INDEX WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA HISTORICAL MAGAZINE VOLUME 19 The names of contributors to the Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine are printed in capitals and small capitals. The titles of books, periodicals, articles, and papers are inclosed in quotation marks. (R) indicates that the contribution is a review. Abraham, Evelyn, "Over the Mountains: Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel The Life of a First Settler in Fayette and Tin Workers, sketch, 240 County," reviewed, 232$ speaker, 317 Ambler, Charles H., "George Washington Adams, James T., author, 74 and the West," reviewed, 229 Adams, John, 268 Ambridge Senior High School, Local His- Adams, Marcellin C, speaker, 317 tory Society, 326 Adams, Mrs. Marcellin C, speaker, 62 American Bridge Co., history, 324 Adams, Randolph G., 305 American Historical Association, 68 Adams Express Co., 249 Americana, collections, 189-202 Addison, Alexander, 11, 275 Anderson, John, 313 Agriculture, frontier, 117 Andrews, J. Cutler, author, 159 Alden, Roger, 277 j sketch, 273 Ankeny, Peter, 125 Alden, Rev. Timothy, 272, 277, 280 j Anshutz, George, 317 sketch, 274 Archaeology, Pennsylvania, 156, 322} Erie Alexander, Alexander C, 153 County, 323 j Greene County, 323} Som- Alexander, George H., 153 erset County, 323 Alexander, John B., 309 Archbold, John D., 169 Alexander, Joseph S*, 318 Architecture, western Pennsylvania, 162, Alkali industry, 73 163, 323 jPittsburgh, 1635 Somerset, 163 "Alleghany Magazine," established, 279 Archives, preservation, 72, 159, 322. Set Allegheny City, directories, 319 also various countries, states, and coun- Allegheny College, founding, 277 ties Allegheny County, militia, 19} land sur- Armstrong, Maj. George, 138 veys, 20 Armstrong, Col. John, 209 Allegheny County Society for Protecting Army life and conditions, Whiskey Insur- Agriculture and Domestic Manufacturers, rection, 83-111 263 Arthurs, Robert, 154 Allegheny General Hospital, sketch, 325 Arthurs, Stanley, artist, 73 Allegheny Lyceum, 2 Ashton, Capt. Joseph, letters, 308 Allegheny Mountains, described, 30 Atkinson, Thomas, 274, 278, 279 Allegheny Portage Railroad, route, 28} Audubon, John, 275 journey on, 35, 36 Ayers, Ruth, author, 326 Allegheny Steel Co., sketch, 325 Allegheny Trust Co., 2 Alter, David, sketch, 325 Backus, James, papers, 237 Alter, George E., 63 Baily, Francis, 9 Aluminum Co. of America, New Kensing- Bakewell, Benjamin, 257, 262, 267 ton Works, sketch, 240 Bakewell, John P., 214, 217, 220 Aluminum industry, history, 161 Bakewell, Thomas, 263, 266, 267 329 INDEXIN 330 Bakewell, William, 267 Bining, William, The Glass Industry of Bakewell, Page, and Bakewell, 260, 262 Western Pennsylvania, 1797-1797—1857,1857, 255-255" Baldridge, Mrs. Joseph, speaker, 62 268 Baldwin, Henry, 213, 263, 275 Blennerhassett, Harman, papers, 70 Baldwin, Leland D., 64, 294} author, 302) Bloom, Sol, author, 235 speaker, 62, 149, 150 Blythe,Blythc, David G., sketches, 162 Baldwin, Lkland D., Charles Dickens in Bodley, Temple, author, 323 Western Pennsylvania, 27-46} ed., Or- Bonitz, Walter, sketch, 326 ders Issued by General Henry Lee during Bonnault, Claude de, author, 71, 160 the Campaign against the Whiskey In- Bonnecamps, Father, 