JEC Strategic Partnership Taps Growth of Data Centres in Hong Kong

JEC Strategic Partnership Taps Growth of Data Centres in Hong Kong

FEB 2014 ISSUE 28 JECJEC StrategicStrategic PartnershipPartnership TapsTaps GrowthGrowth ofof DataData CentresCentres inin HongHong KongKong JEC Provides Upgrades for Yuen Long Sewage Treatment Works JEC Philippines Awarded Data Centre Contract for City of Dreams, Manila Bay First Commercial Active Chilled Beam Project in Hong Kong Jardine Engineering Corporation 目錄 CONTENTS FEB 2014 ISSUE 28 JEC Philippines Awarded Data Centre 03 Contract for City of Dreams, Manila Bay 16 CEO’s Message 行行政總裁的話政總裁的話 菲律賓怡和機器獲馬尼拉灣City of Dreams Around Asia 亞亞洲概覽洲概覽 的數據中心合約 Thailand 泰國 JEC Provides Upgrades for Yuen Long JEC Thailand Promotes the 04 Apprenticeship Programme in 2013 News 簡簡訊訊 Sewage Treatment Works 怡和機器為元朗污水處理廠的輸送管及壓 泰國怡和機器推廣2013年見習生計劃 JEC Enters into Strategic Partnership 縮機升級 Philippines with Chung Hing Engineers 菲律賓 JEC Philippines Participated in the 怡和機器與中興工程建立策略性夥伴關係 JEC Singapore Awarded the Certifi cate of Excellence by RQAM First Water Challenge Forum JEC Speaker Luncheon on the 新加坡怡和機器獲萊佛士碼頭房地資產管 菲律賓怡和機器參加首個食水挑戰論壇 Environment 理頒發卓越獎狀 Jardine Distribution Inc. Launched 怡和機器有關環境專題客戶及業務夥伴午 ‘Rise Up, Partner!’ 餐會 JEC Thailand Conducted a Solar PV Rooftop Seminar JDI展開「夥伴站起來!」計劃 泰國怡和機器屋頂光伏太陽能電池板研 JEC Philippines Participated in The 討會 HVAC/R National Convention JEC Singapore Moves to New Offi ce 菲律賓怡和機器參與HVAC/R國家會議 新加坡怡和機器辦事處遷址 Singapore 新加坡 JEC Singapore Rises to The Mindset 10 Challenge 2013 Feature Story 特特寫寫 JEC Philippines Achieves Two Million 新加坡怡和機器參與The Mindset Challenge 2013 Safe Man-Hours JEC Strategic Partnership Taps on 菲律賓怡和機器達200萬安全工時 Growth of Data Centres in Hong Kong Mainland China 中國內地 怡和機器的策略性夥伴關係把握香港數據 JEC Awarded ACMV Contract for Newly Promoting Green Energy at Guangzhou 中心增長機遇 Built Offi ce Building Event 怡和機器獲得新建辦公大樓的機械通風及 怡和機器於廣州活動中推廣綠色能源 空調系統合約 14 Product Solutions 產產品品 Macau 澳門 JEC 90th Anniversary Customer Cocktail JEC Macau Wins LV Switch Panel Party Piller APOSTAR AP Premium Maintenance Service Contract for 怡和機器九十周年客戶酒會 Uninterruptible Power Supply System Several Major Hotels and Casinos Piller APOSTAR AP Premium不間斷供電 澳門怡和機器贏得數間主要酒店及娛樂 JEC Awarded the Contract for Supplying 系統 場的低壓電制櫃維修保養合約 Granular Activated Carbon to Tai Po Water Treatment Works 怡和機器取得為大埔濾水廠提供顆粒活性 20 碳的合約 Projects 項項目探討目探討 Welcome to the New JEC Showroom Engineering a Better Asia with Another First 歡迎來到怡和機器全新陳列室 再次開創先河,建設更美好亞洲 15 Personality 人人物物 Chat with Eric Fung JEC MAGAZINE ISSUE 28 與馮智衍對話 02 行政總裁的話 CEO’S MESSAGE 22 Environmental, Health & Safety I am very excited to share with you that JEC has entered into 環環境、健康與安全境、健康與安全 a partnership with Chung Hing Engineers Limited, a leading engineering contractor specialising in the critical facilities Data Centre Sustainability sector in Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China. As a turnkey 數據中心的持續性 solution provider, Chung Hing Engineers offers services ranging from project design and implementation to ongoing facilities 24 maintenance. Training & Development 培培訓及發展訓及發展 The partnership, effective from 30th November 2013, offers strong synergies to JEC and will add great depth to our existing JEC Combines Creativity and Competence in Developing a business, enhancing our capabilities in the critical facilities sector Formidable Workforce and allowing us to offer an expanded range of services for our 怡和機器結合創意與技能以建立強大的 customers. You can read all the details in our Feature Story. 