Agriculture Black Sea Germans And, 19, 22 Collective, 29, 92–95, 108, 109, 232 Militia And, 212 Subsistance, 233 Vomi And, 76

Agriculture Black Sea Germans And, 19, 22 Collective, 29, 92–95, 108, 109, 232 Militia And, 212 Subsistance, 233 Vomi And, 76

Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-06123-1 - The Holocaust and the Germanization of Ukraine Eric C. Steinhart Index More information Index agriculture Law No. 2650, 6 Black Sea Germans and, 19, 22 political party platform, 5 collective, 29, 92–95, 108, 109, 232 Romanian Orthodox Church, 5 militia and, 212 versus German, 6 subsistance, 233 Sonderkommando R and, 208 VoMi and, 76 typhus and, 118 Aid Committee for Foreigners in Odessa, Volksdeutsche and, 207, 222–228, 236 23 VoMi and, 17 Alexander I, Emperor of Russia, 21 Antonescu, Ion, 5, 31, 75, 114, 118, 133, February 1804 edict, 21 155 Alexander II, Emperor of Russia, reforms anti-Semitism of, 7, 113, 133 of, 24 geo-political ambitions of, 77 Alexanderfeld (town), 41, 171 Himmler and, 77 Alexianu, Gheorghe, 82, 94, 96, 118, 133, Antonescu, Mihai, 154 155, 178 Area Youth Leaders (Bereichsjugendfuhrer¨ ), Aly, Gotz,¨ 224 187 ammunition, 146–147 Assmann, Martin, 91 Ananjew (town), 41 Ancel, Jean, 122, 123 Babi-Yar, genocide and, 132 Anetovka (village), 149 Baden (town), 176 Angrick, Andrej, 122, 135 Baltic Germans (Baltendeutsche), 20 Anhalt-Zerbst, 21 Baltische Landwehr (Baltic Militia), 52 anti-Semitism Beck, Eugenie, 105–107, 125 Black Sea Germans and, 223 Bereichskommandofuhrer¨ (Regional Christian National Defense League and, Commander), 41, 78 6 Bereichskommandos (Regional economic, 5 Commands) Judeo-Bolshevism and, 75, 85–90, 159, Deutsche Jugend and, 187 182, 227, 228, 232, 235, 237 ethnic German schools and, 183 League of the Archangel Michael and, 6 isolation of, 44 NSKK and, 60 local rule and, 40–45 Romania and, 5–8 reduction in number of, 197 as state policy, 6 Selbstschutz training courses of, 164 255 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-06123-1 - The Holocaust and the Germanization of Ukraine Eric C. Steinhart Index More information 256 Index Bereichskommandos (Regional Bruder¨ in Not (Brothers in Need, charity), Commands) (cont.) 30 XI (Rastatt), 67, 107, 115, 126, 130, Brudermann, Ludwig, 91 135, 136, 137, 138, 151, 162, 163, Bug River, 5, 21, 31, 233 209–216 genocide and, 10, 157 death toll in and around, 150 Bukovina,northern(region),4,5,7 Reserve Order Police Battalion Bulgaria, 5 101 compared, 218 Burgermeisteramt¨ (seat of municipal XIV (Worms), 67, 89, 93, 136, 137, 138, government), 80 139, 163, 200 XX (Lichtenfeld), 50, 88, 136, 137, 138, Carol II, King of Romania, 5 139, 163 Cassullo, Andreas, 176, 177 XXIII (Selz), 189, 190 Catherine II, Empress of Russia, 21 XXV (Odessa), 97, 100, 101–107, 134, Central Office of the State Justice 161, 177 Administrations for the Berezovka (Berezivka, town), 83, 133, Investigation of National Socialist 149 Crimes (Zentrale Stelle der Bessarabia(region),4,5,7,22 Landesjustizverwaltungen zur Bischofsfeld (town), 41, 197 Aufklarung¨ nationalsozialistischer Black Army (Revolutionary Insurrectionary Verbrechen), 12 Army of Ukraine), 27 Cherson (province), 21 Black Sea Germans (Schwartzmeerdeutschen), Christian