160 surrections ts, 79-111 Bookbindings, 159 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 252, 254 Boone, Daniel, 238 Bank of Pennsylvania. See Pennsylvania Boonesboro,Booncsboro, siege, 73 Bank Botany, western Pennsylvania, 156 Bank of Pittsburgh. See Pittsburgh Bank Botsford, Harry, speaker, 169 Banks and banking, Pittsburgh, 24, 324. Bouquet, Col. Henry, 6, 7; in Forbes ex- See also various banks pedition, 139, 223, 227? papers, 299 Baptist church, on frontier, 123, 127, 128, Bousman, Jacob, 13 129, 130$130} Sharon, 125} early discipline, Bower Hill, attack, 20, 81 127, 128, 129, 13OJ130J Turkeyfoot, 127, Bowman, James L., 266 128, 129, 130; Great Bethel, 128, 130 Bowman, John C,G., 293} sketch, 75 Barr, Rev. Samuel, 126 Boyd, James, author, 73 Bates, Tarleton, 16 j duel, 24 Brackenridge, Henry M., 158} quoted, 13 Bathe, Dorothy, "Oliver Evans: A Chron* Brackenridge, Hugh H., relations with icle of Early American Engineering," re- Neville, 21, 22} church interest, 125 viewed, 54-56 Braddock, Gen. Edward, 17, 209; expedi- Bathe, Greville, "Oliver Evans: A Chron- tion, 71, 143) cause of defeat, 1555155} mili- icle of Early American Engineering/' re- tary chest, 325 viewed, 54-56 Braddock Road, 6 Baum, Frederic, 269 Braden, Capt. Edward J., 136 Baum, William P., 67 Branch, E. Douglas, 64$64} author, 304, 323} Baynham, Edward G., author, 75 speaker, 68, 150, 319 Baynton, Wharton, and Morgan Co., 159 Bratton, Capt. John S., 319 Beatty, Rev. Charles, 144 Bratton, Mary E., 319 Beaver, R. Pierce, author, 157 Breading, Nathaniel, 65, 66 Beaver and Lake Erie Canal, 266 "Brilliant," packet, 245 Beck, James M., author, 235 Brown, Charlotte, journal, 145 Bedford, troop headquarters, 1794>1701, 90, 92 Brown, John C, collector, 193-195 Beclcn,Beelcn, Anthony, 266 Brown family (Providence), 193 Beers, Henry P., comp., 71, 155 Brown Library, 192) history, 193-195 Bcgon, Madame ,letters, 160 Brown, W. H., & Co., 249, 251 Belfour, C. Stanton, speaker, 172 Brownlow, William G., journey, 324 Bemus, Jane, quoted, 279, 280 Buck, Elizabeth H., author, 75 Benedum, Michael L., sketch, 326 Buck, Solon J., 294294}j author, 150, 235, Bennett, DanielDarnel M., 53553} "Life and Work 301 j speaker, 68 —of Rev. John— McMillan,— D.D., Pioneer Buck, Solon J., Frontier Economy in Preacher Educator Patriot of West- Southwestern Pennsylvania, 113-122 ern Pennsylvania," reviewed, 53 Buckle, Henry T., 178} quoted, 184 Bennett, Rebecca C, 53 Budd, William, 125 Bcntley's Farm, 105, 106, 109 Budd's Ferry, ioon. Berkebile, Fred D., author, 327 Building industry, Pittsburgh, 161 "Berks County Historical Review," 156 Burd, Col. James, 222, 223 Bingham, W.>W., A Co., 245 Burd's Road (Glade Road), 6 Billing,Bining, William, speaker, 149 Burr, Aaron, 25 INDEXEX 33*331 Butler, Mary, author, 323 Civil War, letter, 154* papers, 319 Butler, Gen. Richard, letters, 308 Clapp, George H., 67 Butler County, records, 48, 166} oil re- Clarion County, oil regions, 167 gions, 167 Clarion River, lumbering, 175 Byerly, Andrew, 6 Clark, Chester D., author, 70 Clark, David L., sketch, 75 Cadzow, Donald, author, 156, 323 jspeaker, Clark, Dora M., author, 71 327 Clark, George R., 73, 238, 323, 3241324J let- Cairo City and Canal Co., 28 ters, 308 Calder, Isabel