4 En- 131,640 BC 091 AUTHOR , Avance-, Lyonel D.; Carr, .Dorothy 'TITLE, Develouent of Nudio and Visual Media toAccompany. -_. 'Sequenced InStruct4.0nal Programs in Physical . Education for the Handicapped , Final Report July 1972. ,qNSTITUTION Lost Angeles dnigied School. DiStric Ca4i SPONS AGENCY Office o'f Baucatiop- (DHEW),'Washingt fi, °D. of Redear ch. u BUREAU NO 142709 PUB DATE Jul 72 GRANT. OEG-0-9-1427709-346 (607 - NOTE 247p, BURS = PRICE TIC-$12.71 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Audiovisual Aids; *Developmental Tasks; Elementary t. Secondary Education; Film Strips; *Handicapped Children;**Instructional Media; Motor Developmen *Physical Education; Physical Fitness; Tres6hobl, Edhcation; Recreational Activities; .*Seguentil Programs; Swimming'; Video Caasette Systems 'IDENTIFIERS Final Reports ABSTRACT yresented 'is the fin report of a .project todejrelop and field test a1ld,i0 nnd.visual media to accompanydevelopmentallY- Nsequenceractivities .appropriate fora physical educatiR n programfor 'handicapped children:from presbhool through highschool. rief sections cover the_folloving:_tho_phrposes'and_accomplishents of the project; ihe populatibn ser ed (children in the losAngeles City Schools), the project's -,Jous (physical education for, the handicapped), and scpo of the project; procedures ,for staffing the project, for 'involving profeSsipfial expertb,",for involvingremedial physical education teachers,. for producing. S8mm loop filmsand. audio-tape cassettes, and for field testing the materialswith 2,800. students; and field test findings- supporting the value of the a materials developed. jThe9bulkof the Vocument neists of appended,N. material with information oU audio and visualm ia in five areas: motor and movement sklls (-Such as guided rfinnig, rolling a ball, nd catching hoops), playgrouna an4.recreation skills (such as sand pla, basketball, and soft tumbling, rhythmic skills lyalking German clap dance7Land'rh. thm c*cle), swimming skills /breath control, back float, and b i 'ng stroke), and physical fitness (running endurance, jumping j cks, and.balance). Casesettetapes and 58mml, loop films for each act vIty are described interms of who the program was plannqd br, the participants in field testing, the skill involved, length, sut. ary, narration, idstructions for the, photographer,. and' instructions or the students. (SBH) . t Documenta acqufred by ERIC include many informal unpublished materials not available from other soUrces. ERIC makesevery effort to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items ofmarginal reproducibility are often encountered andthis affects the quality of thmicrofiche &nd hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available-viathe ERIC Document Reproduction sertice (EDRS). EDRS is not responsible for the quality of the original docwment.Reprcfluctions supplied ty EDRS are the best that the ori can hade from' U.S,OEPARTMENT OF NE LTH, .-EDUCATION A WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTEOE EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HASBEEN REPRO. OLICED EXACTLY AS RECEIVEDPROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATIONOR IGIN ATINO IT POINTS OF.VIEW OR OPINIONS , -"STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY.REPRE. SENTOPPKIAL NATIONAL FINAL REPORT -.. INSTITUTE OF EDUCAT /3N POSITION Ok Pioject No4 142709 POLICY., Grant No.,OEG-0-9-142709-3463 (607) r DEVTLOPKENT-Oi AUD AND VISUAL MEDIA TO ACCOMPAM SEQUENCED IPSTRUCTI0NALPROGRAMS. IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION POR'THE HANDICAPFED Dorothy B. Corr Principal Investigator :yonel D. Mance, Pro ect Coordinator LOS ANCELES-UNAFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Los Angele Ca rnia July 31, 1972 The rpm _ reported here n was performed pursuantto a grant with .the Offe efTEducatien, U.S. Department of Health-, Educationi and 'Welfare Contractors undertaking aUch projects under vernment' ,apontso- hip are.encouraged to expresslreely their prfessiona1jOdge ment in rhe.conduet 0 the:project.,Points of view 6r7opinions state* ,do not, therefore, ncessai4.Lyrepresent official Office'of Education position or policy.: thkS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE- , Office of Education u of Research ACKNOWLEDGEHErT Appieciation is expressed to all those individua ' -administra org, supervieora, coordinators, specialists, teachers' and clerical pereon- nel whothrough:_their joint efforts and cooperation, have made ir Toasible to-complete'thip projebt.