National Defense League 2, 8, 22, 231 (Romania), 6 Bolshevism and, 159 Christianity, 174–181 differentiated from see Protestant Church; Roman Catholic Baltic Germans, 26 Church; German Christian other ethnic Germans, 98 Movement Transylvanian Saxons and Baltic confession and, 174 Germans, 25 Mennonite, 24 Volga Germans, 22 National Socialism and, 174 status of Sonderkommando R and, 159, 234 1905–22, 25–27 civil administration, 83–85 1922–41, 27–30, 90 German, 8, 69, 177 early twentieth century, 19 Romanian, 110, 137, 178 nineteenth century, 19, 36 Claasen, Erich-Meinert, 103 summer, 1941, 19, 36 clothing camp (Kleiderlager), 170 Volga Germans and, 28 collective farms, 122 Bogdanovka concentration camp, 114, 122, Bogdanovka, 108, 127 162, 234 forced labor on, 214, 215 death toll at, 129, 146, 150 Johannesfeld, 199, 200 inmate population 1941, 122 Gut Rauch, 166 Born, Heinz, 66, 94 Lichtenfeld, 87 Braun, Gertrude, 65–66, 171 Neu Amerika, 127, 140, 147 Breslau (city), 119 Petrovka, 91 British Radio Code and Cypher School, collectivization, 175 wartime records of, 11 Selbstschutz and, 216 Browning, Christopher R., 218 conscription, 28 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-06123-1 - The Holocaust and the Germanization of Ukraine Eric C. Steinhart Index More information Index 257 Dankert, Fritz, 186 Dniester River, 5, 21, 115, 154, 155 Dean, Martin, 224 ban on expelling Jews across, 116 death march (Bogdanovka), 139 Domanevka (regional center), 149 Deibert, Georg, 189–193 Dortmund (city), 13 dekulakization, 29, 174 Dresden (city), 119 Deletant, Dennis, 117 DRK (Deutsches Roten Kreuz, German Denikin, A. I., 27 Red Cross), 63–69 denunciations, 88, 188, 200, 235, 237 Ebenal family, 108, 110 genocidal, 76, 85, 87, 160, 232 Economic Group (Wirtschaftsgruppe, retributive, 33, 85 Odessa), 170 deportations Einsatzgruppe D, 34–36, 37, 76, 78, 135, expulsions and, 114 219, 223 intensified Romanian, late 1941, Einsatzkommando 12, 36 132–137 genocide and, 86, 101, 118, 129, 188, of Black Sea Germans, 28, 29, 30, 37 189 of Jews Eisenreich, Paul, 194, 197 from Bessarabia to the Bug River, 114, Ekaterinoslav (province), 21 115–117, 122 Ellermeyer, Walter, 135, 143 from Bukovina to the Bug River, 114, ethnic classifications 115–117, 122 Bereichskommando XXV’s, 104 from Bukovina to the Soviet Union, 7 Deutsche Volksliste (German Peoples’ from Kishinev (Chis¸inau),ˇ 6 List), 75, 97, 99, 204 from Odessa to Berezovka, 133 subjectivity of, 210 from Odessa to northeastern qualifications for ethnic German Transnistria, 114, 152 classifiers, 104 from Odessa to northern Ochakov, VoMi’s 133 Odessa, 100–107, 232 from Odessa to the Bug River, 234 rural Transnistria, 107–110 from the Regat to Poland (proposed), Sonderkommando R’s subjective, 76, 7 99 ghettoization and, 7 ethnic cleansing, 16 to northeastern Transnistria, 8, 10, new ethnic settlements created through, 233 77 to Odessa, 10 Romania and, 7 to the Bug River, 10 ethnic Germanness, 9, 97–100, 161, 174, Der Deutsche in Transnistrien (The German in 205, 231, 236 Transnistria), 182 measuring, 9 Deutchland grußt¨ Euch (Germany Welcomes militia membership and, 107, 226 You), 182 of Black Sea Germans, 76 Deutsche Jugend (German Youth), ethnic