工作團隊 The Projects section of this issue showcases another fi rst for JEC. We pioneered the installation of an Active Chilled Beam system for a fully functioning commercial offi ce in Hong Kong under a very tight timeline. The successful implementation demonstrated our capabilities to innovate, execute, as well as our drive and commitment to customers. In the region, last November saw the passage of Super Typhoon Haiyan that devastated the Philippines and has deeply affected our colleagues at Jardine Distribution Inc. (JDI), but thankfully there was no loss of life. JDI, with the help of JEC colleagues, 26 took immediate action to provide aid and support to the community. Community Care 關關懷社區懷社區 There is a full report inside. JEC Caring Team Visit to Lamma Island I hope you enjoy reading this issue of the JEC Magazine. 怡和機器義工隊遊覽南丫島 我很高興能與各位分享,怡和機器已與香港、澳門及中國關鍵設施行業 JEC Caring Team Organised Campus 的領先工程承辦商 ─ 中興工程建立夥伴關係。作為一個全面性方案供應 Orientation for Children 商,中興工程提供的服務包括項目設計與執行,及對現有設施進行維修。 怡和機器義工隊安排兒童參觀港大校園 Central Rat Race 2013 夥伴關係已於2013年11月30日展開,並為怡和機器帶來強大的協同效 2013鼠戰中環 益,有助增強及擴大現有業務發展,提升我們在關鍵設施行業的實力, 從而為客戶提供更廣泛的服務。大家稍後可於「特寫」專欄了解更多。 MINDSET Fun Day 2013 2013思健同樂日 本期的「項目探討」展述了怡和機器另一項新的創舉。在緊迫的時限下, 我們成功地為香港一個全面運作的寫字樓安裝了主動式冷樑柱系統。該 項目得以順利完成,突顯了我們具備創新及實踐的能力,以及我們的動 力和對客戶的承擔。 此外,超級颱風海燕在11月席捲菲律賓,對Jardine Distribution Inc. ( JDI)的員工深受影響,幸而沒有任何人員傷亡。在怡和機器同事的協助 JEC MAGAZINE JDI 下, 即時為社區提供援助及支援。詳情請參閱內文。 ISSUE 28 28 希望您喜歡今期的內容。 Major Contracts Listing 工工程合約程合約 Wilson Kwong 鄺永銓 03 簡訊 NEWS JEC Enters into Strategic Partnership with Chung Hing Engineers 怡和機器與中興工程建立策略性夥伴關係 JEC has invested in a signifi cant strategic stake in Chung Hing 怡和機器已與中興工程建立夥伴關係,成為 Engineers Ltd. (Chung Hing), a leading engineering specialist 中興工程的策略性投資者。中興工程為香 contractor in the critical facilities sector in Hong Kong, Macau and 港、澳門及中國內地關鍵設施行業的領先工 Mainland China. Chung Hing Engineers offers installation contracting 程專業承辦商。中興工程提供安裝承包及維 and provides operating and maintenance services. They became a 修保養服務,於2013年11月30日成為怡和機 member of JEC as of 30th November 2013. 器的成員公司。 JEC Speaker Luncheon on the Environment 怡和機器有關環境專題客戶及業務夥伴午餐會 On 3rd December 2013, the JEC Speaker Luncheon was held at 2013年12月3日,怡和機器客戶及業務夥伴 The Excelsior Hong Kong. Mr. Kam-Sing Wong, Secretary for the 午餐聚會假香港怡東酒店舉行。香港特區政 Environment, Hong Kong SAR Government, was the distinguished 府環境局局長黃錦星先生為午餐會的演講 speaker at the event. He shared his perspectives and insights on 嘉賓。他透過講題「不再浪費:垃圾按量收 environmental concerns through the topic of “Waste No More: Pay- 費、科技與時間」分享了他對環境問題的觀 as-you-Throw, Technology and Time”. It was well received by the 點及見解,觀眾的反應十分理想。 audience. JEC MAGAZINE ISSUE 28 04 JEC Philippines Achieves Two Million Safe Man-Hours 菲律賓怡和機器達200萬安全工時 The LNMB Sewage Treatment Plant Project was recently recognised LNMB污水處理廠項目最近就其超卓的安全 by the Safety Organisation of the Philippines Inc (SOPI) for its 工時紀錄獲菲律賓安全協會嘉許。 exceptional project safety records. 於2011年3月至2013年9月期間,菲律賓怡和 JEC Philippines received the Award of Merit for achieving 2,311,224 機器達到2,311,224安全工時及沒有發生損失 Safe Man-Hours without Lost Time Accident from March 2011 to 工作日事故,因而取得優異獎。