%e9vfarian Li6rary :J\&ws{etter No. 20 (New Series) Spring, 1990 j. H. Newman, 1801-1890 The Newman Year On February 21 , 1990, the Birmingham (England) Oratory will inaugurate the Centenary Year marking the death of John Cardinal Newman. It provides a time to reflect on the influence which Newman has had and to examine his relevance to our present concerns and questions. A survey of the popular Catholic literature in the past century has shown how the American Catholic commu­ nity has responded to Newman. In the early decades, it was Newman as poet ("The Dream of Gerontius") and as educator ("The Idea of a University") that drew attention. In the 1940s, many discovered his sermons and prayers through the collections such as Heart to Heart and Lead Kindly Light. In the 1950s, his concern for a theologically educated laity inspired the Newman Centers on college campuses. Vatican II has been called "Newman's Coun­ cil ," for many of his concerns were fundamental themes of the council: the development of doctrine, the role of Cardinal Newman: the laity, ecumenical concern for the well-being of all Churches. His writings on conscience and authority and his historical studies on past councils continue to The Faith of Mary offer guidance. Thus St. Mary is our pattern of Faith both in For Newman, always interested in the fundamental the reception and in the study of Divine Truth. doctrines of Christianity, the Virgin Mary was no after­ She does not think it enough to accept, she thought. Far from detracting from Christ and the Incarna­ dwells upon it; not enough to possess, she uses tion, the Virgin Mary-as he saw her-was the greatest it; not enough to assent, she develops it; not safeguard of the truth of the Incarnation: "Nothing is so enough to submit the Reason, she reasons upon calculated to impress on our minds that Christ is really it; not indeed reasoning first and believing partaker of our nature, and in all respects man ... as to afterwards, with Zacharias, yet first believing associate Him with the thought of Mary, by whose without reasoning, next from love and reverence, • ministration He became our Brother." In those countries reasoning after believing. And thus she symbol­ where there was no devotion to Mary, he noted, belief in izes to us, not only the faith of the unlearned, but the Incarnation had waned. Newman developed the of the doctors of the Church also, who have to patristic notion that the Virgin Mary was the new Eve investigate, and weigh, and define, as well as to cooperating with the Christ, the new Adam, in the remak­ profess the Gospel; to draw the line between ing and renewal of humanity. Mary's principal traits-faith truth and heresy; to anticipate or remedy the and the pondering of God's word-replace Eve's lack various aberrations of wrong reason; to combat of belief. pride and recklessness with their own arms, and Newman presents a new pattern of sanctity-a thus to triumph over the sophist and the innova­ complex, heroic individual who confidently endures tor (University Sennons, sermon 15, p. 313). even though little understood or accepted. In a famous sermon, "The Second Spring," he referred to the restora- (continued next page) The Newman Year (continued) Update: International Marian Research of the Catholic Church in England as a "miracle." This res­ Institute (IMRI) and The Marian Library toration is, he said, "the coming of a second spring." But spring does not mean the winter is entirely over. The The Catholic University renewal resembles an English spring, "an uncertain, of Angers and the University anxious time of hope and fear, of joy and suffering--of of Dayton sponsored a bright promise and budding hopes, yet withal, of keen festschrift presented to blasts, of cold showers, and sudden storms." He con­ Canon Rene Laurentin to cluded, "One thing alone I know-that according to our mark his 70th birthday in need, so will be our strength." 1990. Fr. Laurentin was recognized for his lifelong commitment to theology, Marianist Authors Marian studies, and Catholic on Newman journalism. Fr. Theodore Koehler represented the Readers may be interested in knowing of the many University of Dayton at the presentation on December Marianists who have written about Newman. Tbe Mariol­ 12, 1989, at Angers. The 800-page work titled Kecharit­ ogy of Cardinal Newman (New York: Benziger, 1928) by omene: Melanges Laurentin has an introduction written Francis Friedel, S.M., is a work still cited. Sylvester P. by Cardinal Poupard and is published by Desclee of Juergens, S.M. (superior-general) wrote Newman on the Paris. Professor at the International Marian Research Psychology of Faith in the Individual (New York: Macmil­ Institute, Fr. Laurentin recently completed his one­ lan, 1928) and John A. Elbert, S.M., wrote Tbe Evolution hundredth book, L rEg lise qui vient-au de/a crise. of Newman's Conception of Faith (Philadelphia: Dolphin Press, 1933). Theodore Hoeffken, S.M., wrote john Henry Fr. Eamon