The Angelus Monthly Publication of the Church of Our Saviour August 2018 From Father Miller of refuge; a place of solace; a threshold of hope to this community and beyond. This Sunday we commemorated the 94th Over the last 94 years, God has richly anniversary of the Church of Our Saviour! blessed us beyond measure. Over and over again, Ninety-four years of faithful, dedicated, and we have seen that God has His hand on this devout worship of our Lord and Saviour Jesus parish and continues to do so. As we enter this Christ in the Virginia-Highland Community. Sunday’s festivities and beyond, take heart in Since her inception, the Church of Our Saviour knowing that God continues to guide and direct has sought to be a place where one can find our steps together into the future (Proverbs 16:9), “the most beautiful and satisfying services in and God will continue to bless us richly. But, the city of Atlanta, a churchly service, and at God is calling us to more, as we realize together the same time [be a place that furnishes] a ser- the Kingdom of God here on Earth; in the midst vice that will be informal enough to meet the of our shared life. needs of the large number of people who have Let this parish anniversary mark the been otherwise trained.” From the beginning, beginning of a new season at the Church of Our the Church of Our Saviour has been a place to Saviour. The writer of Ecclesiastes reminds us, experience a tangible encounter with the Living “to everything there is a season, and a time to God through Word and Sacrament. every purpose under the heaven” and the same The Catechism in The Book of Common goes for our parish. Prayer reminds us that the Mission of the Let this new season be a season of Church is “to restore all people to unity with simplicity, yet depth. A season of growth, yet God and each other in Christ.” The Church pur- intimacy. A season of sacrifice, yet abundance. sues its mission as it “prays and worships, pro- In this new season, let a fire be ignited in the claims the Gospel, and promises justice, peace, hearts of each of us, kindling within, a passion and love.” The next question that follows is, for mission, outreach, and a zeal for the procla- “through whom does the Church carry out its mation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all mission? The Church carries out its mission people. This Sunday will mark the beginning of through the ministry of all its people.” (BCP, this! 855). It is truly a testament to God’s majesty Thank you for joining me this Sunday as and glory that we have had the honor and we celebrated our beloved parish, but more privilege to live this divine mission for the importantly, joined me as we enter this new sea- last 94 years. son together. Let us walk hand in hand and step Together we make up the Body of out across the threshold of hope into the realm of Christ. Together we are united and transcend faith, as we become faithful models of a living social, political, economic, age, gender, and faith throughout this new season of hope. ideological differences; rejoicing as one, in Let us pray. the proclamation of the One Faith, One Lord, “O God of unchangeable power and eternal One Baptism. For 94 years, the Church of Our light: Look favorably on your whole Church, that Saviour has embodied this mission in a very wonderful and sacred mystery; by the effectual Incarnational way. It is so ingrained within the working of your providence, carry out in tran- ethos of this parish that it radiates out from the quility the plan of salvation; let the whole world very wood of the pews—it is the very heartbeat see and know that things which were cast down of the parish. are being raised up, and things which had grown It goes without saying, the Church of Our old are being made new and that all things are Saviour is a unique and beautiful place, situated being brought to their perfection by him through in part of Atlanta with a rich, vibrant, and lively whom all things were made, your Son, Jesus history. From her beginnings in 1924, the Christ our Lord. Amen.” (BCP, 280). Church of Our Saviour has sought to be a place Grace and Peace, Father Christopher Miller Page 2 THE ANGELUS August 2018 Events and Feast Days NO Parish Luncheon August 5, 2018 Because we will have celebrated our Parish Anniversary the previous weekend, there will be NO parish luncheon on August 5, 2018. Saint Bartholomew