v - u v f . ; n }r t% j y» r/ THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 10,193. NEW YORK, SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 1864. PRICE FIVE CENTS. Macbias July 2®, arrived it (kin port yeeterdaf, aad ro- MOBILE por ta that oo toe 1 1 th loat latitude 40 llode ft 3f , , 19, loog wa« boarded by ibe rebel ateamar Tallatuunee, or rather tbe pilot boat James Funk, wblcb wae then under th« FARRAGUT'S oommand of a rebel and ordered to bear* loo \ OPERATIONS. crew, (Port Gaines Oeeuplci By Oar a boat eame fi ona the iteamar, whloh wae so Upoo boar4lng us we were ordered to be la NtiMM to Forces. to. re ta tea mlautea. Tbe captain waa tacen on beard Present Position of His Fleet Inside Mobile With the Defences of the the pirate, where oe signed bonds for tbe reloaoo of tba Bar, City. ecb-oner for Sio.ooo. we subsequently received oa board lor'yiour peraoaa, being tbe crewa and paaeeagerw kteira! Bseksnss ail titer Kelil of tbe brig a. Riclurda, of Uoetoo, rroai Glaca Bay; bark Day State, «r l'oston, from Alexandria tor PriMsera 8eii Is Psataeslac . No* York; brig Carile E<telle, of Boston, Tburlow, rem Cutler, Ma, with spiles, fhr New York, aad schooner Atlantic, of aud from Addiron for do. all of L wblcb vessels bad been burned; alao tbe pilot boat rhe Water and Land Defences MAO TO ftMSACOUi James Funk. No. 22 Sluteen < r the ub ¦« e, Including the pilot* and craw of tba Jtraea Funk, weot ashore at Ftro 1*1.ad, several otbera were lauded at fort Hamilton tbia of the Upper Bay. , morning, and came up to tbls oily in tbe ateamtug Steoi.eu & Babcoclf, Captain Barrett, all o whom ware paroled. Importance sf Farragut's ibe captain of tbe acbooner Carroll arrived at tbls port [The mo yetterday, bonded by tho pirate Tit ian >iaoa, aud da Opsrationa Thus Far. scribea ibe pirate as about one thousand tona burthen, pointed a light lead color, no two amoka Jutrr bowsprit, stacks, meaball the other, red bottom, Tbe rebel oiTiaer ro- poitvd having run tbe blockade at Wilmington, N C., sf ths W«rkt irtund tfes acme ten days previous, aod bad burned soniev<ssela |o«fcrl9ltsa before falling In with iboae now reiiortetl. City si AWbils, < aptuin Ifj lor, of the schoouer A. M. Lee, arrived at t Providet.ee yesterday aiternoon from Philadelphia. suit mcu iiost1 makes tbe f liowing report:. 'On Friday tnomhg my vessel was chaaod and overtake.! The Rtebaaoa* ftmUw nearly by tbo pilotboat says thai lb* rebel Admiral UDWMO** J. unos Km k recently enrturnd by tbe Conlcderata Buctian.u and ether pr>»niT., with iba ladarai wnuodtd, ML b»»e cruiser Tallahassee. W en six miles westward of chine- baao mbiw Peaaaoola. Buchanan's wauod la doing "Son. sc. rock wail. W.lwrens w.g lolnt, Long Islatd, tbe pilotboat tasked and stood | for a bark whioh bove It) Foil .till bolda sight." Morgan out. Captain fit. Clair, of tbe Hriti h bark Colooei Jainea Pert O"loaa baa been occupied cor by foroee. reports tbat tba Tailahaseea lias aa a tender to ber All i be vessels Ivat 1 Scott, rumour Uaet ara ooa Monitor ai a Nova .-cotiuu Iwo-ibn ds loaded with al. im RuoooaL k OOORiVA bark, c. The Prussia ti ablp Nord, Captain Ijtngo, from H Iba rebal Iron dad la at a wharf In OAW£Oi tmburg, Morgan lying wh cb antved at ibis tort rei>orts that when Mobile. yesterdiy, _____ about twelve miles S. S. 1-. from toe Lightship, a.iw tba United States s o>mahlp Su*qu»b inna cruising, supposed far tbe IPtom tbe Kkclimood pirate Tallahassee. lJth mat., at eigbt A. If., oif Sentiuel, Muy 11. J Block Island We bare no <le*lre to oomuieot on tbo extraordinary , spoke ship Atriaiiu, Captain Moore, from (rMwdwi at I ort Gal aa until a nor. explicit account London, with passengers, bouud to New York; sbe being la givcu or tbe affair than mat lurmsbed by telenrapn. then boarded tbe rebel r\Hoi ei Aadcra-m, witbo it be can explain ta»* cooduot, by steamer Tillahassoe, wished to >5S{enr?ee tkeaevercat penalty haowo to military law. VitABUTA CITY be reported at tbe same time. Toe pilot boat No. 22 VVlouei i.hariee U Andaman waa born la south Caro¬ Funk), came alongside of us, no bat waa a (.lames showing co'.ots, lina, appntoied cadet at Weal Point and ua to uoist which Texas in MO, remained two yeara, aud requssted ours. waa done. (ailed to graduate la IS56 be waa appointed gCUEFWCAJi1 Tbe pilot bout Fannie. No. 17 reports that on Thurs¬ eecond