R.Carroll, O.Carm., professor at IMRI, Cardinal Newman on Liberal Education (Maryhurst: received from the Catholic University of America the 1989 Matianist l>ress, 1946) and William Robert Lamm, S.M., President's Patronal Medal at the National Shrine of the Tbe Spiritual Legacy ofNewman (Milwaukee: Bruce, Immaculate Conception on December 10, 1989. The c1943). At the International Marian Research Institute, Dr. Medal is awarded each year to recognize distinguished John F. Britt, University of Dayton faculty member, service in the advancement of Marian devotion, theology, presented a licentiate thesis on "A Status Quaestionis and or a general appreciation of the place of Mary in the life Analytic Study of the Use of Apocalypse 12 by Newman of the Church. Fr. Carroll has served as president of the in A Letter to Pusey"(1978) and a doctoral dissertation, Catholic Theological Society and of the Mariological "Newman's Use of Scripture in the Texts on the Incarna­ Society of America. tion and Mary" (1983). Former cataloger of The Marian Library, Mrs. Helen Nykolyshyn began the Ukrainian Marian Collection here in 1981. To assure the continuation of this work, the Ukrainian Marian Foundation, Inc., was recently estab­ lished; its purpose is to preserve and encourage the study of the Marian traditions of all Ukrainians, Catholic and Orthodox. Retired as cataloger of The Marian Library, Mrs. Nykolyshyn continues as custodian of the collection and promoter of this ecumenical foundation which has contacts with Ukrainians throughout the world. Several exhibits of Marian art have been on display in The Marian Library: Tatiana McKinney (Oct. 16-Nov. 30); Bro. Cletus Behlmann, S.M. (Dec. 1-Jan. 19); Beverly "Vi'8in and Child"from The Month of Mary Stoller Qan. 20-Feb. 28). (New York: Sadlier, 1853). (The Marian Library Collection) Fr. Johann Roten's article, "The Two Halves of the the Marian Library Newsletter Moon: Marian Anthropological Dimensions in the Com­ Published twice yeatly. Sent without charge to mon Mission of Adrienne von Speyr and Hans Urs von Friends of The Mariah Library and IMRI . Address Balthasar," appeared in Communio: International Catho­ all commuhication to Thomas A. Thompson, lic Review (Fall 1989). Fr. Roten also contributed to two S.M., The Marian tibtary, University of Dayton, recent works on Balthasar, edited by Walter Kasper Dayton, OH 45469-0001 . and Karl Lehmann, soon to be translated into Italian and French. 2 Forty Years: Mariological Society of Atnerica At the 1989 meeting at Burlingame, California, the Mariological Society of America marked its fortieth anniversary. Fr. Juniper Carol, O.F.M., founder, first president (1950-1953), and executive secretary from 1954 until 1979, continues as president emeritus. Ten of the thirty-nine founding members have maintained continu­ ous membership in the society for forty years. Associated with the society almost from its beginnings were Bishop John Wright, first episcopal moderator, and Fathers Walter Burghardt, S.J., and Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm., past presidents; Fr. Carroll has reported on recent Marian literature at every meeting from 1967 to the present. Before Vatican Council II, many national Mariological societies were founded: Belgium (1931), France (1934), Spain (1940), Portugal (1945), Canada (1949), Mexico MSAfounding members at convention. Seated (1-r): Walter 0954), Poland and Colombia (1959). Only the French, Burghardt, Sj.; Bishop john Wright; juniper B. Carol, O.F.M. Spanish, and American societies continue to meet regu­ Standing (1-r): Fathers Albert Bourke, O.C.D.; George Shea; larly and publish their proceedings. Since 1979, the Stanley Matuszewski, M.S.; I Armand Robichaud, S.M.; Eamon R. Carroll, 0 . Carm.; joseph I Gallo; Francis Costa, S.S.S. Mariological Society of America has been based at The Marian Library of the University of Dayton, and Fr. Marian studies not exclusively associated with the past. Theodore Koehler, S.M., has been its executive secretary. "Is part of our trouble," he asked, "not precisely the On its twenty-fifth anniversary in 1974, Fr. Charles impression that to Mary and things Marian there too Neumann noted in his presidential address the general readily clings the image of a past which older persons trend of Mariology today away from analysis of Mary's regret losing, while the younger feel little attraction to privileges toward a functional study of her place in something portrayed simply as a past now apparently salvation history and in the ecumenical dialogue. Since slipping from grasp?" Fr. Neumann's second challenge 1974, postconciliar topics have continued to determine anticipated what Paul VI would tell the 1975 International the agenda of the conventions: a reexamination of Marian Mariological Congress in Rome: beauty as well as truth doctrines and their place in the hierarchy of truths, the are ways of describing the Virgin Mary.
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