side of a South African Buffel armoured cle. Both are referred to In the PLAN war communique and were captured on Oc­ combat vehicle captured by the movement. Pictured above are Aaron Shlhepo, tober 31 this year. SW8DO'S Deputy Secretary for Foreign Relations and Hldlpo Hamutenya, Secretary (See PLAN communlaue elsewhere In this edition). INSIDE TODAY: * Dissent in SWATF * Raid on Anglican priest * Bombs in Windhoek * Nafau workers ousted * Telephone taps FRENCHI PI8 BILTONG Meat and Polony' Products -JAGWORS For Energy and Strength DROEWORS COUNTRY SAUSAGE Available at your local stockist! SMOKEY __________An addition to the famous Hartlief range ________._---- ... 2 Friday November 27 1987 THE NAMIBIAN TELEPHONE TAPPING .IS A VIOLATION The tapping of private took it upon itself to intercept mail. telephones, interception of per­ He said that if it did really happen sonal letters and any in­ (that telephones aretapped or mail in­ terference with individual tercepted), then it might be the In­ I communication is a violation telligence Unit. ~ He said that if this was found to be , of privacy under common law happening, certainly those responsi­ j! and fundamentally, a violation ble could be punished in courts oflaw, i of the bill of rights. I but added that the point was how did one prove that his or her telephone was 'i This was spelt out by futerim govern· ,I tapped . ment Minister of Justice Mr Fanuel Mr Kozonguizi said it was unfor­ Kozonguizi in response to a query by tunate that every government in the The Namibian. world was confronted by such a type of Members ofthe public have express· situation where it could not check on ed concern at eavesdropping especially phone-tapping and mail interception. on telephones to the far north, the He conceded that phone tapping was Kavango and the Caprivi. done for political reasons. Businesses and organisations dubb­ A local lawyer said when approach­ ed by the state to be 'enemies' are also ed for comment that the tapping of known to-be weary about eavesdropp­ telephones constitutes a serious infr­ ing on their telephones and the in­ ingementofprivacy. He added that the terception of their mail and in some same applied to the opening of mail. cases are resorting to the use of, slang' The lawyer said though many states Mrs Ndatunga pictured outside her homestead In northern Namibia. as !i precaution. in the world do the same when it comes Telephones are not only listened to to state security, it was important that but are at times deliberately cut off it be limited or narrowed. during a conversation, especially in In a democratic country where there­ the socalled operational areas. And not R50 for SADF attack on homestead was much ventilation or free flow ofin­ only that, mail delay is another pro­ Ndatlmga accused soldiers from the release the goats. formatin through established Continued from page 1 blem and at times letters are found democratic channels, the state has to same base of assaulting people, Mr Andjamba said Bernardinus open on delivery. rely lesson clandestine ways ofobtain­ Mukulu who took the matter further shooting cattle and taking goats Sheehama and Festus Andjamba were In the Caprivi, individuals have in­ ing information he said. up with an officer at the base. belonging to residents and locked the badly assaulted with fists by soldiers vented some writing methods, almost The Post Office.Act provides that the Later the same day several soldiers goats in the base. driving around in Buffel truckR 2686, of a 'chinese' type to disguise the con­ State Security Council designate a arrived in two Buffel trucks at her He said many people had their goats. on November 15, this year. tents of their letters. person in the service of the state who home and first gav~ her four tins of taken and held for perioqs as long as He said the soldiers were operating In such cases, numbers' or will request the interception of mail or canned beefand a loafofbread as com­ two weeks. The goats were allegedly in the Oshimbandi and Oshipaya alphabetical letters are used in com­ tapping of a telephone if the official pensation. She said they also repaired fed on bread and water. villages when the incident occured. He bination with weird drawings to repre­ believes that the interception is the damaged hut, and as they prepared He said people were told that their also coirl'irmed that he reported the sent sentences and words. necessary for the 'maintainance ofthe to leave, 'a third Buffel truck arrived goats ate ofthe flowers at the base, and matter at the office for the Ovambo Ad­ Despite that however, it is business security of the Republic'. and one soldier gave her R50, and ask­ thatthe army would keep the goats un­ ministration at Ondangwl!-. as usual for many organisations and At the request of such an official, the ed hel' to keep. quiet. til "the Vambos" had learn to look Army spokesmen in Windhoek were individuals and in the words of one Minister who administers National A local businessman, Mr Johannes after their cattle properly. not available for comment at the time 'there is nothing' subversive that we Intelligence or' Law and Order or Andjamba who was also present when He saiA only after intervention by of going to press. are doing hence nothing to fear'. Defence depending on the nature ofthe The_ Namibian interviewed Mrs Ombalantu headmen did the army ends (pic ?fMrs Ndatun~a) Mi' Kozonguizi said the official posi­ request authorise that a partic,ular tion was that individual mail and postal article or communication in­ telephones be not tapped. tended to be transmitted by telephone He said however, that it sometimes be intercepted but notfor a period ex­ happened that the Intelligence Unit ceeding six months. lINClIT DIAMONDS CHARGE A MAN appeared in the Win­ Branch. following their agreement, and sealed dhoek Supreme Court this The 'CoUlt . heard that .Sergeant them before leaving to fetch the money ADMINISTRATION FOR OWAMBOS week on a charge ofbuying 102 Shilomboleni showed 103 uncut from his house. uncut diamonds worth diamonds to Mr Oliveira, upon which The parcel was left with the TENDER AVO 39/88-90J R45077,OOfromapolicemanin the latter left to fetch a magnifying Sergeant, while a third person known October last year. glass and a scale to determine the as Mr Pienaar from Katutura, and TENDERS are invited for the rendering of catering services diamonds' quality. owner of the shop, escorted Mr Oliveira at hospitals in Owambo for the period 1.4.88 - 31.3.90. He allegedly pointed out to the "to make sure the money was not com­ The case is a sequel to a police trap policeman that he was only interested ing from police." late last year during which another of Tender documents against payment of a non-refundable fee in 102, saying one ofthe diamonds was Mr Oliveira, however, sent another the alleged dealers escaped. fake. unknown person to pay and collect the of R10,OO are available from: According to the charge sheet, the Mr Oliveira and the policeman then diamonds. man, Mario Joao Porto Oliveira, 30, negotiated for a price eventually After having paid Sergeant Shilom-' The Secretary escorted by a certain Calabrese, agreeing on R34 000,00 in cash. boleni, the unknown man, refered to as Owambo Tender Board allegedly went to a shop in Katutura Sergeant Shilomboleni originally 'X' in Court, allegedly suddenly disap­ to negotiate about rough diamonds. , askedforanamountofR100 OOO,OOfor peared before the Sergeant could con­ Private Bag X2032 Mr Oliveira allegedly found a the diamonds, but Mr Oliveira insisted tact fellow members of his branch. ONDANGUA - Sergeant A Shilomboleni of the SWA that the diamonds weren't worth that Police arrived however and Mr Tel: (06762)1 x .89 . Telex: 3452.wk Police Diamond Branch at the shop, much. Oliveira was arrested later on the (Mrs van der Merwe) and sealed enveloped,clearly mark­ but was allegedly not aware that the He then allegedly wrapped the same day. person was a member of the Diamond ed with the tender number and closing date, must also be diamonds in a small paper parcel, (Proceeding). directed to the Secretary at the above address . - . Closing date: 1_5 December 1987 at 11hOO The United Lutheran Theological Seminary­ Paulinum -which'is located about200km west ofWindho~kand nearto Karibib in Otjimbingwe, is looking for a business manager to be .employed as soon as possible.
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