MINUTE BOOK No. 24, CITY OF OXFORD 97768- 1 Mississippi hereby promises to pay to , or order, on the 1st day of April, 19 , the sum of Three Thousand. Dollars, together with interest thereon at the rate of per cent ( %) per annum from date until paid, upon presentation of this note to the Municipal Clerk of the 1 City of Oxford, Mississippi. The interest on this note shall be payable annua- lly on the 1st day of April of each year hereafter upon its presentation to the aforesaid Municipal Clerk for the purpose of having said clerk credit on the back hereof the aforesaid annual interest, unless this said note shall have interest coupons attached hereto which coupons may be detached and surrendered for payment of interest hereon. This note is one of a series of six notes of like tenor and amount, aggre- gating the sum of $18,000.00, issued by the governing authorities of the City o f Oxford, Mississippi, for said Municipal Separate School District, under J the provisions of the Laws of Mississippi, including among others, Chapter 15 and Chapter 18, Laws of Mississippi Extraordinary Session of 1953, in evidence o f the said sum of $18,000.00 borrowed by the said governing authorities of said municipality for said school district; and to be used by the said Board of 1 Trustees in establishing, erecting, and equipping school bis shops or garages, and said money was borrowed and said notes were issued pursuant to an order of the governing authorities of said municipality duly and legally adopted on the 5th day of March, 1968. I In accordance with said order, the governing authorities of said munici- pality has caused this note to be executed in the name of Oxford Municipal Se- parate School District of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, by and through the I signature of Richard W. Elliott, Mayor of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, and the countersignature of H. C. Wiley, Jr., Municipal Clerk of said municipality, and the seal of said city to be hereunto affixed, on this the 1st day of April, 196 8. Oxford Municipal Separate School Dist. of the City of Oxford, Mississippi By 1-c-) Mato+ City of Oxford, Mississippi COUNTERS I D Municipal C 0 City of Oxford, Mississippi L 2 MINUTE BOOK No. 24, CITY OF OXFORD 97 768—mumwomnia Ii (FORM OF REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE) STATE OF MISSISSIPPI COUNTY OF LAFAYETTE CITY OF OXFORD I certify that this note has been duly registered by me in a book kept in my office for said purpose. y of Oxf r --Mississippi Municipal Clerk SECTION 3. It is further ordered that said sum of $18,000.00, when bor- rowed shall be deposited in the municipal treasury in a special fund to be en- titled "Special Transportation Equipment Fund," and which shall be used and expended by the Board of Trustees of the municipal separate school district to establish, erect, and equip school his shops or garages as set forth in the said resolution and petition of said Board of Trustees in the said resolution and petition of said Board of Trustees under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the State Board of Education and for no other purpose, and said funds shall be paid out on warrants issued in the manner provided by law upon order of the Board of Trustees of such district. SECTION 4. It is further ordered that the principal and interest of said notes or bonds shall be paid out of such transportation funds of the said municipal separate school district, and it shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees of said municipal separate school district to set aside each year out of such transportation funds of said district an amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest upon the said notes or bonds as and when the same shall respectively mature and accrue. The Board of Trustees of said municipal se- parate school district shall include in the school budget each year separate ' items showing the amount required for the payment of the principal of, and the interest on, all notes and bonds issued. SECTION 5. Said notes shall in all respects be issued as provided in Chapter 18, Laws of Extraordinary Session of 1953, as now or hereafter amended, and all the provisions of such statute shall be fully applicable thereto. The above resolution was previously reduced to writing and was read and considered, section by section, and was adopted by the following vote to-wit: Alderman McLaurin voted..Aye Alderman Hannaford voted.Aye Alderman Sisk voted lye Alderman King voted Aye Alderman Owens voted Aye The above resolution and order having received the affirmative vote of all the members of the Board present, the Mayor declared the motion carried and the resolution and order adopted on this the 5th day of March, 1968. 