July 30, 1946. G_ N; KROUSE 2,404,912 CONSECUTIVE NUMBER-PRINTING APPARATUS Filed 001;. ll, 1944 2 Sheets-Sheet l ' ,j_ ,7 W #6 O /67 /3 39 /4 A9 (Y i Q 66/ 23 an? \’"”’/ July 30, 1946. G_ N_ KRQUSE 2,404,912 CONSECUTIVE NUMBER-PRINTING APPARATUS Filed Oct. 11, 1944 2 Sheets-Sheet 2' 1.9 ,20 Patented July 30, 1946 2,404,912 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,404,912 CON SECUTIVE-NUMBER -PRINTING APPARATUS Glen N. Krouse, Columbus, Ohio Application October 11, 1944, Serial No. 558,150 5 Claims. (01. 101--88) 1 2 This invention relates to printing and, more lating cylinder type in which consecutive num particularly, to the art of printing consecutive bers may be applied to consecutive sheets passed numbers or the like on a succession of paper therethrough simultaneously with the printing of sheets, or other impression-receiving materials, text matter on the sheets. advanced through a press having a reciprocating It is another object of theinvention to provide type-holding bed and a rotary or oscillating im~ a consecutive number printer for printing presses pression-producing cylinder. wherein the printer is provided with a depressible Hitherto, in printing consecutive numbers, for operating plunger and has combined therewith an example, on paper sheets, as on various types of automatically movable frisket adapted for oper negotiable instruments, tickets and the like, it 10 ation in such manner as to prevent the exposed has been necessary, when reciprocating press bed-3 operating end of the plunger from receiving ink of the type indicated are employed, to ?rst print impressions from the inking rolls of the press. the text matter on the sheets and thereafter, For a further understanding of the invention, usually on another press, or as a separate opera reference is to be had to the following description tion, to print the numerals. These separate op and the accompanying drawings, wherein: erations have been necessary in order to protect Fig. l is a side elevational view, partly in ver the sheets from receiving undesired ink impres» tical section, disclosing a press of the reciprocat sions from the exposed end of the depres'sible mg bed-oscillating cylinder type provided with plunger used in effecting step by step turning of the numeral printer and frisket means forming the numeral-bearing type wheels of the consecu- ~ the present invention; tive number printer. Fig. 2 is a top plan view of the numeral printer, Such a number printer, it will be understood, frisket and the actuating means therefor removed involves a casing in which is mounted the nu from the bed of the press; meralebearing wheels, the latter engaging the Fig. 3 is a vertical longitudinal sectional view paper sheets to be printed by projecting for a 25 on the line 3—3 of Fig. 2 disclosing the frisket and limited distance through an opening provided in its actuating means and showing the frisket in its the top wall of the casing. To turn the numeral elevated position protecting the upper end of the wheels, the printer is provided with a spring actuating plunger of the numeral printer; pressed plunger which, during the printing op Fig. 4 is a similar view disclosing the frisket in eration, is adapted to engage the cylinder or 30 its lowered position and removed from associa platen of a press so that the plunger will be moved tion with the plunger of the number printer so a suf?cient distance to produce the required step that the plunger may be actuated by the press by step turning movement of the number-print cylinder; lng type wheels. In a reciprocating press, the Fig. 5 is a transverse vertical sectional view type is advanced under inking rolls before regis 35 taken on the line 5-5 of Fig. 3 with the number tration with the cylinder and, if used, the plunger printer omitted; of the number printer would contact the inking Fig. 6 is a perspective view of the frisket and rolls; hence a ?lm or deposit of such ink would its operating means; be applied to the plunger which would be subse Fig. '7 is a diagrammatic view showing the op quently deposited on the paper sheets undergoing 40 erating positions of the frisket at different stages printing. during a single printing cycle. In accordance with the present invention, this Referring more particularly to the drawings, condition is corrected or prevented by associat the numeral ID designates the top of the main ing with the plunger of the number printer a frame of the printing press, on which the bed II movable frisket which is automatically actuated 45 that carries the chase or type form I2 is mounted by the reciprocation of the type bed, whereby . for reciprocal movement. Carried as usual by the when the plunger is in