www.ukrweekly.com Community Contributes 5340,500 CHANGE OF GUARD AT THE WHITE HOUSE In 1968 For Harvard Chair Ukrainian Community Observe! GOAL OF S600.000 EXCEEDED AS DRIVE CONTINUES NEW YORK. N.Y. - In and literature, subsequently Anniversaries of Independent! an unprecedented show of to comprise a Center of U- generosity the Ukrainian krainian Studies at Harvard. community in the United At the time of the an­ and Unification of All Land! States contributed a total of nouncement, the Executive 5340,503.17 to the Ukrainian Committee of the Ukrainian 9 Studies Chair Fund and its JANUARY 22ND DESIGNATED 'UKRAINIAN INDEPENDENCE DAY Studies Chair Fund in 1968 Council of Academic Advi­ exceeding the designated sum sors, headed by Stephen Che- of 9600,000 needed to open mych and Prof. Omeljan BY GOVERNORS. MAYORS; THOUSANDS EXPECTED TO TAKE PART the chair at Harvard Univer­ Pritsak, respectively, issued sity. a joint appeal to the Ukrain­ The total contributed last ian community in the ШЗ. IN COMMEMORATIVE CONCERTS; 'UKRAINIAN DAYS' IN U.S. year is said to represent a to contribute generously to record high for a single year. the fund drive and set a goal CONGRESS SCHEDULED FOR JANUARY 29TH of 5330,000 to be raised by NEW YOPJv. N^Y. - An­ Special prayers will be of-j la addition to Ukrainian th- end of 1988. Sum Deposited niversaries of two historic Wednesday, January 29, to I speakers, high-ranking Атег– That total has been exceed­ events . that/ constitute U- fered by Ukrainian clergy, i^n „d Canadian publlo of­ The contributions, added to ed, according to the year-end krnine's legacy to freedom men In the U.S. Congress on the sum of ^282. 544.99 rais­ report released by the Execu­ are being observed this week be followed by tributorystate­ ficials will be on hand to de- ed during the seven-year per­ tive Committee. The report by Ukrainians all over the ments by individual Senators Uver appropriate statements iod from 1961 to 1967. also shows that since 1961 free world. and Congressmen. I oa the occasion of the double brought the total to S623.048. the administrative expenses The dual .observance marks In the Senate it will be the anniversary in recognition of 16. The required sum of 5600. amounted to only 58.541.17, the fifty-first.anniversary of Very Rev. Russell Dsnylchuk, the Ukrainian people's right 000 has been deposited at the a negligible sum considering Ukrainian independence pro­ of the Ukrainian Catholic to freedom and sovereignty.- Harvard University treasury the magnitude of the project clamation and the fiftieth an­ Church, who will offer spe­ in accordance with the agree­ The report's monthly tabu­ niversary of the unification cial prayers. Dramatise Plight ment between the university lations indicate that in May of all Ukrainian lands under Very Rev. Stephen Bllak, authorities and the Ukrainian alone a total of 577,616. 74 the banner of a free and sov­ of the Ukrainian Orthodox The observances will also Studies Chair Fund Executive had been contributed to the ereign Republic. Church, will deliver a similar seek to dramatize the current Committee signed on January fund. March was second high supplication for the well-be­ plight of the Ukrainian peo­ 22. 1968. with a total of 562, 435.98. M0VIN0 DAY: Outgoing President and Mrs. Lyndoe B. Johnson welcome incoming Great Datai ing of all Ukrainian people ple, particularly the young in­ On October 11. 1968, Prof, After depositing 5600,000 PresktenMect xid Mrs. Richard Nixon to the White House prior to the swearing-in cere­ on the floor of the House. tellectual elite and students Alexander Ohloblyn held the at Harvard, the fund's total monies at the. Inauguration. Nixon sad Johnson latar eade together to the Capitol where January, 2|,'Ш8 and Jan­ The traditional observances who are known to be the pri­ first seminar in Ukrainian stands at 514.506.50, accord­ Nixon officially became the 87th president of the United States. uary 22, 1919 are the dates will begin in most of the U- mary target of Moscow's re­ history aa part of the acade­ ing to the report. The money .„,. 