RACE• RIOTS SEIIOUSLY dis- tul'Nfll»rtherec.nt Over 114,000 C111l11 Wf:ekly outfweakoflnt••NICle rioting in London and other parts of the country-m3CI equallr disturbed at the absence of anr ~ 1plrftual, inclultrial • political move-meni­ ben of the ent.rtaln­ ment profession on Wednesday issued the following appeal to their audience, the public: AT a time• when rea.ioR hcu given roar to ofol­ tmee fn parts o BHtafn. we, people of all races tn 6.5 _enters with. Carnegie stars arrive the toorld of entertain­ ment, appeal to the pub­ Uc to re/ect racfal dfl­ crvnfnatfon fn an11 1hape big-band talent ; . or form. Violence wfll 1ettle noth­ ing: ft urlll onlv cause 1111..1 EXT Saturday is 1uf/mna to Innocent people and crf!ate fresh grleua nee&. I~ D-Day in the big TV We ap-pm l to our atUU­ ence~ evtTJtwhere to lofn battle for 15,000,000 ru fn opJ)Ol'f ng ani and (!VflTJI a,-,,ect of colour teenage teleview,ers. pre-f udlce whereuer U mav appear. Poised for adion in their respective comers are ABC­ The eppN.I• wu fl9IHHi TV~ producer Jack Good and lty 27 pt'oainetlt .-... BBC-TV's Russell Turner. "'8 of the profeulon. They w.,.: 6.5 • Broadside• Lorry ADI.Ell ChmllABH Jack Goocl is bidding for teenage l'ecrt CAIIII A.IMa COGAN attention with his fast·-moving Johnny OANCWO111N "Oh Boy I " series, whlle Russell . Lenl\le DP.. GAN CharG• ORAKI Turner aims to collect an even Ray £WNGTON bigger audience for his "new-look" 1 Tubby HAYIS Ted HEATH "SiJE.five Special" transmissions. Teddy JOHNSON A broadside in the war of the TV aeo uu.. Humphrey LYTTRTON ••••• wa1 , fired on Wednesday by Matt MONRO lu11eU Turner. He ha1 recruited top MJck MUUJGAN big-band talent •• hi• maJor attraction. Oltnl• PAJT'DSOH Marfon RYAN Music with a· beat Ron.ni• scon Han-y SECOMaa In an exclusive statement to t.he M1:1.0ov 1 Peter SlUHI MllER, Russell Turner saJd : "We have given •She-Five' a new big-band look. As I Tommy STIii.i resident groups, ..J!e have signed up Tony Eric SYKES Oaborne and his ora.ss Hats and Tlt.o Burrus Olde.le VAUNnN8 and hlJI Slx-Flvers. Franlde VAUGHAN " And each week we 1hall spotug11t Member, o/ tile all••tar "Jo:.• .' From :arn~le Hall " u nll hare been a,rtdno In Kent WALTON ltar name band., of the calfb•re of Ted LOn.don rt, t, u:eek /or t he ,,on: o/ t hdr tour a, t he NeUJ Victoria Cinema ro­ DaYkl WHITFIELD Heath, Bric Delaney, Jol\nnv Dank1oorth, m01"ro10 fSaturdai,). The Jlr,t arrl11a_l_J u-e,... drumm rr Kenn11 Clark e and Zoot Marty WIU>a Sim, . 111/10 •planed, In /tom. Ptuil on T11~1dou fO "tok,:: a 1001, around London." K en !tfacklntosh., Reg Owen, and Ronnie ThctJI ore 111Ctt1red I Obollt l In Pfocod lllv Clr,•111. T he remainder o/ t t,e unll-altoi.tt Lee Konlt:, 1ro111bol1f~ta J. J , Jolln1on and Aldric/& and the Squadronalres .. See also back p~ Kat Winding. pfanlat, Phlnea, Newl>Ona and R«! G11r "'"' <1nd basmr 3o,car • 9 Back Page, Col. 3 Pcttl/ori1-V1nc duo 10 a.rrfoe uu tertlo11 C '1'h-urlda11). See pp. 2 and • LOTIS TO -STAR WITH HEATH AS BRITTON LEAVES be heard wllh Ted tomorrow TED HEATH has captured (Saturday) in b l1 Light. Pro­ o new 1ln1•, and 11 al10 gramme airing {rom l.45 t.o 2.30 p,m, losing one. New girl Bobble Brltlon told the MM : Tbls week, Ted slgned " t feel I~ 15 time I brnnched out on my own. I a m itolna to up a glrl vocal dlscove.ry have a crack at TV and from the Midlands. She ts chosen cabaret. n Is entirely mr ov.n 23-year-old Tricia Payne, decision to leave." who has sung under the lqb Efford joins r-... P..x.,E_C---... IA- .....- L- ... -G•u"'-E-S_T.. -----1 na me or Pat Marian with Another newcomer to the S Midlands bandleader Ken Heath ranks Js tenor nnd clnr­ ESSIS tons, ro,mu • Rattenbury, and also lnetust Bob Efford, who Joins D slnrtnr star wU b Ted appeared on TV. on Seplffll.ber 11. }(e ta.Ices H~ tb. u r•Jolnln1 the b:and Bobble Britton. who h ns Mt-n over from Red Prtcc, ,,ho plays u a special ium arUt t for wtlh Ted Heath for nvc ,·ears. hls lt\St date wlUl the band to­ Ted's .8. lour. 1s le.avin" the bend jusl pr ior to morrow tSaturday) at Oxford. Dennll left the b11nd In it., Btnteslde tTlp In Oclober. Ni p reviously reported. Red April, 1955. His place w:u Tricia Joins Ted Heath P rice will be featured In ABC­ tllken by bis brother, Peu:r through aeelna the story front• TV's " Oh 'Boy !" series. Lowe. -paged ln lhe MEI.OD\' MAl<CR, Bob Eltord has played with Comments Dennis: " I dated J uly 19, when Ted &aid mo.ny name banda. and l\ppenrs .J,.LII look forwacd lo ar,- he was looldar ror a new irl rl In Town with the Tonv Kinsey oarfQ.