l:»meti mi in tbe Fourth United Mates day, 1 1 Lb inat. , at ten P. M . au w u vessel on there .rtniory. In tbe of ibis war lire, beginning be was In being but little wind at >b^ until three Mobile, and waa there elected < olouol of tbe Twenty Arat WlffwiLUAJQWaRO very time, abput Alobama In compliment to bta regiment he bad him- ouirmtTA A M., wben tbey ascertained it to be a schooner buraei aeir registered from Al.bima. His mower and aiatera PON1 to tbe watar's edge. are a« io to be now la M bile. Re was popular, wear* fOWLmvr* fcf< rnted, withsM comrades Tbe pilot boat Ezra Nye arrived bare last night, and reports:.On tba 12tba Inat., at noon, Montana bearing BtllroM Arc ideat north northeast twenty Q»a miir , siw tba pilot boat Mobilb, Aueoat 0, ISM. , > ... James Funk, No. 22, leaving a ship on Ore, and aooa aflor , Bitot leldler tr&la ran into a lud slide, between ruiard hd«i Montgomery and kmed twelve aod wounded JfiHucr#wv) saw a suspicious looking steamer come np and take the th8 Hret Mississippi bat UUton m ariiifort. pilot b< nt n tow. Tbe Nye then stood to the northward two wmte meu and LS-wrught out negro ware arretted to ;.void them, but subsequently icturned to tbe cut. a* wiret. IScme ederal vesaela are cr asioe burning [or ship, wbicb proved to be tbe Adriatic. Captain Moure . i'X arswJuy Irom London for New York. Took fre>m bcr a quaitlty «f riggtag, A-c. Two foreign birks, bound wast, were THE PEUHCtS OF MOBILE. C c ore by at tba t>me, on board of wbicb It Is aupposod tbe paosengers were transferred, u ban laat se.-u tba the movements af Admiral Farragut indicate that plrata was steering southeast lbs Ezra Nye sj>u after ha baa tod similar aucreaa In bta preeent opera- bosrded tbe ship Young Me<-b*iiir, »h) reported seeing tbe Tallahassee to Uooa aa on Ibe Miaiisaippl riveru winch resulted in tba soutbwa.d, near a large sbip. (He capture of New Orieane. By reference to the acosm ha Pursuit of ttie Tallahassee. pssytng map It will be seen Ibat all of tbe aaaward aod f Admiral was netted on of tba .uter Sefencea of Mobile, excepting Port Morgan, are now Paulding Friday evening $ appasrancc of the new pirate Tallahassee oil' Fire I* poaseesion of oar naval forces. The eutira naval force ^_ Island, .f Iba rebate at Mobile baa been rendered useless, except 5 an d at unco despatched a tug to tbe lowor bay to send Irem thence a in of her. Ho it Ifee steamer and * few State gunboats, wulch gunboat pursuit says waa Morgan tbe but it must be some other as sbe ia have escaped to tbe abelter of Dog river bar and ita ob Ascutney, vessel, where, witb fear and trembling, tbey await / # : reported baviug arrived at Washington for repairs, lbs atructlous, s * a oa was sent to sea at (be comlag uf tbe victorious oommander of lbs West -fs Susquehauna yesterday morning day. O-ilf light. Tbe Eolus sailed 4u<Iuk tbe morning, and at Ibe blockading squadron. latest accounts the Grand, (luify.toiieil from Hampton Tbe of Fort aa noticed upon the map, '-w8° position Morgan, .. Roada yesterday, and sbe will bo followed by another of a low , It at tbe extremity long, sandy peninsula, m.pw- vessel to day. as Moftile loiot. Tola of land la compara- SOUND Known atrip +o+ /b OYSTER, Admiral Strlngbam, at Boston, bis but a limited num¬ and Admiral will have out ltttls *333&&ikm*K^ I've'y narrow, Farragut M/SS/SS/PP/ STCAMffS. ber of vessels at bis disposal, and It Is doubtful If ba ib tbe rebela from aarth dlflicuity preventing erecting \ZJZZ'eAMS could send more than one or two. of U.iion to asaauit c°0/?s worka u|<on it. Tbe landing troope .jrjxwstas. BAT There are several steam revenue cotters now la port reach¬ tbe rort. or to prevent auppllea or reinforcementa LtTTLK POm_ whicb mlgbt be despatched, but up to tbn present writ¬ cannot be interfered ? V ing l be beleaguered garriaon well wa have beard of none of tlx m being ordered to saa. float Admiral Far¬ ing wliJt. With bia largo and formidable It l»pocsib:e tbat one or more or them went to sea last effect the or ragut will, in time, no dootot, capture capitu¬ olgbt or will go tbia raorolog. lation of tbia work. Tho United States gunboat Merrimac, six gons, in tbe meantime bia fleet or light draught vessels will 191 Acting Voluoteer Lieutenant Win. Budd, sailed yester¬ ¦0 doubt attempt tbe pasaage to tbe city itaelf.
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