ALEXANDER PUSHKIN 1799-1837 THE STONE GUEST, 1830 Leporello. O statua gentilissima Del’ gran’ Commendatore! …Ah, Padrone! Don Giovanni SCENE I Don Juan and Leporello DON JUAN We’ll wait for nightfall here. Ah, finally We’ve reached Madrid. We’re at the gates, and soon I’ll be flying down the streets I know so well, My cape up past my mustache, hat tipped low Over the eyebrows — who could recognize me? LEPORELLO O sure! No one could recognize Don Juan! So many just like him — thousands! DON JUAN Come on, Who could know it’s me? LEPORELLO The first policeman, Gypsy girl, or drunk sidewalk musician, Or one of your prancing brother cavaliers Wrapped in his cape, sword tucked under his arm. DON JUAN 1 What does it matter if I’m recognized! Just so the king himself doesn’t see me, There’s no one else I fear in all Madrid. LEPORELLO By breakfast word will surely reach the king That Don Juan, on his own, is back from exile, In Madrid, without permission — what Do you suppose he’ll do? DON JUAN He’ll send me back. He probably won’t — wouldn’t cut off my head. My crime record is not against the state. He likes me — sent me away for my own good, To spare me harassment from the family Of my latest victim… LEPORELLO Absolutely! And where for your own good you should have stayed. DON JUAN A most obedient servant! I almost died From constant boredom in that hole. What people! What a country! Sky? … say more like smoke. And all the women? Ha! Let me tell you, My dear dense Leporello, I wouldn’t swap The last girl peasant left in Andalusia For even the number one beauty there. Oh, yes, at first I liked them well enough: Their blue eyes, fair skin, yes, their modesty. But most of all it was the novelty; But, thank God, soon I had them figured out — I learned, you can’t get near them, it’s a sin — No life in them, wax dolls is all they are; 2 But our girls!… Ah, look where we are. This is A place we know. You recognize it, don’t you? LEPORELLO And how could I forget the blessed Convent Of St. Anthony. During your visits — Frequent — I stood in this very grove, Holding both horses. O yes, I do remember Those long nights — much more pleasant were your visits To St. Anthony’s than mine. DON JUAN (pensively) Poor Inez! She’s gone, but oh my, how I loved that girl! LEPORELLO Inez! That dark eyed girl? Ah I remember. Three months you spent in that pursuit. At last Just barely, with the devil’s help, you won. DON JUAN It was July…at night. I always found And odd, agreeable something in her gaze, So sad, her lips, so deathly pale. It’s strange. I think you may have overlooked her beauty. It’s true, there was not much in her you would call Classically beautiful — except the eyes, Only the eyes, the way she looked at me — I’ve never seen a look that told so much. Her voice was soft and weak — a suffering voice. Her husband was a swine — severe, too strict As I found out too late… My poor Inez! LEPORELLO Oh well, after her were others. 3 DON JUAN There were. LEPORELLO And long as we’re alive there’ll be still others. DON JUAN There will. LEPORELLO So now which one here in Madrid Will we be calling on? DON JUAN Laura, of course! Let’s hurry off to see her. LEPORELLO Right! DON JUAN I’ll go straight in the door — and if she should Have company — I’ll show him to the window! LEPORELLO Absolutely! Now we’re cheering up, Can’t let dead ladies worry us too long! And who’s this coming our way? (Enter a Monk) 4 MONK She’ll come soon. Now who are you— not Dona Anna’s servants? LEPORELLO No, we are high class gentlemen, on our own, Just strolling by. DON JUAN For whom are you waiting? MONK Dona Anna should be coming soon. This is her husbands tomb. DON JUAN Dona Anna De Solva? Wife of the esteemed Commander? Killed by…? the name escapes me… MONK That reprobate, That heartless, godless, villainous Don Juan! LEPORELLO Oho, so it would seem that Don Juan’s fame Has now breached even monastery walls, And holy anchorites now sing his praise. MONK Perhaps you know him, then? 5 LEPORELLO We? Not at all! And where might he be now? MONK Nowhere near here. He’s far away in exile. LEPORELLO Thank God for that. The farther, the better. Those degenerates — Bag them together, throw them in the sea! DON JUAN What kind of… LEPORELLO