Coral reef condition: 2018 A status report for FAIR GUAM Coral reefs are important Healthy coral reefs are among the most biologically diverse ecosystems on Earth, with high cultural and economic significance. They provide billions of dollars in food, jobs, recreational opportunities, coastal protection, and other important goods and services to people around the world. Guam's coral reefs are an integral part of the culture, livelihoods, and aesthetics of the island. Food Fishing provides Guam residents with an accessible and healthy source of protein. Nearshore coral reef habitats are important to both subsistence and commercial fishing. Survey data indicate that 30% of residents fish or gather marine resources and 94% of residents who do fish, do so to feed themselves or their family (NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science 2018). Traditionally, a large catch was shared by many people, providing a much needed food resource. Traditional marine management was conducted at the village level. Under modern management at the island-scale, enforcement of Harvey Ryan marine preserve regulations is an ongoing challenge on Guam. Biodiversity Coral reef ecosystems are renowned for the stunning diversity of life they support. Although they occupy less than 1% of the seafloor globally, it is estimated that more than 25% of all marine species can be found on coral reefs (Burke et al. 2011). On Guam, there are over 5,000 species of coral reef organisms (Paulay 2003). Protecting this impressive biodiversity through management and conservation is important for sustaining healthy reefs and the human communities Burdick David dependent on them. Tourism Coral reef-related tourism contributes $323 million per year to Guam's economy (Spalding et al. 2016). The tourism industry supports over 21,000 jobs annually, representing 34% of total employment (Guam Visitors Bureau 2018). Each year, Guam’s reefs host over 300,000 tourist snorkelers and 100,000 tourist scuba divers (QMark Research 2016a, 2016b). In addition, over 30% of visitors cite the marine environment as a top reason for visiting Josie Moyer Guam (Guam Visitors Bureau 2018). Shoreline Protection The coral reefs found in the nearshore areas and lagoons of Guam provide many benefits to the island's shorelines. Coral reefs form a natural breakwater, protecting the shoreline by absorbing and reducing wave energy by 97% on average (Ferrario et al. 2014). This prevents erosion and beach loss, which can lead to economic hardship. Shoreline protection is important for Guam, which is subjected to typhoons that may increase in severity due to climate change. Raio Robert D. Security clearance Extreme low tides occur due 1521The first known contact Guam is invaded by the Imperial Japanese Army 1962 1967 1970 The Guam Coral Reef Initiative is 2013 2015 2000 bce between Guam and Western 1941 requirements for travel 1986 to ENSO. From 2013-2015, on December 8, 1941. The Japanese military The first Pan The first hotel in 1974 1997 formed when Governor Carl Coral bleaching The first inhabitants, ancestors of the Europe occurs when a Spanish occupation of Guam lasts from 1941-1944. to Guam are lifted, The U.S. formalizes the Compacts of 1990 about half of branching American World Tumon Bay, the Guam The Guam Seashore Gutierrez signs EO 97-10. event occurs. About modern CHamoru people, arrive on expedition led by Ferdinand catalyzing an influx of Free Association with the Federated From 1980–1990, staghorn corals die due to The brown tree snake reaches Airways flight lands Dai-ichi Hotel (now the Protection Act is 85% of Guam’s coral Guam, likely from southeast Asia. Magellan reaches the island. new residents and States of Micronesia, Republic of the average coral cover bleaching and low tides. 1946Guam and begins feeding on on Guam with 109 Fiesta Resort) opens. passed. types bleach. tourism. Marshall Islands, and Palau, spurring around Guam Guam’s marine preserves native birds. By 1998, Guam Japanese tourists. 2001 Coral bleaching event increased migration to Guam. decreases from 50% are fully enforced. 2017 loses 9 of 11 native bird species. to about 25%. occurs. Moderate to severe bleaching observed at up to 130’ depth. 1944 1962 2013 1951 Super Typhoon Karen causes 1968 Guam’s marine preserves Guam’s ocean-based coral 2016 1898 The second Battle of Guam began 1970 1997 Coral bleaching occurs. The Guam Organic Act makes widespread destruction. Crown-of-thorns are established by PL 24-21. nursery is established. 