3 MINUTE BOOK No. 24, CITY OF OXFORD 97766--nwrmmm.xmm The City Attorneys called to the Mayor and Board's attention that the following had accepted the following revised offers of the City for their in- terests in the following water lines: Thomas W. Stallworth Pinecrest Rd. Line $1,106.10 Thomas W. Stallworth Phillip Rd. Ext. Line 1,142.00 Thomas W. Stallworth & John F. Tatum College Hill Rd. Line between Leighton Rd. & Pinecrest Rd. 3,057.5 0 John F. Tatum Water line along College 7,380.00 Hill Rd. from Pinecrest Rd. to Country Club Rd. and along Country Club Rd. to a point near the Oxford Country Club; along Colonial Rd. to Glen Eagle Rd. On motion of Alderman Owens, seconded by Alderman McLaurin, and passed unanimously, the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized and directed to deliver the City's checks in the above amounts to the above-named persons, or their 1 attorneys, upon such persons executing any necessary papers or conveyances that might be prepared by the City Attorneys. A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF OXFORD, MISSISSIPPI TO PURCHASE UTILITY POLES FOR THE ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT. BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Oxford, Mississippi that it is the intention of said Mayor and Board of Aldermen to purchase utility poles for the Electric Department. Unless objections to or protest against this resolution is made by 7:30 1 p. m. on April 2, 1968, then said Mayor and Board will take final action on this resolution. The above and foregoing resolution having been introduced in writing by the Clerk of said Board, was read and considered section by section and then as a whole, and on motion of Alderman Hannaford, seconded by Alderman Owens it was adopted section by section, ?rld then as a whole, and the vote on the final passage thereof was as follows: ALDERMAN BILL A. HANNAFORD YEA ALDERMAN J. P. McLAURIN, JP YEA ALDERMAN LINDFR OWENS YEA ALDERMAN HARDY S. SISK YEA ALDERMAN JAMES N. KING YEA On motion duly made, seconded and passed unanimously, it was ordered that the Mayor and Clerk of this Board be authorized and directed to advertise for bids on Utility Poles for the Electric Department. 1 4 MINUTE BOOK No. 24, CITY OF OXFORD 97768—uramwmam STATE OF MISSISSIPPI ) CONTRACT COUNTY OF LAFAYETTE ) This agreement is entered into on this the 7th day of March, 1968, by and between the City of Oxford, Mississippi, a municipal corporation, and John F. Tatum, witnesseth: WHEREAS, the City of Oxford owns and operates a public water system locat- ed within its City limits; and WHEREAS, John F. Tatum is the owner of Country Club Subdivision, Part 3, located just outside the City limits of the City of Oxford; and WHEREAS, John F. Tatum is the owner of a water system consisting of water- lines, fire hydrants, other appurtenances, and certain easements on, in and under which lines are located in said Subdivision; and WHEREAS, John F. Tatum does not have a supply of water for use in his water system and desires the City to furnish water through his lines for use of customers who reside in Country Club Subdivision, Part 3; and WHEREAS, the City of Oxford is agreeable to providing such water for such customers for their convenience and for the convenience of John F. Tatum, pro- vided John F. Tatum agrees to the following arrangement: NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of mutual promises of the parties, it is agreed by and between the City of Oxford, Mississippi, and John F. Tatum as follows: 1. The City of Oxford agrees to furnish water for the water system owned by John F. Tatum in Country Club Subdivision, Part 3, at its usual rate for customers who reside outside of the City limits of Oxford. 2. John F. Tatum agrees that he will reimburse the City of Oxford for any and all required repairs made by the City to his water system as long as said water system is located outside the corporate limits of the City of Oxford, 3. John F. Tatum agrees further that, if and when, Country Club Subdivi- sion, Part 3, is annexed to and becomes a part of the City of Oxford, Mississ- ippi, he will, without consideration other than that here set out, convey to the City of Oxford, Mississippi, such water system and its appurtenances and the easements in, on and under which lines are located if it is the policy of the City of Oxford, at that time, to require subdividers developing subdivi- sions within the City limits of the City of Oxford to furnish to the City, at their expense, water systems within the subdivision being developed.
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