Quiet: I know what I’m saying… DON JUAN So it was here they buried the Commander? MONK Here, yes. His wife arranged the monument. She manages to come here every day To weep and pray that his poor soul may find Repose eternal! DON JUAN 6 Sounds like a strange widow! But not bad looking? MONK We chaste monks do not As a rule closely observe a woman’s charms, But lying is a sin: even a saint Could not ignore such beauty — it’s a miracle. DON JUAN No wonder then our late friend was so jealous. He kept his Dona Anna locked up tight, Not one of us caught even a brief glimpse. I think I’d like to have a talk with her. MONK O Dona Anna never speaks with men. DON JUAN Not even you, my Father — not with you? MONK That’s altogether different. I’m a monk. But here she is. (Enter Dona Anna) DONA ANNA Please open for me, Father. MONK Coming, Señora; I’ve been expecting you. 7 (Dona Anna follows the Monk.) LEPORELLO Well, what’s she like? DON JUAN I couldn’t see a thing Under that somber window’s garb she’s wearing — Just the pale flash of a slender heel. LEPORELLO That’s all you need. With your imagination You’ll need less than a minute to sketch the rest. Your mind is more agile than a painter’s, It makes no difference to you where you start — A leg, an eyebrow… DON JUAN Quiet, Leporello, I’m planning to make her acquaintance, LEPORELLO Is that so! What will it be next! He’s killed the husband Now he wants to soothe the widow’s tears. Is anyone more shameless? DON JUAN Evening’s here. Before the moon can climb much higher on us And spoil this darkness with excess glare. Let’s get inside Madrid. (Leaves.) LEPORELLO 8 A Spanish grandee Waits for darkness like a thief, and fears The moon — good God! What a damned life we lead! How much more must I take? I’ve had enough! SCENE II A Room. Supper at Laura’s. FIRST GUEST Never in my life, Laura, I swear, Have I seen you more splendid than tonight. How perfectly you interpreted your role. SECOND GUEST The strength with which you let it all unfold! THIRD GUEST And with such art! LAURA I must admit, it did Go well tonight. The gestures and the words Came without effort, all from inspiration, The lyrics flowed as if not from obedient Memory, but from my heart… FIRST GUEST How true! And even now your eyes retain that shine, Your cheeks still show that flame — don’t let it pass Yet, Laura, don’t let that joy diminish Before it can bear fruit; so sing now, Laura, Sing something for us. 9 LAURA Hand me my guitar. (Sings) ALL O brava! brava! Exquisite! Superb! FIRST GUEST Our thanks to you, enchantress. You have cast A deep spell on our hearts. Of life’s delights Music is surpassed only by love; But love also is melody… Just look: Even your somber guest Carlos is touched. SECOND GFUEST What marvelous sounds! Within them so much soul. But who composed the lyrics, Laura? LAURA Don Juan. DON CARLOS What’s that? Don Juan? LAURA He wrote them — who knows when? My everlasting friend … my fickle lover. DON CARLOS Your Don Juan is an atheist, a scoundrel, And you, you are a fool. 10 LAURA Have you gone mad? I have only to say one word — my slaves My Lord, will slit your noble Spanish throat, DON CARLOS (Rises) Then call them in. FIRST GUEST Stop this nonsense, Laura./ Don Carlos, don’t be angry. She’s forgotten… LAURA What — that in a clean, fair duel Juan Honorably bumped off Carlos’ brother? A shame it wasn’t Carlos. DON CARLOS It was stupid Of me to get angry. LAURA Aha, you’re stupid! You confess! Now let’s make up! DON CARLOS Forgive me Laura, I was wrong. But yet, you know It’s still unsettling for me to hear that name… LAURA But must I be to blame if every second That name happens to wind up on my tongue? 11 GUEST Well, just to show you’re not too angry, Laura Give us another song. LAURA Yes, for good-bye. It’s late, already night. What shall I sing? Ah, here’s one. (Sings) ALL Beautiful! Magnificent! LAURA Good night, gentlemen! GUESTS Good night, Laura! (They go out. Laura stops Don Carlos.) LAURA You crazy fool! Stay here with me a while, I’ve taken a liking to you; you remind Me of Don Juan, how you stood up to me, And clenched your teeth…that growling… DON CARLOS Lucky man! You used to love him.
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