August 24, 2018 Transfiguration Sunday (Transferred) The following prayer is one of those August 12, 2018 traditionally said on this day. We will celebrate the Feast of the Transfig- O Almighty and everlasting God, who uration on Sunday, August 12, 2018. didst give to thine apostle Bartholomew grace truly to believe and to preach thy Word; Grant, we beseech thee, unto thy Church to love what he believed and to preach what he taught; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. The Feast of Saint Mary the Virgin Wednesday, August 15, 2018 Formation Open House 7:00 pm and Cookout The Feast of Saint Mary the Virgin will be All are invited to a Formation Open House a Choral High Mass with the choir singing the and Cookout on Friday, August 24, 2018, from mass setting. The Feast of Saint Mary the Virgin 5:30 to 8:30 pm. Join us for a delicious supper, is a major feast on which the Church expects the fun activities for all ages, tours of our godly play faithful to assist at the Eucharist. rooms, and more information about all of our formation programs. August 2018 THE ANGELUS Page 3 We also need some volunteers to help on the 15th (Thursday), at Saint Bede’s, while the artists are setting up and at the Opening Party that evening. Opening Parties are always a great way to get first dibs on the best the artists have to offer, and a great place to mix and mingle with members of both congregations. All monies raised from the booth fees and raffle ticket sales will be split between the spon- soring parishes, based upon their participation in the event. The money coming to Our Saviour will then be split between the Hospitality Guild and the General Operating Fund. – Mary Sommers Art from the Heart Artist Market November 15-17, 2018 As was noted in the July Angelus, the Church of Our Saviour and Saint Bede’s will be co-sponsoring a celebration of artists and their wonderful creations November 16-17, 2018, with an opening party on Thursday, November 15. The Steering Committee has finalized the A Morning Song application and begun sending them out to By Isaac Watts artists, inviting them to participate in the market. If you, or anyone you know, would be interested My God, who makes the sun to know in exhibiting in the market, please contact me at His proper hour to rise; [email protected] or Lois Shingler at And, to give light to all below, [email protected]. Doth send him round the skies: I have bragged to Saint Bede’s about the high quality of our parish’s bakers and cooks, and When from the chambers of the east agreed for Our Saviour to host a bake sale at the His morning race begins, event. I know we haven’t had a sale in a few He never tires, nor stops to rest, years, but I’m assuming we haven’t all lost our But round the world he shines. touch. Please start thinking about whether you can contribute something for the bake sale So, like the sun, would I fulfil (sweet or savory) and/or if you could work the The business of the day; booth. If transportation is an issue with working Begin my work betimes, and still the booth let me know and I’ll see if I can put March on my heavenly way. together a car pool. The best part about this is that it is an indoor event which means we won’t Give me, O Lord, thy early grace, have an issue with icings melting. And, keep in Nor let my soul complain mind, all monies raised through this booth will That the young morning of my day go directly to Our Saviour. Has all been spent in vain! Page 4 THE ANGELUS August 2018 Birthdays and Anniversaries Birthdays: Aug.1: Annwynn McKenzie Stabler 8: Rachel Irving Braxton Cooksey 12: Mary Hallenberg 13: Charla Allen 18: Michael Miller 19: Megan Bernard Julie Roberts 20: Charles Oliver Hoffmeyer Readings for August 21: Larry Bailey Year B 23: Sean McGlynn, Jr. 26: Robert Rosenzweig 11th Sunday after Pentecost—August 5, 2018 29: John Sommers Proper 13 Anniversaries: Exodus 16:2–4, 9–15 Aug. 1: Eric Strange & Jennifer Hoosier Psalm 78:23–29 6: Father Christopher Miller Ephesians 4:1–16 & Jennifer Gander John 6:24–35 11: Roger & Debbie Press 13: Patrick & Lauren Caldwell 12th Sunday after Pentecost—August 12, 2018 21: Jim & Kathie Spotts (Transfiguration Transferred) Proper 14 22: Terry & Janet Strange Exodus 34:29–35 30: David & Laura Stabler Psalm 99:5–9 Sean & Jennifer McGlynn 2 Peter 1:13–21 Luke 9:28–36 St.
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