identity, 9–10 186–187 EWZ (Einwandererzentrale, SS Central Deutsche Wochenschau (German Weekly Immigration Office), 68, 210, 212, Newsreel), 183 214 Deutsches Haus (German House), 182 disease, epidemic (German fear of), 16 Faltis, Josef, 109 Dnieper River, 201 famine, 29, 214 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-06123-1 - The Holocaust and the Germanization of Ukraine Eric C. Steinhart Index More information 258 Index Federal Minister for Expellee Affairs Helenenthal (town), 181 (Bundesminister fur¨ Vertriebene), Herf, Jeffrey, 57 51 Hermannstadt (Sibiu), 180 Federal Security Service of the Russian Herrlich, Edith, 103–104, 106 Federation (FSB or Federal’naia Hilberg, Raul, 117, 118 sluzhba bezopasnosti Rossiiskoi Hildebrandt, Richard, 202, 203 Federatsii), 12 Himmler, Heinrich, 3, 77, 170, 203, 231 Fegelein, Hans, 168 Hitler Youth (Hitler Jugend), 61 Filderman, Wilhelm, 7 Hochstetter, Dorothee, 58 von Fircks, Erich, 67 Hoffmeyer, Horst, 40, 44–48 Franck, Hans, 107 autonomy of, 153, 167 Franke, Otto, 61 Christianity and, 177 Frederick Wilhelm II, King of Prussia, 21 education and, 184 Freikorps Grenzschutz Ost (Free Corps evacuation and, 201 Border Patrol East), 46 genocide and, 114, 125, 135, 147, 205, 234 Galat¸i (region), 202 Hildebrandt and, 203 German Christian Movement Himmler and, 47 (Glaubensbewegung Deutsche Hitler Youth and, 187 Christen), 159, 180, 234 Jewish clothing and, 170, 171 German Foreign Office, 154 leadership style of, 78, 92, 202 German Interior Ministry, 154 plan for Transnistria, 75 German Peoples’ Party in Romania suicide of, 203 (Deutsche Volkspartei in Volksdeutsche and, 77, 99 Rumanien),¨ 180 Hoffnungstal (town), 41, 166, 171 Germanization Hotz, Otto, 60, 93 Sonderkommando R’s Transnistria Hubner,¨ Nina, 109 project of, 16, 157, 235 Hubner,¨ Valdemar, 109 VoMi criteria for, 9 Hungary, 5 ghettoization, 7, 10, 114, 115, 117–120, 132, 137, 156, 171 Institute for the Study and Eradication of Glaser, Martin, 176, 177 Jewish Influence on German Gleich, Hans, 108 Church Life (Institut zur Goebbels, Josef, 124 Erforschung und Beseitigung des Goerbig, Hans-Joachim, 97, 106, 134 judischen¨ Einflusses auf das Gorlich,¨ Frank, 182, 185 deutsche kirchliche Leben), 180 Gotz,¨ Karl, 185 Ioanid, Radu, 115 Gradovka, 147 Iron Guard, 6, 77 Gross, Jan, 14, 224, 238 Isopescu, Modest, 122, 123, 125, 127, Groß-Liebenthal (town), 41, 171 142 Gutsche, Ernst, 71 Janovka (town), 41, 197 Halbstadt (town), 41, 197 Jewish labor brigade (rabochaia brigada), 128, Hallenberger, Friedrich, 181 130, 139 Hartung, Rudolf, 108, 124–125, 127, 128, “Jewish problem,” 10 136, 161, 162, 194, 209, 220, 226 German “solution” to, 7–8, 113, avarice of, 142, 151 151–155, 233 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-06123-1 - The Holocaust and the Germanization of Ukraine Eric C. Steinhart Index More information Index 259 Romanian “solution” to, 7–8, 113, 116, Krumbeck, Heinrich, 78 133, 151–155, 233 Kursk offensive, 201 Jews Einsatzgruppe D and, 34–37 Landau (Shyrokolanivka, town), 36, 41, 70, Nazi conception of, 1 176, 184 Nazi plans for, 156 League of German Girls (Bund Deutscher NSKK and, 59 Madel),¨ 64 Odessa, 101–103,

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