2017 The United States July 21, 1944 when American Guam an unincorporated U.S. sea star outbreak The University 1990 2014 Widespread bleaching 800 ce 1978 Over 1.54 million The oldest Latte stones have captures Guam during the troops landed on the west side of territory with limited 1963 decimates reefs, of Guam The island undergoes a Coral across Guam’s reef Green sea turtles are 2006 tourists visit been dated to approximately Spanish-American War, the island. After several weeks of self-governing authority and The Guam Tourist with over 90% Marine development boom in the late bleaching flats, with up to 80% of protected under Guam law. Guam joins the Guam, a record 800 CE. The “Latte Period” giving the U.S. its first fighting, Japanese forces officially grants U.S. citizenship to the Commission (now the Guam of the live coral lost Laboratory is 1980s and early 1990s, resulting event corals bleaching at Micronesia Challenge. number. lasted until 1668. possession in the Pacific. surrender on August 10, 1944. people of Guam. Visitors Bureau) is created. on some reefs. established. in a 15.4% increase in population. occurs. some sites. reefs are under threat what you can do to help Coral reefs are declining globally, which has significant There are many threats to coral reefs. Here are a few ecological, social, cultural, and economic impacts on people actions YOU can take to help conserve coral reefs: and communities. Guam's coral reefs are threatened by overfishing, climate change, pollution, and overuse. Be responsible for the fishing Overfishing nets and other gear you use. Catch data over the last two decades on Guam show the gradual replacement of large-bodied species Only catch enough fish for you with smaller species across several fisheries sectors: and your family and obey all SCUBA, freedive, and bottom (Houk et al 2018). marine preserve regulations. Fish declines impact fishermen's profits, ecosystem health, and local diets. Improving Guam’s nearshore Do not drop your anchor fisheries is a difficult ongoing process that requires in reef areas, instead use trusted partnerships between scientists, fishermen, mooring buoys or sandy managers, and other stakeholders. bottom areas. Climate Change Reduce energy use and your Ocean warming is the most pressing climate change carbon footprint. impact facing Guam’s reefs, which experienced coral bleaching in 2013, 2014, 2016, and 2017. Pick up your own trash and Bleaching-induced mortality has reduced coral cover carry away the trash that and decreased available habitat for fishes and other others have left behind. reef-associated species. Ocean acidification is a growing threat to Guam’s reefs. Local resource managers aim Support initiatives to to address climate change impacts by reducing local preserve and protect stressors and protecting resilient coral populations. coral reefs. Land-based sources of pollution Plant native vegetation to Pollution threatens Guam's reefs, with much of the prevent sediment and pollutants pollution stemming from activities on land. Unsustainable from reaching the reef. coastal development, driven by population growth and increasing tourism, leads to runoff of pollutants and Don't burn trash. Don't burn for sediments to the reefs. This can smother corals and hunting as it causes erosion that impact fish and other organisms. Nutrient pollution may damages reefs. lead to outbreaks of the crown-of-thorns sea star, a coral predator that has had major impacts on Guam's reefs. Help protect mangroves and Misuse and overuse wetlands from filling and Guam’s reefs are threatened by recreational misuse and construction activities. overuse, and lack of regulations aiming to protect reefs from impacts such as vessel groundings. Reef users can Don’t stand on or touch live impact coral reef health by breaking corals, feeding fish, coral. Don't take pieces of harassing marine life, or introducing harmful chemicals corals home with you. into the water with sunscreen use. Guam needs stronger Educate yourself about laws and regulations to protect coral reefs from impacts coral reefs and the caused by recreational use and vessel groundings. creatures they support. SecuritySecurity clearance clearance ExtremeExtreme low tides low tidesoccur occur due due 15211521The firstThe known first known contact contact GuamGuam is invaded is invaded by the by Imperial the Imperial Japanese Japanese Army Army 1962 1962 19671967 19701970 The GuamThe Guam Coral Coral Reef InitiativeReef Initiative is is 20132013 20152015 20002000 bce bce betweenbetween Guam Guam and Western and Western 1941 1941 requirementsrequirements for travel for travel 19861986 to ENSO.to ENSO. From From 2013-2015, 2013-2015, on Decemberon December 8, 1941. 8, 1941. The Japanese The Japanese military military The firstThe Pan first Pan The firstThe hotel first hotelin in 19741974 19971997formedformed when when Governor Governor Carl Carl CoralCoral bleaching bleaching The firstThe inhabitants, first inhabitants, ancestors ancestors of the of the EuropeEurope occurs occurs when when a Spanish a Spanish occupationoccupation of Guam of Guam lasts lastsfrom from1941-1944. 1941-1944. to Guamto Guam are lifted, are lifted, The U.S.The formalizes U.S. formalizes the Compacts the Compacts of of 19901990 aboutabout half of half branching of branching AmericanAmerican World World TumonTumon Bay, the Bay, Guam the Guam The GuamThe Guam Seashore Seashore GutierrezGutierrez signs signs EO 97-10. EO 97-10. eventevent occurs.
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