獎項於11月 30th September 2013. The award was presented last 13th to 13日至15日在卡加延-德奧羅市舉行的組織年 15th November during the Annual Convention of the organisation in 度會議頒發,並由菲律賓怡和機器安全團隊 Cagayan de Oro City and was received by the JEC Philippines safety 領取。 team. 團隊認為能達致此成就,全賴所制訂的安全 The team attributes this achievement to the Safety Awareness 意識計劃及就不同方面舉行的定期安全會 Programmes which have been put in place and the regular safety 議。此獎項亦有賴高級管理層的支持及整隊 sessions with the different trades. Also the award would not have 項目團隊的積極參與。 been achieved without the support of the top management and the active participation of the whole project team. JEC Awarded ACMV Contract for Newly Built Offi ce Building 怡和機器獲得新建辦公大樓的機械通風及空調系統合約 JEC was awarded the contract to supply and install the ACMV 怡和機器獲得27層新建辦公室發展項目的 equipment and system for the newly built 27-storey offi ce 機械通風及空調設備與系統的供應和安裝合 development. The building is located in 17 Cheung Shun Street, 約。該大樓位於九龍長沙灣長順街17號,並 Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, and owned by Luk Yeung Restaurant. 由綠楊坊擁有。 To meet the industry benchmark, the project team aims to achieve the 為達致業界標準,項目團隊以取得BEAM Platinum grade of the BEAM Plus, the leading initiative in assessing, Plus白金級認證為目標,BEAM Plus為評 improving, certifying and labelling the environmental performance 估、改善、證明及標示樓宇環保表現的領先 JEC MAGAZINE of buildings. Platinum grade is the highest rating in the BEAM Plus 制度。白金級為BEAM Plus評估制度的最高 ISSUE 28 assessment recognised by the Hong Kong Green Building Council 等級,並獲香港綠色建築議會認可。 (HKGBC). 項目於2013年10月獲得,並預期於2015年 The project was awarded in October 2013 and it is expected to be 3月前竣工。 completed by March 2015. 05 JEC 90th Anniversary Customer Cocktail Party 怡和機器九十周年客戶酒會 On 17th October 2013, JEC held a Customer Cocktail Party at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre to mark its 90th anniversary. Over 300 guests and JEC staff attended and all enjoyed a fabulous evening. Each guest was given a commemorative book entitled “JEC 90 Years – Together we engineer a better Asia”. 2013年10月17日,怡和機器於香港會議展覽中心舉行客戶酒會,以慶祝其創立九十周年。超過300位嘉賓及怡和機器員 工出席酒會,各人度過了一個愉快的晚上。每名嘉賓均獲贈名為「怡和機器 ─ 創建亞洲九十年」的紀念冊。 JEC MAGAZINE ISSUE 28 06 JEC Awarded the Contract for Supplying Granular Activated Carbon to Tai Po Water Treatment Works 怡和機器取得為大埔污水處理廠提供顆粒活性碳的合約 JEC has been awarded the contract for the supply of granular 怡和機器取得為大埔污水處理廠及附屬原水 activated carbon for the expansion of Tai Po Water Treatment Works, 和食水輸送設施的擴展工程(15/WSD/10) as well as its ancillary raw water and fresh water transfer facilities (15/ 提供顆粒活性碳的合約。 WSD/10). 在Black & Veatch為項目顧問及安樂 - 中建 With Black & Veatch as the consultant and ATAL - China State Joint 聯營為主承建商下,怡和機器將透過向水務 Venture as the main contractor, JEC will participate in this project 署提供顆粒活性碳參與此項目。活性碳將用 by supplying granular activated carbon to the client, Water Services 於大埔污水處理廠二號新流水道的第二快速 Department. The activated carbon will be used on the secondary rapid 重力過濾器。 gravity fi lters of the New Stream II at Tai Po Water Treatment Works. 第二快速重力過濾是水通過第一次生物過濾 The secondary rapid gravity fi ltration is for fi nal fi ltration of water that 及臭氧處理後的最後過濾。 has gone through primary biological fi ltration

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