registration with the ink frame of the press, above the bed I l, is the oscil ing roll or rolls of the press, the frisket is located lating impression cylinder 13. Also, carried by to cover the upper end of the plunger in order to the frame If! for engagement with the ink-receiv receive the ink impression from said roll or rolls 50 ing surfaces of the type contained in the chase and prevent it being applied to the plunger, and or form 12 is a, plurality of inking rolls I4 and whereby when the bed is advanced to bring the the usual vibrator roll l5. Between the rolls i4 type into impression-imparting engagement with. and I5 and the cylinder l3, the frame effects the the paper sheets and the associated cylinder, the support of one or more cross rods 16 on which is plunger will present an ink free surface which 55 clamped the head blocks ll of a paper'feeding permits of its actuation by the press cylinder frame I 3. Paper is fed to the press between the without imparting an ink impression on the paper frame !8 and the cylinder l3 and into impression~ sheets. receiving engagement with the type contained in It is, therefore, an object of the present inven the chase or form 42 as the latter is reciprocated tion to provide number-printing mechanism for forwardly. printing presses of the reciprocating bed-oscil Using a standard press of this kind, the present 2,404,912 3 4 invention provides a consecutive number print the spring 34 is to positively maintain the frisket ing mechanism which operates simultaneously in its position of registration with the top sur with each printing operation of the press. This face of the printing plunger or in its inactive or mechanism comprises a standard consecutive lowered position out of registration with the number printer of the nature used in the print plunger. ing industry. These printers each embody a cas Such movement of the frisket between active ing I9 in which is rotatably supported on a com~ - and inactive positions is effected by providing the mon shaft a plurality of numeral-bearing wheels diverging arms at the upper end of the lever 27 20, which function after the manner of an odom with lateral extensions or actuating heads 38 and eter. The upper peripheral edges of the wheels 10 36a having angled edge surfaces 31, which sur project through an opening 2! [in the top wall faces upon reciprocation of the bed I I are adapt of the casing so that the numerals on said wheels ed to be brought into engagement with an angu may be brought into direct engagement with the larly positioned fly plate 38 stationarily carried inking rolls and the paper to be printed as the by the lower end. of a rod 259, the upper end of wheels areadvanced under, the cylinder I3. - Step said rod being adjustably positioned in-one vof the by step turning movement of the wheels is effected supporting blocks H of the paper-feeding frame. by a vertically depressible spring actuated plung By this adjustment, the operating registration er 22, The upper or operating end of this plunger between the ?y plate 33 and the-lever heads 36 projects ‘through the top of the casing is in order and 36a may be readily controlled. ~ - that it may be engaged by the cylinder [3 and 20 depressed to mechanically turn the type wheels ' Operation 20 to the required printing positions. In the use of this mechanism, when the bed I I In accordance with the present invention, such is positioned so that the numeral wheels 20 of the astandard consecutive number printer is placed number printer are in registration with the ink directly in the chase or form I2 in its pro-per posi ing roll or rolls M, as shown at A in Fig. '7, the tion with relation to the text-printing type and frisket will occupy its active position covering locked in the chase with the type. Also, placed the upper end surface of the plunger 2, as indi in the chase and locked therein adjacent to the cated in Fig. 3, so that the plunger will not come number printer is an open-topped frisket hous~ into contact with the inking roll or rolls and ing 23. The vertical side walls of the housing 23 ."._" therefore will not receive an ink deposit thereon, effect the pivotal support, as at 24, of a yoke such deposit being applied to the upper surface shaped frisket 25. When the frisket is elevated, of the frisket and not to the plunger. as shown in Fig. 3, the same is positioned over When the bed I I has been reciprocated so that the upper end surface of the plunger 22 to pre the type carried by the chase or form is in print vent the plunger from contacting the ink rolls :-;.-‘ ing registration with the cylinder l3, as indicated I4 during reciprocation of the bed II.
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