Government of Himachal Pradesh Economic Survey 2019-20 Economic and Statistics Department Preface A flagship annual document of the Department of Economic and Statistics, Government of Himachal Pradesh, Economic Survey 2019-20 reviews the developments in the Himachal Pradesh economy over the previous 12 months. It summarizes the performance on major development programmes and highlights the policy initiatives of the government and the prospects of the economy in the short to medium term. This document is presented to the Vidhan Sabha during the Budget Session. The salient features of the State Economy of Himachal Pradesh during 2019-20 are presented in Part-I and statistical Tables on various subjects are given in Part–II. In the last few years, the Economic Survey has become a must read document on the Pradesh’s Economy. It has also become a key pedagogical source on the Himachal Economy. In addition to the review of the economy, the Economic Survey contains in-depth analysis, serious research as well as new policy ideas. This year’s Economic Survey has seen some changes in its contents, I hope it will be received well by the readers. The document is heavily relied upon by Policy Makers, Planners and Academicians. It is a favourite of the students who are appearing in various competitive examinations. For ensuring greater reach of the document, the same is also uploaded both in Hindi and English on www.https://himachalservices.nic.in/economics/in. I appreciate that the collection of data is a very serious and tedious job, it cannot be possible without the full support of the departments. I present my thanks to all the Administrative Secretaries, Head of the Departments and Chief Executive Officers of Public Undertakings. I would also wish to place on record my compliments for Economic Adviser of Economic & Statistics Department and his entire team. (Prabodh Saxena), IAS Principal Secretary (Finance, Economic & Statistics) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh, Acknowledgements The Himachal’s Economic Survey 2019-20 is a result of teamwork and collaboration. I wish to express my deep gratitude to Shri Prabodh Saxena, Principal Secretary and Shri Akshay Sood, Secretary, (Finance, Economic and Statistics), Government of Himachal Pradesh for their continuous support, inspiration and high valued leadership. It was their genuine endeavour and guidance which encouraged the entire team in timely completing this mammoth task. The Survey has also benefited from the comments and valuable inputs of Shri Anil Khachi, Chief Secretary, Government of Himachal Pradesh. I would like to acknowledge and thank all the line departments for their active cooperation and support in providing data and metadata from their Official Statistical System for this survey. The Economic Survey is gratified for their valuable time, engagement and contributions made in their respective sectors. The Survey benefited from the comments and inputs from officers/officials, specifically Anupam Kumar Sharma, Chander Mohan Sharma, B.S. Bist, Sukeen Daroch, Kulvinder Singh, Suresh Verma, Ghanshyam Sharma, Rattanbir Azad, Alka Thakur, Yog Raj Gargey, Susheel Kumar, Rakesh Kumar, Ashwani Kumar, Mridula Saxena, Rakesh Kumar-II, Geetanjali Sharma, Harminder Singh, Rama Gupta, Madan Lal Sharma, Madhu Bala, Sanjay Sharma and Yubant Lal. I would like to acknowledge the administrative support given by the officials of the department of Economic and Statistics, particularly, Ugar Sain, Alaukik Sharma, Kewal Ram, Leela Chauhan, Dharmender and Kumbh Das. I am also grateful to Himachal Pradesh Government Printing Press which undertook the printing of the English and Hindi version of the Survey in stipulated time frame. Finally, the Economic Survey owes deep gratitude to the families of all those involved in its preparation for being ever so patient, understanding and encouraging and for extending their unflinching emotional and physical support and encouragement throughout the preparation. The families, indeed, are the unconditional pillars of support for the dedicated contributors to the Economic Survey. The Survey has made a sincere effort to live up to the expectation of being an indispensable guide for following, understanding and thinking about the State Economy. Needless to say, the personal gratification officers/officials of the department gets in thinking deeply about what is best for the State’s Economy represents our ultimate reward. Finally, I wish that this report will be found useful by the planners and policy makers in addressing the developmental challenges in today's rapidly changing scenario. Comments/suggestions for further improvement of the Economic Survey are welcome and will be highly appreciated ([email protected]). (Dr. Vinod Kumar Rana) Economic Adviser Government of Himachal Pradesh Abbreviations AAY Antyodaya Anna Yojana ACNAS Advisory Committee on National Accounts Statistics AG Agricultural Labourers