MAY 21-27, 2015 Hotel California ------------ Feature • Tommy James & The Shondells ---------- a salute to the Eagles A Lifetime in Clover By Michele DeVinney lowing its release in movie theaters, the stage version is set to hit Broadway. It’s a surprising story, one made It may be possible that a segment of the popula- even more so because it almost never happened. tion is unfamiliar with the name Tommy James, but it “Hanky Panky,” first recorded in 1964, received is pretty near impossible that anyone walking Planet some local airplay in Niles, but ultimately went no- Earth is unfamiliar with the hits Tommy James & the where. In 1965 the song found an unlikely second life Shondells enjoyed through the late 1960s. The songs when a Pittsburgh DJ found the forgotten gem in a weren’t just popular during their heyday; they contin- bin of old records. He began playing it in dance clubs, ue to sound pitch perfect nearly 50 years later and still and an enterprising bootlegger started distributing the turn up on televi- song to local sion, in film and radio stations. through an as- Unbeknownst to tonishing list of James, he had covers. “I Think a hit single in We’re Alone Pittsburgh. Tickets Now,” “Crim- “The record 6DWXUGD\-XQHSP son and Clover,” had no distribu- $15 “Crystal Blue tion when it first Persuasion,” came out and “Take It Easy” “Heartache Tonight” “Mony Mony” went nowhere, ):$UHD&RPPXQLW\%DQG-XQHSP)5(( and “Hanky so it died. Two Panky” demon- years later I had Foellinger Theatre, 3411 Sherman Blvd. strated not only just gotten out Tommy James of high school www.foellingertheatre.org (260) 427-6000 & the Shondells’ and I had taken a keen ear for hit band on the road singles, but also around the Mid- their diversity. west. We had a 6721(6[[ It’s sometimes 6721(6[[ date to play in hard to believe Janesville, Wis- one group – and consin – I guess one singer – this was around covered so much April of ’66 – musical ground and before we at such a young played the IRS age. TOMMY JAMES & THE SHONDELLS shut the place James, only w/HERMAN’S HERMITS FEAT. PETER NOONE down because 12 when he started the owner hadn’t his first band and 8 p.m. Friday, May 29 paid his taxes. So we just 16 when he first Foellinger Theatre came crawling back recorded “Hanky 3411 Sherman Blvd., Fort Wayne to Niles – we were Panky,” shared his lucky to get out of unusual story in the Tix: $39-$79 thru box office, there with our instru- music business in the 260-427-6715 ments – and when I 2010 memoir Me, the www.fortwayneparks.org got home I got a call Mob, and the Music. from a guy in Pitts- Although born in Ohio and raised in Niles, Michigan, burgh telling me that ‘Hanky Panky’ was the No. 1 his story has all the gangster allure of The Jersey Boys. song there. If that guy in Wisconsin had paid his taxes, Roulette Records executive Morris Levy was, as they I would never have been home to get that call, and you used to say, connected, but it was his business savvy and I wouldn’t be talking right now. That’s how God and those connections that helped Tommy James & works. When that song became a hit, I did nothing. It the Shondells earn 23 Gold singles and rack up 110 just happened.” million in sales. The story is riveting, but it’s one “Hanky Panky” was the song that put Tommy James almost didn’t share. James & the Shondells on the radar of record com- “For years people wanted me to write a book, and panies, and it was at Roulette that the group found a I had started it with Martin Fitzpatrick about eight happy, if sometimes dangerous and frustrating, home. years ago. It was going to be about ‘Crimson & Clo- Ultimately, the fact that they had as much success as 6721(6[[BUS TRIP ver’ and about the hits and so forth. But it7KH5ROOLQJ6WRQHV[ seemed like they did and found the wide range of great hit songs if I were going to write the story, it would have to be they recorded demonstrates that Roulette was a good From Fort Wayne the Roulette story. But it made me uncomfortable to fit for them. to Indianapolis! write about that because some of those guys were still “We were very lucky really because Roulette left SATURDAY JULY 4, 2015 walking around. So the book sat on the shelf for a few us alone. Getting paid was like taking a bone from a INDIANAPOLIS MOTOR SPEEDWAY years until the last of the Roulette regulars had passed Doberman, but they did allow us to do whatever we Bus trip packages on sale Monday April 13 on. We decided to go ahead and finish the book and wanted to do. We had musical geniuses around us, at 10am at got a deal with Simon & Schuster and Scribner, which mainstays who gave us a major career. I’ve been very Wooden Nickel Records was pretty great since they usually publish presiden- blessed. We did start writing ourselves eventually, and on N. Anthony & N. Clinton tial memoirs and such.” when we weren’t touring, we were recording. When The interest didn’t stop there. The film and Broad- we weren’t recording, we were