2 - --- - - -, . м : і deeply enshrined In. the heart krainian communities tomor­ newed wave of persecution. mic program leading to a has been deposited in banks of every Ukrainian and re­ row with special religious There is ample evidence to chair of history at Harvard. while the drive toward the Ukrainians Attend Inaugural Say farewell spected, by freedom-loving services. There wil| be com­ Indicate that it is the younger The.agreement calls for the establishment of a second To ttlahop people everywhere. memorative programs high­ generation of waters, schol,- establishment of chairs in U- chair of studies at Harvard Ceremonies In Washington fc?Jn the United States, scores lighted by speeches, recita­ srs and poeU who are bear­ krainian history, language continues. BOUND BROOK N.' J.' of 'Governors and City May­ tions, musical performances ing the brunt of Moscow's WASHINGTON, D;C. (Spe- ed decisively in the Remftli-I (AD) — The Most Rev. Job ors have issued special procla­ In a mood of solemn rededica- latest attempt to destroy сіа^– Among the 250,000 can victory and''who willjalI Jskakalsky, recently appoint­ mations last week in deference tion to the ideals of freedom what.is left of Ukrainian na­ ChQvmvvUi Moroz Expe Americans from all over the ee treated equally.'' і ed Bishop of the: Ukrainian to the Ukrainian people's con­ and independence and stead­ tional and cultural heritage. nation, who took 'part ІЛ ttte To the best дГ knowledge,^OrtfcodoK ^hureb for Sotfcfch tinued struggjs fcr regain fast solidarity with thfe-stmg- At the same time, it ia also toGoОцТяЩ Apuin matt|niera^eeipen1oniss- for Ri­ the` following persons of I/- America, was feted at a faro- their" Treedomfrhey csiled op gling Ukrainian nation. the younger (fltterafiois of U- DISSIDENT JOURNALISTS TRANSFERRED TO JAILS chard M. Nixon, the 37th krainian origin took part in well reception here Sunday, the American; people to join krainlans thai Is most out­ IN LVIV, KIEV President of the United States various events at the Inaugu­ December 29, by his close their fellow-citizens of U- Salute Kinsmen spoken in the people's resist­ of America, and Spiro T. Ag­ ration of President Nixon and NEW YORK, N. Y. - Vya- ian SSR in 1957 in which he friends and associates before krninian extraction in appro­ ance to Ruesificetlon and oth­ new, Vice-Presldent, there Vice-President Agnew: Dr. outlined hie charges against departing for Curitiba, Bra­ priate obserVances during From New York to LQS An­ er repressive measures appli­ cheslav Chornovil, 31-year-old was a group of Ukrainians and Mrs. Lev Dobriansky, illegalities perpetrated by the zil, on January 2nd. what has become traditional­ geles, Ukrainian Americans ed by the Communist regime Soviet Ukrainian journalist from several states of the Miss Vera Dowhan, Roman courts and the KGB against The reception, held by the ly known as the "Ukrainian will salute their courageous in Ukraine. Union. Like other nationali­ Marynowych, Dr. and Mrs. who was arrested, tried sec­ himself and other Ukrainian Ukrainian Resistance Veter­ Days." Gold-and-blue banners kinsmen In Ukraine and re- Ukrainians In the free ties, the Ukrainians attended Andrew Fessenko. Stephen retly and sentenced to three intellectuals. ans Association, gave the were hoisted atop state сарі– affirm their faith in the Ideals ( world feel compelled to speak many events, including the Skubik and daughter Jean, years of hard labor in No­ The manuscripts of both Bishop an opportunity to tol and city hall masts last of liberty. Ukrainians In Ca- out for their enslaved official swearing-in ceremony and Mr. and Mrs.Hryhoriev— vember 1967 for protesting Chornovil and Могог were share some of his plans and Wednesday, to be flown again nada and elsewhere in the kinsnu`n on every occasion, which took place in front of all from the Washington. D.C. publicly against persecution smuggled abroad and sub­ hopes for revitalizing the life tomorrow when thousands of free world will also stage ap- particularly during the ob- the Capitol building. Most of of Ukrainian intellectuals, is sequently published in both area: Dr. and Mrs. Walter і of the Ukrainian Orthodox Ukrainians will take part in propriate observances with eervance of the "Ukrainian them had been active In va­ said to have been transferred English and Ukrainian. Duehnyck, Mrs. Valentyna faithful in the countries of commemorative pr о g r a m s unusually high attendances Days" in the countries of to a jail in Lviv from a peni­ rious Republican election Kalynyk, Mrs. Stephanie Latin America. marking the anniversaries. expected. ` I their settlement. "The Chornovil Papers." campaign activities in their tentiary in Vinnytsia. published last year by Mc­ Pronchick, Peter Mohylyn, "I will need a great deal of The. news of Chornovfl's Graw-Hill in Toronto, de­ areas. Yaro`dav Bilan and Vasyl help from all of vou nnd the recent transfer was disclosed scribe the mistreatment of U- - , Avratnenko — from New faithful, and clergy in this krainian political prisoners in Hear Secretary Volpe York: Mr. and Mrs. Peter country." said the Bishop, "to by the Prolog Research Asso­ Ptfcilo and Mr. and Mrs. My­ ciates here "on the basis of the labor camps and detail carry out my spiritual dutie3 The event att?ndod by moat ron Lee`kiw from New Jersey; verified information." the case histories of some 20 in the widely scattered par­ Ukrainian intellectuals for of the tJkrainian group, was Mrs.
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