AMRUT Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation APL Above Poverty Line APY Atal Pension Yojana ASER Annual Status of Education Report B.Voc. Bachelor of Vocational Studies BE Budget Estimates BPL Below Poverty Line CAMPA Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority CDR Credit Deposit Ratio CE Compensation of Employees CFC Consumption of Fixed Capital CIS Changes in Stock CNDEs Central Non Departmental Enterprises CPI Consumer Price Index CPRs common property resources DAYNRLM Deen Dayal Antyodaya National Rural Livelihood Mission DBT Direct Benefit Transfer DDU-GKY Deen Dyal Upadhaya- Gramin Kaushalya Yojna DE Departmental Enterprises DEDS Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme DEDS Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme DGY Doodh Ganga Yojna EoDB Ease of Doing Business FISIM Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured FIVIMS Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Mapping System FPO Farmer Producer Organisation FRE First Revised Estimates FSPF Farm Sector Promotion Fund GCF Gross Capital Formation GDI Gross Disposable Income GDP Gross Domestic Product GFCE Government Final Consumption Expenditure GFCE Government Final Consumption Expenditure GG General Government GNDI Gross National Disposable Income GNI Gross National Income GSDP Gross State Domestic Product GSVA Gross State Value Added GVA Gross Value Added HH Households HIMUDA Himachal Pradesh Housing and Urban Development Authority HIPA Himachal Institute of Public Administration HPKVN Himachal Pradesh Kaushal Vikas Nigam HPMC Himachal Pradesh Marketing Corporation HPSCB Himachal Pradesh Co-operative Bank HPSCSC Himachal Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corporation HPSDP Himachal Pradesh Skills Development Project HPSES Himachal Pradesh School Education Society HPSRLM Himachal Pradesh State Rural Livelihood Mission HRTC Himachal Road Transport Corporation HYVP High Yielding Varieties programme ICT Information and Communication Technology ITI’s Industrial Training Institutions IW Industrial workers JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency KCC Kisan Credit Cards KCCB Kangra Central Co-operative Bank KVIB Khadi & Village Industry Boards MDGs Millennium Development Goals MGNREGS Mahatama Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme MMARY Mukhya Mantri Awaas Repair Yojana MMKEKMJSY Mukhya MantriI Kisaan Evam Khetihar Mazdoor Jeevan Surakhsha Yojna MMKSY Mukhya Mantri Khet Sanrakshan Yojna MMNPY Mukhya Mantri Nutan Polyhouse Yojna MMSY Mukhyamantri Swavlamban Yojna MoSPI Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation MoUs Memorandum of undersatanding MSME Micro Small & Medium Enterprises NAS National Accounts Statistics NASSCOM National Association of Software and Services Companies NBFI Non-Banking Financial Institutions NCERT National Council of Educational Research and Training NDE Non-departmental Enterprises NDP Net Domestic Product NeGP National e-Governance Plan NFHS National Family Health Survey NFI National Foundation for India NFSA National Food Security Act NLM National Livestock Mission NMAET National Mission on Agricultural Extension and Technology NMSA National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture NNDI Net National Disposable Income NNI Net National Income NRLM National Rural Livelihood Mission NRuM National Rurban Mission NSDP Net State Domestic Product NSO National Statistical Office NULM National Urban Livelihood Mission NVA Net Value Added OS Operating Surplus PACs Primary Agricultural Co-operative Societies PC Private Corporate PCI Per Capita Income PE Provisional Estimate PFCE Private Final Consumption Expenditure PKKKY Prakritik Kheti Khushal Kisan Yojna PMEGP Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme PMFBY Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna PMJDY Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana PMJJBY Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana PMKVY Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana PMMY Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana PMSBY Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana PPP Private Partnership Mode RBI Reserve Bank of India RCH Reproductive Child Health RE Revised Estimates RERA Real State Regulatory Act RGM Rashtriya Gokul Mission RIDF Rural Infrastructure Development Fund RKVY Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna RMSA Rashtrya Madhayamik Shiksha Abhiyan ROW Rest of the World RRB Regional Rural Bank RSETIs Rural Self Employment Training Institutes SAGY Saansad Adrash Gram Yojana SCERT State Council of Educational Research and Training SCM Smart City Mission SDGs Sustainable Development Goals SDP State Domestic Product SHG Self Help Group SLBC State Level Bankers Committee SPMRM Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Rurban Mission SRE Second Revised Estimates SUIS Stand-Up India
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