writing. Morris kept call 260/484-3635 or 260/484-2451! way rights have also been secured, and a screenplay is cracking the whip to keep the hit singles coming, but currently being written while Barbara DeFina (Casino, Cape Fear, Goodfellas) will oversee production. Fol- Continued on page 15 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- www.whatzup.com -----------------------------------------------------------------May 21, 2015 7KH5ROOLQJ6WRQHV[ whatzup UPCOMING EVENTS Volume 19, Number 40 t just 16 pages, this issue of Fort Wayne’s one and only arts and enter- tainment weekly may seem abbreviated, but it’s really just the calm before the storm. Not that there’s not plenty to see and do in the here andA now (classic rock n’ roll, award-winning plays, a legendary folk trouba- dour and Piere’s shows ranging from R&B to mock rock are all featured in this issue), but whatz coming up in the days and weeks ahead is simply mind- GO TO OUR WEBSITE blowing. FOR TICKET INFO & MORE Headwaters Park is going to be getting very busy very soon, established favor- ALL SHOWS ALL AGES ites like Rock the Plaza and Botanical Roots are on the horizon, promoter Peter Kernan keeps adding Foellinger Outdoor Theatre shows, and new traditions like May 27 | 8pm the Living Fort Wayne Concert Series (see Out and About) are emerging. GORDON LI G HTFOOT That’s a lot to keep track of, and as northeast Indiana’s best and most complete 50 Years on the Carefree Highway Tour source of arts and entertainment news for two decades, we at whatzup are here to help. Matter of fact, we’re about to take it up a notch. Big time. Soon – very June 6 | 7:30pm soon – you’ll be able to get whatzup in real time. Yeah, we mean instantly. As in “We’ve got 25¢ drafts at [insert your favorite pub or tavern here] for the next JOHN ME ll ENCA M P hour only.” Or “[Your favorite band] takes the stage in 30 minutes.” Or “Tickets Plain Spoken Tour for [that show you want to see] go on sale at 10 a.m. today.” We’ve been hard at work on this little project for almost two years, and we’re weeks away from June 14 | 7pm making it available. More details to follow. BUDDY NO L AN One other thing – for those who have been asking about the Whammys, we’ll be doing what we’re calling a “slow reveal” of the Best of 2014 whatzup Readers TRI B UTE CONCERT Poll winners starting in June (with your Favorite TV and Radio Personality Ken Double on the Grande Page pipe organ winners). Embassy Theatre So there is not only lots to see and do, but plenty of reasons to stay tuned to 125 W. Jefferson Blvd. whatzup in the coming weeks. Do both, have fun, and tell ’em we sent you. Fort Wayne, Indiana inside the issue ticketmaster.com • features ROAD NOTEZ ................................. 10 FLIX ................................................ 12 TOMMY JAMES & THE SHONDELLS .....2 Pitch Perfect 2 A Lifetime in Clover SCREEN TIME ...............................12 N.E. INDIANA PLAYWRIGHT FESTIVAL ......... 4 Pitch Perfect 2 Knocks Out Avengers A Familiar Winner’s Circle • calendars • columns & reviews LIVE MUSIC & COMEDY ...................6 SPINS ...............................................5 MUSIC/ON THE ROAD ...................10 Alabama Shakes, Lightning Bolt ROAD TRIPZ ..................................11 BACKTRACKS ..................................5 AIRING THIS WEEKEND • MAY 24 Doobie Brothers, The Captain and Me (1973) STAGE & DANCE ...........................13 OUT & ABOUT ...................................6 ART & ARTIFACTS .........................14 Another Outdoor Music Series Set THINGS TO DO ..............................14 Mark Thacker & Jeff McDonald PICKS ...............................................8 Lyfe Jennings, Steel Panther, Gordon Lightfoot Cover design by Greg Locke & James House AIRING NEXT WEEKEND • MAY 31 Juke Joint Jive & Austin Johnson May 21, 2015 ------------------------------------------------------------------ www.whatzup.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 BROUGHT TO YOU BY: ---------------- Feature • Northeast Indiana Playwright Festival --------------- 3 Rivers Co-op Natural Grocery & Deli ..........................13 20 Past 4 and More ..........................................................15 The Alley Sports Bar/Pro Bowl West ................................3 Beamer’s Sports Grill ..........................................................6 C2G Live/The TV Show .........................................................3 A Familiar Winner’s Circle C2G Music Hall......................................................................3 By Michele DeVinney this one would be a good one.” Phillip asked for my input on casting ideas Touch & Go tells the story of a woman and choices, so I’m getting to see the process Calhoun Street Soups, Salads, Spirits ............................9 When the annual Northeast Indiana who lingers in a coma following an over- from the other end.
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