( In Use Sbtet "1th vocallst. Qui ntet at the Flamtniio Club 'r~. We 1rol on well lo- Triola made her ftrsl apl)Ur- Hts v.·lfe Is Jonn Brnolt. who l'elhrr." aoce walh the band ln a 'BBC Sin(!& With Arnold Balle)' at lb.II i~...-. 1 record lnir laat. F riday. She will FAmundo ROI Club. Aeker Bilk (P.4) ••. Connie Franeu (P.6) ••• Tomm~ Steele (P.S) r I ,Oge 2-MELODY MAKER. Septambel I, 1851 WOR-LD TOUR FOR 05car Pettiford J. J. Johnson Red Gari ar.d i+MIW K~, Windin~ lee Konitz Ph ineas New born ~t,p MILLER OR rom hom BEN GRBVAff p,.,,,> NEW YOIK, Weclnesdar.-The lay McKlnler•Glenn MID•._. wll leave the States earlr in Jrm••v fo, tta aost •mlt1tiom worlcl toa. The trip wlJI encompoa aoae 15,000 mlleL 1J.~,f. I caught the Miller Band-sounding better than ever NEW YORK -at its opening on the swank StarUght Roof Garden • of the Waldorf Astoria here. McKinley told me the HOLLYWOOD band would cover Italy, France, Germany, Ute Scandi­ -eight 1azz stars n avian oountrtes, AustraUa, Manila and Japan on the forthcoming safari .. We're oot I o l n c to Pat Boone England thJs time," McKin­ WnH the • Jen& fro• Ccts•II• Hall" podcage • • ley said. "We reel It may ALL ABOARD! about to dart a lrltllh tour, tile AnNrican, be a bit too soon af~ our sw1ng1ng your way whlrlecl )mlz l&st visit. But we do want IJB Unite.• llt&t.el 1a.u ha•• Into our Mblt •._..of aot.tlltes talks to T Fest!ftl, to be h t l4 In a, n,m9ln9 a1 anJ that Men lttunched under to go back, and It may well New York tJw autumn ha•• be tt. the ex.change ache... Here .,. th• ja.n ,tars the Jazz-in 1~7 and In late 1952. with Ventura, Gene Ammons, we can make some •Ill be held OD I Unu and 'rhe second Ume be was out Parker and D11111eron. ln 19t0. Ume next Sprt.n• - pe.rbaps a p ltr-fiimuJtAneoUlb'I fa:m wlU be teldng about ua tlte Mit few d•r• :- Wlndlnl and J ohnson a lt.er­ teenagers April." A nouaJ Jaa conctrt for nearly t.wo years before Join• trill be held 011 tbe 4 odl Probably the moat ramooa or the mNlJ Jazz Johnaons tnir Kai Winding ln an .. lmpos­ na~ wllh the hlSLortc MIies wbJle a smullt r eoncert ln a alb{e .. two-trombone unit. thnt Davia n ine-piecer. and were to­ ....... Sl)fflnc lleld of Jau­ ls trombonist .James, known to us aa J. J. JOHNSON. gether · B om 34 years ago Jn lndJanapolls, h e made bfs a.st.oundcd the Jazz world. ln Lhe no.moovant BOWARD WCIIAH DORSEY IAIID modun, trail.. or main• name An admirer. close frte,nd and Chubby Jackson big bGnd of the i.t~W be beld OD with Beony Carter and Oount Bute at the end or the same year. AT BOONE'S book lS lloard tbe llDl'I' dockell frequ.ent musical 14'10C1Dte or new Cha Cha hit war. 1nd won the ftnt of uumy poll honours when h e J ohnson la DanhrJ•bom KAI Ar ter the P called - Pat. Boone Talks aJo"51de.-am irora.u. 1954-56 •• J Gy to Teenqers." • . • Bassist BE t.ttmeodoua aucce88 of .,....,.~,.~~-...... ~_....,"' was named &,quire New WINDL'iG, who went to the OSCO PmlfOllD T the Niller Band baa gparktd S tar or J 946. S t.ates 11-1 a 12-,ear-old. Twelve and Kal ­ R~ Mitchell U1S or J ohn baDda. ,----- --------!- ----- - ----, p b enomen on. Mandel's Jazz bacqround for renewed lnt.ereal. ln blg The ftm man to adapt the yea. rs Int.er. a(ter service v.'ith tocludlnr one with Sugar Ray Now the NIOJ'l(an l,8d Tommy early bop t.eclmlquea to Ute Bonny Dunham. Alvlno Rev, lw.l took the the B IU'baro. Graham StorY II Idea Mike ·uawker Robinson>, Is maln ly known to m ovie (now called " I Wo.nt Dorr.ey Band la also .scoring WHILE IACI BRITAII • . trombo.ne, Johnson baa lllu• Benny OoodmllJ\ and the OS.
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