M., ed., "Colonial Captivi- Clark, Thomas D., author, 160 ties, Marches and Journeys," reviewed, Clarke & Thaw, 244, 245 144 Clay, Henry, 264 Callender, Capt. Robert, 137 Clements, William L., sketch, 197-199 Cambria County, salt springs, 155 Clements Library, 192} history, 198} Har- Cambria County Historical Society, 240 mar Papers, 305-310 Camden, Johnson N., papers, 322 Coal industry, 1917-29,1917—29, 58} Southwestern Canada, eighteenth century, 159. See also Pennsylvania, 122} Pittsburgh, 161, 324 New France Colby, S. K., speaker, 240 Canal boats, described, 29, 31, 32} on Coldren, Jesse, author, 163 Pennsylvania Canal, 36 Collins, Alan C, comp., 74 Canandaigua (N. V.),Y.), treaty, 19 Collins, Herman L., author, 155 Capitalism, study, 72 Colson, Rev. Charles W., 274 Carey, Martin, 169 Colt, Judah, 125 Carnegie, Andrew, investment, 73$ centen- Columbia Alkali Corp. (Ohio), 73 ary celebration, 75} libraries, 191 Commager, Henry S., author, 235 Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corp., history, 324 Commerce. See Trade and commerce Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, 202 Confer, Abel L., 287 Cartlidge, Edmund, 140 Conlin, Sister Francis L., author, 237 Casey, Charles, journey, 238 Connable, Ralph, comp., 325 Cate, Wirt A., author, 72 Connable family, genealogy, 325 Catlin, George B.,L., author, 158 Connor, R. D. W., author, 159 Celoron de Blainville, 210$ expedition, 160 Conservation, western Pennsylvania, 315*315 Cemeteries, Pittsburgh, 152} Beulah Pres- Continental Congress, 52 bybyteriantenan Church, 161 Continental Refining Co., 287 Chalfant, Evaline, 67 Contrecocur, 210 Chambers, James, 105, 108 Cook Forest Park, 174$ history, 314 Chappell, Alonzo, artist, 74 Cooke, Jay, 69 Chartier's Creek, land patents, 18 Cornplanter Reservation, sketch, 323 Chase, Rev. Amos, 125 Coulter, E.£. Merton, author, 324 Chemical industry, development, 145-147 Covode, John, papers, 299 Chew, Colby, 222, 223 Crafton, sketch, 326 Chicora, 167 Craig, Maj.Isaac, 109, 256 Childs, Harvey, 214 Cramer, C. H., author, 157 Christy, William, 7n. Crawford, Col. William, quoted, 13 Church history, Associate Synod of North Crawford County, oil history, 173 j or- America, 152; frontier, 123-134, 233 j ganized, 274 American, 311$ Hopcwell Friends, 311- Crawford County Historical Society, 76, 313. See also Religion, various denomi- 327 nations "Crawford Weekly Messenger," established, Churches, frontier, 124-126} social control, 278 126-134)126-134} and Whiskey Insurrection, 130$ Cresap, Thomas, 209 regional records, 299) historic, 311. See Cress well, Nicholas, 10 also various denominations Crittenden, Mrs. William J., 7777}* speaker, Cincinnati & Louisville Mail Line, 252 62 INDEXin 332 332 Croghan, George, 227 Drake, Col. Edwin L., 172, 283 j sketch, Croghan House, 163 173 Crotsman,Crossman, Robert J., 318 Drake Well Memorial Park, history, 171 Crystal Oil Refining Co., 287 Drake Well Museum, 172 Curtin, Gov. Andrew G., 237 Draper, John W., quoted, 181 Dresden, Katharine W., author, 160 Dunlaps Creek Presbyterial Academy, 65 Dunning, Dahlinger, Charles, 1 James, 138 comp., Dahlinger, Charles W., 63, 150$ sketch, 1- Durrell, Harold C, 158 4) author,
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