- Sincere Appreciation is expressed to D ErneSt,P. Wiilénbètg, Director,- Special Education Branch, for his,warmcontinued support throUghouti the project 'Special'grieitude is exprlessed to'the principals of schaols irhere reMedial,-physical education teachers were assigntd. They'vere most helpful,in reviewing materials produted by the project team and in, cooperating.during ehe field test4ng phase of the project. Included in this group were: Mr. Jonathan Adame, tiro. Celeste Baker,,Miss,Ras Caloners.,Kathleen Curnow, Mrs. Rhoda Freeman, Dr. William Hirsch, Mr. Noimanjavine,'Mi. Fred Lull, _Mr. Steven Mark, Mr. Harry Mr. .Clayton.Shehorn; Mrs. Jane Toland, Mr. Stanley Wauchope, and -Mrs. Shirley Wolkliangin, Thanks is expressed.to the program advisors,of.the Special EdUcation Branch central staff for the help and encouragement and for-thei reaCtions to'materials.' Included in this group.are: Mrs.-Marjorie Huserik, Mr. Ralph Salaway, Mr. Morris E. Ha ,;Mr. William Star Dr.Leuis Bernoff, Mrs. Marjoiie Gage, Mr_ arole Rich, Mr. Eu Greenfield, and 10s. Mary'Ann,Mallis. icg Acknowledgement is given to the ciincipal.consultants who a ed the . staff during planning, designing, and evaluation of Variolls abiects of thwproject. Dr. Bryant&atty metwith the staff to previeMaterials and provide valuable guidance', Dr., Jack Keogh previewed sample-mIterials and,offired many suggestions.' .Dr. Gerald Gardner reviewed materials and offered suggestions. Gratitude is offered to additional, consultants who providedser4lcds in the development and review of materials. They are Dr. GenWrie'Dexter, Dr. Walter Crawe, and Dr. Daniel Arnheim. g- - .Most of.all-we thank the remeVal physical education teachers who met with the staff twice monthly 'to 'examine materials as thiYwere being developed and who worked with us in the planning and filming of-the Smm loop films. These teachers made us welcome in thaWschools, gave abundantly:of,their time, and helped ua polve,many prOlems.This group includes: Jay Alleman, Richard Blackburn, JameaBreen, Karen DePauw, Conn*e Engvall, Jack GoldsMith,-Herbert1Iaa47.-Sidney Hallburn, Barbara Liberti, Kris.von Hoetzendorf, Pamela Jackson,t.IValter Jaquith, Anthany Musics, Ronald-Riccite/li, Maria Rodriguez,.Rarry Schwartz, Eleanor Smith, Gloria Tyner,-Waldon,WilliaMs: Edward nith, Revella SmithDennis Basso, Claire Adler, Janice Milgrim, Cbprles Hayes, 'and Annie Levy. 3 a itude is pressed to .Miss`Sylvia Lopez, typist. .- Mrs. SUe Reinnebis degierving of speciai ,recognition for .her, skilled typingl-and for her . ...continuing service issecretarY- to the stff durips the' final year.of .theproject Miss Anita Dells isgiven special thanks for th tviCes she provided as teaciier.'coordinstov,and.as script wri er and cbproducer,of the audio. and visual materials fOr the project. Lyonel .Avance Projectpoordinator -1 Dorothy B; Carr Printipal Investigator II. INTRODUCTION A. Community B. Pupils Se C. The Probl Stope Ot- A. Staffinghe,Project B. Involving Professional Experta 10 Outsi e'The District 2. Within The District Involving Remeaial-Physical Education Teachera.. Producing S8mm Loonailms and Audio-Tape Cassettes .. 2- Field Testing Materiala . , - O 6 6 * 6 le 4 , 15, 1. PurPoses,' O . 0,6 . '906. Z._ Participating kfirsonnak 3. Participating Schools fill*,6.,O..C.940@*061 ;16 4.: Participating Pupils 5. Field Testing SEImm Film,Loops- 23 6. Field Testing Audio-Tape Cassettes 66 .90. * 23 7. Conferences- and-Meetings 24 .FINDINGS A. 'Loop Films and AudioTapea 27' B. Field -Test . 29 C. Results.. 29 RECOMENDATIONS.. ......... BIBL GRAPHY . 4 .. .0 . APPENDIX A. Lette s From Consultants *9 ** B, Audio arWVisusl Media To,Support,Sequenced Instructional prOgrams inJglysical,Education' F.or The Handicapped 1. List of- Loop Films and Cassette' Tapes 52 2. StUdy GUides For 'Loop Films #0 .54 3. Shooting Scripts . .. 113'; Evaluation Forms For Film'Loops'and Cassette Tapes 210 Directions For, Use of FilM Loops and Cassette Tapas 234 - . PAGE- Schools Participating in the PhyHical. Education Prpject Numbe Pupils By Handicap . * . 0. PHOTOGRAPHS: 1. Cover: Hula Hoops . .. 0.409669000469 .0 er Sellery School edlal Physical EdUcation Teadhers eet ng 000.0 . \Dr. Dorothy-B. Carr- \ :Planning:Conference . 6:09000;69,!0* 460060*. Remedial Physical Educntion !Proj ect Coordinator, and Remedial P.E. Teachers New Teacher Orientation Meeting 660,00640 _0 0;10 Special'Edrcation Branch -Remedia yeiCal Education, Sept ber..1972. ng: Tumbling Film 0940 *040040 Marlton School for Deaf Tratpoline 0006* 0504009409 . 600* 14 'Sh6ema _er School . ! Exploring Space 21 Lokrantz Echo° .Rhythms Instructibni ..2.2 * ' German Clap Dtinde - Lok ntz School Preseu.tation.of Project Materials 000.6'000 . ....e.... 26 CAHPER StAte.Conference - kakersfield, Calif. -April 1932 - AnitaDelfsnnLyonel Avance 10. -Claa°Use Mars Film L p4* .... 000449,06.00660**6 30 Lekrantz Seh 1 James Breen, Teacher , 11. Spell Group Watches Tfchnicoldr 610 MagiciVi ion Projectni Individutl Use of Stmm Film Lnop BOla Hoopa .......... .. 00600606 ,Sellery School The-purpOse _ the Phase I pojec was tn develop and fieldtest developmentarlyAiequenced initruct onal,activitiewappropriate . _ , for a:etimprehensive physical educatih progra*for handicapped,pugils_
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